يعرض 1 - 10 نتائج من 160 نتيجة بحث عن '"Charles L, Cox"', وقت الاستعلام: 1.41s تنقيح النتائج
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    دورية أكاديمية
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    دورية أكاديمية
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    المؤلفون: John P, Bigouette, Erin C, Owen, Brett Brick A, Lantz, Rudolf G, Hoellrich, Rick W, Wright, Laura J, Huston, Amanda K, Haas, Christina R, Allen, Daniel E, Cooper, Thomas M, DeBerardino, Warren R, Dunn, Kurt P, Spindler, Michael J, Stuart, John P, Albright, Annunziato Ned, Amendola, Christopher C, Annunziata, Robert A, Arciero, Bernard R, Bach, Champ L, Baker, Arthur R, Bartolozzi, Keith M, Baumgarten, Jeffery R, Bechler, Jeffrey H, Berg, Geoffrey A, Bernas, Stephen F, Brockmeier, Robert H, Brophy, Charles A, Bush-Joseph, J, Brad Butler V, James L, Carey, James E, Carpenter, Brian J, Cole, Jonathan M, Cooper, Charles L, Cox, R, Alexander Creighton, Tal S, David, David C, Flanigan, Robert W, Frederick, Theodore J, Ganley, Elizabeth A, Garofoli, Charles J, Gatt, Steven R, Gecha, James, Robert Giffin, Sharon L, Hame, Jo A, Hannafin, Christopher D, Harner, Norman Lindsay, Harris, Keith S, Hechtman, Elliott B, Hershman, David C, Johnson, Timothy S, Johnson, Morgan H, Jones, Christopher C, Kaeding, Ganesh V, Kamath, Thomas E, Klootwyk, Bruce A, Levy, C, Benjamin Ma, G Peter, Maiers, Robert G, Marx, Matthew J, Matava, Gregory M, Mathien, David R, McAllister, Eric C, McCarty, Robert G, McCormack, Bruce S, Miller, Carl W, Nissen, Daniel F, O'Neill, Brett D, Owens, Richard D, Parker, Mark L, Purnell, Arun J, Ramappa, Michael A, Rauh, Arthur C, Rettig, Jon K, Sekiya, Kevin G, Shea, Orrin H, Sherman, James R, Slauterbeck, Matthew V, Smith, Jeffrey T, Spang, Ltc, Steven J Svoboda, Timothy N, Taft, Joachim J, Tenuta, Edwin M, Tingstad, Armando F, Vidal, Darius G, Viskontas, Richard A, White, James S, Williams, Michelle L, Wolcott, Brian R, Wolf, James J, York

    المصدر: Am J Sports Med

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    المؤلفون: Michael A. Rauh, Robert A. Arciero, Orrin H. Sherman, Geoffrey A. Bernas, Charles A. Bush-Joseph, Rick W. Wright, Bruce S. Miller, Timothy S. Johnson, Matthew V. Smith, Jeffrey T. Spang, Jack T. Andrish, Jonathan M. Cooper, Bernard R. Bach, Gregory M. Mathien, David R. McAllister, Tal S. David, Brian R. Wolf, Eric C. McCarty, Warren R. Dunn, Robert W. Frederick, R. Alexander Creighton, John P. Albright, Thomas M. DeBerardino, Keith M. Baumgarten, Arthur C. Rettig, Sharon L. Hame, Charles L. Cox, David C. Flanigan, Ganesh V. Kamath, Armando F. Vidal, Richard D. Parker, Christina R. Allen, Champ L. Baker, David C. Johnson, Daniel E. Cooper, Mark L. Purnell, Timothy N. Taft, Amanda K. Haas, Laura J. Huston, Jo A. Hannafin, Steven R. Gecha, Bruce A. Levy, Elizabeth A. Garofoli, Edwin M. Tingstad, Brett A. Lantz, C. Benjamin Ma, Norman Lindsay Harris, James L. Carey, Kurt P. Spindler, Robert G. Marx, G. Peter Maiers, J. Brad Butler, Theodore J. Ganley, Jacquelyn S. Pennings, Christopher C. Kaeding, James J. York, Matthew J. Matava, Ltc Steven J Svoboda, Stephen F. Brockmeier, Robert G. McCormack, Diane L. Dahm, Carl W. Nissen, Thomas E. Klootwyk, Kevin G. Shea, Brian J. Cole, Jeffrey H. Berg, James Robert Giffin, Christopher D. Harner, Michelle L. Wolcott, James S. Williams, Annunziato Amendola, Daniel F. O’Neill, Jeffery R. Bechler, Arun J. Ramappa, Brett D. Owens, Joachim J. Tenuta, Richard A. White, Charles J. Gatt, Elliott B. Hershman, Robert H. Brophy, Darius Viskontas, Morgan H. Jones, Michael J. Stuart, Rudolf G. Hoellrich, Christopher C. Annunziata, John D. Campbell, Arthur R. Bartolozzi, James R. Slauterbeck, James E. Carpenter, Keith S. Hechtman, Jon K. Sekiya

    المصدر: Am J Sports Med

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    المصدر: Phys Ther Sport

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    المصدر: Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic & Related Surgery. 37:1740-1744