يعرض 1 - 10 نتائج من 21 نتيجة بحث عن '"HTA report"', وقت الاستعلام: 1.12s تنقيح النتائج
  1. 1

    المصدر: GMS Health Technology Assessment

    مصطلحات موضوعية: accuracy study, bone graft, validation studies as topic, models, economic, bone substitutes/therapeutic use, technology assessment, biomedical, cost analysis, humans, judgment, specifity, cross-over studies, report, traumatology, evaluation, HTA, review literature as topic, risk assessment, clinical trial, health policy, technical report, medical economics, meta-analysis as topic, bone fracture, cost-cutting, technology, cost reduction, medical evaluation, randomization, Article, medical costs, cost minimization, placebos, multicenter studies as topic, blinding, health technology assessment, sickness costs, HTA-report, randomisation, HTA report, blinded study, accident, clinical study, technology assessment, bone substitutes/economics, economic aspect, randomized clinical trial, sensitivity, ethics, randomised trial, prospective studies, CCT, multicenter study, sensitivity and specificity, randomized controlled trial, bone transplantation, randomised controlled trial, economic model, meta analysis, health funding, evidence based medicine, bone substitutes, assessment, costs, randomized controlled trials as topic, fractures, bone, randomised clinical trial, systematic review, pharmacoeconomics, randomized trial, health economics, health economic study, controlled clinical study, clinical trials as topic, cost effectiveness, health, medical laboratory science, medical efficacy, randomised clinical study, research article, TA, controlled clinical trials as topic, economics, medical, validation study, technology evaluation, evidence-based medicine, RCT, CT, EBM, review, effectiveness, socioeconomic factors, bone and bones, costs and cost analysis, decision making, evaluation study, socioeconomics, randomized clinical study, cost-effectiveness, cost control, medical assessment, controlled clinical trial, cost minimisation, cost-benefit analysis, random, socioeconomic factor, randomised study, blinded trial, review literature, economics, blinded, meta-analysis, efficiency, fracture, medical technology, academic review, evaluation studies as topic, placebo, placebo effect, social economic factor, research-article, random allocation, randomized study

  2. 2

    المؤلفون: Hagen, A, Gorenoi, V, Schönermark, MP

    المصدر: GMS Health Technology Assessment; VOL: 8; DOC04 /20120614/

    مصطلحات موضوعية: ökonomisches Modell, KNOCHENERSATZMITTEL, medizinische Kosten, TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT, BIOMEDICAL, akademisches Review, Risikoabschätzung, validation studies as topic, models, economic, Meta-Analyse, bone substitutes/therapeutic use, RISK ASSESSMENT, ECONOMICS, MEDICAL, Effizienz, humans, judgment, specifity, report, traumatology, Ökonomie, FRAKTUREN, KNOCHEN, HTA, review literature as topic, Übersichtsliteratur, clinical trial, health policy, ärztliche Ökonomie, akademische Übersicht, technology, Kostensenkung, randomisierte kontrollierte Studien, SOZIALÖKONOMISCHE FAKTOREN, medical evaluation, kontrollierte klinische Studien, CLINICAL TRIALS AS TOPIC, Metaanalyse, SENSITIVITY AND SPECIFICITY, multizentrische Studien, Zufall, placebos, Technikfolgen-Abschätzung, biomedizinische, multicenter studies as topic, prospektive Studien, health technology assessment, HTA-report, Traumatologie, HTA report, Gesundheitsökonomie, Genauigkeitsstudie, bone substitutes/economics, randomized clinical trial, sensitivity, systematische Übersicht, META-ANALYSIS AS TOPIC, TECHNOLOGIE, multicenter study, randomized controlled trial, meta analysis, health funding, evidence based medicine, assessment, costs, fractures, bone, randomised clinical trial, health economics, health economic study, COST CONTROL, cost effectiveness, COSTS AND COST ANALYSIS, Beurteilung, Verblindung, health, medical laboratory science, RANDOMISIERUNG, Sensitivität, randomised clinical study, RANDOM ALLOCATION, research article, TA, BONE AND BONES, controlled clinical trials as topic, Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse, technology evaluation, GESUNDHEITSPOLITIK, evidence-based medicine, CT, Knochenfraktur, wirtschaftlicher Aspekt, EFFICIENCY, EBM, Forschungsartikel, medizinische Evaluation, EVALUATION STUDIES AS TOPIC, KNOCHENTRANSPLANTATION, review, effectiveness, socioeconomic factors, sozioökonomischer Faktor, decision making, evaluation study, socioeconomics, Entscheidungsfindung, Mensch, PLAZEBOS, Evaluationsstudien, VALIDIERUNGSSTUDIEN, ÖKONOMIE, ÄRZTLICHE, ECONOMICS, controlled clinical trial, cost minimisation, cost-benefit analysis, Technologie, medizinische, blinded trial, Knochenbruch, KNOCHEN, PROSPECTIVE STUDIES, PLACEBO EFFECT, meta-analysis, fracture, placebo, research-article, randomized study, BONE TRANSPLANTATION, accuracy study, bone graft, Kostendämpfung, medizinische Beurteilung, Kostenminimierung, cost analysis, Kostenanalyse, Technology Assessment, Sozialökonomie, cross-over studies, medizinische Wirksamkeit, evaluation, Knochentransplantat, technical report, medical economics, bone fracture, Kosten, BONE SUBSTITUTES, cost-cutting, KLINISCHE STUDIEN, cost reduction, evidenzbasierte Medizin, Bruch, Gesundheitsfinanzierung, PLAZEBOEFFEKT, randomization, Plazebo, medical costs, verblindet, HTA Bericht, cost minimization, blinding, sickness costs, randomisation, blinded study, Technologiebewertung, accident, clinical study, economic aspect, ethics, randomised trial, CCT, randomised controlled trial, randomisierte klinische Studie, economic model, Kostenreduktion, Krankheitskosten, randomized controlled trials as topic, Pharmaökonomie, SENSITIVITÄT UND SPEZIFITÄT, Bericht, systematic review, pharmacoeconomics, medizinische Bewertung, randomized trial, HTA-Bericht, KOSTEN UND KOSTENANALYSE, controlled clinical study, Modelle, ökonomische, medizinische Technologie, Kosteneffektivität, Kosten-Effektivität, medical efficacy, Knochenersatzmaterialien, Technologiebeurteilung, technischer Bericht, ddc: 610, validation study, randomisierte Studie, Wirksamkeit, RCT, Ethik, gesundheitsökonomische Studie, systematisches Review, Fraktur, Übersichtsarbeit, randomized clinical study, Spezifität, Technologieevaluation, cost-effectiveness, GUTACHTENBASIERTE MEDIZIN, GESUNDHEIT, medical assessment, random, socioeconomic factor, randomised study, review literature, blinded, medical technology, ökonomischer Aspekt, sozialökonomischer Faktor, academic review, Bewertung, social economic factor, CROSS-OVER-STUDIEN, Kostenkontrolle, Effektivität

  3. 3

    المصدر: GMS Health Technology Assessment, Vol 8, p Doc05 (2012)

    مصطلحات موضوعية: cognitive-behavioral therapy, evidence based medicine, kognitive Verhaltenstherapie, cognitive behaviour treatment, technology assessment, biomedical, Mind-Body Therapie, depressive disorder, systematic review, Technology Assessment, cognitive-behavioural treatment, therapeutics, HTA-Bericht, Burnout, Phytotherapie, humans, depressive Störung, qigong, lcsh:R723-726, kognitive Therapie, Stressmanagement, treatment, Stressmanagementtraining, Depression, Burnout-Syndrom, HTA, review literature as topic, Burnout, berufliches, Health Technology Assessment, Übersichtsliteratur, mind-body therapies, mind-body therapy, autosuggestive und Entspannungstechniken, TA, lcsh:R855-855.5, burnout intervention study, rhodiola, cognitive-behavioural therapy, evidenzbasierte Medizin, evidence-based medicine, Musiktherapie, Therapie, prognostic instrument, stress management training, lcsh:Medical technology, cognitive behavior therapy, cognitive behavior treatment, EBM, KVT, music therapy, systematisches Review, Behandlungsergebnis, individual-focused intervention, review, CBT, rhodiola rosea, Körperpsychotherapie, burnout, professional, Burnout, Interventionsstudie, Rosenwurz, HTA Bericht, relaxation, Übersichtsarbeit, Mensch, cognitive-behavioral treatment, Behandlung, Technikfolgen-Abschätzung, biomedizinische, HTA-report, HTA report, therapy, cognitive behaviour therapy, phytotherapy, review literature, Psychotherapie, person-directed intervention, systematische Übersicht, psychotherapy, Prognoseinstrument, cognitive therapy, treatment outcome, Entspannung, gutachtenbasierte Medizin, lcsh:Medical philosophy. Medical ethics, Burnout-Therapie

  4. 4

    المصدر: GMS Health Technology Assessment, Vol 8, p Doc04 (2012)

    مصطلحات موضوعية: ökonomisches Modell, medizinische Kosten, akademisches Review, Risikoabschätzung, validation studies as topic, models, economic, Meta-Analyse, bone substitutes/therapeutic use, Effizienz, humans, judgment, specifity, report, traumatology, Ökonomie, HTA, review literature as topic, Übersichtsliteratur, clinical trial, health policy, ärztliche Ökonomie, akademische Übersicht, lcsh:R855-855.5, technology, Kostensenkung, randomisierte kontrollierte Studien, medical evaluation, kontrollierte klinische Studien, Metaanalyse, multizentrische Studien, Zufall, placebos, Technikfolgen-Abschätzung, biomedizinische, multicenter studies as topic, prospektive Studien, health technology assessment, HTA-report, Traumatologie, HTA report, Gesundheitsökonomie, Genauigkeitsstudie, bone substitutes/economics, randomized clinical trial, sensitivity, systematische Übersicht, multicenter study, sensitivity and specificity, randomized controlled trial, meta analysis, health funding, evidence based medicine, assessment, costs, fractures, bone, randomised clinical trial, health economics, health economic study, sozialökonomische Faktoren, cost effectiveness, Beurteilung, Verblindung, health, medical laboratory science, Sensitivität, randomised clinical study, research article, TA, controlled clinical trials as topic, Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse, technology evaluation, evidence-based medicine, CT, Knochenfraktur, wirtschaftlicher Aspekt, EBM, Forschungsartikel, medizinische Evaluation, review, effectiveness, socioeconomic factors, bone and bones, sozioökonomischer Faktor, costs and cost analysis, decision making, evaluation study, socioeconomics, Entscheidungsfindung, Mensch, Evaluationsstudien, cost control, controlled clinical trial, cost minimisation, cost-benefit analysis, Technologie, medizinische, blinded trial, Knochenbruch, economics, meta-analysis, fracture, evaluation studies as topic, placebo, research-article, random allocation, randomized study, accuracy study, bone graft, Technologie, Kostendämpfung, medizinische Beurteilung, technology assessment, biomedical, Kostenminimierung, cost analysis, Kostenanalyse, Technology Assessment, Sozialökonomie, cross-over studies, medizinische Wirksamkeit, lcsh:R723-726, evaluation, Knochentransplantat, Knochenersatzmittel, risk assessment, technical report, Knochentransplantation, medical economics, meta-analysis as topic, bone fracture, Kosten, cost-cutting, cost reduction, evidenzbasierte Medizin, lcsh:Medical technology, Bruch, Gesundheitsfinanzierung, randomization, Plazebo, medical costs, verblindet, HTA Bericht, cost minimization, blinding, sickness costs, klinische Studien, randomisation, blinded study, Technologiebewertung, accident, Plazeboeffekt, clinical study, economic aspect, ethics, randomised trial, prospective studies, CCT, Knochen, bone transplantation, lcsh:Medical philosophy. Medical ethics, randomised controlled trial, randomisierte klinische Studie, economic model, Kostenreduktion, bone substitutes, Krankheitskosten, randomized controlled trials as topic, Pharmaökonomie, Randomisierung, Bericht, systematic review, pharmacoeconomics, medizinische Bewertung, randomized trial, HTA-Bericht, controlled clinical study, clinical trials as topic, Modelle, ökonomische, medizinische Technologie, Kosteneffektivität, Kosten-Effektivität, medical efficacy, Knochenersatzmaterialien, Technologiebeurteilung, technischer Bericht, economics, medical, validation study, randomisierte Studie, Gesundheitspolitik, Wirksamkeit, RCT, Ethik, gesundheitsökonomische Studie, Validierungsstudien, systematisches Review, Fraktur, Übersichtsarbeit, randomized clinical study, Spezifität, Technologieevaluation, cost-effectiveness, medical assessment, Frakturen, Knochen, random, socioeconomic factor, Gesundheit, randomised study, review literature, blinded, efficiency, medical technology, ökonomischer Aspekt, sozialökonomischer Faktor, academic review, placebo effect, Bewertung, social economic factor, Kostenkontrolle, gutachtenbasierte Medizin, Effektivität

  5. 5

    المصدر: GMS Health Technology Assessment, Vol 8, p Doc03 (2012)

    مصطلحات موضوعية: hormone level, plant extracts, diagnosis, menopause, postmenopausal woman, Hormonpräparat, hot flashes, Technology Assessment, therapeutics, randomisierte kontrollierte Studie, medical treatment, humans, Lebensqualität, lcsh:R723-726, Health Technology Assessment, HTA, review literature as topic, Übersichtsliteratur, Frauen, symptom, Wechseljahre, cure, vasomotor symptom, hormone replacement therapy, komplementäre Therapieverfahren/*Ökonomie, Diagnose, lcsh:R855-855.5, biomedizinische, Entspannungstherapie, evidenzbasierte Medizin, randomisierte kontrollierte Studien, Heilmethode, Postmenopause, Hormonspiegel, lcsh:Medical technology, postmenopausale Frau, Behandlungsmethode, Akupunktur, biomedical, Gesundheitszustand der, komplementäre Therapieverfahren, Diagnostik, HTA Bericht, Behandlung, HTA-report, HTA report, influence, hormones, Technologiebewertung, climacteric disorders, hormonotherapy, systematische Übersicht, komplementäre Therapieverfahren/*unerwünschte Nebenwirkungen, quality of life, Wechseljahresbeschwerden, randomized controlled trial, complementary therapies/*economics, lcsh:Medical philosophy. Medical ethics, complementary therapies, randomised controlled trial, efficacy, randomized controlled trials as topic, relaxation therapy, climacteric, randomized controlled study, treatment method, Klimakterium, systematic review, HTA-Bericht, Phytotherapie, Hitzewallungen, vasomotorisches Symptom, cost effectiveness, treatment, randomised controlled study, komplementäre Therapieverfahren/*Standard, Kosteneffektivität, Kosten-Effektivität, life quality, female, TA, hormone preparation, Wirksamkeit, evidence-based medicine, relaxation technique, Therapie, acupuncture, RCT, Pflanzenextrakte, EBM, complementary therapies/*adverse effects, systematisches Review, Behandlungsergebnis, review, complementary therapies/*standards, effectiveness, method of treatment, complemtary medicine, change of life, Übersichtsarbeit, Mensch, cost-effectiveness, therapy, Wechseljahrsbeschwerden, weiblich, phytotherapy, review literature, Hormontherapie, Entspannungstechnik, women's health, Hormone, Technikfolgen-Abschätzung, ergänzende Heilmethode, alternative treatment method, Hormon-Substitutionsbehandlung, treatment outcome, alternative Behandlungsmethode, Einfluss, gutachtenbasierte Medizin, Effektivität

  6. 6

    مصطلحات موضوعية: accuracy study, bone graft, validation studies as topic, models, economic, bone substitutes/therapeutic use, technology assessment, biomedical, cost analysis, humans, judgment, specifity, cross-over studies, report, traumatology, evaluation, HTA, review literature as topic, risk assessment, clinical trial, health policy, technical report, medical economics, 610 Medical sciences, Medicine, meta-analysis as topic, bone fracture, cost-cutting, technology, cost reduction, medical evaluation, randomization, medical costs, cost minimization, placebos, multicenter studies as topic, blinding, health technology assessment, sickness costs, HTA-report, randomisation, HTA report, blinded study, accident, clinical study, technology assessment, bone substitutes/economics, economic aspect, randomized clinical trial, sensitivity, ethics, randomised trial, prospective studies, CCT, multicenter study, sensitivity and specificity, randomized controlled trial, bone transplantation, randomised controlled trial, economic model, meta analysis, health funding, evidence based medicine, bone substitutes, assessment, costs, randomized controlled trials as topic, fractures, bone, randomised clinical trial, systematic review, pharmacoeconomics, randomized trial, health economics, health economic study, controlled clinical study, clinical trials as topic, cost effectiveness, health, medical laboratory science, medical efficacy, randomised clinical study, research article, TA, controlled clinical trials as topic, economics, medical, validation study, technology evaluation, evidence-based medicine, RCT, CT, EBM, review, effectiveness, socioeconomic factors, bone and bones, costs and cost analysis, decision making, evaluation study, socioeconomics, randomized clinical study, cost-effectiveness, cost control, medical assessment, controlled clinical trial, cost minimisation, cost-benefit analysis, random, socioeconomic factor, randomised study, blinded trial, review literature, economics, blinded, meta-analysis, efficiency, fracture, medical technology, academic review, evaluation studies as topic, placebo, placebo effect, social economic factor, research-article, random allocation, randomized study

  7. 7

    المصدر: GMS Health Technology Assessment; VOL: 8; DOC03 /20120507/
    GMS Health Technology Assessment

    مصطلحات موضوعية: hormone level, plant extracts, diagnosis, menopause, postmenopausal woman, Hormonpräparat, technology assessment, biomedical, hot flashes, randomisierte kontrollierte Studie, therapeutics, DIAGNOSTIK, medical treatment, humans, Lebensqualität, BEHANDLUNGSERGEBNIS, Übersichtsliteratur, Health Technology Assessment, HTA, review literature as topic, 610 Medical sciences, Medicine, Wechseljahre, symptom, cure, vasomotor symptom, komplementäre Therapieverfahren/*Ökonomie, hormone replacement therapy, Diagnose, Entspannungstherapie, PFLANZENEXTRAKTE, evidenzbasierte Medizin, randomisierte kontrollierte Studien, Heilmethode, THERAPIE, Hormonspiegel, postmenopausale Frau, Behandlungsmethode, Akupunktur, Article, WEIBLICH, komplementäre Therapieverfahren, HORMONE, HTA Bericht, Behandlung, Technikfolgen-Abschätzung, biomedizinische, HTA-report, HTA report, Frauen, Gesundheitszustand der, influence, hormones, Technologiebewertung, climacteric disorders, technology assessment, hormonotherapy, systematische Übersicht, komplementäre Therapieverfahren/*unerwünschte Nebenwirkungen, quality of life, Wechseljahresbeschwerden, randomized controlled trial, complementary therapies/*economics, PHYTOTHERAPIE, complementary therapies, randomised controlled trial, efficacy, randomized controlled trials as topic, relaxation therapy, climacteric, randomized controlled study, treatment method, HITZEWALLUNGEN, Klimakterium, systematic review, HTA-Bericht, vasomotorisches Symptom, cost effectiveness, treatment, randomised controlled study, komplementäre Therapieverfahren/*Standard, Kosteneffektivität, Kosten-Effektivität, life quality, postmenopause, female, ddc: 610, TA, hormone preparation, Wirksamkeit, evidence-based medicine, relaxation technique, acupuncture, RCT, EBM, systematisches Review, complementary therapies/*adverse effects, review, complementary therapies/*standards, effectiveness, method of treatment, complemtary medicine, change of life, Übersichtsarbeit, Mensch, cost-effectiveness, GUTACHTENBASIERTE MEDIZIN, therapy, Wechseljahrsbeschwerden, phytotherapy, review literature, Hormontherapie, Entspannungstechnik, women's health, HORMON-SUBSTITUTIONSBEHANDLUNG, ergänzende Heilmethode, alternative treatment method, treatment outcome, alternative Behandlungsmethode, Einfluss, Effektivität

  8. 8

    المصدر: GMS Health Technology Assessment; VOL: 7; DOC06 /20110928/
    GMS Health Technology Assessment, Vol 7, p Doc06 (2011)
    GMS Health Technology Assessment

    مصطلحات موضوعية: OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH, TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT, BIOMEDICAL, Risikoabschätzung, demographic development, models, economic, Methodik, Meta-Analyse, Arbeitszeitregelungen, Auswirkungen von, Germany, DEMOGRAPHY, biomedical technology assessment, randomisierte kontrollierte Studie, RISK ASSESSMENT, Krankheitsentstehung, ECONOMICS, MEDICAL, Effizienz, humans, judgment, specifity, Pflege, report, Ökonomie, HTA, review literature as topic, Übersichtsliteratur, clinical trial, health policy, aged, lcsh:R855-855.5, MENTAL HEALTH, Diagnose, technology, juricical, Betriebsgesundheitsdienste, Kostensenkung, SOZIALÖKONOMISCHE FAKTOREN, medical evaluation, randomisierte Zuordnung, Metaanalyse, Article, methods, nursing staff/psychology, Zufall, placebos, health education, Behandlung, Technikfolgen-Abschätzung, biomedizinische, physische Gesundheit, Deutschland, HTA-report, HTA report, condition-oriented, Gesundheitsökonomie, health economic studies, randomized clinical trial, sensitivity, systematische Übersicht, Fehlzeiten, META-ANALYSIS AS TOPIC, ALTE MENSCHEN, TECHNOLOGIE, Kosten Effektivität, salutogenesis, fitness for employment, KONTROLLIERTE KLINISCHE STUDIEN, PRIMARY PREVENTION, risk of bias tool, meta analysis, ABSENTEEISM, costs, randomized controlled study, Pflegepersonal, sozioökonomische Faktoren, randomised clinical trial, gesundheitsökonomische Studien, nursing, Methoden, health economics, EbM, fitness for work, COSTS AND COST ANALYSIS, Rehabilitation, randomised controlled study, PSYCHISCHE GESUNDHEIT, Beurteilung, Verblindung, workableness, behaviour-oriented, RANDOMISIERUNG, randomised clinical study, RANDOM ALLOCATION, research article, controlled clinical trials as topic, workplace health promotion, Kosten und Kostenanalyse, Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse, technology evaluation, GESUNDHEITSPOLITIK, evidence-based medicine, randomisierter Versuch, CT, sozio-ökonomische Faktoren, EFFICIENCY, Forschungsartikel, review, effectiveness, socioeconomic factors, terms and condition of employment, Placeboeffekt, Prävention, decision making, socioeconomics, Entscheidungsfindung, Mensch, PLAZEBOS, Sozioökonomie, care, health promotion, ÖKONOMIE, ÄRZTLICHE, cost control, therapy, ECONOMICS, cost-benefit analysis, working conditions, Technologie, medizinische, population development, PLACEBO EFFECT, rigths, meta-analysis, orderlies, placebo, randomized study, Krankenpflegepersonal/*Psychologie, economic, diagnosis, DEMOGRAPHIE, Krankenpflegepersonal/*Standard, medizinische Beurteilung, workload, Pathogenese, prevention, Kostenminimierung, cost analysis, Kostenanalyse, Work Schedule Tolerance, Gesundheitsförderung, TECHNOLOGY, MEDICAL, Vorsorge, lcsh:R723-726, Health Technology Assessment, technical report, 610 Medical sciences, Medicine, meta analysis as topic, nursing staff/standards, Kosten, kontrollierte klinische Versuche, cost-cutting, Krankenpflegepersonal, MENSCHENRECHTE, cost reduction, evidenzbasierte Medizin, primäre Prävention, lcsh:Medical technology, ability to work, Gesundheitsfinanzierung, Arbeitsfähigkeit, PLAZEBOEFFEKT, randomization, Plazebo, biomedical, medical costs, verblindet, OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH SERVICES, blinding, sickness costs, randomisation, Bevölkerungsentwicklung, Technologiebewertung, accident, technology assessment, economic aspect, ethics, randomised trial, Reha, CCT, Gesundheitserziehung, HUMAN RIGHTS, lcsh:Medical philosophy. Medical ethics, physical health, randomised controlled trial, randomisierte klinische Studie, Kostenreduktion, Krankheitskosten, Sensitivitä, efficacy, kontrollierte klinische Studie, randomized controlled trials as topic, Pharmaökonomie, medical, systematic review, Salutogenese, medizinische Bewertung, randomized trial, HTA-Bericht, treatment, Modelle, ökonomische, NURSING STAFF, pathogenesis, medizinische Technologie, verhältnisorientiert, Kosteneffektivität, Kosten-Effektivität, Technologiebeurteilung, social economic factors, Recht, ddc: 610, randomisierte Studie, Wirksamkeit, verhaltensorientiert, Therapie, RCT, Ethik, Arbeitsbedingungen, Arbeitsbelastung, RANDOMISIERTE KONTROLLIERTE STUDIEN, models, Übersichtsarbeit, randomized clinical study, Spezifität, betriebliche Gesundheitsförderung, cost-effectiveness, GUTACHTENBASIERTE MEDIZIN, medical assessment, random, Gesundheit, randomised study, review literature, Gesundheitsvorsorge am Arbeitsplatz, klinische Studie, blinded, pharmaeconomics, ökonomischer Aspekt, academic review, Kostenkontrolle, Effektivität

  9. 9

    المصدر: GMS Health Technology Assessment; VOL: 7; DOC05 /20110915/
    GMS Health Technology Assessment, Vol 7, p Doc05 (2011)
    GMS Health Technology Assessment

    مصطلحات موضوعية: Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung, Zusatzleistung, TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT, BIOMEDICAL, offer, Risikoabschätzung, Methodik, individual health services, biomedical technology assessment, RISK ASSESSMENT, glaucoma/economics, ECONOMICS, MEDICAL, Effizienz, humans, specifity, report, Nachfrage, interviews as topic, Ökonomie, HTA, review literature as topic, Übersichtsliteratur, supplementary benefit, lcsh:R855-855.5, Selbstbeteiligung, self retention, technology, juricical, Kostensenkung, SOZIALÖKONOMISCHE FAKTOREN, insurance, mass screening, medical evaluation, Glaukom, CLINICAL TRIALS AS TOPIC, add-on benefit, ENDOMETRIAL NEOPLASMS/ECONOMICS, Article, methods, additional benefit, Behandlung, GOÄ, Technikfolgen-Abschätzung, biomedizinische, survey, health technology assessment, private health insurance, Wunschsystem, HTA-report, HTA report, Individuelle Gesundheitsleistung, Gesundheitsökonomie, screening, commercialisation, Angemessenheit, health economic studies, sensitivity, systematische Übersicht, HEALTH CARE COSTS/*ETHICS, META-ANALYSIS AS TOPIC, TECHNOLOGIE, Kosten Effektivität, KONTROLLIERTE KLINISCHE STUDIEN, G-BA, VERSICHERUNGSLEISTUNGEN, evidence based medicine, costs, health care costs, return of costs, sozioökonomische Faktoren, gesundheitsökonomische Studien, Therapiefreiheit, Methoden, Kommerzialisierung, health economics, cost-benefit analyses, cost effectiveness, EbM, Glaukomscreening, COSTS AND COST ANALYSIS, Beurteilung, health, Doctor's duty to give patients information, Sensitivität, clinical freedom, controlled clinical trials as topic, reimbursement, Kosten und Kostenanalyse, Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse, technology evaluation, sozio-ökonomische Faktoren, EFFICIENCY, EVALUATION STUDIES AS TOPIC, review, effectiveness, Arzt-Patient-Beziehungen/*Ethik, socioeconomic factors, Prävention, decision making, socioeconomics, Entscheidungsfindung, Mensch, Sozioökonomie, care, ÖKONOMIE, ÄRZTLICHE, cost control, therapy, ECONOMICS, Technologie, medizinische, Federal Joint Commitee, medizinische Versorgungskosten, PHYSICIAN-PATIENT RELATIONS/*ETHICS, VUS, preventive services, Endometriumtumoren, random allocation, Gemeinsamer Bundesausschuss, Reihenuntersuchung, catalogue of benefits, diagnosis, Angebot, health care costs/*standards, cost repayment, medizinische Beurteilung, co-payment, prevention, Kostenminimierung, cost analysis, Kostenanalyse, Informationspflicht, preventive benefits, catalogue of services, IGeL, INSURANCE, HEALTH, REIMBURSEMENT, TECHNOLOGY, MEDICAL, Glaukom/Ökonomie, Vorsorge, lcsh:R723-726, Private Krankenversicherung, technical report, demand, Vaginaler Ultraschall, 610 Medical sciences, Medicine, vaginal ultrasound, obligation to pay, statutory health insurance, meta analysis as topic, Endometriumtumoren/Ökonomie, Kosten, cost-cutting, KLINISCHE STUDIEN, PKV, cost reduction, evidenzbasierte Medizin, COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS, lcsh:Medical technology, endometrial neoplasms, Gesundheitsfinanzierung, benefit package, randomization, biomedical, medical costs, HTA Bericht, randomisation, interview, freedom of therapy, Technologiebewertung, accident, technology assessment, economic aspect, ethics, GKV, glaucoma, METAANALYSE, lcsh:Medical philosophy. Medical ethics, EVIDENCE-BASED MEDICINE, Kostenreduktion, Krankheitskosten, private service, efficacy, randomized controlled trials as topic, Selbstzahlerleistung, Privatleistung, appropriateness, Gebührenordnung, medical, poll, systematic review, medizinische Bewertung, EVALUATIONSSTUDIEN, HTA-Bericht, INTERVIEWS, medizinische Versorgungskosten/*Ethik, treatment, medizinische Versorgungskosten/*Standard, INSURANCE BENEFITS, medizinische Technologie, Kosteneffektivität, Kosten-Effektivität, Versicherung, Kranken-, Leistung, Technologiebeurteilung, social economic factors, Krankenkasse, ddc: 610, fee schedule, Wirksamkeit, Therapie, Ethik, obligation to render services, Kostenerstattung, RANDOMISIERTE KONTROLLIERTE STUDIEN, health insurance fund, ärztliche Aufklärungspflicht, obligation to supply services, Übersichtsarbeit, Spezifität, Versorgungsauftrag, cost-effectiveness, Eigenleistung, GUTACHTENBASIERTE MEDIZIN, commercialization, medical assessment, range of benefits, random, review literature, reimbursement of costs, Wahlsystem, screening for glaucoma, ökonomischer Aspekt, Kostenkontrolle, Effektivität

  10. 10

    المصدر: GMS Health Technology Assessment, Vol 7, p Doc04 (2011)
    GMS Health Technology Assessment; VOL: 7; DOC04 /20110722/
    GMS Health Technology Assessment

    مصطلحات موضوعية: economic evaluation, universal prevention, TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT, BIOMEDICAL, drinking, validation studies as topic, models, economic, Methodik, Meta-Analyse, randomisierte kontrollierte Studie, ECONOMICS, MEDICAL, Effizienz, Koma-Trinken, judgment, specifity, youth, HTA, Diagnose, lcsh:R855-855.5, kontrollierte klinische Studien, medical evaluation, behaviour therapy, Jugendliche, methods, placebos, multicenter studies as topic, ökonomische Bewertung, prospektive Studien, HTA report, alkoholinduzierte Störungen, SINGLE-BLIND METHOD, Genauigkeitsstudie, health economic studies, DOPPELBLINDMETHODE, alcohol drinking, systematische Übersicht, MULTIZENTRISCHE STUDIEN, META-ANALYSIS AS TOPIC, ADOLESZENT, PSYCHOTHERAPY, GROUP, meta analysis, school-based prevention, evidence based medicine, blood alcohol level, costs, randomized controlled study, randomised clinical trial, gesundheitsökonomische Studien, Alkoholbesteuerung, Methoden, psychologic disorder, Jugendalkoholismus, cost-benefit analyses, cross-over trials, high school, Programmbewertung, alcoholism, cost effectiveness, early adulthood, Beurteilung, health, cognitive behavioural therapy, trial, protection, controlled clinical trials as topic, ELTERN, Saufen, DOUBLE-BLIND METHOD, Kosten und Kostenanalyse, Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse, community, young adult, GESUNDHEITSPOLITIK, randomisierter Versuch, Alkoholprävention, universelle Prävention, trial, cross-over, review, Kurzintervention, effectiveness, Alkoholpräventionsprogramme, socioeconomic factors, PSYCHOTHERAPIE, Prävention, health problem, Schutz, Entscheidungsfindung, PLAZEBOS, VALIDIERUNGSSTUDIEN, Verhältnisprävention, MENSCH, Delirium, binge drinking, meta-analysis, sektorübergreifende Prävention, PROGRAMMEVALUIERUNG, Jugend, evaluation studies as topic, alcohol policy, economic, alcohol abuse, mulitcentre, medizinische Beurteilung, intoxication, prevention, Kostenanalyse, cost analysis, Schulen, Halbwüchsige, law, cross-over studies, benefit, Prophylaxe, risk assessment, program evaluation, Kosten, kontrollierte klinische Versuche, cost-cutting, media campaign, cost reduction, Alkoholabusus, primäre Prävention, COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS, Alkoholabstinenz, lcsh:Medical technology, alcohol consumption, school, boy, rehabilitation, blinding, crossover, undergraduates, Präventionsprogramme, Verhaltensprävention, Cross-over-Studien, STUDENTEN, Technologiebewertung, Plazeboeffekt, aggressiveness, technology assessment, economic aspect, ethics, randomised trial, psychotherapy, kids, HUMAN RIGHTS, METAANALYSE, Werbung, alkoholbedingte Störungen, juristische Aspekte, TRINKVERHALTEN, Kostenreduktion, Krankheitskosten, psychische Störung, alcohol dependence, efficacy, Konsum, randomized controlled trials as topic, Aggressionspotential, Pharmaökonomie, multicenter, medical, community-based prevention, HTA-Bericht, behavior therapy, Gesetz, cross-over, social aspects, alcoholic intoxication, child, controlled clinical study, TECHNOLOGIE, MEDIZINISCHE, Modelle, ökonomische, clinical trials as topic, treatment, alcohol-related problems, Gesundheitsproblem, medizinische Technologie, alcohol misuse, social economic factors, Recht, ddc: 610, problematischer Alkoholkonsum, Komasaufen, Wirksamkeit, prophylaxis, Motivationsintervention, universities, pre-teen, alcohol use disorder, randomized clinical study, at-risk college drinkers, medical assessment, Alkoholmissbrauch, Gesundheit, Universität, random, social care, alcohol dependency, adolescent, Alkoholpolitik, Risikotrinker, Effektivität, behavioral measures, Rausch, alcohol-related disorders, Risikoabschätzung, blood alcohol, Motivierungsprogramm, biomedical technology assessment, KOGNITIVE THERAPIE, Pflege, humans, report, Schulkultur, ALKOHOLGENUß, Ökonomie, Übersichtsliteratur, review literature as topic, clinical trial, health policy, Rechte, technology, family therapy, Kostensenkung, randomisierte kontrollierte Studien, SOZIALÖKONOMISCHE FAKTOREN, Sozialmedizin, Alkoholmißbrauch, Aggressionspotenzial, randomisierte Zuordnung, Minderjährige, Jugendschutzgesetz, Komatrinken, schools, Alkoholsucht, Article, Blutalkohol, Zufall, Behandlung, FAMILIE, selective prevention, health technology assessment, HTA-report, validation studies, Gesundheitsökonomie, Alkoholzufuhr, COGNITIVE THERAPY, KIND, alcohol use, FAMILIENTHERAPIE, randomized clinical trial, sensitivity, riskanter Alkoholkonsum, TECHNOLOGIE, randomized controlled trial, underage, Trunksucht, Nutzen, tax on alcohol, sozioökonomische Faktoren, alkoholbezogene Probleme, VERHALTENSTHERAPIE, SCHULEN UND AUSBILDUNGSSTÄTTEN, health economics, motivation programme, schulbasierte Prävention, ALKOHOLVERGIFTUNG, ALKOHOLISMUS, randomised controlled study, parents, RANDOMISIERUNG, Sensitivität, PSYCHOTHERAPIE, GRUPPEN, randomised clinical study, research article, technology evaluation, alcohol addiction, evidence-based medicine, UNIVERSITÄTEN, Alkoholintoxikation, CT, sozio-ökonomische Faktoren, potential of aggressiveness, EBM, TECHNIKFOLGEN-ABSCHÄTZUNG, BIOMEDIZINISCHE, Forschungsartikel, Placeboeffekt, Multikomponentenprogramm, blood alcohol concentration, costs and cost analysis, decision making, socioeconomics, teenager, Alkoholkonsum, Evaluationsstudien, Sozioökonomie, care, ÖKONOMIE, ÄRZTLICHE, cost control, therapy, controlled clinical trial, blinded trial, economics, infant, hazardous drinking, placebo, research-article, random allocation, randomized study, alcoholic, family, intoxication, alcoholic, diagnosis, Alkoholsteuer, sector-based prevention, JUNGER ERWACHSENER, multicenter trial, Kostenminimierung, social therapy, alcohol intervention, Interventionsprogramme, extraordinary tax, TECHNOLOGY, MEDICAL, Vorsorge, youth alcoholism, lcsh:R723-726, prohibition, technical report, 610 Medical sciences, Medicine, brief motivational intervention, meta analysis as topic, KLINISCHE STUDIEN, MENSCHENRECHTE, evidenzbasierte Medizin, JURISPRUDENCE, binge-drinking, tax increase, Intervention, Plazebo, randomization, biomedical, verblindet, medical costs, Jugendkriminalität, HTA Bericht, trial, crossover, Alkoholabhängigkeit, soziale Aspekte, Aggressivität, alcohol prevention programs, Gemeinschaft, sickness costs, randomisation, EINFACHBLINDMETHODE, Alkoholgenuss, blinded study, accident, clinical study, prospective studies, CCT, inebriation, rights, lcsh:Medical philosophy. Medical ethics, randomised controlled trial, randomisierte klinische Studie, indikative Prävention, primary prevention, verhaltenbezogene Maßnahmen, indicative prevention, systematic review, medizinische Bewertung, cost, randomized trial, gemeindenahe Prävention, students, juridical, drinking behavior, Kosteneffektivität, Kosten-Effektivität, Technologiebeurteilung, RECHTSPRECHUNG, at-risk drinking, randomisierte Studie, Therapie, prevention campaign, RCT, Ethik, cognitive behavior therapy, Alkoholverbrauch, ethical aspects, abstinence from alcohol, drinking behaviour, Technikfolgenabschätzung, biomedizinische, Steuererhöhung, models, Übersichtsarbeit, social skills, Medien, Spezifität, cost-effectiveness, GUTACHTENBASIERTE MEDIZIN, Vorbeugung, school culture, randomised study, review literature, Heranwachsende, Sondersteuer, blinded, pharmaeconomics, alcohol taxation, efficiency, Alkoholrausch, academic review, Koma-Saufen, placebo effect, Kostenkontrolle