مورد إلكتروني

Psychosocial work environment jn relation to changes in selected biochemical parameters in district nurses

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Psychosocial work environment jn relation to changes in selected biochemical parameters in district nurses
عناروين إضافية: Psihološki i socijalni aspekti radne sredine i biokemijski parametri u medicinskih sestara
المصدر: Arhiv za higijenu rada i toksikologiju; ISSN 0004-1254 (Print); ISSN 1848-6312 (Online); Volume 43; Issue 4
بيانات النشر: Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Health 1992
تفاصيل مُضافة: Š. Dončević
T. Theorell
A. Kallner
نوع الوثيقة: Electronic Resource
مستخلص: Sixty-four female district nurses between the ages of 25 and 60 in the greater Stockholm area were subjects in a longitudinal study of psychosocial work environment and biochemical serum parameters. Each participant filled out questionnaires and had blood drawn on four different occasions at three-month intervals during one year. The rating on the fourth occasion showed psychosocial work environment to have deteriorated - social climate and authority over decisions were significantly inferior to those on previous occasions. These changes were accompanied by small but significant elevations of serum cholesterol, calcium and triglycerides. Another pattern was also observed which was probably due to increased health habit awareness - a progressive decrease in glycated haemoglobin and gamma glutamyl transferase. No significant interactions were observed with age or smoking habits - old and young subjects did not differ in their change patterns over time, nor did smokers in respect to non-smokers.
Longitudinalna istraživanje odnosa psihološko-socijalnih aspekata radne sredine i biokemijskih parametara provedeno je među područnim patronažnim medicinskim sestrama u širem gradskom području Stockholma. Ispitanice su bile 64 patronažne medicinske sestre starosti između 25 i 60 godina, koje su četiri puta u razmacima od tri mjeseca, unutar jedne godine popunile upitnike i dale uzorke krvi. Prema njihovim ocjenama pri četvrtom ispitivanju psihološko-socialni aspekti radne sredine pogoršali su se - društvena klima i odgovornost pri odlučivanju bile su značajno nepovoljnije nego li pri prethodnim ispitivanjima. Promjene u radnoj sredini bile su popraćene malim ali značajnim porastom koncentracije kolesterola, kalcija i triglicerida u serumu. Primijećeno je i progresivno smanjenje glikoliziranog hemoglobina i gama glutamil transferaze do kojeg je vjerojatno došlo zahvaljujući povećanoj· svjesnosti ispitanica o zdravstvenim navikama. Nisu primijećene interakcije između ovih biokemijskih parametara i dobi i navike pušenja - u promjenama registriranima tijekom istraživanja nije bilo razlika između starijih i mladih ispitanica kao ni između pušačica i nepušačica.
مصطلحات الفهرس: calcium; cholesterol; gamma glutamyl tansferase; glycated haemoglobin; health parameters; triglycerides, gama glutamil transteraza; glikolizirani hemoglobin; kalcij; kolesterol; trigliceridi; zdravstveni parametri, text, info:eu-repo/semantics/article, info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
URL: https://hrcak.srce.hr/148361Test
الإتاحة: Open access content. Open access content
Copyright: Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Health, Zagreb, Croatia Parts of the contents such as figures and tables may be reproduced without prior permission, provided reference is made to the source. Annual subscription to the printed version (postage included): Europe Eur 70.00; overseas countries Eur 85,00 Slovenian Society of Toxicology Eur 30.00 Full text articles online available for free.
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