Architecture and urban design of Gacka business zone

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Architecture and urban design of Gacka business zone
المؤلفون: Likar, Loni
المساهمون: Stober, Dina, Brkanić Mihić, Ivana, Jurković, Željka, Markulak, Damir, Šperac, Marija
سنة النشر: 2023
مصطلحات موضوعية: vertical greenery, construction network, point construction, aricia-reduction, landscaping, pixelization, full-empty, gradation, cube
الوصف: Cilj urbanističkog rješenja bio je osigurati novo atraktivno poslovno središte koje će prizvati velik broj korisnika. Navedeno postižemo ostvarenjem osnovnog koncepta koji se temelji na principima pikselizacije, gradacije i ozelenjavanju prostora. Točkastu izgradnju različitih visina, raspoređujemo po parceli u ozelenjen prostor, te tako stvaramo kvalitetne prostore u zelenilu, ali i atraktivno središte koje je smješteno na ulazu (jednom od ulaza) u grad Osijek, čime također doprinosimo i slici garada. Ideja arhitektonskog rješenja proizlazi upravo iz urbanističkog koncepta. Osnovni je element pri oblikovanju poslovne zgrade piksel uz nadodanu treču dimenziju=kocka, koja se u skladu s okolnim okruženjem spiralno uzdiže uz konstantnu vertikalu (jezgru) u mreži konstrukcije. Stvarajući na taj način zanimljiv i dinamičan odnos puno-prazno principima adicije i redukcije, uz dodatak vertikalnog zelenila, koje se stupovima uspinje po cijeloj visini zgrade.
The goal of the urbanism solution was to ensure a new attractive business center that will appeal to a large number of users. We achieved the stated by realizing the basic concept which is established on the principles of pixelization, gradation and greening of space. We arrange the point construction of different heights on the plot in a green space, thus create quality spaces in the greenery, but also an attractive center located at the entrance (one of the entrances) to the city of Osijek, which also contributes to the image of the city. The idea of an architectural solution derives precisely from the urban concept. The basic element in the design of an office building is a pixel with an added third dimension = a cube, which in accordance with the surrounding environment spirally rises with a constant vertical (core) in the network of the structure. Thus creating an interesting and dynamic full-empty relationship to the principles of addition and reduction, with the addition of vertical greenery, which rises in columns along the entire height of the building.
وصف الملف: application/pdf
اللغة: Croatian
الوصول الحر:
رقم الانضمام: edsair.od......3759..e5f2cd83e9a5e873b796d1c806012c5b
قاعدة البيانات: OpenAIRE