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  1. 1
    دورية أكاديمية

    المصدر: Slovenian Journal of Public Health, Vol 63, Iss 2, Pp 81-88 (2024)

    الوصف: Clinical dietitians play a crucial role in the nutritional support of patients at risk of malnutrition in primary care settings. The study aimed to evaluate the effect of an individualized nutritional intervention on clinically relevant outcomes for patients with chronic disease at nutritional risk.

    وصف الملف: electronic resource

  2. 2
    دورية أكاديمية

    المصدر: Arhiv za Higijenu Rada i Toksikologiju, Vol 73, Iss 4, Pp 297-302 (2022)

    الوصف: As a by-product or material used in various industries crystalline silica contaminates the air many occupational settings. If its fine particles are inhaled, they are deposited in the lungs and may cause the development of silicosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and lung cancer. The goal of this study was to estimate occupational exposure to respirable crystalline silica (RCS) in Slovenia and the associated health risks. To do that, we ran two cross-sectional studies, one to determine the number of workers at risk of occupational exposure to RCS in Slovene industries and the other to determine and classify changes in the lung radiographs of glass factory workers exposed to RCS, as a means to infer health risks for other RCS exposed workers in Slovenia. However, the first study shows that official public data on occupational exposure to silica in Slovenia are unreliable and incomplete and that company representatives strongly underestimate occupational exposure to silica. Measurements of total and silica dust are made by 8.3 % and 1.8 % of companies working with silica, respectively. The second study shows that about a third of the exposed workers had lung changes associated with silicosis. We have failed to achieve the goal of our study, as the obtained data are grossly underestimated and unreliable, but it has opened our eyes as to what needs to be improved. All companies need to systematically be informed about occupational health risks, field inspections need to be consistent, regular, and intensified, and health surveillance of all exposed workers implemented regularly.

    وصف الملف: electronic resource

  3. 3
    دورية أكاديمية

    المصدر: Dela, Iss 54, Pp 5-52 (2022)

    الوصف: Onesnaženost zraka v urbanih območjih je pomemben dejavnik kakovosti življenja, nesporen pa je tudi vpliv kakovosti zraka na zdravje ljudi. Med pomembna onesnaževala urbanega ozračja že desetletja uvrščamo dušikov dioksid (NO2), po letu 2000 pa se vse več raziskav posveča tudi črnemu ogljiku (BC). V prispevku predstavljamo stacionarne in mobilne meritve črnega ogljika ter stacionarne meritve dušikovega dioksida v urbanem območju na dveh primerih. V prvem primeru gre za ugotavljanje vpliva ceste na kakovost zraka v neposredni okolici vrtca in nekdanje osnovne šole na Lavrici, v drugem primeru pa so prikazani rezultati meritev črnega ogljika na cestnem omrežju Kranja v gosti prostorski mreži.

    وصف الملف: electronic resource

  4. 4
    دورية أكاديمية

    المصدر: Dela; No. 54 (2020); 5-52 ; Dela; Št. 54 (2020); 5-52 ; 1854-1089 ; 0354-0596 ; 10.4312/dela.54

    الوصف: Air pollution in urban areas has an important influence on quality of life, and the impact of air quality on human health is undeniable. Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) has been one of the main pollutants in the urban atmosphere for decades, and since 2000, an increasing amount of research has also focused on black carbon (BC). In the paper we look at two urban case studies, presenting stationary and mobile measurements of black carbon as well as stationary measurements of nitrogen dioxide. The first case examines the impact of road traffic on air quality in the immediate vicinity of a kindergarten and former primary school in Lavrica, and the second case presents results of monitoring of black carbon within the Kranj road network using a dense spatial network of sensors. ; Onesnaženost zraka v urbanih območjih je pomemben dejavnik kakovosti življenja, nesporen pa je tudi vpliv kakovosti zraka na zdravje ljudi. Med pomembna onesnaževala urbanega ozračja že desetletja uvrščamo dušikov dioksid (NO2), po letu 2000 pa se vse več raziskav posveča tudi črnemu ogljiku (BC). V prispevku predstavljamo stacionarne in mobilne meritve črnega ogljika ter stacionarne meritve dušikovega dioksida v urbanem območju na dveh primerih. V prvem primeru gre za ugotavljanje vpliva ceste na kakovost zraka v neposredni okolici vrtca in nekdanje osnovne šole na Lavrici, v drugem primeru pa so prikazani rezultati meritev črnega ogljika na cestnem omrežju Kranja v gosti prostorski mreži.

    وصف الملف: application/pdf

  5. 5
    دورية أكاديمية

    المصدر: Obzornik zdravstvene nege, Vol 55, Iss 4 (2021)

    الوصف: Uvod: Vse pogosteje zaznavamo različne težave z načinom prehranjevanja pri otrocih. Otroci med 10. in 14. letom intenzivno rastejo in se razvijajo. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti vpliv izbirčnosti v prehrani otrok na njihovo prehranjenost v omenjeni starosti. Metode: Uporabljena je bila presečna opisna raziskava. Zajet je bil priložnostni vzorec osnovnošolcev zadnjega triletja. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 62 (49,2 %) učencev moškega in 64 (50,8 %) učencev ženskega spola zadnjega triletja ene izmed osnovnih šol v Sloveniji. Za zbiranje podatkov smo uporabili anketni vprašalnik, pridobili pa smo tudi podatke o telesni masi in višini. Uporabili smo opisno in sklepno statistiko (dvostranski test ANOVA). Rezultati: 37 (53,6 %) deklet in 28 (44,4 %) fantov je trdilo, da so izbirčni. Z dvostranskim testom ANOVA smo ugotovili, da obstaja povezava med izbirčnostjo in prehranjenostjo (p = 0,014). Pri dekletih je vidno večje odstopanje od prehranjenosti kot pri fantih. Diskusija in zaključek: Izbirčno prehranjevanje je v današnjem času zelo pogost problem, saj se je v njem prepoznala skoraj polovica vključenih učencev. Izbirčnost ima lahko negativne posledice v odrasli dobi. V starosti 10–14 let se ustvarjajo prehranjevalne navade, ki so lahko prisotne celotno življenje, zato je bistveno, da delujemo preventivno in s tem preprečimo negativne posledice. V prihodnosti bi bilo treba raziskovanje usmeriti v preventivne dejavnosti in promocijo zdravega prehranjevanja.

    وصف الملف: electronic resource

  6. 6
    دورية أكاديمية

    المصدر: Dela, Iss 54 (2021)

    الوصف: Onesnaženost zraka v urbanih območjih je pomemben dejavnik kakovosti življenja, nesporen pa je tudi vpliv kakovosti zraka na zdravje ljudi. Med pomembna onesnaževala urbanega ozračja že desetletja uvrščamo dušikov dioksid (NO2), po letu 2000 pa se vse več raziskav posveča tudi črnemu ogljiku (BC). V prispevku predstavljamo stacionarne in mobilne meritve črnega ogljika ter stacionarne meritve dušikovega dioksida v urbanem območju na dveh primerih. V prvem primeru gre za ugotavljanje vpliva ceste na kakovost zraka v neposredni okolici vrtca in nekdanje osnovne šole na Lavrici, v drugem primeru pa so prikazani rezultati meritev črnega ogljika na cestnem omrežju Kranja v gosti prostorski mreži.

  7. 7

    الوصف: Tematika posveta se nanaša na izkoriščanje vetrne energije kot obnovljivega vira energije, ki sodi med čiste in trajnostne vire. Svetovna zdravstvena organizacija (WHO) uvršča hrup vetrnih elektrarn med pomembne vire hrupa v življenjskem okolju, ker predstavlja pomemben javno zdravstveni in okoljski problem. WHO je v letu 2018 sprejela priporočila za okoljski hrup in je vključila vetrne elektrarne kot nov vir hrupa. Epidemiološke raziskave so pokazale mogoč vpliv hrupa vetrnih elektrarn tudi na kakovost spanja, saj glavni problem predstavlja infrazvok in nizkofrekvenčni hrup, ki ga v veliki meri proizvajajo vetrne elektrarne. Posvet je bil organiziran, ker je problematika vetrnih elektrarn premalo poznana naši širši strokovni javnosti. Ocenili smo, da ozaveščanje o tej problematiki lahko pomaga pri osvetlitvi nekaterih dilem pri umeščanju vetrnih elektrarn v prostor in posledično prispeva k ustvarjanju manj hrupnega življenjskega okolja.

    وصف الملف: application/pdf

  8. 8
    دورية أكاديمية

    المؤلفون: Andrej Hari, Katja Tepeš, Borut Štabuc

    المصدر: Zdravniški Vestnik, Vol 88, Iss 3-4, Pp 161-167 (2019)

    الوصف: Portalna hipertenzija je posledica različnih bolezenskih stanj organov in žilja, ki sodelujejo v portalnem krvnem obtoku. Različnim bolezenskim stanjem so skupni zapleti, ki se pojavijo. V dobi novih preiskovalnih metod za zgodnje odkrivanje obstoja portalne hipertenzije se postavlja vprašanje mesta, ki naj bi ga imela ultrazvočna preiskava na tem diagnostičnem področju. Članek poizkuša izluščiti prednosti in uporabnost ultrazvočne preiskave na področju diagnosticiranja portalne hipertenzije, kakor tudi opozoriti na področja, kjer preiskava kot diagnostična metoda ni več uporabna.

    وصف الملف: electronic resource

  9. 9
    دورية أكاديمية

    المصدر: Applied sciences, vol. 9, no. 21, art 4609, 2019. ; ISSN: 2076-3417

    الوصف: When creating a simulation model to assess the performance of buildings, there is usually a lack of feedback information. Only in the case of measurements of a real building is a direct comparison of the measured values and simulated results possible. Parameter data related to users’ behavior or other events can also be obtained. Their evaluated frequency, magnitude and duration, along with boundary conditions, are crucial for the results. It is clear that none of them can be predicted very accurately. Most of them, however, are needed for computer modeling. In this paper we analyzed the well-defined TRNSYS simulation model of offices equipped with radiant ceiling panels for heating and cooling. The model was based on real case offices and was validated based on measurements for 1 year. The analysis included simulations in order to define what effect the parameters related mainly to users have on the energy use and the indoor air temperatures. The study confirmed that specific human activities influence the annual energy use to a relatively small degree and that their effects often counteract. It also confirmed the even more important fact that although small, these activities can influence the thermal comfort of users. It is believed that despite the fact that this research was based on an analysis of offices equipped with radiant ceiling panels, most of the results could be applied generally.

    وصف الملف: application/pdf; text/url

  10. 10
    دورية أكاديمية

    المصدر: Sensors, vol. 19, no. 12, art 2661, 2019. ; ISSN: 1424-8220

    الوصف: 3D-printing technology is opening up new possibilities for the co-printing of sensory elements. While quasi-static research has shown promise, the dynamic performance has yet to be researched. This study researched smart 3D structures with embedded and printed sensory elements. The embedded strain sensor was based on the conductive PLA (Polylactic Acid) material. The research was focused on dynamic measurements of the strain and considered the theoretical background of the piezoresistivity of conductive PLA materials, the temperature effects, the nonlinearities, the dynamic range, the electromagnetic sensitivity and the frequency range. A quasi-static calibration used in the dynamic measurements was proposed. It was shown that the temperature effects were negligible, the sensory element was linear as long as the structure had a linear response, the dynamic range started at ∼ 30 μϵ and broadband performance was in the range of few kHz (depending on the size of the printed sensor). The promising results support future applications of smart 3D-printed systems with embedded sensory elements being used for dynamic measurements in areas where currently piezo-crystal-based sensors are used.

    وصف الملف: application/pdf; text/url