Creating Economic Opportunities for Every Young Person. Lessons from The Hitachi Foundation's Partnerships in Education and Economic Opportunity Initiative.

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Creating Economic Opportunities for Every Young Person. Lessons from The Hitachi Foundation's Partnerships in Education and Economic Opportunity Initiative.
اللغة: English
المؤلفون: Totten, Leah, Dodson, David, Thomasson, Julie, MDC, Inc., Chapel Hill, NC.
الإتاحة: MDC Inc., P.O. Box 17268, Chapel Hill, NC 27516-7268; Tel: 919-968-4531, Fax: 919-929-8557; e-mail:; Web site: http://www.mdcinc.orgTest. For full text:
تمت مراجعته من قبل الزملاء: N
Page Count: 88
تاريخ النشر: 2000
Sponsoring Agency: Hitachi Foundation, Washington, DC.
Intended Audience: Administrators; Policymakers; Practitioners
نوع الوثيقة: Reports - Descriptive
الواصفات: American Indians, Blacks, Career Education, Change Strategies, Community Development, Community Organizations, Cultural Differences, Cultural Pluralism, Definitions, Demonstration Programs, Disadvantaged Youth, Economic Development, Economic Opportunities, Economically Disadvantaged, Education Work Relationship, Educational Change, Educational Improvement, Educational Opportunities, Educational Quality, Educationally Disadvantaged, Employment Qualifications, Entrepreneurship, Hispanic Americans, Indigenous Populations, Innovation, Job Skills, Minority Groups, Nonprofit Organizations, Nontraditional Education, Partnerships in Education, Philanthropic Foundations, Poverty, Private Financial Support, Program Development, Rural Areas, Rural Education, Secondary Education, Service Learning, Skill Development, Transitional Programs, Urban Areas, Urban Education, Vocational Education, Volunteers, Work Experience Programs, Youth Programs
مستخلص: This report profiles 12 programs conducted as part of the Hitachi Foundation's Partnerships in Economic and Educational Opportunity Initiative. The introduction and overview explain the goals of the initiative, which was undertaken to improve the economic and career options available to young people who have traditionally been underserved by schools in making the connections from school to work. Next, 16 lessons learned from the projects, including the following lessons, are discussed: (1) community-based partnerships serve youth better; (2) flexibility counts; (3) understanding culture is key; (4) entrepreneurship is an option; (5) connect staff, volunteers, and culture; (6) public service yields public benefits; (7) meaningful work offers lasting value; (8) youth are a program resource; (9) cultivate innovative human resources; (10) alternative experience has value; and (11) commitment is key. Presented next are profiles of the programs, which were conducted in diverse rural and urban settings characterized by diverse economic, racial, and cultural conditions. All profiles contain an overview, lessons learned, challenges faced and overcome, and information about project planners and their roles. Concluding the report are a final set of lessons, a list of 10 generally available resources, and definitions of selected Secretary's Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills know-how and workplace competencies. (MN)
Entry Date: 2001
رقم الانضمام: ED448308
قاعدة البيانات: ERIC