Temporary slurry sprayed permeable cover design for erosion protection and passive biofiltration of methane, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and odors from area sources

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Temporary slurry sprayed permeable cover design for erosion protection and passive biofiltration of methane, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and odors from area sources
Document Number: 20110048085
تاريخ النشر: March 3, 2011
Appl. No: 12/552849
Application Filed: September 02, 2009
مستخلص: This invention is a permeable cover layer for the control of methane, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and/or odor causing compounds. It is designed to control emissions from area sources such as: composting operations (household and animal wastes), anaerobic digesters, organic sludge drying operations, waste storage operations, contaminated soils storage or treatment operations. The control is achieved through a combination of activated carbon adsorption and passive (i.e. no active ventilation) biofiltration.
Inventors: Otsuki, H Keith (Livermore, CA, US)
Assignees: (Livermore, CA, US)
Claim: 1. A permeable biofiltering cover layer formed by spreading a composition consisting of: (a) a bulking material comprising a fibrous material such as mulch, (b) a polymeric binder, (c) a bacterial culture, and (d) other additives, including adsorbents, dyes, and nutrients, the composition when mixed with an aqueous carrier forming a sprayable aqueous slurry suitable for providing a cover layer over a selected material to control emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and to provide physical protection against erosion.
Claim: 2. A permeable biofiltering cover layer formed by spreading a composition consisting of: (a) a bulking material comprising a fibrous material such as mulch, (b) a polymeric binder, (c) a bacterial culture, and (d) other additives, including adsorbents, dyes, and nutrients, the composition when mixed with an aqueous carrier forming a sprayable aqueous slurry suitable for providing a cover layer over a selected material to control emissions of odor causing compounds and to provide physical protection against erosion.
Claim: 3. A permeable biofiltering cover layer formed by spreading a composition consisting of: (a) a bulking material comprising a fibrous material such as mulch, (b) a polymeric binder, (c) a bacterial culture, and (d) other additives, including adsorbents, dyes, and nutrients, the composition when mixed with an aqueous carrier forming a sprayable aqueous slurry suitable for providing a cover layer over a selected material to control emissions of methane and to provide physical protection against erosion.
Current U.S. Class: 71/6
Current International Class: 05
رقم الانضمام: edspap.20110048085
قاعدة البيانات: USPTO Patent Applications