Contribution of windfarms to ancillary services

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Contribution of windfarms to ancillary services
المؤلفون: Bousseau, B., Belhomme, R., Monnot, E., Laverdure, Nicolas, Boëda, Didier, Roye, Daniel, Bacha, Seddik
المساهمون: Laboratoire de Génie Electrique de Grenoble (G2ELab), Université Joseph Fourier - Grenoble 1 (UJF)-Institut polytechnique de Grenoble - Grenoble Institute of Technology (Grenoble INP )-Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble - Grenoble Institute of Technology-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), EDF R&D (EDF R&D), EDF (EDF), Garcia, Sylvie
المصدر: CIGRE 2006
CIGRE 2006, 2006, Paris, France
بيانات النشر: HAL CCSD, 2006.
سنة النشر: 2006
مصطلحات موضوعية: [SPI.NRJ]Engineering Sciences [physics]/Electric power, [SPI.NRJ] Engineering Sciences [physics]/Electric power
الوصف: International audience; In the last décade, wind energy has expericnced a substantial growth in Europe with an increase in génération capaciiy from 2,5 GW in 1995 to 34 GW at (lie end of 2004 This incTease has raised new probîems and constraints which led System opéra tors, electric utilities, governments or regulatory boards to define lechnical requirements for the grid connection of wind farms and more generaily of distributed génération (DG) units. At flrst, the requirements for wind fanns were rather "soft" (at least softer than for other DG units) and were mainîy intended to limit the "disturbances" caused by wind energy on power quality and grid opération. But with the ever increasing developmenl of wind power, the impacts on the grids become more and more significant leading to the définition of more and more "scvcrc" requiremcnts, In parltcular, wind farms (WF) arc now more and more often askcd to provide some son of anciilary services such as contribution to voltage/réactive power control and rrequency/active power control. This paper focuscs on the possible provision of such anciilary services by wind faims. Regarcling réactive power and voltage contTOl:-Doubly-fed Induction GÊaerarors (DFIG) and Synchronous or Induction GeneratoTS with full power électron ics interfaces (SIG) can liave réactive power control capabilities (both in production and absorption) depending on the rating of their power electronics converters. Thèse capabilities {characterized by a fast dynamie can be used to perform voltage control. Moreover, if required, extemal reactive power compensation device.s niay also be installed.-Classical Induction G encrât ors (OG) do not hâve such réactive power control capahilities and therefore require externat devices for reactive power and voltage control.-Simulations carried oui show that WFs with voltage control capabilîties can significantly sustaîn the network voltage in case of grid events and mus may efficiently support the power System stability.Regard ing frequency control: the resuits show that when the Wind Turbine Generator (WTG) is full y loaded (maximum active power génération], appre-priate use or the pitch control may enabic the WTG (DFIG, SIG or CIG) to contribute to frequency control. In case of partial toad. the contribution to frequency conlrol can be achieved either by "disoplimizing'" the wind energy conversion by mcans of aie pitch control. or by setting a non-optimal rotor speed for DFIG or SIG. However, a judicious way to use variable speed ge&eratCffS may also be looperate them as mertial flywheels
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اللغة: English
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