Medical and surgical treatment of proximal tibia osteosarcoma in pediatric patients: case report

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Medical and surgical treatment of proximal tibia osteosarcoma in pediatric patients: case report
المؤلفون: Benazzo, Francesco, Burzio, Valentina, Caretti, Valentina, Costa, Pietro, Guerini, Paola, Indino, Cristian, Leoni, Maria Chiara, Marullo, Matteo, Mosconi, Mario, Occhini, Antonio, Ottonello, Gaia, Peschiera, Valeria, Raschetti, Roberto, Rossi, Stefano Marco Paolo, Zecca, Marco
بيانات النشر: Pavia University Press - Edizioni dell'Università degli Studi di Pavia, 2011.
سنة النشر: 2011
مصطلحات موضوعية: musculoskeletal diseases, musculoskeletal system
الوصف: Osteosarcoma is the most common of all primary malignancies of bone. In most cases it occurs in young pa-tients under 20 years of age. Almost 60% of cases involves proximal tibia or distal femur. A 6-years-old child received in July 2010 diagnosis of osteosarocma of proximal left tibia without primary metastases. She received neoadjuvant chemiotherapy followed in October 2010 by resection of the tumor, vascularised fibular autograft and adjuvant chemiotherapy. Now she’s free of disease and she can walk but there’s the need of longer surgical follow-up to verify long-term efficacy of this treatment.
Bollettino della Società Medico Chirurgica di Pavia, Vol 124, N° 1 (2011)
اللغة: English
DOI: 10.6092/2039-1404.124.857
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رقم الانضمام: edsair.doi...........63930edb0a454027856bd434b3ecee90
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