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    دورية أكاديمية

    المصدر: Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación; Vol. 95 (2023): El sistema verbal español en las gramáticas y manuales de español como lengua extranjera, coordinado por María Martínez-Atienza de Dios (Universidad de Córdoba); 215-232 ; 1576-4737

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    العلاقة: https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/CLAC/article/view/73153/4564456566909Test; Androutsopulos, Jannis. (2013). Networked multilingualism: Some language practices on Facebook and their implications. International Journal of Bilingualism, vol. 19(2), 185-205. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/1367006913489198Test Androutsopulos, Jannis. (2014). Moments of sharing: Entextualization and linguistics repertoires in social networking. Journal of Pragmatics, 73, 4-18. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pragma.2014.07.013Test Arundale, Robert B. (2006). Face as relational and interactional: A communication framework for research on face, facework, and politeness. Journal of Politeness Research, 2,193-196. Arundale, Robert B. (2020). Communicating and Relating. Constituting Face in Everyday Interacting. Oxford University Press. Auer, Peter, ed. (2007b). Style and social identities. Alternative approaches to linguistic heterogeneity. Mouton de Gruyter. Baron, Naomi S., Squires, Lauren, Tench, Sara, y Thompson, Marshall. (2005). Tethered or Mobile? Use of Away Messages in Instant Messaging by American College Students. En Mobile Communication. Re-negotiation of the Social Sphere (pp. 285-293). Ling, L., y Pedersen, P. E. (eds.). Springer-Verlag. Blommaert, Jan y Backus, Ad. (2013). Superdiverse Repertories and the Individual. En I. Saint-Georges y JJ. Weber. (eds). Multilingualism and Multimodality. The Future of Education Research (pp.11-32). SensePublishers, Rotterdam. Blommaert, Jan. (2017). Society through the lens of language: A new look at social groups and integration. Working Papers in Urban Language and Literacies, paper 207. Boyd, Danah. (2014). It´s Complicated. The Social Lives of Networked Teens. Yale University Press. Brewer, Marilynn B. y Gardner, Wendi. (1996). Who is this “we”? Levels of collective identity and self representations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 71 (1), 83–93. Brown, P. y Levinson, S. 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    مورد إلكتروني

    عناروين إضافية: Análisis de la interlocución en línea. El caso de dos estudiantes universitarias extranjeras en Madrid

    المصدر: Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación; Vol. 95 (2023): El sistema verbal español en las gramáticas y manuales de español como lengua extranjera, coordinado por María Martínez-Atienza de Dios (Universidad de Córdoba); 215-232; Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación; Vol. 95 (2023): El sistema verbal español en las gramáticas y manuales de español como lengua extranjera, coordinado por María Martínez-Atienza de Dios (Universidad de Córdoba); 215-232; 1576-4737

    URL: https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/CLAC/article/view/73153Test
    *ref*/Androutsopulos, Jannis. (2013). Networked multilingualism: Some language practices on Facebook and their implications. International Journal of Bilingualism, vol. 19(2), 185-205. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/1367006913489198Test Androutsopulos, Jannis. (2014). Moments of sharing: Entextualization and linguistics repertoires in social networking. Journal of Pragmatics, 73, 4-18. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pragma.2014.07.013Test Arundale, Robert B. (2006). Face as relational and interactional: A communication framework for research on face, facework, and politeness. Journal of Politeness Research, 2,193-196. Arundale, Robert B. (2020). Communicating and Relating. Constituting Face in Everyday Interacting. Oxford University Press. Auer, Peter, ed. (2007b). Style and social identities. Alternative approaches to linguistic heterogeneity. Mouton de Gruyter. Baron, Naomi S., Squires, Lauren, Tench, Sara, y Thompson, Marshall. (2005). Tethered or Mobile? Use of Away Messages in Instant Messaging by American College Students. En Mobile Communication. Re-negotiation of the Social Sphere (pp. 285-293). Ling, L., y Pedersen, P. E. (eds.). Springer-Verlag. Blommaert, Jan y Backus, Ad. (2013). Superdiverse Repertories and the Individual. En I. Saint-Georges y JJ. Weber. (eds). Multilingualism and Multimodality. The Future of Education Research (pp.11-32). SensePublishers, Rotterdam. Blommaert, Jan. (2017). Society through the lens of language: A new look at social groups and integration. Working Papers in Urban Language and Literacies, paper 207. Boyd, Danah. (2014). It´s Complicated. The Social Lives of Networked Teens. Yale University Press. Brewer, Marilynn B. y Gardner, Wendi. (1996). Who is this “we”? Levels of collective identity and self representations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 71 (1), 83–93. Brown, P. y Levinson, S. (1987). Politeness. Some Universals in Language Usage. Cambridge University Press. Cautín-Epifani, Violeta. (2014a). El uso apelativo