Colochela zhongi Wei & Niu, sp. nov

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Colochela zhongi Wei & Niu, sp. nov
المؤلفون: Niu, Gengyun, Wei, Meicai
بيانات النشر: Zenodo, 2016.
سنة النشر: 2016
مصطلحات موضوعية: Colochela, Insecta, Arthropoda, Colochela zhongi, Metazoa, Biodiversity, Tenthredinidae, Hymenoptera, Taxonomy
الوصف: Colochela zhongi Wei & Niu, sp. nov. (Figs 1 f���k, 2 c, f, i, l, o, 3 a���d, g, j, 4 c, f, i, m, n, 5 c, h, i, p���r) 215 D 40 -04B 3-4655 - 8854 -DB 2724 B 86 B 34 Description. Holotype: ♀. Length 17.5 mm (Fig. 1 f). Body deep black; mesoscutal middle lobe entirely, lateral lobe except for narrow lateral margin, mesoscutellum except for narrow posterior margin, red; body hairs black brown, hairs on red part of mesonotum golden. Wings strongly and evenly infuscate, vein R 1 largely brown, pterostigma and other veins black; hind wing slightly paler than forewing. Clypeus densely punctured, interspaces between punctures narrow and smooth, shiny; inner orbit, temple and postocellar area with fine surface microsculpture, weakly shiny; frons densely microsculptured with some minute punctures; malar space densely microsculptured, hind orbit with dense and minute punctures; mesoscutal middle lobe and lateral lobe indistinctly punctured, mesoscutellum minutely punctured in anterior 0.75 and densely punctured in posterior margin; mesoscutellar appendage (posttergite) smooth and glabrous, strongly shiny; punctures minute and rather dense on upper corner of mesepisternum, and gradually larger and sparser toward ventral side, surface indistinctly microsculptured, shiny; depressed area of mesepimeron and of metapleuron densely microsculptured, broad posterior margin of mesepimeron and of metepimeron smooth and strongly shiny; abdominal tergites 1���2 sparsely and minutely punctured, interspaces microsculptured, shiny; tergites 3���10 densely and minutely punctured, interspaces microsculptured, weakly shiny; intertergites smooth, strongly shiny. Hairs on dorsum of head and mesopleuron dense and slightly shorter than diameter of median ocellus; hairs on mesonotum extreme dense and about 0.7 times as long as diameter of median ocellus; abdominal tergites densely pubescent; intertergites glabrous. Anterior margin of clypeus almost truncate; malar space 0.5 times as long as diameter of median ocellus; distance between eyes at level of anterior tentorial pits 1.2 times as long as longest axis of eye (Fig. 2 f); labium as Fig. 3 b, maxilla as Fig. 3 c; middle fovea round, very deep; frontal ridge indistinct; POL: OOL: OCL = 11: 20: 18; interocellar furrow deep and broad, postocellar furrow shallow, hardly bent forward; postocellar area roundly elevated, about 1.8 times as broad as long; lateral furrow deep, hardly curved, distinctly divergent backward; head hardly dilated behind eyes in dorsal view (Fig. 2 c). Antenna as long as head and thorax together, not incrassated beyond middle, 5 th ��� 9 th antennomeres with shallow but distinct longitudinal furrow in both sides, third antennomere about 0.9 times as long as following two antennomeres together, 7 th antennomere about 2.3 times as long as broad (Fig. 3 g). Mesoscutellum strongly and triangularly protruding; mesoscutellar appendage flat, without middle carina, posterior half with a short and shallow middle furrow; cenchrus transverse and elliptical, much broader than long, CD = 1.9. Venation as Fig. 1 f, anal cross vein present; petiole of hind anal cell about 0.4 times length of cu-a. Claw as Fig. 3 d. Ovipositor sheath 1.1 times as long as front tibia, apical sheath as long as basal sheath, distinctly tapering toward apex, apex narrowly round (Fig. 2 o); sheath and setae in dorsal view as Fig. 2 l, sheath distinctly broadened toward apex, about 4 times as broad as breadth of cercus; cercus slender, about 4 times as long as broad. Lancet as Fig. 4 c, with 17 serrulae, middle and apical segments of lancet as Figs 4 i, f, annular spines long and dense; surface sculpture of lancet as Figs 4 m, n. Male. Body length 15 mm (Fig. 1 g); color, punctation and structure similar to female except for following: malar space 0.3 times as long as diameter of median ocellus (Fig. 2 i); distance between eyes at level of anterior tentorial pits as long as longest axis of eye; head distinctly narrowed behind eyes in dorsal view; subgenital plate broader than long, apical margin broadly truncate; harpes 1.9 times as long as broad (Fig. 5 c); volsella and gonolacinia as Figs 5 h, i; penis valve as Figs 5 p���r. Variation. The anal cross vein in forewing is sometimes absent in a few specimens. Etymology. The species is named after Dr. Yihai Zhong, an early collector of some type specimens of the species. Specimens examined. Holotype. ♀, CHINA: Shaanxi: Kaitianguan, Mt. Taibai, Meixian, 34.00��N, 107.8579 ��E, 1852m, 2014, Wei Meicai, (CSCS). Paratypes. CHINA: Hubei: Dalongtan, Shennongjia, 31.4949 ��N, 110.2962 ��E, 2180m, 1 ♂, 9.vii. 2011, Li Zejian, Liu Yao (CSCS); Shaanxi: Kaitianguan, Mt. Taibai, Meixian, 34.00��N, 107.8579 ��E, 1852m, 1 ♂, 2014, Qi Liwei, Kang Weinan, CH 3 COOC 2 H 5 (CSCS), 1 ♀, 2014, Wei Meicai, KCN (CSCS), 1 ♀, 2014, Wei Meicai, KCN (CSCS); Kaitianguan, Mt. Taibaishan, Qinling Mts, 34.00��N, 107.85 ��E, 2000m, 1 ♀, 2004, A. Shinohara (NMNS), 1 ♂, 27.v. 2005, A. Shinohara (NMNS), 1 ♂, 2004, A. Shinohara (NMNS), 1 ♂, 2006, A. Shinohara (NMNS); Liangfengyading, Mt. Taibai, Meixian, 33.6853 ��N, 107.8541 ��E, 2128m, 1 ♀, 2014, Qi Liwei, Kang Weinan, CH 3 COOC 2 H 5 (CSCS), 1 ♀, 2014, Liu Mengmeng, Liu Ting, CH 3 COOC 2 H 5 (CSCS); Zhuiwoping, Mt. Taibai, Meixian, 34.03 ��N, 107.8672 ��E, 1601m, 4 ♀, 2014, Qi Liwei, Kang Weinan, CH 3 COOC 2 H 5 (CSCS), 6 ♀, 2014, Qi Liwei, Kang Weinan, CH 3 COOC 2 H 5 (CSCS), 2 ♀, 2014, Liu Mengmeng, Liu Ting, CH 3 COOC 2 H 5 (CSCS), 2 ♀, 2014, Wei Meicai, KCN (CSCS), 1 ♂, 2014, Wei Meicai, KCN (CSCS); Sichuan: Leidongping, Mt. Emei, 29.546 ��N, 103.327 ��E, 2350m, 1 ♀, 2 ♂, 3.vii. 2009, Zhong Yihai, KCN (CSCS), Yajiageng, Luding, 29.8812 ��N, 102.0199 ��E, 3646m, 1 ♀, 4.vii. 2009, Wei Meicai, KCN (CSCS); Emei Shan: Jieyindian, 29.537 ��N + 103.331 ��E., 2400���2500m, 1 ♀, 0 6.07. 2009, leg. S.M. Blank, A.D. Liston & A. Taeger, DEI-GISHym 17846 (SDEI), a specimen with barcode (BOLD: ABV 5340, Genbank accession number KC 974810); 1 ♂ same data, without barcode (SDEI); 1 ♀, paratype of Colochela rufidorsata Malaise: ���Szechuen, CHINA, DC Graham���; ��� 30 Mi N. of Tatsienlu���; ��� Paratypus ���; ��� Colochela rufidorsata n gen. n. sp., det. Malaise, 1936 ���; ��� paratype ���; ��� Colochela zhongi Wei, sp. nov., det. M. Wei, 2013 ���(USNM). Distribution. China (Shaanxi, Sichuan, Hubei) (Fig. 6). Remarks. The new species is very close to C. rufidorsata, but the female and male genitalia are much different. See the above key for detailed differences between the two species.
Published as part of Niu, Gengyun & Wei, Meicai, 2016, Revision of Colochela (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae), pp. 457-470 in Zootaxa 4127 (3) on pages 465-469, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4127.3.3,
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6066554
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حقوق: OPEN
رقم الانضمام: edsair.doi.dedup.....04897e120f7ec4a5edec3cdac84b5b13
قاعدة البيانات: OpenAIRE