'Jerusalem: A City of Diversity'--A Play. Fulbright-Hays Summer Seminars Abroad, 1998 (Israel and Jordan).

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: 'Jerusalem: A City of Diversity'--A Play. Fulbright-Hays Summer Seminars Abroad, 1998 (Israel and Jordan).
اللغة: English
المؤلفون: Boyett, Colleen Kelley
تمت مراجعته من قبل الزملاء: N
Page Count: 16
تاريخ النشر: 1998
Sponsoring Agency: Center for International Education (ED), Washington, DC.
Intended Audience: Practitioners; Teachers
نوع الوثيقة: Creative Works
Guides - Classroom - Teacher
الواصفات: Area Studies, Christianity, Cultural Context, Cultural Pluralism, Drama, Foreign Countries, Global Education, Grade 9, High Schools, Islam, Judaism, Middle Eastern History, Religious Cultural Groups, Social Studies, Student Educational Objectives, Thematic Approach, Units of Study
مصطلحات جغرافية: Israel (Jerusalem)
مستخلص: One of the primary themes of this drama unit is to help students develop an appreciation and respect for diverse traditions. The unit focuses on Jerusalem in the state of Israel, where Jews, Moslems, and Christians find religious inspiration within the walls of the Old City. According to the unit, it is important that students be able to distinguish among the various religious traditions based upon historic precedent. A second theme of the unit is to understand the impact that the formation of Israel in 1948 had on the various groups living in the region at the time, and its implication for conflict today. The unit cites specific lesson objectives, lists materials needed, outlines a sequence of teacher activities, and gives evaluation procedures. The 4-scene play outlined in the unit takes place in the Old City of Jerusalem in October 1998 and contains five characters from diverse cultures. (Contains a list of 13 additional sources and the addresses of 3 organizations concerned with the peace process.) (BT)
Entry Date: 2000
رقم الانضمام: ED437296
قاعدة البيانات: ERIC