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    المساهمون: Serrano Escallón, Gonzalo

    وصف الملف: 104 páginas; application/pdf

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    المؤلفون: Yichi Zhang1,2,3, Ramirez-Martinez, Andres1,2,3, Kenian Chen4, McAnally, John R.1,2,3, Chunyu Cai5, Durbacz, Mateusz Z.1,2,3, Chemello, Francesco1,2,3, Zhaoning Wang1,2,3,6, Lin Xu4, Bassel-Duby, Rhonda1,2,3, Ning Liu1,2,3 Ning.Liu@utsouthwestern.edu, Olson, Eric N.1,2,3 Eric.Olson@utsouthwestern.edu

    المصدر: Journal of Clinical Investigation. 7/3/2023, Vol. 133 Issue 13, p1-18. 18p.

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    المؤلفون: Caravia, Xurde M.1,2, Ramirez-Martinez, Andres1,2, Peiheng Gan1,2, FengWang3, McAnally, John R.1,2, Lin Xu3, Bassel-Duby, Rhonda1,2, Ning Liu1,2, Olson, Eric N.1,2 eric.olson@utsouthwestern.edu

    المصدر: Journal of Clinical Investigation. 11/15/2022, Vol. 132 Issue 22, p1-15. 15p.