A Novel 8-Predictors Signature to Predict Complicated Disease Course in Pediatric-onset Crohn’s Disease: A Population-based Study

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: A Novel 8-Predictors Signature to Predict Complicated Disease Course in Pediatric-onset Crohn’s Disease: A Population-based Study
المؤلفون: Sarter, Hélène, Savoye, Guillaume, Marot, Guillemette, Ley, Delphine, Turck, Dominique, Hugot, Jean-Pierre, Vasseur, Francis, Duhamel, Alain, Wils, Pauline, Princen, Fred, Colombel, Jean-Frédéric, Gower-Rousseau, Corinne, Fumery, Mathurin, Al Hameedi, R, Al Khatib, M, Al Turk, S, Agoute, E, Andre, J, Antonietti, M, Aouakli, A, Armand, A, Armengol-Debeir, L, Aroichane, I, Assi, F, Aubet, J, Auxenfants, E, Avram, A, Ayafi-Ramelot, F, Azzouzi, K, Bankovski, D, Barbry, B, Bardoux, N, Baron, P, Baudet, A, Bayart, P, Bazin, B, Bebahani, A, Becqwort, J, Bellati, S, Benet, V, Benali, H, Benard, C, Benguigui, C, Ben Soussan, E, Bental, A, Berkelmans, I, Bernet, J, Bernou, K, Bernou-Dron, C, Bertot, P, Bertiaux-Vandaële, N, Bertrand, V, Billoud, E, Biron, N, Bismuth, B, Bleuet, M, Blondel, F, Blondin, V, Bobula, M, Bohon, P, Bondjemah, V, Boniface, E, Bonkovski, D, Bonnière, P, Bonvarlet, E, Bonvarlet, P, Boruchowicz, A, Bostvironnois, R, Boualit, M, Bouazza, A, Bouche, B, Boudaillez, C, Bourgeaux, C, Bourgeois, M, Bourguet, A, Bourienne, A, Boutaleb, H, Bouthors, A, Branche, J, Bray, G, Brazier, F, Breban, P, Bridenne, M, Brihier, H, Bril, L, Brung-Lefebvre, V, Bulois, P, Burgiere, P, Butel, J, Canva, J, Canva-Delcambre, V, Capron, J, Cardot, F, Carette, S, Carpentier, P, Cartier, E, Cassar, J, Cassagnou, M, Castex, J, Catala, P, Cattan, S, Catteau, S, Caujolle, B, Cayron, G, Chandelier, C, Chantre, M, Charles, J, Charneau, T, Chavance-Thelu, M, Cheny, A, Chirita, D, Choteau, A, Claerbout, J, Clergue, P, Coevoet, H, Cohen, G, Collet, R, Colin, M, Colombel, J, Coopman, S, Cordiez, L, Corvisart, J, Cortot, A, Couttenier, F, Crinquette, J, Crombe, V, Dadamessi, I, Daoudi, H, Dapvril, V, Davion, T, Dautreme, S, Debas, J, Decoster, S, Degrave, N, Dehont, F, Delatre, C, Delcenserie, R, Delesalle, D, Delette, O, Delgrange, T, Delhoustal, L, Delmotte, J, Demmane, S, Deregnaucourt, G, Descombes, P, Desechalliers, J, Desmet, P, Desreumaux, P, Desseaux, G, Desurmont, P, Devienne, A, Devouge, E, Devred, M, Devroux, A, Dewailly, A, Dharancy, S, Di Fiore, A, Djedir, D, Djedir, R, Doleh, W, Dreher-Duwat, M, Dubois, R, Duburque, C, Ducatillon, P, Duclay, J, Ducrocq, B, Ducrot, F, Ducrotte, P, Dufilho, A, Duhamel, C, Dujardin, D, Dumant-Forest, C, Dupas, J, Dupont, F, Duranton, Y, Duriez, A, Duveau, N, El Achkar, K, El Farisi, M, Elie, C, Elie-Legrand, M, Elkhaki, A, Eoche, M, Essmaeel, E, Evrard, D, Evrard, J, Fatome, A, Filoche, B, Finet, L, Flahaut, M, Flamme, C, Foissey, D, Fournier, P, Foutrein-Comes, M, Foutrein, P, Fremond, D, Frere, T, Gallais, P, Gamblin, C, Ganga, S, Gerard, R, Geslin, G, Gheyssens, Y, Ghossini, N, Ghrib, S, Gilbert, T, Gillet, B, Godart, D, Godard, P, Godchaux, J, Godchaux, R, Goegebeur, G, Goria, O, Gottrand, F, Gower, P, Grandmaison, B, Groux, M, Guedon, C, Guerbeau, L, Gueroult-Dero, M, Guillard, J, Guillem, L, Guillemot, F, Guimberd, D, Haddouche, B, Hakim, S, Hanon, D, Hautefeuille, V, Heckestweiller, P, Hecquet, G, Hedde, J, Hellal, H, Henneresse, P, Heyman, B, Heraud, M, Herve, S, Hochain, P, Houssin-Bailly, L, Houcke, P, Huguenin, B, Iobagiu, S, Istanboli, S, Ivanovic, A, Iwanicki-Caron, I, Janicki, E, Jarry, M, Jeu, J, Joly, J, Jonas, C, Jouvenet, A, Katherin, F, Kerleveo, A, Khachfe, A, Kiriakos, A, Kiriakos, J, Klein, O, Kohut, M, Kornhauser, R, Koutsomanis, D, Laberenne, J, Lacotte, E, Laffineur, G, Lagarde, M, Lalanne, A, Lalieu, A, Lannoy, P, Lapchin, J, Laprand, M, Laude, D, Leblanc, R, Lecieux, P, Lecleire, S, Leclerc, N, Le Couteulx, C, Ledent, J, Lefebvre, J, Lefiliatre, P, Le Goffic, C, Legrand, C, Le Grix, A, Lelong, P, Leluyer, B, Lemaitre, C, Lenaerts, C, Lepeut, G, Lepileur, L, Leplat, A, Lepoutre-Dujardin, E, Leroi, H, Leroy, M, Le Roy, P, Lesage, B, Lesage, J, Lesage, X, Lescanne-Darchis, I, Lescut, J, Lescut, D, Leurent, B, Levy, P, Lhermie, M, Libier, L, Lion, A, Lisambert, B, Loge, I, Loire, F, Loreau, J, Louf, S, Louvet, A, Lubret, L, Luciani, M, Lucidarme, D, Lugand, J, Macaigne, O, Maetz, D, Maillard, D, Mancheron, H, Manolache, O, Marks-Brunel, A, Marre, C, Marti, R, Martin, F, Martin, G, Marzloff, E, Mathurin, P, Mauillon, J, Maunoury, V, Maupas, J, Medam Djomo, M, Mechior, C, Melki, Z, Mesnard, B, Metayer, P, Methari, L, Meurisse, B, Meurisse, F, Michaud, L, Mirmaran, X, Modaine, P, Monthe, A, Morel, L, Mortier, P, Moulin, E, Mouterde, O, Mozziconaci, N, Mudry, J, Nachury, M, Ngo, M, N’guyen Khac, Eric, Notteghem, B, Ollevier, V, Ostyn, A, Ouraghi, A, Oussadou, B, Ouvry, D, Paillot, B, Painchart, C, Panien-Claudot, N, Paoletti, C, Papazian, A, Parent, B, Pariente, B, Paris, J, Patrier, P, Paupard, T, Pauwels, B, Pauwels, M, Penninck, E, Petit, R, Piat, M, Piotte, S, Plane, C, Plouvier, B, Pollet, E, Pommelet, P, Pop, D, Pordes, C, Pouchain, G, Prades, P, Prevost, A, Prevost, J, Quartier, G, Quesnel, B, Queuniet, A, Quinton, J, Rabache, A, Rabelle, P, Raclot, G, Ratajczyk, S, Rault, D, Razemon, V, Reix, N, Renaut-Vantroys, T, Revillion, M, Riachi, G, Richez, C, Robinson, P, Rodriguez, J, Roger, J, Roux, J, Rudelli, A, Saber, A, Savoye, G, Schlossberg, P, Sefrioui, D, Segrestin, M, Seguy, D, Seminur, C, Serin, M, Seryer, A, Sevenet, F, Shekh, N, Silvie, J, Simon, V, Spyckerelle, C, Talbodec, N, Tavernier, N, Tchandeu, H, Techy, A, Thelu, J, Thevenin, A, Thiebault, H, Thomas, J, Thorel, J, Thuillier, C, Tielman, G, Tode, M, Toisin, J, Tonnel, J, Touchais, J, Toumelin, P, Touze, Y, Tranvouez, J, Triplet, C, Triki, N, Turck, D, Uhlen, S, Vaillant, E, Valmage, C, Vanco, D, Vandaele-Bertiaux, N, Vandamme, H, Vanderbecq, E, Vander Eecken, E, Vandermolen, P, Vandevenne, P, Vandeville, L, Vandewalle, A, Vandewalle, C, Vaneslander, P, Vanhoove, J, Vanrenterghem, A, Vanveuren, C, Varlet, P, Vasies, I, Verbiese, G, Verlynde, J, Vernier-Massouille, G, Vermelle, P, Verne, C, Vezilier-Cocq, P, Vigneron, B, Vincendet, M, Viot, J, Voiment, Y, Wacrenier, A, Waeghemaecker, L, Wallez, J, Wantiez, M, Wartel, F, Weber, J, Willocquet, J, Wizla, N, Wolschies, E, Zaharia, O, Zaoui, S, Zalar, A, Zaouri, B, Zellweger, A, Ziade, C, Beaugerie, L, Allez, M, Ruemmele, F, Lamer, A, Roy, M
المساهمون: CHU Lille, Institute for Translational Research in Inflammation - U 1286 (INFINITE (Ex-Liric)), Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)-Université de Lille-Centre Hospitalier Régional Universitaire [Lille] (CHRU Lille), Nutrition, Inflammation et axe Microbiote-Intestin-Cerveau (ADEN), Université de Rouen Normandie (UNIROUEN), Normandie Université (NU)-Normandie Université (NU)-Institute for Research and Innovation in Biomedicine (IRIB), Normandie Université (NU)-Normandie Université (NU)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université de Rouen Normandie (UNIROUEN), Normandie Université (NU)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM), Institute for Research and Innovation in Biomedicine (IRIB), Normandie Université (NU)-Normandie Université (NU)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Normandie Université (NU), Service d'Hépato-Gastroentérologie [CHU Rouen], Hôpital Charles Nicolle [Rouen], CHU Rouen, Normandie Université (NU)-Normandie Université (NU)-CHU Rouen, Normandie Université (NU)-Normandie Université (NU)-Université de Rouen Normandie (UNIROUEN), Evaluation des technologies de santé et des pratiques médicales - ULR 2694 (METRICS), Université de Lille-Centre Hospitalier Régional Universitaire [Lille] (CHRU Lille), Service des Maladies de l'Appareil Digestif et de la Nutrition [CHRU Lille], Hôpital Claude Huriez [Lille], CHU Lille-CHU Lille-Centre Hospitalier Régional Universitaire [Lille] (CHRU Lille), Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Reims (CHU Reims), Périnatalité et Risques Toxiques - UMR INERIS_I 1 (PERITOX), Institut National de l'Environnement Industriel et des Risques (INERIS)-Université de Picardie Jules Verne (UPJV)-CHU Amiens-Picardie, CHU Amiens-Picardie, Registre EPIMAD, Normandie Université (NU)-Normandie Université (NU)-CHU Amiens-Picardie-Centre Hospitalier Régional Universitaire [Lille] (CHRU Lille), Department of Colloid Chemistry [Potsdam], Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Max-Planck-Gesellschaft-Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Groupe de Recherche sur l'alcool et les pharmacodépendances - UMR INSERM_S 1247 (GRAP), Université de Picardie Jules Verne (UPJV)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)
المصدر: Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, 2023, ⟨10.1093/ibd/izad090⟩
بيانات النشر: HAL CCSD, 2023.
سنة النشر: 2023
مصطلحات موضوعية: Crohn’s disease, inflammatory bowel disease, complication, genetics, prediction, prognosis, [SDV.MHEP]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Human health and pathology
الوصف: International audience; Background The identification of patients at high risk of a disabling disease course would be invaluable in guiding initial therapy in Crohn’s disease (CD). Our objective was to evaluate a combination of clinical, serological, and genetic factors to predict complicated disease course in pediatric-onset CD. Methods Data for pediatric-onset CD patients, diagnosed before 17 years of age between 1988 and 2004 and followed more than 5 years, were extracted from the population-based EPIMAD registry. The main outcome was defined by the occurrence of complicated behavior (stricturing or penetrating) and/or intestinal resection within the 5 years following diagnosis. Lasso logistic regression models were used to build a predictive model based on clinical data at diagnosis, serological data (ASCA, pANCA, anti-OmpC, anti-Cbir1, anti-Fla2, anti-Flax), and 369 candidate single nucleotide polymorphisms. Results In total, 156 children with an inflammatory (B1) disease at diagnosis were included. Among them, 35% (n = 54) progressed to a complicated behavior or an intestinal resection within the 5 years following diagnosis. The best predictive model (PREDICT-EPIMAD) included the location at diagnosis, pANCA, and 6 single nucleotide polymorphisms. This model showed good discrimination and good calibration, with an area under the curve of 0.80 after correction for optimism bias (sensitivity, 79%, specificity, 74%, positive predictive value, 61%, negative predictive value, 87%). Decision curve analysis confirmed the clinical utility of the model. Conclusions A combination of clinical, serotypic, and genotypic variables can predict disease progression in this population-based pediatric-onset CD cohort. Independent validation is needed before it can be used in clinical practice.
اللغة: English
تدمد: 1078-0998
الوصول الحر: https://explore.openaire.eu/search/publication?articleId=od______4254::88558102a742d28c4787e5b282e5e87bTest
رقم الانضمام: edsair.od......4254..88558102a742d28c4787e5b282e5e87b
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