دورية أكاديمية

Design of Faculty Development Workshops: Attempting to Practice What We Preach

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Design of Faculty Development Workshops: Attempting to Practice What We Preach
اللغة: English
المؤلفون: Davidson-Shivers, Gayle V., Salazar, John, Hamilton, Karen M.
المصدر: College Student Journal. Sep 2005 39(3):528-528.
الإتاحة: Project Innovation, Inc., P.O. Box 8508, Spring Hill Station, Mobile, AL 36689-0508. Web site: http://journals825.home.mindspring.com/csj.htmlTest.
تمت مراجعته من قبل الزملاء: Y
Page Count: 12
تاريخ النشر: 2005
نوع الوثيقة: Journal Articles
Reports - Descriptive
Education Level: Higher Education
الواصفات: Teaching Methods, Faculty Development, Educational Strategies, Instructional Design, College Faculty, Educational Technology, Teacher Workshops, Computer Software
تدمد: 0146-3934
مستخلص: In this paper, the authors describe the ID procedures that were used to plan and implement a faculty workshop. In a workshop designed to teach faculty to use PowerPoint[TM] as a means to integrate technology into their classrooms, a modified version of the generic instructional design model, known as ADDIE, as well as other ID principles are used. Two regression analyses were then used to explore which instructional strategies influenced the dependent variables: (1) Workshop Satisfaction and (2) Impact on Teaching. The impact of instructional strategies, planned and employed, produced a strong satisfaction rating for the workshops. A survey instrument was developed in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the instructional strategies, the impact of the workshop on the participant's teaching development and skills, and overall satisfaction with the workshop. The development and implementation of these PowerPoint[TM] workshops design used the ADDLE model of instructional design. Quality of content, demonstration, self-paced practice, immediate feedback, and technological assistance provided these participants the opportunity to learn through hands-on discovery (Gandolfo, 1998; Padgett & Conceao-Runlee, 2000). The findings suggest that the ID approach to planning and implementing the workshops were successful and may have ultimately enhanced faculty teaching and instructional use of technology. Further exploration on the use of the ID approach needs to be expanded to other areas of faculty development as well as to other higher education institutions.
Abstractor: ERIC
Number of References: 23
Entry Date: 2006
رقم الانضمام: EJ725588
قاعدة البيانات: ERIC