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    دورية أكاديمية

    المصدر: GMS Journal for Medical Education; VOL: 39; DOC51 /20221115/

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    المؤلفون: Dickson, EA, Penna, M, Cunningham, C, Ratcliffe, FM, Chantler, J, Crabtree, NA, Tuynman, JB, Albert, MR, Monson, JRT, Hompes, R, Abdelmoaty, W, Adamina, M, Aigner, F, Alavi, K, Albers, B, Albert, M, al Furajii, H, Allison, A, Araujo, SEA, Apostolides, GY, Arezzo, A, Arnold, SJ, Aryal, K, Ashamalla, S, Ashraf, S, Attaluri, V, Austin, R, Barugola, G, Beggs, A, Belgers, HJ, Bell, S, Bemelman, W, Berti, S, Biebl, M, Blondeel, J, Binky, B, Baloyiannis, I, Bandyopadhyay, D, Boni, L, Bordeianou, L, Box, B, Boyce, S, Brokelman, W, Brown, CJ, Bruegger, L, Buchli, C, Buchs, NC, Bulut, O, Burt, C, Bursics, A, Cahill, RA, Campana, JP, Caricato, M, Caro-Tarrago, A, Casans, F, Cassinotti, E, Caycedo-Marulanda, A, Chadi, SA, Chandrasinghe, P, Chaudhri, S, Chaumont, N, Chitsabesan, P, Coget, J, Collera, P, Coleman, M, Courtney, ED, Dagbert, F, Dalton, SJ, Daniel, G, Clark, DA, Dedrye, L, de la Torre, J, Dapri, G, Dayal, SP, de Chaisemartin, C, de Lacy, FB, Delgado, OB, Di Candido, F, del Gobbo, GD, de Graaf, EJR, Delrio, P, De Pooter, K, D'hooge, P, Doornebosch, P, Duff, S, Du Jardin, P, Dzhumabaev, KE, Edwards, MT, Egenvall, I, Espin, E, Eugenio, M, Egenvall, M, Eriksen, JR, Faerden, AE, Faes, S, Fernandez, VS, Fichera, A, Fierens, J, Fierens, K, Forgan, T, Francis, N, Francombe, J, Francone, E, Francone, T, Gamage, B, Garcia, JAP, Gecim, IE, Van Geluwe, B, Gingert, C, George, V, Gloeckler, M, Gogenur, I, Goulart, A, Grolich, T, Haas, E, Hameed, U, Hahnloser, D, Harikrishnan, A, Harris, G, Haunold, I, Hendrickse, C, Hendrickx, T, Heyns, M, Horwood, J, Huerga, D, Ito, M, Jarimba, A, Joeng, HKM, Jones, O, Jutten, G, Kala, Z, Kita, Y, Knol, J, Kochupapy, RT, Kneist, W, Kok, ASY, Kusters, M, Lacy, AM, Lakatos, M, Lal, R, Lakkis, Z, Leao, P, Lambrechts, A, Lee, L, Lelong, B, Leung, E, Lezoche, E, Liberman, AS, Lidder, P, Lima, MA, Loganathan, A, Lombana, LJ, Lorenzon, L, Loriz, H, Lukas, M, Lutrin, D, Mackey, P, Mamedli, ZZ, Mansfield, S, Marcello, P, Marcoen, S, Marcos, JMR, Marcy, T, Marecik, S, Marks, J, Marsanic, P, Mattacheo, A, Maun, D, May, D, Maykel, JA, McArthur, D, Mccallum, I, McCarthy, K, McLemore, EC, Mendes, CRS, Messaris, E, Michalopoulos, A, Mikalauskas, S, Miles, A, Millan, M, Mills, S, Miskovic, D, Montroni, I, Moore, E, Moore, T, Mori, S, Morino, M, Muratore, A, Mutafchiyski, V, Myers, A, van Nieuwenhove, Y, Nishizawa, Y, Ng, P, Nolan, GJ, Obias, V, Ochsner, A, Oh, JH, Onghena, T, Oommen, S, Orkin, BA, Osman, K, Ouro, S, Panis, Y, Papavramidis, T, von Papen, M, Papp, G, Paquette, I, Paraoan, MT, Paredes, JP, Pastor, C, Pattyn, PRL, Perdawood, SK, Pei, CFW, Piehslinger, J, Penchev, D, Perez, RO, Persiani, R, Pfeffer, F, Phang, PT, Pokela, V, Picchetto, A, Poskus, E, Prieto, D, Quereshy, FA, Ramcharan, S, Rauch, S, Rega, D, Reyes, JC, Ris, F, Rivilla, SD, Rockall, TA, Roquete, P, Rossi, G, Ruffo, G, Sakai, Y, Sands, D, Juliao, GPS, Scala, A, Scala, D, Schwarz, LE, Seid, VE, Seitinger, G, Shaikh, IA, Sharma, A, Sietses, C, Singh, B, Sjo, OH, Sohn, DK, Soravia, C, Sosef, MN, Spinelli, A, Speakman, C, Steele, S, Stephan, V, Stevenson, ARL, Stotland, P, Studer, P, Strypstein, S, Sylla, P, Szyszkowitz, A, Talwar, A, Tanis, P, Tejedor, P, Teso, EP, Tognelli, J, Torkington, J, Tschann, P, Tuech, JJ, Tuerler, A, Tzovaras, G, Ugolini, G, Vallribera, F, Vansteenkiste, F, Vangenechten, E, Verdaasdonk, EGG, Vilela, N, Walter, B, Warren, OJ, Visser, T, Warrier, S, Warner, M, Warusavitarne, J, Whiteford, MH, Wik, TA, Witzig, JA, Wolff, T, Wolthuis, AM, Wynn, G

    المصدر: Diseases of the colon and rectum. 62(7):794-801

    مصطلحات موضوعية: Medicin och hälsovetenskap

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    المساهمون: Celentano, V, Smart, N, Cahill, Ra, Spinelli, A, Giglio, Mc, Mcgrath, J, Obermair, A, Pellino, G, Hasegawa, H, Lal, P, Lorenzon, L, de Angelis, N, Boni, L, Gupta, S, Griffith, Jp, Acheson, Ag, Cecil, Td, Coleman, Mg

    وصف الملف: STAMPA

    العلاقة: info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/pmid/32253556; info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/wos/WOS:000525129600002; volume:35; issue:3; firstpage:1362; lastpage:1369; numberofpages:8; journal:SURGICAL ENDOSCOPY; https://hdl.handle.net/11392/2533270Test; info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/scopus/2-s2.0-85083395500; https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00464-020-07517-4Test

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    المؤلفون: Penna M, Hompes R, Arnold S, Wynn G, Austin R, Warusavitarne J, Moran B, Hanna GB, Mortensen NJ, Tekkis PP, Adamina M, Aigner F, Akyol C, Alani A, Albert M, Al Furajii H, Allison AS, Arezzo A, Aryal K, Ashamalla S, Ashraf S, Atallah S, Baig MK, Bánky B, Baral J, Bell SW, Berger D, Biebl M, Bemelman WA, Berti S, Bonjer J, Boni L, Bordeianou L, Borreca D, Van den Broeck S, Brown CJ, Brunner W, Buchli C, Buchs NC, Cahill RA, Campbell K, Capolupo GT, Capuano I, Caricato M, Cassinotti E, Caycedo A, Chambers WM, Chandrasinghe P, Chaudhri S, Chernyshov S, Clark DA, Coget J, Collera P, Courtney ED, Cunningham C, Dalton S, David G, Dawson R, DeLacy B, Delrio P, De Paolis P, D'hooge P, D'Hoore A, Dixon A, Doornebosch PG, van Duijvendijk P, Dzhumabaev HE, Edwards T, Egenvall M, Eriksen JR, Fabryko M, Faerden AE, Faes S, Farkašová M, Fernández CC, Fernández VS, Forsmo HM, Francis NK, Francone E, Gamage BD, Garimella V, Gecim E, Geissmann D, Van Geluwe B, Gill K, Glöckler M, de Graaf E, Grieder F, Grieco M, Grolich T, Hahnloser D, Hameed U, Hance J, Hany TAS, Haunold I, Hayes JL, Hendrickx T, Heriot AG, Hoffmann TJ, Houben B, Ito M, Janssens M, Du Jardin P, Jones O, Joy H, Julião GPS, Jutten G, Kala Z, Karachun A, Katory M, Komen N, Korsgen S, Kneist W, Knight J, Knol J, Kukreja N, Kunz R, Lacy AM, Lakatos M, Lal R, Lang H, La Terra A, Lezoche E, Lidder P, Lima MA, Ma G, Mackey P, Mamedli ZZ, Mansfield SD, Marcoen S, Marques PNR, Marcy T, Maslekar S, May D, McCarthy K, Mendes CRS, Merrie AE, Miles WFA, Mills S, Miroshnychenko Y, Miskovic D, Molloy R, Moore EM, Morino M, Möslein G, Muratore A, Nicol D, Van Nieuwenhove Y, Ochsner A, Oh JH, O'Loughlin P, Ourô SMR, Pandey S, Paraoan MT, Pastor C, Pei CFW, Sevá-Pereira G, Perez RO, Petrov A, Pfeffer F, Phang TP, Picchetto A, Piehslinger J, Pirenne Y, Pockney P, Radley S, Rasulov AO, Rega D, van Riel W, Riis R, Ris F, Riss S, Rockall TA, Ruiz MG, Rybakov E, Scala A, Schwarz LE, Seitinger G, Shaikh I, Sietses C, Sileri P, Singh B, Smith S, Sohn DK, Soto C, Speakman C, Spinelli A, van Sprundel F, Stevenson AR, Stift A, Stotland P, Sylla P, Szyszkowitz A, Tanis PJ, Tejedor P, Teso EP, Tuech JJ, Tuynman J, Vanrykel F, Vansteenkiste F, Veltcamp-Helbach M, Venkatsubramaniam A, Verlaeckt L, Vorburger S, Warren O, Warrier S, Wegstapel H, Wolthuis AM, Wu L, van der Zaag ES, Zingg U.

    المساهمون: Penna, M, Hompes, R, Arnold, S, Wynn, G, Austin, R, Warusavitarne, J, Moran, B, Hanna, Gb, Mortensen, Nj, Tekkis, Pp, Adamina, M, Aigner, F, Akyol, C, Alani, A, Albert, M, Al Furajii, H, Allison, A, Arezzo, A, Aryal, K, Ashamalla, S, Ashraf, S, Atallah, S, Baig, Mk, Bánky, B, Baral, J, Bell, Sw, Berger, D, Biebl, M, Bemelman, Wa, Berti, S, Bonjer, J, Boni, L, Bordeianou, L, Borreca, D, Van den Broeck, S, Brown, Cj, Brunner, W, Buchli, C, Buchs, Nc, Cahill, Ra, Campbell, K, Capolupo, Gt, Capuano, I, Caricato, M, Cassinotti, E, Caycedo, A, Chambers, Wm, Chandrasinghe, P, Chaudhri, S, Chernyshov, S, Clark, Da, Coget, J, Collera, P, Courtney, Ed, Cunningham, C, Dalton, S, David, G, Dawson, R, Delacy, B, Delrio, P, De Paolis, P, D'Hooge, P, D'Hoore, A, Dixon, A, Doornebosch, Pg, van Duijvendijk, P, Dzhumabaev, He, Edwards, T, Egenvall, M, Eriksen, Jr, Fabryko, M, Faerden, Ae, Faes, S, Farkašová, M, Fernández, Cc, Fernández, V, Forsmo, Hm, Francis, Nk, Francone, E, Gamage, Bd, Garimella, V, Gecim, E, Geissmann, D, Van Geluwe, B, Gill, K, Glöckler, M, de Graaf, E, Grieder, F, Grieco, M, Grolich, T, Hahnloser, D, Hameed, U, Hance, J, Hany, Ta, Haunold, I, Hayes, Jl, Hendrickx, T, Heriot, Ag

    وصف الملف: STAMPA

    العلاقة: info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/pmid/29315090; info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/wos/WOS:000467459700033; volume:269; issue:4; firstpage:700; lastpage:711; numberofpages:12; journal:ANNALS OF SURGERY; http://hdl.handle.net/11579/110407Test; info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/scopus/2-s2.0-85061837477; http://journals.lww.com/annalsofsurgery/pages/default.aspxTest

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    المصدر: World Journal of Emergency Surgery ; volume 2, issue 1, page 9 ; ISSN 1749-7922

    مصطلحات موضوعية: Emergency Medicine, Surgery

  10. 10
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    المصدر: Lupus ; volume 18, issue 9, page 813-821 ; ISSN 0961-2033 1477-0962

    مصطلحات موضوعية: Rheumatology