يعرض 1 - 10 نتائج من 303 نتيجة بحث عن '"world-ecology"', وقت الاستعلام: 0.75s تنقيح النتائج
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    رسالة جامعية

    المؤلفون: Vidal-Pérez, Aina

    مرشدي الرسالة: Rotger, Neus, Roig Sanz, Diana

    المصدر: TDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa)

    الوصف: Un nombre rellevant de novel·les actuals aborda un Mediterrani mediambientalment degradat com a porta d'entrada per explorar, des de contextos localitzats, un sentiment epocal de crisi. A través de l'anàlisi comparativa de Crematorio (2007) i En la orilla (2013), de Rafael Chirbes; Beirut, I Love You (2009), de Zena el Khalil, i Earthly Remains (2017), de Donna Leon, aquesta tesi planteja arguments nous al voltant de les representacions narratives del Mediterrani contemporani com un entorn deteriorat a causa de les lògiques de producció espacial de la globalització. Partint d'una concepció de la novel·la global com a marc crític, el treball analitza les solucions poètiques de les novel·les seleccionades davant el desafiament estètic de representar fenòmens mediambientals d'escala diferent al Mediterrani, en una convivència de vegades ambivalent, de vegades contradictòria, amb els densos imaginaris històrics del mar. La recerca se situa en el marc dels estudis literaris globals i es proposa contribuir a les recents aportacions sobre novel·la, d'una banda, i a la creixent discussió en l'àmbit de les representacions espacials i l'ecocrítica, de l'altra.

    الوصف (مترجم): Un número relevante de novelas actuales está abordando un Mediterráneo medioambientalmente degradado como puerta de entrada para explorar, desde contextos localizados, un sentir epocal de crisis. A través del análisis comparativo de Crematorio (2007) y En la orilla (2013), de Rafael Chirbes; Beirut, I Love You (2009), de Zena el Khalil, y Earthly Remains (2017), de Donna Leon, esta tesis plantea argumentos nuevos en relación con las representaciones narrativas del Mediterráneo contemporáneo como un entorno deteriorado a causa de las lógicas de producción espacial de la globalización. Partiendo de una concepción de la novela global como marco crítico, el trabajo analiza las soluciones poéticas de las novelas seleccionadas frente al desafío estético de representar fenómenos medioambientales de diferente escala en el Mediterráneo, en una convivencia a veces ambivalente, a veces contradictoria, con los densos imaginarios históricos del mar. La investigación se sitúa en el marco de los estudios literarios globales y se propone contribuir a las recientes aportaciones sobre novela, por una parte, y a la creciente discusión en el ámbito de las representaciones espaciales y la ecocrítica, por la otra.
    A significant number of recent novels address an environmentally degraded Mediterranean as a gateway to explore, from localised contexts, an epochal sense of crisis. Through the comparative analysis of Crematorio (2007) and En la orilla (2013) by Rafael Chirbes, Beirut, I Love You (2009) by Zena el Khalil and Earthly Remains (2017) by Donna Leon, this thesis raises new arguments around narrative representations of the contemporary Mediterranean Sea as a deteriorated environment due to globalisation's logics of spatial production. Building on a conception of the global novel as a critical framework, the work analyses a corpus of novels that seek to address the poetic challenge of representing environmental phenomena of varying scale and complexity in the Mediterranean in a sometimes ambivalent, sometimes contradictory, confluence with the dense historical imaginaries of the sea. The research is situated within the framework of global literary studies and aims to add to recent contributions on the novel and on the growing discourse in the field of spatial representations and ecocriticism.
    arts i humanitats

    وصف الملف: application/pdf

  2. 2
    دورية أكاديمية

    المؤلفون: Beatrice Masi

    المصدر: Dive-In, Vol 3, Iss 2, Pp 69-91 (2024)

    الوصف: The present paper aims at analyzing two works of contemporary Irish fiction, namely, Notes from a Coma (2005) by Mike McCormack and The Fjord of Killary (2012) by Kevin Barry. I argue that both works not only mirror what Dipesh Chakrabarty calls the ‘global’ and the ‘planetary’, but also reflect the non-human space and time scales that Timothy Morton identifies as one of the properties of hyperobjects. Moreover, the two novels are deeply rooted in the history of Ireland, and especially in the semi-peripheral position occupied by the country within the capitalist world system. The intermingling of various narrative layers together with speculative and realistic tropes conveys the epiphenomenality of our lived experience, characterized by the not-yet predictable consequences of planetary climate crisis and the ever-shifting demands of global capitalism.

    وصف الملف: electronic resource

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    كتاب إلكتروني
  4. 4
    كتاب إلكتروني

    المؤلفون: Shackleton, David, author

    المصدر: British Modernism and the Anthropocene : Experiments with Time, 2023.

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    دورية أكاديمية

    المؤلفون: Agulles Martos, Juan Manuel

    المصدر: Política y Sociedad; Vol. 60 No. 3 (2023): Monográfico: Tres décadas de intervencionismo ruso en el espacio postsoviético: de la geopolítica al neoimperialismo; e75258 ; Política y Sociedad; Vol. 60 Núm. 3 (2023): Monográfico: Tres décadas de intervencionismo ruso en el espacio postsoviético: de la geopolítica al neoimperialismo; e75258 ; 1988-3129 ; 1130-8001

    الوصف: The pandemic due to the spread of COVID-19 can be interpreted as a consequence of the process of capital accumulation and the systemic crisis it reproduces through its geographical spread. This paper aims to address the relationship of this permanent crisis with the development and culmination of a historical mode of production. It first discusses studies that link the emergence of new epidemics to the socio-ecological imbalances caused by the expansion of capitalism. It then analyses how the political management of the current pandemic, sustained by a warlike rhetoric of "fighting the virus", masks the intrinsic violence of neoliberalism. Finally, it explores the trends of the "new neoliberal normality" and the scenarios of social polarisation, deepening inequalities and institutional control that may follow as global capitalist society adopts the lessons learned during the pandemic as a form of political management of its historical decline. It concludes that the implications of the current pandemic demand a critical view that goes beyond the health emergency and conceives of the situation as an aspect of the culmination of the capitalist world-ecology. ; La pandemia debida a la extensión de la COVID-19 puede interpretarse como una consecuencia del proceso de acumulación de capital y la crisis sistémica que reproduce mediante su extensión geográfica. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo abordar la relación de esa crisis permanente con el desarrollo y culminación de un modo de producción histórico. Se discuten, en primer lugar, los estudios que ligan la aparición de nuevas epidemias a los desequilibrios socioecológicos causados por la expansión del capitalismo. A continuación se analiza cómo la gestión política de la pandemia actual, sostenida en una retórica bélica, de «lucha contra el virus», enmascara la violencia intrínseca del neoliberalismo. Finalmente, se exploran las tendencias de la «nueva normalidad neoliberal» y los escenarios de polarización social, profundización de las desigualdades y control ...

    وصف الملف: application/pdf

    العلاقة: https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/POSO/article/view/75258/4564456568147Test; Agamben, G. (2010): Estado de excepción. Homo sacer II, 1. Valencia, Pre-Textos.; Almazán, A. (2019): “Green New Deal: Utopismo selectivo e ingenuidad ante las TIC’s”, CTXT, 4 diciembre. Disponible en: https://ctxt.es/es/20191204/Firmas/29872/Adrian-Almazan-Gomez-Green-New-Deal-TIC-cambio-climatico-Mas-Pais-PSOE-Unidas-Podemos.htmTest [Consulta: 13 de octubre de 2023]; Arias, M. (2018): Antropoceno. La política en la era humana, Madrid, Taurus.; Arrighi, G. (2014): El largo siglo XX, Madrid, Akal. Barouki, R. et al. (2021): “The COVID-19 pandemic and global environmental change: Emerging research needs”, Environment International, 146, p. 106272.; Beck, U. (2006): La sociedad del riesgo. Hacia una nueva modernidad, Barcelona, Paidós.; Bedford, J. et al. (2019): “A new twenty-first century science for effective epidemic response”, Nature, 575 (7781), pp. 130-136.; Bringel, B. (2020): “Geopolítica de la pandemia, escalas de la crisis y escenarios en disputa”, Geopolitica(s), 11 (1), pp. 173-187.; Büscher, B. et al. (2021): “Planning for a world beyond COVID-19: Five pillars for post-neoliberal development”, World Development, 140, p. 105357.; Carrión, J. (2020): Lo viral, Barcelona, Galaxia Gutenberg.; Connolly, C., S.H. Ali y R. Keil (2020): “On the relationships between COVID-19 and extended urbanization”, Dialogues in Human Geography, 10 (2), pp. 213-216.; Davis, M. (2007): Planeta de ciudades miseria, Madrid, Foca.; Davis, M. (2020): Llega el monstruo. COVID-19, gripe aviar y las plagas del capitalismo, Madrid, Capitán Swing.; Dias, B. y J. F. Deluchey (2020): “The ‘Total Continuous War’ and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Neoliberal Governmentality, Disposable Bodies and Protected Lives”, Law, Culture and the Humanities, 0 (0), p. 1743872120973157.; Graeber, D. (2018): Trabajos de mierda. Una teoría, Barcelona, Ariel.; Harvey, D. (2004): El nuevo imperialismo, Madrid, Akal.; Harvey, D. (2007): Breve historia del neoliberalismo, Madrid, Akal.; Harvey, D. (2018): Justicia, naturaleza y la geografía de la diferencia, Madrid, Traficantes de Sueños.; Hornborg, A. (2009): “Zero-Sum World. Challenges in Conceptualizing Environmental Load Displacement and Ecologically Unequal Exchange in the World System”, International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 50 (3-4), pp. 237-262.; Innenarity, D. (2022): Pandemocracia: Una filosofía de la crisis del coronavirus, Barcelona, Galaxia Gutenberg.; Keil, R. (2020): “The limits of global urbanization and the challenges to planning”, disp – The Planning Review, 56 (1), pp. 4-7.; Laval, C. y P. Dardot (2013): La nueva razón del mundo. Ensayo sobre la sociedad neoliberal, Barcelona, Gedisa.; Lohmeyer, B. y N. Taylor (2020): “War, Heroes and Sacrifice: Masking Neoliberal Violence During the COVID-19 Pandemic”, Critical Sociology, 47 (4-5), pp. 625-639.; Malm, A. 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    دورية أكاديمية

    المؤلفون: Masi, Beatrice

    المصدر: DIVE-IN – An International Journal on Diversity and Inclusion; Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023): Before the After: Dystopian Narratives in the Present of the Catastrophe; 69-91 ; DIVE-IN – An International Journal on Diversity and Inclusion; V. 3 N. 2 (2023): Before the after: narrative distopiche nel presente della catastrofe; 69-91 ; 2785-3233

    الوصف: The present paper aims at analyzing two works of contemporary Irish fiction, namely, Notes from a Coma (2005) by Mike McCormack and The Fjord of Killary (2012) by Kevin Barry. I argue that both works not only mirror what Dipesh Chakrabarty calls the ‘global’ and the ‘planetary’, but also reflect the non-human space and time scales that Timothy Morton identifies as one of the properties of hyperobjects. Moreover, the two novels are deeply rooted in the history of Ireland, and especially in the semi-peripheral position occupied by the country within the capitalist world system. The intermingling of various narrative layers together with speculative and realistic tropes conveys the epiphenomenality of our lived experience, characterized by the not-yet predictable consequences of planetary climate crisis and the ever-shifting demands of global capitalism.

    وصف الملف: application/pdf

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    دورية أكاديمية

    المؤلفون: S.A.M. Raihanur Rahman

    المصدر: Crossings, Vol 14 (2023)

    الوصف: This paper, mapping the trajectory of migrant workers’ lives in Amitav Ghosh’s novel Gun Island, locates precarity in the nexus of capitalism and climate change and identifies the latter as a new determinant of precarity. Heightened precariousness is generally perceived today as an effect of conflicts and wars. Contemporary South Asian novels mostly explore how caste, class, religion, gender, and sexuality condition the production of precariousness in today’s world. My paper looks into the production of a precarious subject seldom represented in contemporary South Asian Literature: climate refugees. Drawing upon Gun Island, I argue that climate refugees inform us about the necessity to expand our understanding of vulnerability so we are able to factor in those whose lives have been upended by the effects of anthropogenic climate change along with the dynamics of neoliberal capitalism.

    وصف الملف: electronic resource

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    دورية أكاديمية

    المؤلفون: Roberto Ortiz

    المصدر: Journal of World-Systems Research, Vol 29, Iss 2 (2023)

    الوصف: This article unpacks the relational nexus between financialization and energy—in this case oil—that shaped the 1970s world-economic crisis and that is again central in the convergence between climate change and accumulation crises. Focusing on these critical moments when profitable opportunities for capital narrow and the world-system enters a period of turbulence, I explain the ways in which energy and finance have been central in crisis formation and, in turn, in capitalists’ search for ways out of crises. Starting with a discussion of the 1970s global conjuncture, I explain the role of the “energy crisis” in the first general recession of post-World War II era. I show how the oil price hike of the early 1970s—which compounded the core’s accumulation crisis while also representing a challenge to unequal trade by dramatically revaluing a key global South export—was channeled into fuel for global North financial accumulation via petrodollar recycling and global South debt. Building on this history, I provide a brief examination of this nexus between finance and energy in the ongoing climate crisis. Today the global capitalist class profits from continuing fossil-fueled accumulation and, increasingly, from the grafting of financial instruments onto socio-ecological disruptions.

    وصف الملف: electronic resource

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    دورية أكاديمية

    المؤلفون: Jason W. Moore

    المصدر: Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Poetica, Vol 11 (2023)

    الوصف: We live in times of anthropogenic climate crisis. Or do we? This essay shows how “humanity” is a thoroughly modern fetish forged in the bloodbath of militarized accumulation and conquest after 1492. To say that the Anthropos drives the climate crisis implicates a historical actor that does not exist. But the reality is different. Humanity does nothing. Specific groups of humans make history – empires, classes, religious institutions, armies, and financiers. This essay reveals the Anthropocene as more than lousy history – although the flight from world history is crucial. It argues that today’s Anthropocene is one pillar of the Environmentalism of the Rich. It is rooted historically in the Civilizing Project, and, more recently, in post‑1970 “Spaceship Earth” environmentalism. Both Environmentalism and its recent Anthropocene craze have sought to do one thing above all: deflect blame from capitalism as the prime mover of the climate crisis. From the beginning, Environmentalism avoided “naming the system.” Only by identifying the climate crisis as capitalogenic – “made by humans” – can we begin to forge an effective socialist politics of climate justice.

    وصف الملف: electronic resource

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    المؤلفون: Lee, Victoria (AUTHOR)

    المصدر: Isis: A Journal of the History of Science in Society. Jun2024, Vol. 115 Issue 2, p422-423. 2p.

    مصطلحات جغرافية: UNITED Kingdom

    مستخلص: "Diet for a Large Planet: Industrial Britain, Food Systems, and World Ecology" by Chris Otter explores the origins of contemporary food systems and their impact on global ecology and human health. Otter argues that these systems, which prioritize cheap food imports, have led to ecological damage, violence against animals, and the rise of metabolic disorders. The book traces the roots of these systems to nineteenth-century British industrialization and the prevailing "large-planet philosophy" that viewed the Earth as a source of fuel and capital investment. Otter examines the nutrition transition that occurred in Britain during this time and the structural violence inherent in the system. The book provides a comprehensive analysis of the historical and ecological context of food system infrastructures and raises important questions about the cost of cheap food. [Extracted from the article]