يعرض 1 - 10 نتائج من 22 نتيجة بحث عن '"200 GEV/C"', وقت الاستعلام: 1.01s تنقيح النتائج
  1. 1
    دورية أكاديمية

    المؤلفون: Airapetian, A., Akopov, N., Akopov, Z., Aschenauer, E.C., Augustynia, W., Avakian, R., Avetissian, A., Avetisyan, E., Belostotski, S., Bianchi, N., Blok, H.P., Borissov, A., Bowles, J., Bryzgalov, V., Burns, J., Capiluppi, M., Capitani, G.P., Cisbani, E., Ciullo, G., Contalbrigo, M., Dalpiaz, P.F., Deconinck, W., De Leo, R., De Nardo, L., De Sanctis, E., Diefenthaler, M., Di Nezza, P., Dürenn, M., Ehrenfried, M., Elbakian, G., Ellinghaus, F., Fabbri, R., Fantoni, A., Felawka, L., Frullani, S., Gabberth, D., Gapienko, G., Gapienko, V., Gavrilov, G., Gharibyan, V., Giordano, F., Gliske, S., Golembiovskaya, M., Hadjidakis, C., Hartig, M., Hasch, D., Hillenbrand, A., Hoek, M., Holler, Y., Hristova, I., Ivanilov, A., Jackson, H.E., Joosten, S., Kaiser, R., Karyan, G., Keri, T., Kinney, E., Kisselev, A., Korotkov, V., Kozlov, V., Kravchenko, P., Krivokhijine, V.G., Lagamba, L., Lapikás, L., Lehmann, I., Lenisa, P., López Ruiz, A., Lorenzon, W., Ma, B.-Q., Mahon, D., Makins, N.C.R., Manaenkov, S.I., Mao, Y., Marianski, B., Martínez de la Ossa, A., Marukyan, H., Miller, C.A., Miyachi, Y., Movsisyan, A., Murray, M., Mussgiller, A., Nappi, E., Naryshkin, Y., Negodaev, M., Nowak, W.-D., Pappalardo, L.L., Perez-Benito, R., Petrosyan, A., Raithel, M., Reimer, P.E., Reolon, A.R., Riedl, C., Rith, K., Rosner, G., Rostomyan, A., Rubin, J., Ryckbosch, D., Salomatin, Y., Sanftl, F., Schäferv, A., Schnell, Gunar, Seitz, B., Shibata, T.-A., Shutov, V., Stancari, M., Statera, M., Steffens, E., Steijger, J.J.M., Stewart, J., Stinzing, F., Taroian, S., Terkulov, A., Truty, R., Trzcinski, A., Tytgat, M., Van Haarlem, Y., Van Hulse, Charlotte Barbara, Veretennikov, D., Vikhrov, V., Vilardi, I., Wang, S., Yaschenko, S., Ye, Z., Yen, S., Yu, W., Zagrebelnyy, V., Zeiler, D., Zihlmann, V., Zupranski, P.

    العلاقة: info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/EC/FP7/283286; http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0370269313009246Test; Physics Letters B 728 : 183-190 (2014); http://hdl.handle.net/10810/17467Test

  2. 2

    المساهمون: Bishop, B.

    المصدر: Other Information: UNCL. Orig. Receipt Date: 31-DEC-72

    وصف الملف: Medium: ED; Size: Pages: 35

  3. 3
    دورية أكاديمية

    المؤلفون: A. Airapetian, N. Akopov, Z. Akopov, E. C. Aschenauer, W. Augustyniak, R. Avakian, A. Avetissian, E. Avetisyan, S. Belostotski, N. Bianchi, H. P. Blok, A. Borissov, J. Bowles, V. Bryzgalov, J. Burns, G. P. Capitani, E. Cisbani, W. Deconinck, R. D. Leo, L. D. Nardo, E. D. Sanctis, M. Diefenthaler, P. D. Nezza, M. Duren, M. Ehrenfried, G. Elbakian, F. Ellinghaus, R. Fabbri, A. Fantoni, L. Felawka, S. Frullani, D. Gabbert, G. Gapienko, V. Gapienko, G. Gavrilov, V. Gharibyan, F. Giordano, S. Gliske, M. Golembiovskaya, C. Hadjidakis, M. Hartig, D. Hasch, A. Hillenbrand, M. Hoek, Y. Holler, I. Hristova, A. Ivanilov, H. E. Jackson, S. Joosten, R. Kaiser, G. Karyan, T. Keri, E. Kinney, A. Kisselev, V. Korotkov, V. Kozlov, P. Kravchenko, V. G. Krivokhijine, L. Lagamba, L. Lapikas, I. Lehmann, A. L. Ruiz, W. Lorenzon, B. Q. Ma, D. Mahon, N. C. R., S. I. Manaenkov, Y. Mao, B. Marianski, A. M. de, H. Marukyan, C. A. Miller, Y. Miyachi, A. Movsisyan, M. Murray, A. Mussgiller, E. Nappi, Y. Naryshkin, M. Negodaev, W. D. Nowak, R. Perez Benito, A. Petrosyan, M. Raithel, P. E. Reimer, A. R. Reolon, C. Riedl, K. Rith, G. Rosner, A. Rostomyan, J. Rubin, D. Ryckbosch, Y. Salomatin, F. Sanftl, A. Schafer, G. Schnell, B. Seitz, T. A. Shibata, V. Shutov, M. Stancari, E. Steffens, J. J. M., J. Stewart, F. Stinzing, S. Taroian, A. Terkulov, R. Truty, A. Trzcinski, M. Tytgat, Y. V. Haarlem, C. V. Hulse, D. Veretennikov, V. Vikhrov, I. Vilardi, S. Wang, S. Yaschenko, Z. Ye, S. Yen, W. Yu, V. Zagrebelnyy, D. Zeiler, B. Zihlmann, P. Zupranski, CAPILUPPI, Marco, CIULLO, Giuseppe, CONTALBRIGO, Marco, FERRETTI, Paola, LENISA, Paolo, PAPPALARDO, Luciano Libero, STATERA, Marco

    المساهمون: A., Airapetian, N., Akopov, Z., Akopov, E. C., Aschenauer, W., Augustyniak, R., Avakian, A., Avetissian, E., Avetisyan, S., Belostotski, N., Bianchi, H. P., Blok, A., Borissov, J., Bowle, V., Bryzgalov, J., Burn, Capiluppi, Marco, G. P., Capitani, E., Cisbani, Ciullo, Giuseppe, Contalbrigo, Marco, Ferretti, Paola, W., Deconinck, R. D., Leo, L. D., Nardo, E. D., Sancti, M., Diefenthaler, P. D., Nezza, M., Duren, M., Ehrenfried, G., Elbakian, F., Ellinghau, R., Fabbri, A., Fantoni, L., Felawka, S., Frullani, D., Gabbert, G., Gapienko, V., Gapienko, G., Gavrilov, V., Gharibyan, F., Giordano, S., Gliske, M., Golembiovskaya, C., Hadjidaki, M., Hartig, D., Hasch, A., Hillenbrand, M., Hoek, Y., Holler, I., Hristova, A., Ivanilov, H. E., Jackson, S., Joosten, R., Kaiser, G., Karyan, T., Keri, E., Kinney, A., Kisselev, V., Korotkov, V., Kozlov, P., Kravchenko, V. G., Krivokhijine, L., Lagamba, L., Lapika, I., Lehmann, Lenisa, Paolo, A. L., Ruiz, W., Lorenzon, B. Q., Ma, D., Mahon, N. C., R., S. I., Manaenkov, Y., Mao, B., Marianski, A. M., De, H., Marukyan, C. A., Miller, Y., Miyachi, A., Movsisyan, M., Murray, A., Mussgiller, E., Nappi, Y., Naryshkin, M., Negodaev, W. D., Nowak, Pappalardo, Luciano Libero, R., Perez Benito, A., Petrosyan, M., Raithel, P. E., Reimer, A. R., Reolon, C., Riedl, K., Rith, G., Rosner, A., Rostomyan, J., Rubin, D., Ryckbosch, Y., Salomatin, F., Sanftl, A., Schafer

    وصف الملف: STAMPA

    العلاقة: info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/wos/WOS:000330556000031; volume:728; firstpage:183; lastpage:190; numberofpages:8; journal:PHYSICS LETTERS. SECTION B; http://hdl.handle.net/11392/1960212Test; info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/scopus/2-s2.0-84899766855

  4. 4

    المؤلفون: J. Burns, G. Gapienko, J. J. M. Steijger, Michael Düren, Riccardo Fabbri, K. Rith, H. E. Jackson, Michael Tytgat, E. Cisbani, M. Stancari, M. Golembiovskaya, D. Veretennikov, T. Keri, V. G. Krivokhijine, E. Avetisyan, M. Capiluppi, A. Petrosyan, G. Ciullo, S. Taroian, A. Hillenbrand, M. Negodaev, L. De Nardo, Zhenyu Ye, P. E. Reimer, M. Contalbrigo, Shan Wang, S. Yaschenko, I. Vilardi, C. Hadjidakis, Martin Raithel, P. Di Nezza, Frank Ellinghaus, E. C. Aschenauer, W.-D. Nowak, B. Seitz, E. Nappi, J. Bowles, V. Vikhrov, P. Lenisa, E. R. Kinney, B. Marianski, V. A. Korotkov, V. A. Gapienko, C. A. Miller, E. De Sanctis, V. Gharibyan, A. Martinez de la Ossa, Y. Naryshkin, Morgan Murray, N. Bianchi, A. Rostomyan, V. Zagrebelnyy, A. Fantoni, A. Avetissian, D. Gabbert, L. Lapikás, David Mahon, P. F. Dalpiaz, Andreas Schäfer, A. Trzcinski, Stephen V. Gliske, S. Joosten, Wouter Deconinck, M. Ehrenfried, A. Kisselev, L. Felawka, F. Giordano, N. C. R. Makins, G. Elbakian, L. Lagamba, A. R. Reolon, Y. Miyachi, S. Belostotski, V. Bryzgalov, S. I. Manaenkov, Vitaly Shutov, H. P. Blok, S. Frullani, D. Hasch, G. P. Capitani, A. Airapetian, Wolfgang Lorenzon, Dirk Ryckbosch, W. Yu, P. Kravchenko, C. Van Hulse, R. Perez-Benito, Andreas Mussgiller, Ivana Hristova, M. Statera, J. Stewart, W. Augustyniak, D. Zeiler, S. Yen, T. A. Shibata, V. A. Kozlov, R.O. Avakian, F. Stinzing, Ralf Kaiser, G. Schnell, E. Steffens, G. Gavrilov, M. Hartig, P. Zupranski, Z. Akopov, C. Riedl, M. Hoek, N. Akopov, J. G. Rubin, I. Lehmann, G. Rosner, R. Truty, G. Karyan, Y. J. Mao, Adel Terkulov, A. López Ruiz, Y. Van Haarlem, Y. Salomatin, B. Q. Ma, R. De Leo, B. Zihlmann, L. L. Pappalardo, Alexander Borissov, F. Sanftl, M. Diefenthaler, H. Marukyan, A. Movsisyan, A. Ivanilov, Y. Holler

    المساهمون: Institut de Physique Nucléaire d'Orsay (IPNO), Université Paris-Sud - Paris 11 (UP11)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), HERMES, Student Lab and Education, (Astro)-Particles Physics

    المصدر: Physics Letters B
    Addi. Archivo Digital para la Docencia y la Investigación
    Airapetian, A & Blok, H P 2014, ' Transverse target single-spin asymmetry in inclusive electroproduction of charged pions and kaons ', Physics Letters B, vol. 728, pp. 183-190 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physletb.2013.11.021Test
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Elsevier, 2014, 728, pp.183-190. ⟨10.1016/j.physletb.2013.11.021⟩
    Physics Letters B, 728, 183-190. Elsevier

    وصف الملف: application/pdf; application/xml

  5. 5
    دورية أكاديمية

    المساهمون: Donskov, S

    المصدر: Instrum. Exp. Tech. (USSR) (Engl. Transl.) 14: No. 2, 427-9(Mar-Apr 1971).; Other Information: Orig. Receipt Date: 31-DEC-72; Other Information: Translated from Prib. Tekh. Eksp.; 14: No. 2, 87-9(Mar-Apr 1971).

    وصف الملف: Medium: X

  6. 6
    دورية أكاديمية

    المساهمون: Bishop, B

    المصدر: Nucl. Sci. Eng. 49: No. 1, 82-92(Sep 1972).; Other Information: Orig. Receipt Date: 31-DEC-72

    وصف الملف: Medium: X

  7. 7
    دورية أكاديمية

    المساهمون: Berger, E

    المصدر: Phys. Rev. Lett. 29: No. 13, 887-90(25 Sep 1972).; 29; 13; Other Information: Orig. Receipt Date: 31-DEC-72

    وصف الملف: Medium: X; Size: 887

  8. 8

    المساهمون: Llacer, J

    المصدر: Other Information: From 12th Scintillation and Semiconductor Counter Symposium, Washington, D. C. UNCL. Orig. Receipt Date: 31-DEC-70

    وصف الملف: Medium: X

  9. 9

    المساهمون: Akerlof, C

    المصدر: Other Information: UNCL. Orig. Receipt Date: 31-DEC-72

    وصف الملف: Medium: X

  10. 10

    المساهمون: Neal, H

    المصدر: Other Information: UNCL. Orig. Receipt Date: 31-DEC-70

    وصف الملف: Medium: X