دورية أكاديمية

Final results from the PERUSE study of first-line pertuzumab plus trastuzumab plus a taxane for HER2-positive locally recurrent or metastatic breast cancer, with a multivariable approach to guide prognostication

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Final results from the PERUSE study of first-line pertuzumab plus trastuzumab plus a taxane for HER2-positive locally recurrent or metastatic breast cancer, with a multivariable approach to guide prognostication
المؤلفون: Miles D, Ciruelos E, Schneeweiss A, Puglisi F, Peretz-Yablonski T, Campone M, Bondarenko I, Nowecki Z, Errihani H, Paluch-Shimon S, Wardley A, Merot JL, Trask P, du Toit Y, Pena-Murillo C, Revelant V, Klingbiel D, Bachelot T, T. Bachelot (France), K. Bouzid (Algeria), M. Campone, I. Desmoulins/B. Coudert (France), I. Bondarenko (Ukraine), Z. Nowecki/I. Glogowska (Poland), E. Ciruelos Gil (Spain), H. Errihani (Morocco), F. Dalenc, F. Ricci/V. Dieras (France), B. Kaufman/S. PaluchShimon (Israel), A. Wardley (UK), A. Schneeweiss (Germany), A. Ferreira (Portugal), M. Mano (Brazil), H. Kalofonos (Greece), C. Andreetta/F. Puglisi, F. Montemurro (Italy), S. Barrett (UK), Q. Zhang (China), D. Mavroudis (Greece), J. Matus/C. Villarreal Garza (Mexico), C. Beato/G. Ismael (Brazil), X. Hu (China), H. Abdel Azeem, R. Gaafar (Egypt), C. Perrin/P. Kerbrat (France), J. Ettl/S. Paepke (Germany), E. Hitre/I. Lang (Hungary), M. Trudeau/S. Verma (Canada), H. Li (China), O. Hoffmann/B. Aktas (Germany), A. Cariello/G. Cruciani/A. Tienghi, C. Tondini (Italy), T. Al-Twegieri (Saudi Arabia), N. Loman (Sweden), R. Laing, D. Miles (UK), E. Brain (France), P. Fasching/M. Lux (Germany), A. Frassoldati (Italy), Z. Aziz (Pakistan), J. Salas (Peru), J. Streb/K. Krzemieniecki, A. Wronski (Poland), J. Garcia Garcia/S. Menjon Beltran (Spain), I. Cicin (Turkey), P. Schmid/C. Gallagher, N. Turner (UK), Z. Tong (China), K. Boer, B. Juhász/Z. Horvath (Hungary), G. Bianchini/L. Gianni, G. Curigliano (Italy), A. Juarez Ramiro (Mexico), S. Susnjar (Serbia), E. Matos (Slovenia), E. Sevillano/L. Garcia Estevez (Spain), E. Gokmen/R. Uslu (Turkey), H. Wildiers (Belgium), F. Schutz/M. Cruz (Brazil), H. Bourgeois (France), R. von Schumann (Germany), S. Stemmer (Israel), A. Dominguez, F. MoralesVásques (Mexico), M. Wojtukiewicz (Poland), J. Trifunovic (Serbia), M. J. Echarri Gonzalez, J. Illarramendi Mañas, E. Martinez De Dueñas (Spain), N. Voitko (Ukraine), J. Hicks, S. Waters/P. Barrett-Lee, D. Wheatley (UK), R. De Boer (Australia), V. Cocquyt, G. Jerusalem (Belgium), C. Barrios (Brazil), L. Panasci (Canada), J. Mattson, M. Tanner (Finland), M. Gozy (France), G. Vasilopoulos/C. Papandreou (Greece), J. Revesz (Hungary), N. Battelli/G. Benedetti/L. Latini, C. Gridelli (Italy), J. Lazaro Leon (Mexico), J. Alarcón Company, A. Arance Fernandez, A. Barnadas Molins, I. Calvo Plaza/R. Bratos/A. Gonzalez Martin, Y. Izarzugaza Peron (Spain), L. Klint (Sweden), A. Kovalev (Ukraine), N. McCarthy, B. Yeo/D. Kee/J. Thomson/S. White (Australia), R. Greil (Austria), S. Wang (China), X. Artignan (France), I. Juhasz-Böess/A. Rody (Germany), R. Ngan (Hong Kong), F. Dourleshter/H. Goldberg (Israel), L. Doni/F. Di Costanzo, F. Ferraù (Italy), M. Drobniene/E. Aleknavicius (Lithuania), K. Rashid (Pakistan), L. Costa (Portugal), L. de la Cruz Merino, J. Garcia Saenz, R. López (Spain), O. Del Val Munoz (Sweden), O. Ozyilkan (Turkey), F. Azribi/H. Jaafar (United Arab Emirates), R. Baird, M. Verrill (UK), J. Beith (Australia), A. Petzer (Austria), J. Moreira de Andrade (Brazil), V. Bernstein/N. Macpherson, D. Rayson (Canada), I. Saad Eldin (Egypt), M. Achille, P. Augereau (France), V. Müller (Germany), A. Rasco/E. Evron/ D. Katz (Israel), R. Berardi/S. Cascinu, A. De Censi, A. Gennari, N. El-Saghir, M. Ghosn (Lebanon), H. M. Oosterkamp, J. Van den Bosch (The Netherlands), M. Kukulska/E. Kalinka (Poland), J. Alonso, E. Dalmau Portulas, M. Del Mar Gordon Santiago, I. Pelaez Fernandez (Spain), S. Aksoy/K. Altundag, H. Senol Coskun/H. Bozcuk (Turkey), Y. Shparyk (Ukraine), L. Barraclough, N. Levitt, U. Panwar/S. Kelly, A. Rigg, M. Varughese (UK), C. Castillo (Uruguay), L. Fein (Argentina), L. Malik/R. Stuart-Harris (Australia), C. Singer, H. Stoeger/H. Samonigg (Austria), J. Feng (China), M. Cedeño (Ecuador), J. Ruohola (Finland), J. -F. Berdah, A. Goncalves, H. Orfeuvre (France), E. -M. Grischke, E. Simon, S. Wagner (Germany), G. Koumakis, K. Papazisis (Greece), N. Ben Baruch, G. Fried, D. Geffen, N. Karminsky, T. Peretz (Israel), L. Cavanna, P. Pedrazzioli/D. Grasso, E. Ruggeri/G. D’Auria/L. Moscetti (Italy), E. Juozaityte (Lithuania), J. Rodriguez Cid (Mexico), H. Roerdink (The Netherlands), N. Siddiqi (Pakistan), J. Passos Coelho (Portugal), A. Arcediano Del Amo, E. Garcia Garre, M. García Gonzalez, A. Garcia-Palomo Perez, C. Herenandez Perez/P. Lopez Alvarez, M. H. Lopez De Ceballos, N. Martínez Jañez, M. Mele Olive (Spain), K. McAdam, T. Perren, G. Dunn, A. Humphreys, W. Taylor (UK), R. Vera (Venezuela), L. Kaen (Argentina), J. Andel, G. Steger (Austria), J. De Grève, M. Huizing (Belgium), R. Hegg (Brazil), A. Joy, P. Kuruvilla/S. Sehdev, S. Smiljanic (Canada), R. Kütner (Estonia), J. Alexandre, J. Grosjean, P. Laplaige, R. Largillier, P. Maes/P. Martin, V. Pottier (France), B. Christensen, F. Khandan, H. -J. Lück, D. -M. Zahm (Germany), C. Papandreou/G. Fountzilas/ V. Karavasilis (Greece), T. Safra/M. Inbar/L. Ryvo (Israel), A. Bonetti, E. Seles/A. Giacobino (Italy), Y. Chavarri Guerra (Mexico), F. de Jongh, A. van der Velden, L. van Warmerdam, S. Vrijaldenhoven/C. H. Smorenburg (The Netherlands), M. Cavero (Peru), R. Andres Conejero, A. Oltra Ferrando, A. Redondo Sanchez, N. Ribelles Entrena, S. Saura Grau, G. Viñas Vilaro (Spain), K. Bachmeier (Sweden), M. Beresford, M. Butt, J. Joffe, C. Poole, P. Woodings/P. Chakraborti (UK), G. Yordi (Venezuela), N. Woodward (Australia), A. Nobre/G. Luiz Amorim (Brazil), N. Califaretti, S. Fox, A. Robidoux (Canada), E. Li, N. Li, J. Jiang (China), T. Soria (Ecuador), P. Padrik (Estonia), O. Lahdenpera (Finland), H. Barletta, N. Dohollou, D. Genet, K. Prulhiere/D. Coeffic/T. Facchini, S. Vieillot/S. Catala, L. Teixeira (France), T. Hesse, T. Kühn, A. Ober, R. Repp, W. Schröder (Germany), D. Pectasides (Greece), G. Bodoky, Z. Kahan (Hungary), I. Jiveliouk, O. Rosengarten (Israel), V. Rossi/O. Alabiso (Italy), M. Pérez Martínez (Mexico), A. J. van de Wouw (The Netherlands), J. Smok-Kalwat/M. Damasecno (Poland), I. Augusto, G. Sousa (Portugal), A. Saadein/N. Abdelhafiez/O. Abulkhair (Saudi Arabia), A. Antón Torres, M. Corbellas Aparicio/R. Llorente Domenech, J. Florián Jerico, J. Garcia Mata, M. Gil Raga/A. Galan Brotons, A. Llombart Cussac, C. Llorca Ferrandiz, P. Martinez Del Prado, C. Olier Garate, C. Rodriguez Sanchez, R. Sanchez Gomez, M. Santisteban Eslava, J. Soberino/M. Vidal Losada Garcia, D. Soto de Prado, J. Torrego Garcia, E. Vicente Rubio/M. Garcia/A. Murias Rosales (Spain), H. Granstam Björneklett, U. Narbe (Sweden), M. Jafri/D. Rea, J. Newby/A. Jones, S. Westwell/A. Ring (UK), I. Alonso, R. Rodríguez (Uruguay).
المساهمون: D, Mile, E, Ciruelo, A, Schneewei, F, Puglisi, T, Peretz-Yablonski, M, Campone, I, Bondarenko, Z, Nowecki, H, Errihani, S, Paluch-Shimon, A, Wardley, Jl, Merot, P, Trask, Y, du Toit, C, Pena-Murillo, V, Revelant, D, Klingbiel, T, Bachelot, Bachelot (France), T., Bouzid (Algeria), K., Campone, M., Coudert (France), I. Desmoulins/B., Bondarenko (Ukraine), I., Glogowska (Poland), Z. Nowecki/I., Ciruelos Gil (Spain), E., Errihani (Morocco), H., Dalenc, F., Dieras (France), F. Ricci/V., PaluchShimon (Israel), B. Kaufman/S., Wardley (UK), A., Schneeweiss (Germany), A., Ferreira (Portugal), A., Mano (Brazil), M., Kalofonos (Greece), H., Puglisi, C. Andreetta/F., Montemurro (Italy), F., Barrett (UK), S., Zhang (China), Q., Mavroudis (Greece), D., Villarreal Garza (Mexico), J. Matus/C., Ismael (Brazil), C. Beato/G., Hu (China), X., Abdel Azeem, H., Gaafar (Egypt), R., Kerbrat (France), C. Perrin/P., Paepke (Germany), J. Ettl/S., Lang (Hungary), E. Hitre/I., Verma (Canada), M. Trudeau/S., Li (China), H., Aktas (Germany), O. Hoffmann/B., Tienghi, A. Cariello/G. Cruciani/A., Tondini (Italy), C., Al-Twegieri (Saudi Arabia), T., Loman (Sweden), N., Laing, R., Miles (UK), D., Brain (France), E., Lux (Germany), P. Fasching/M., Frassoldati (Italy), A., Aziz (Pakistan), Z., Salas (Peru), J., Krzemieniecki, J. Streb/K., Wronski (Poland), A., Menjon Beltran (Spain), J. Garcia Garcia/S., Cicin (Turkey), I., Gallagher, P. Schmid/C., Turner (UK), N., Tong (China), Z., Boer, K., Horvath (Hungary), B. Juhász/Z., Gianni, G. Bianchini/L., Curigliano (Italy), G., Juarez Ramiro (Mexico), A., Susnjar (Serbia), S., Matos (Slovenia), E., Garcia Estevez (Spain), E. Sevillano/L., Uslu (Turkey), E. Gokmen/R., Wildiers (Belgium), H., Cruz (Brazil), F. Schutz/M., Bourgeois (France), H., von Schumann (Germany), R., Stemmer (Israel), S., Dominguez, A., MoralesVásques (Mexico), F., Wojtukiewicz (Poland), M., Trifunovic (Serbia), J., Echarri Gonzalez, M. J., Illarramendi Mañas, J., Martinez De Dueñas (Spain), E., Voitko (Ukraine), N., Hicks, J., Barrett-Lee, S. Waters/P., Wheatley (UK), D., De Boer (Australia), R., Cocquyt, V., Jerusalem (Belgium), G., Barrios (Brazil), C., Panasci (Canada), L., Mattson, J., Tanner (Finland), M.
سنة النشر: 2021
المجموعة: Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale: CINECA IRIS
نوع الوثيقة: article in journal/newspaper
وصف الملف: STAMPA
اللغة: English
العلاقة: info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/pmid/34224826; info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/wos/WOS:000709095000007; journal:ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY; http://hdl.handle.net/11579/128409Test; info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/scopus/2-s2.0-85111551739
DOI: 10.1016/j.annonc.2021.06.024
الإتاحة: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annonc.2021.06.024Test
حقوق: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
رقم الانضمام: edsbas.47FB1879
قاعدة البيانات: BASE