يعرض 1 - 10 نتائج من 12 نتيجة بحث عن '"ObvioHealth"', وقت الاستعلام: 1.20s تنقيح النتائج
  1. 1

    المؤلفون: ObvioHealth

    المصدر: Growth Tolerance and Safety Study of Healthy Term Infants Consuming a Goat or Cow Milk Based Infant Formula

  2. 2

    المؤلفون: ObvioHealth

    المصدر: Pragmatic, Randomized, Controlled Trial of Early Cow's Milk, Egg, and Peanut Allergen Introduction and Maintenance in Healthy and High-Risk Infants

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    المؤلفون: ObvioHealth

    المصدر: A Prospective, Double-blind, Sham-controlled, Randomized Two-part Adaptive Clinical Trial to Assess the Safety, Efficacy, Tolerability, and Optimal Dose of the Mi-Helper Device for Acute Treatment of Episodic Migraine in an at Home Setting.

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    المؤلفون: IQVIA RDS Inc., ObvioHealth

    المصدر: A Randomized, Controlled Trial Evaluating Growth and Safety in Infants Fed a New Infant Formula

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    المؤلفون: ObvioHealth

    المصدر: Chen N, Zhou M, Dong X, Qu J, Gong F, Han Y, Qiu Y, Wang J, Liu Y, Wei Y, Xia J, Yu T, Zhang X, Zhang L. Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of 99 cases of 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia in Wuhan, China: a descriptive study. Lancet. 2020 Feb 15;395(10223):507-513. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(20)30211-7. Epub 2020 Jan 30.
    Gliklich RE, Dreyer NA, Leavy MB, Christian JB, editors. 21st Century Patient Registries: Registries for Evaluating Patient Outcomes: A User's Guide: 3rd Edition, Addendum [Internet]. Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US); 2018 Mar. Report No.: 17(18)-EHC013-EF. Available from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK493818Test/
    Longitudinal Prospective Cohort Study to Describe the Clinical Characteristics of COVID-19, the Acquired Immune Response and the Biological and Clinical Parameters of Patients Followed in Oncology by the Saint-Joseph Hospital Group, Paris, France for a Period of 6 Months During the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020

  6. 6

    المؤلفون: ObvioHealth

    المصدر: Glogau RG. Aesthet and anatom analys of the agg sk. Sem Cutan Med Surg. 1996 Sep;15(3):134-8. do 10.1016/s1085-5629(96)80003-4.
    Groten K, MarA, Grether-Beck S, Jaenke T, botson SH, Moseley H, Ferguson J, Krutmann J. Tomato Phytonutrnts Balance UV Response: Results from a Double-Bld, Randomed, Placebo-Controlled Study. Sk Pharmacol Physl. 2019;32(2):101-108. do 10.1159/000497104. Epub 2019 Mar 5.
    Havas F, Krp S, Melendez-Martez AJ, von Oppen-Bezalel L. Prelary Data on the Safety of Phytoene- and Phytofluene-Rh Products for Human Use cludg Topal Applatn. J Toxol. 2018 Apr 15;2018:5475784. do 10.1155/2018/5475784. eCollectn 2018.
    Fitzpatrick TB. The validity and practicality of sun-reactive skin types I through VI. Arch Dermatol. 1988 Jun;124(6):869-71. doi: 10.1001/archderm.124.6.869. No abstract available.
    Open-Label Study to Assess the Impact of Lycored's Nutritional Supplement Lumenato on Skin Parameters in Healthy Women

  7. 7

    المؤلفون: ObvioHealth

    المصدر: Utn WH, Archer DF, Bachmann GA, Gallagher C, Grodste Fn, Hean JR, Henderson VW, Hod HN, Karas RH, Lobo RA, Manson JE, Re RL, Schmt PJ, Stuenkel CA; North Ameran Menopause Socty. Estrogen and progestogen use postmenopausal women: July 2008 posn statement of The North Ameran Menopause Socty. Menopause. 2008 Jul-Aug;15(4 Pt 1):584-602. do 10.1097/gme.0b013e31817b076a.
    ChlebowskRT, Kuller LH, Prente RL, Stefank ML, Manson JE, Gass M, AragakAK, Ockene JK, Lane DS, Sarto GE, Rajkov A, Schenken R, Hendr SL, Ravd PM, Rohan TE, Yasmeen S, Anderson G; WHvestators. Breast cancer after use of estrogen plus progest postmenopausal women. N Engl J Med. 2009 Feb 5;360(6):573-87. do 10.1056/NEJMoa0807684.
    Rossouw JE, Anderson GL, Prente RL, LaCro AZ, Kooperberg C, Stefank ML, Jackson RD, Beresford SA, Howard BV, Johnson KC, Kotchen JM, Ockene J; Wrg Group for the Women's Health te vestators. Rks and benefs of estrogen plus progest healthy postmenopausal women: prcal results From the Women's Health te randomed controlled trl. JAMA. 2002 Jul 17;288(3):321-33. do 10.1001/jama.288.3.321.
    Lethaby A, Marjoranks J, Kronenberg F, Roberts H, Eden J, Brown J. Phytoestrogens for menopausal vasomotor symptoms. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2013 Dec 10;2013(12):CD001395. do 10.1002/14651858.CD001395.pub4.
    A Clinical Study Assessing Efficacy of an Herbal Blend on Menopausal Symptoms and Quality of Life

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    المؤلفون: ObvioHealth

    المصدر: Prevalence of Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (FGIDs) and Related Signs and Symptoms in Infants and Toddlers in Thailand

  9. 9

    المؤلفون: ObvioHealth, Endothelix

    المصدر: MeraR, Sgel C, Rakotz M, Basch P, Wrht J, Wong B; DHSc; Thorpe P. CDC Grand Rounds: A Publ Health Approach to Detect and Control Hypertensn. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2016 Nov 18;65(45):1261-1264. do 10.15585/mmwr.mm6545a3.
    Mozaffarn D, Benjam EJ, Go AS, Arnett DK, Blaha MJ, Cushman M, de FerrantS, Despres JP, Fullerton HJ, Howard VJ, Huffman MD, Judd SE, Ksela BM, Lackland DT, Lhtman JH, Labeth LD, L S, Mackey RH, Matchar DB, McGue DK, Mohler ER 3rd, Moy CS, Muntner P, Mussolo ME, Nas K, Neumar RW, Nhol G, Palanppan L, Pandey DK, Reeves MJ, Rodruez CJ, Sorl PD, Ste J, TowfhA, Turan TN, VanSS, Wley JZ, Woo D, Yeh RW, Turner MB; Ameran Heart Assoctn Statts Commtee and Stroke Statts Subcommtee. Heart dease and stroke statts--2015 update: a report from the Ameran Heart Assoctn. Cculatn. 2015 Jan 27;131(4):e29-322. do 10.1161/C.0000000000000152. Epub 2014 Dec 17. No abstract avaable. Erratum : Cculatn. 2015 Jun 16;131(24):e535. Cculatn. 2016 Feb 23;133(8):e417.
    Sakakara S, MurakamR, TakahashM, FushT, Murohara T, KhM, Kajoto Y, Kakaze M, Kaga T. Vegar take enhances flow-medted vasodatatn v upregulatn of endothell nr oxe synthase acty. BscBtechnol Bchem. 2010;74(5):1055-61. do 10.1271/bbb.90953. Epub 2010 May 7.
    Na L, Chu X, Jng S, LC, LG, He Y, L Y, LY, Sun C. Vegar decreases blood pressure by down-regulatg AT1R expressn v the AMPK/PGC-1alpha/PPARgamma pathway spontaneously hypertense rats. Eur J Nutr. 2016 Apr;55(3):1245-53. do 10.1007/s00394-015-0937-7. Epub 2015 Oct 18.
    Mrou P, Petsu E, Papakonstantou E, Maratou E, LambadrV, Drd P, SpanoudF, Rapt SA, Drd G. Vegar Consumptn creases sul-Stulated Glucose Uptake by the Forearm Muscle Humans wh Type 2 Dbetes. J Dbetes Res. 2015;2015:175204. do 10.1155/2015/175204. Epub 2015 May 6.
    Honsho S, Sugama A, Takahara A, Satoh Y, Nakamura Y, Hashoto K. A red we vegar beverage can h the ren-angtens system: experental evence vo. Bl Pharm Bull. 2005 Jul;28(7):1208-10. do 10.1248/bpb.28.1208.
    Kondo S, Tayama K, Tsukamoto Y, eda K, YamorY. Antypertense effects of acet ac and vegar on spontaneously hypertense rats. BscBtechnol Bchem. 2001 Dec;65(12):2690-4. do 10.1271/bbb.65.2690.
    (8) Kajoto, O., et al. (2001). Effects of a drk contag vegar on blood pressure mdly and moderately hypertense subjects. J Nutr Food, 2001, 4, 1-14
    (9) Kajoto, O., Tayama, K., Hata, H., Nhura, A., Tsukamoto, Y. (2003). Hypotense effects of drks contag vegar on hh normal blood pressure and mk hypertense subjects. J Nutr Food, 6(1), 51-68
    (10) Sadou et al. (2006). Antypertense Effect and Safety of a Drk ContagTomato Vegar Case of Long-term take for Subjects wh Hh-normal Blood Pressure or Md Hypertensn. Jpn Pharmacol Ther, 34, 6
    Chobann AV, Bakr GL, Black HR, Cushman WC, Green LA, zo JL Jr, Jones DW, Materson BJ, Opar S, Wrht JT Jr, Roccella EJ; Natnal Heart, Lung, and Blood stute Jot Natnal Commtee on Preventn, Detectn, Evaluatn, and Treatment of Hh Blood Pressure; Natnal Hh Blood Pressure Educatn Program Coordatg Commtee. The Seventh Report of the Jot Natnal Commtee on Preventn, Detectn, Evaluatn, and Treatment of Hh Blood Pressure: the JNC 7 report. JAMA. 2003 May 21;289(19):2560-72. do 10.1001/jama.289.19.2560. Epub 2003 May 14. Erratum : JAMA. 2003 Jul 9;290(2):197.
    Carey RM, Whelton PK; 2017 ACC/AHA Hypertensn Guele Wrg Commtee. Preventn, Detectn, Evaluatn, and Management of Hh Blood Pressure Adults: Synops of the 2017 Ameran College of Cardlogy/Ameran Heart Assoctn Hypertensn Guele. Ann tern Med. 2018 Mar 6;168(5):351-358. do 10.7326/M17-3203. Epub 2018 Jan 23.
    Rice Vinegar as an Intervention to Lower Blood Pressure in Adults With Prehypertension and 10-year CVD Risk <10%

  10. 10

    المؤلفون: ObvioHealth

    المصدر: Vandenplas Y, Szajewska H, Bennga M, DLorenzo C, Dupont C, Faure C, MdadM, Osatakul S, Res-Konkx C, Saps M, Sham R, Stano A; BSS Study Group. Development of the Brussels fant and Toddler Stool Scale ('BSS'): protocol of the study. BMJ Open. 2017 Mar 29;7(3):e014620. do 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-014620.
    Observational Study: Image Collection of Infant/Toddler Stools for Danone Software Development