مورد إلكتروني

Report on the Condition of Education 2022. NCES 2022-144

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Report on the Condition of Education 2022. NCES 2022-144
اللغة: English
المؤلفون: Irwin, Véronique, De La Rosa, Josue, Wang, Ke, Hein, Sarah, Zhang, Jijun, Burr, Riley, Roberts, Ashley, Barmer, Amy, Bullock Mann, Farrah, Dilig, Rita, Parker, Stephanie, National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) (ED/IES), American Institutes for Research (AIR)
المصدر: National Center for Education Statistics. 2022.
الإتاحة: National Center for Education Statistics. Available from: ED Pubs. P.O. Box 1398, Jessup, MD 20794-1398. Tel: 877-433-7827; Web site: http://nces.ed.govTest/
تمت مراجعته من قبل الزملاء: Y
Page Count: 46
تاريخ النشر: 2022
Contract Number: EDIES12D0002
Intended Audience: Policymakers; Researchers; Community
نوع الوثيقة: Reports - Evaluative
Numerical/Quantitative Data
Education Level: Early Childhood Education
Preschool Education
Elementary Secondary Education
Postsecondary Education
High Schools
Secondary Education
Higher Education
الواصفات: Preschool Education, Elementary Secondary Education, Postsecondary Education, COVID-19, Pandemics, Home Schooling, Family Characteristics, Race, Ethnicity, Enrollment Trends, School Choice, Internet, Students with Disabilities, English Language Learners, Charter Schools, Public Schools, Private Schools, Proprietary Schools, Access to Computers, National Competency Tests, Academic Persistence, Graduation Rate, High School Students, Educational Finance, Student Costs, Student Financial Aid, Educational Attainment, Outcomes of Education, Private Colleges, Public Colleges, High School Graduates, Achievement Tests, Science Tests, Mathematics Achievement, Science Achievement, International Assessment, Mathematics Tests, Foreign Countries, Public School Teachers, College Faculty, College Graduates, Young Adults, Education Work Relationship, Teacher Characteristics
معرفات التقييم و الدراسة: National Assessment of Educational Progress, Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study
مستخلص: The "Report on the Condition of Education" is a congressionally mandated annual report from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). Using the most recent data available (at the time this report was written) from NCES and other sources, the report contains key indicators on the condition of education in the United States at all levels, from prekindergarten through postsecondary, as well as labor force outcomes and international comparisons. There are core indicators that are updated every year and spotlight indicators that provide in-depth analyses on topics of interest to education systems, policymakers, researchers, and the public. At the broadest level, the Condition of Education Indicator System is organized into five sections: family characteristics; preprimary, elementary, and secondary education; postsecondary education; population characteristics and economic outcomes; and international comparisons. The "Report on the Condition of Education" 2022 encompasses key findings from the Condition of Education Indicator System. The Indicator System for 2022 presents 88 indicators, including the 23 indicators on crime and safety topics, and can be accessed online through the website or by downloading PDFs for the individual indicators. [For "'The Condition of Education 2022': At a Glance," see ED619873. For the "Report on the Condition of Education 2021. NCES 2021-144," see ED612942.]
Abstractor: ERIC
IES Funded: Yes
IES Publication: https://nces.ed.gov/pubsearch/pubsinfo.asp?pubid=2022144Test
Entry Date: 2022
رقم الانضمام: ED619870
قاعدة البيانات: ERIC