دورية أكاديمية

Quantitative analysis of protective T cell immunity against brucellosis ; Количественный анализ протективной активности Т-клеточного иммунитета к возбудителю бруцеллеза

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Quantitative analysis of protective T cell immunity against brucellosis ; Количественный анализ протективной активности Т-клеточного иммунитета к возбудителю бруцеллеза
المؤلفون: D. G. Ponomarenko, M. V. Kostyuchenko, E. L. Rakitina, O. V. Logvinenko, A. A. Khachaturova, D. E. Lukashevich, S. A. Kurcheva, D. V. Rusanova, A. N. Kulichenko, Д. Г. Пономаренко, М. В. Костюченко, Е. Л. Ракитина, О. В. Логвиненко, А. А. Хачатурова, Д. Е. Лукашевич, С. А. Курчева, Д. В. Русанова, А. Н. Куличенко
المصدر: Medical Immunology (Russia); Том 26, № 1 (2024); 211-220 ; Медицинская иммунология; Том 26, № 1 (2024); 211-220 ; 2313-741X ; 1563-0625
بيانات النشر: SPb RAACI
سنة النشر: 2023
المجموعة: Medical Immunology (E-Journal) / Медицинская иммунология
مصطلحات موضوعية: индекс инфицированности, vaccination, protective immunity, antigen reactivity of T lymphocytes, antigenic stimulation coefficient, infection index, вакцинация, протективный иммунитет, антигенреактивность Т-лимфоцитов, коэффициент антигенной стимуляции
الوصف: The results of study relationship between antigen reactivity of T-lymphocyte population under ex vivo conditions and the intensity of protective post-vaccination immunity to causative agent of brucellosis are presented. Тaking into account the peculiarities of immunopathogenesis brucellosis and prevailing role of adaptive T-cell immunity to protect against the causative agent of infection, possibility predictive evaluation of protective immunity against brucellosis using CAST-tests is considered as the most important aspect of brucellosis problems. There is an obvious need for an ex vivo correlation analysis of the activity of antigen stimulation of T cells and the intensity of protective immunity formed after vaccination. A close direct proportional relationship was established between the number of live microbial cells Brucella abortus 19BA vaccine strain administered and increase in ex vivo CD3-cell activation. A close correlation was revealed between ex vivo value of antigen-induced stimulation CD3-lymphocytes and level of post-vaccination immunological protection against brucellosis infection. It has been shown that in biomodels vaccinated against brucellosis with a T-lymphocyte stimulation coefficient of 50% or more (according to intensity of antigen-induced ex vivo expression CD25), 100% protection from the development of brucellosis infection after infection with Brucella melitensis at a dose of 1 × 103 live microbial cells are provided. At the same time, there was a lack of a close correlation between an increase in the dose of brucella vaccine strain administered to biomodels and a change in geometric mean antibody titer, presence of a weakly pronounced relationship between level of agglutinins and immunological protection of biomodels from development brucellosis infection and indicators bacterial contamination body.Based on results of study, it was demonstrated that it is possible to quantify the formation and protective activity of T-cell immunity to causative agent of brucellosis based on analysis ...
نوع الوثيقة: article in journal/newspaper
وصف الملف: application/pdf
اللغة: Russian
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DOI: 10.15789/1563-0625-QAO-2604
الإتاحة: https://doi.org/10.15789/1563-0625-QAO-2604Test
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