يعرض 1 - 10 نتائج من 7,568 نتيجة بحث عن '"Vigilancia Epidemiológica"', وقت الاستعلام: 0.97s تنقيح النتائج
  1. 1
    رسالة جامعية

    المؤلفون: Sentís Fuster, Alexis

    المساهمون: University/Department: Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Departament de Medicina i Ciències de la Vida

    مرشدي الرسالة: Guxens Junyent, Mònica, Caylà i Buqueras, Joan A., Reyes Urueña, Juliana

    المصدر: TDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa)

    الوصف: El propósito principal de la tesis es contribuir en lo posible a potenciar la vigilancia de las pandemias de las infecciones de transmisión sexual (ITS) y la tuberculosis (TB) en las poblaciones a riesgo de infección a través de una aproximación y un análisis sindémico para facilitar el diseño de intervenciones eficaces de prevención y control. Se llevaron a cabo cinco estudios en Cataluña y Portugal incluyendo distintos diseños epidemiológicos: incidencia poblacional, cohortes retrospectivas, y series temporales, y realizándose análisis descriptivos, modelos de regresión, análisis de series temporales y de clústeres. Los resultados mostraron como durante los últimos años, en Barcelona y Cataluña, hubo un aumento drástico de los casos notificados de ITS sobre todo en jóvenes, especialmente en mujeres jóvenes. Factores como ser hombre, el número de parejas o episodios previos de ITS o vivir en zonas urbanas se asociaron con el riesgo de presentar coinfección por el VIH. Se identificaron y caracterizaron tres clústeres diferenciados de casos de ITS en Cataluña. Durante la pandemia por COVID-19 hubo una reducción marcada en los casos diagnosticados y notificados de ITS, siendo esta disminución más pronunciada en mujeres y personas jóvenes. En los estudios relacionados con la TB, los resultados muestran cómo durante los últimos años la magnitud de la tendencia descendente en el número de casos notificados en Portugal fue desigual en las distintas poblaciones analizadas (menor en personas de nacionalidad no portuguesa, niños menores de 5 años y en personas VIH negativas). La falta de adherencia al tratamiento de la infección tuberculosa latente estuvo asociada a pautas largas del tratamiento y con determinados factores socio- epidemiológicos, clínicos y de comportamiento, que variaban en las dos áreas metropolitanas analizadas y que incluían factores como tener más de 15 años, haber nacido en el extranjero, tener una enfermedad crónica, el abuso de alcohol y el ser una persona que se inyecta drogas.

    الوصف (مترجم): El propòsit principal de la tesi és contribuir en la mesura del possible a potenciar la vigilància de les pandèmies de les infeccions de transmissió sexual (ITS) i la tuberculosi (TB) en les poblacions a risc d’infecció a través d'una aproximació i una anàlisi sindèmica per a facilitar el disseny d'intervencions eficaces de revenció i control. Es van dur a terme cinc estudis a Catalunya i Portugal incloent diferents dissenys epidemiològics (incidència poblacional, cohorts retrospectives, i sèries temporals), i fent anàlisis descriptives, models de regressió, anàlisis de sèries temporals i de clústers. Els resultats van mostrar com durant els darrers anys, a Barcelona i Catalunya, va haver-hi un augment dràstic dels casos notificats d'ITS sobretot en joves, especialment en dones joves. Factors com ara ser home, el nombre de parelles o episodis previs d’ITS, o viure en zones urbanes, es van associar amb un major risc de presentar coinfecció pel VIH. Es van identificar i caracteritzar tres clústers diferenciats de casos d'ITS a Catalunya. Durant la pandèmia de la COVID-19 va haver-hi una reducció marcada en el diagnòstic i notificació de casos d’ITS, aquesta disminució va ser més pronunciada en dones i persones joves. En els estudis relacionats amb la TB, els resultats mostren com la magnitud de la tendència descendent en el nombre de casos notificats a Portugal els darrers anys va ser desigual en les diferents poblacions analitzades (menor en persones de nacionalitat no portuguesa, nens menors de 5 anys i en persones VIH negatives). La manca d’adherència al tractament de la infecció tuberculosa latent va estar associada amb pautes llargues del tractament i amb determinats factors socioepidemiològics, clínics i de comportament, que variaven en les dues àrees metropolitanes analitzades i que incloïen factors com ara tenir més de 15 anys, haver nascut a l'estranger, tenir una malaltia crònica, l’abús d'alcohol i ser una persona que s’injecta drogues.
    The main purpose of this thesis is to contribute as much as possible to enhance the surveillance of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and tuberculosis (TB) pandemics in at-risk populations through a syndemic approach, and to facilitate the design of effective prevention and control interventions. Five studies with different epidemiological designs (population-based incidence, retrospective cohorts, and time series) were carried out in Catalonia and Portugal. Descriptive analysis, regression models, and time series and clustering analysis were performed. Findings from the STI analysis showed that in recent years, there has been a sharp increase in reported cases of STIs in Barcelona and Catalonia, especially in young people, particularly young women. Factors such as male sex, number of partners, number of previous STI episodes, and living in urban areas were associated with higher risk of HIV coinfection. Three differentiated clusters of STI cases in Catalonia were identified and characterised. During the COVID-19 pandemic there was a drastic reduction in diagnosed and reported cases of STIs; this decrease was more pronounced in women and young people. Findings from the TB analysis showed that in recent years the magnitude of the decrease in cases reported in Portugal differed across different populations (smaller decreases in people of nonPortuguese nationality, children under five years of age, and in HIV-negative people). Poor adherence to medications for latent TB infection was associated with long courses of treatment and with certain socioepidemiological, clinical, and behavioural factors such as age above 15 years, being born abroad, concomitant chronic disease, alcohol abuse, and injection drug use. The main associating factors differed between the two metropolitan areas analysed.
    Programa de doctorat en Biomedicina

    وصف الملف: application/pdf

  2. 2
    رسالة جامعية

    المؤلفون: Selva Jové, Laura

    المساهمون: University/Department: Universitat de Barcelona. Departament d'Obstetrícia i Ginecologia, Pediatria i Radiologia i Medicina Física

    مرشدي الرسالة: Muñoz-Almagro, Carmen, Jordán García, Iolanda

    المصدر: TDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa)

    الوقت: 616.9

    الوصف: Streptococcus pneumoniae (S. pneumoniae) és un colonitzador habitual del tracte respiratori superior dels humans. Es tracta d’un patogen comú de l’espècie humana que presenta una elevada taxa de morbiditat i mortalitat arreu del món. El bacteri pot causar otitis mitjana, sinusitis o infeccions de tracte respiratori superior, (per contigüitat) però també pot causar malaltia invasiva, quan habita en un territori habitualment estèril, produint pneumònia, bacterièmia, septicèmies i meningitis, entre d’altres. La malaltia pneumocòccica és un important problema de salut pública i és la principal causa individual de mortalitat infantil en el món. Segons dades de la Organització Mundial de la Salut (OMS), s’estima que a l’any 2000 es van produir 14.5 milions d’episodis greus de malaltia pneumocòccica, que va resultar en 826 000 morts en nens menors de dos anys. Un 61% d’aquestes morts es van produir a l’Àfrica subsahariana i al sud-est asiàtic. Tanmateix, en aquests països i, en especial a les zones rurals, les capacitats de diagnòstic són limitades o inexistents i la identificació de l’agent etiològic es basa en signes i símptomes clínics. És molt important aïllar l’agent etiològic causant de malaltia per tal de poder avaluar el millor tractament possible. No obstant, les tècniques actuals per al diagnòstic de la malaltia presenten una limitada sensibilitat i especificitat. El cultiu microbiològic, com a mètode de diagnòstic clàssic, té una baixa sensibilitat per a detectar el pneumococ. L’objectiu d’aquesta tesi és avaluar el potencial de les tècniques moleculars per al diagnòstic i caracterització de la malaltia pneumocòccica i discernir si l’ús de tècniques moleculars com la reacció en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR) poden suposar un avantatge tant per la rapidesa del mètode com per la detecció del patogen present en una mostra a baixa concentració. L’aplicació d’aquest tipus de tècniques en mostres biològiques impregnades en paper de filtre (dried-spot) i conservades a temperatura ambient poden ser un excel•lent sistema per a la detecció i serotipat de S. pneumoniae en països en vies de desenvolupament on la falta de recursos econòmics esdevé una de les principals limitacions. La capacitat del pneumococ de causar malaltia depèn de la presència d’una càpsula polisacàrida que impedeix la fagocitosi. Tot i que la presència de la càpsula és un requisit perquè produeixi malaltia, no és suficient per conferir virulència, sinó que són necessaris una varietat de factors determinants addicionals, com ara les adhesines, les proteases, les toxines, els sistemes de transport i enzims que modifiquen el medi extracel•lular. Recentment, s’ha descobert un determinant de virulència del pneumococ que és la proteïna rica en repeticions de serina, PsrP (Pneumococcal-serine rich protein). Es tracta d’una adhesina que intervé en l’adhesió del pneumococ a les cèl•lules pulmonars. PsrP és un important factor de virulència capaç de causar malaltia i un potencial candidat a una nova vacuna proteica.

    الوصف (مترجم): Streptococcus pneumoniae (S. pneumoniae) is a common colonizer of the upper respiratory tract of humans. This is a major human pathogen and leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. The bacteria can cause otitis media, sinusitis or upper respiratory tract infections (contiguity) but can also cause invasive disease, when living in an area usually sterile, causing pneumonia, bacteraemia, sepsis and meningitis, among others. According to the World Health Organization, in 2000, pneumococcal disease was estimated to have caused about 14.5 million severe episodes. There were approximately 826 000 deaths from pneumococcal disease in children under five years and 61% of these deaths occurred in sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia. However, in these countries, especially in rural areas, diagnostic capabilities are limited or nonexistent and agent identification is based on clinical signs and symptoms. It is very important to isolate the etiologic agent of disease in order to assess the best treatment possible. However, present techniques for the diagnosis of the disease have a limited sensitivity and specificity. Microbiological culture, considered the “gold-standard” in microbiological diagnosis has low sensitivity to detect pneumococcus. The aim of this Thesis is to evaluate the potential of molecular techniques for diagnosis and characterization of pneumococcal disease and to discern whether the use of molecular techniques such as PCR, can be an advantage both for the speed of method as for the detection of the pathogen present in a sample in low concentration. The application of these techniques in biological samples impregnated filter paper (dried-spot) and kept at room temperature can be an excellent system for the detection and serotyping of S. pneumoniae in developing countries where lack of financial resources is a major constraint. The ability of the pneumococcus to cause disease depends on the presence of a polysaccharide capsule that prevents phagocytosis. Although the presence of the capsule is a requirement to produce disease, is not sufficient to confer virulence, but need a large number of additional factors such as adhesins, proteases, toxins, transportation systems and enzymes that modify the extracellular medium. One recently identified pneumococcal virulence determinant is the pneumococcal serine-rich repeat protein (PsrP). This is an adhesin involved in adherence of pneumococci to lung cells. PsrP is an important virulence factor capable of causing disease and a potential new vaccine candidate protein.

    وصف الملف: application/pdf

    الوصول الحر: http://hdl.handle.net/10803/92298Test

  3. 3

    المساهمون: Repositório Científico do Instituto Nacional de Saúde

    الوصف: Introdução: A Hepatite A é uma doença infeciosa provocada pelo vírus da Hepatite A (VHA). A principal via de transmissão é fecal-oral, embora a transmissão sexual tenha vindo a desempenhar um papel mais preponderante na disseminação deste agente. Existe uma associação entre a incidência de Hepatite A com o acesso à água potável e indicadores socioeconómicos. Regiões globais de alta renda têm um reduzido número de novos casos de doença, no entanto a maioria dos diagnósticos é realizado em adultos, faixa etária em que a doença tende a apresentar maior gravidade, com consequências na morbilidade e mortalidade. A infeção por VHA pode ser assintomática, subclínica ou provocar insuficiência hepática aguda. O diagnóstico precoce da infeção é essencial, a hidratação adequada e controlo dos sintomas integram o processo terapêutico. É fundamental a prestação de cuidados intensivos, multidisciplinares para o reconhecimento de fatores de mau prognóstico, como complicações hepáticas ou extra-hepáticas. Objetivo: Caraterizar a tendência de hospitalizações por Hepatite A ocorridas em Portugal entre 2013 e 2022. Material e métodos: Estudo observacional retrospetivo, que analisou a tendência de hospitalizações por hepatite A identificadas na Base de Dados de Morbilidade Hospitalar (BDMH/ACSS), utilizando os códigos 070.0 e 070.1 (ICD-09) e B15 e B15.9 (ICD-10), entre 2013 e 2022. Estatística descritiva foi realizada através SPSS® ver.25 e a tendência das hospitalizações foi estimada através do Joinpoint Regression Program 5.0.2. Resultados: Entre 2013 e 2022, ocorreram 546 hospitalizações por Hepatite A com uma mediana de duração de 5 dias (0-133 dias). A maioria das hospitalizações corresponderam a indivíduos do sexo masculino (n=391; 71,6%), com idades entre 25 e 44 anos (n=231; 42.3%). Apenas 5.5% das hospitalizações envolverem crianças com idade <14anos. Neste período registaram-se 13 óbitos, sendo a maioria do sexo feminino (n=7; 54%), com idades compreendidas entre 44 e 86 anos (mediana 63 anos). A tendência crescente das hospitalizações foi estatisticamente significativa quer quando avaliada globalmente (+40.7, p=0.04), quer quando observada de forma distinta em homens (+53.4, p=0.04) e mulheres (+35.5, p=0.02). A tendência crescente foi mais acentuada em homens do que em mulheres. As faixas etárias 45-64 e >65 anos foram as únicas a apresentar uma tendência crescente estatisticamente significativa (+39.2, p=0.01; +46.8, p=0.004). Discussão e Conclusão: Em Portugal, o número de novos casos de doença reportados é baixo. A diminuição dos casos, apesar de ser um bom indicador da melhoria das condições higieno-sanitárias, aumenta a possibilidade da ocorrência de surtos pois a população tenderá a ver reduzida a sua imunidade natural contra a doença. A maioria dos diagnósticos ocorre em indivíduos de idade adulta, traduzindo-se no aumento da gravidade da doença e consequentemente no aumento das hospitalizações. Nas regiões urbanas, Lisboa e Porto, a disseminação da infeção foi associada maioritariamente a transmissão sexual. A monitorização da doença é fundamental para a implementação precoce de medidas de prevenção, de forma a mitigar danos que um surto possa ter na população e auxiliar no desenvolvimento de estratégias de saúde pública no controlo da Hepatite A.

    وصف الملف: application/pdf

  4. 4

    المساهمون: Repositório Científico do Instituto Nacional de Saúde

    الوصف: Background. Hepatitis A is an acute liver disease with faecal-oral transmission caused by a hepatotrophic picornavírus - Hepatitis A Virus (HAV). Food contamination with HAV can occur at any time: cultivation, harvesting, processing, handling and even after cooking.1,2 Food and water contamination happens more frequently in developing countries where the disease is common but can also happen in developed countries. Although uncommon, foodborne outbreaks have occurred due to people consuming contaminated fresh and frozen imported food products. Therefore, monitoring the disease is an essential tool for the early implementation of preventive measures, applying the One Health approach to both the human and environmental dimensions to mitigate the impact that an outbreak may have on the population.3 Methods. Retrospective observational study, which analyses the incidence of reported cases of Hepatitis A in Portugal between 2012 and 2022. Data presented were collected from the Directorate-General for Health (DGS) and the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). Descriptive statistics were performed using Microsoft Excel® software. Results. Portugal had 806 cases of Hepatitis A between 2012 and 2022, the majority of which were male (n=597, 74.1%), aged between 25 and 44 years (n=397; 49.3%). Between 2012 and 2016, there was a gradual increase in incidence, from 0.1 in 2012 to 0.5 per 100 000 population in 2016. In 2017, there was a peak in incidence (4.7 per 100 000 population), corresponding to an outbreak of Hepatitis A that year. After 2017, the incidence gradually decreased. However, it never reached values lower than those of 2012, even during the years of the COVID-19 pandemic. During the study period, the incidence in men and women was similar, except between 2016 and 2019, where the incidence in men was higher. In terms of age, the incidence of Hepatitis A by age group showed high heterogeneity over the years, without a predominance. Conclusions. In Portugal, the incidence, except for 2017, was relatively low. However, most diagnoses occur in adults when the disease can present greater severity, with consequences in terms of morbidity and mortality. The decrease in incidence is a good indicator of improved hygiene and sanitary conditions, but it increases the possibility of outbreaks since the population tends to see its natural immunity against the disease reduced. It is essential to monitor the incidence of the disease in the population of Portugal to develop timely public health strategies to control potential outbreaks of Hepatitis A. Strategies to be implemented must take into account not only the human dimension in terms of prevention with vaccination, diagnosis and treatment of the disease but also measures in the environmental dimension, since transmission of the disease occurs via the faecal-oral route, it is essential to implement legislation and measures that promote food and water safety and alert the population to risk behaviours. References. 1Hofmeister MG, Foster MA, Teshale EH. Epidemiology and Transmission of Hepatitis A Virus and Hepatitis E Virus Infections in the United States. 2019. 2Castaneda D, Gonzalez AJ, Alomari M, et al. From hepatitis A to E: A critical review of viral hepatitis. World J Gastroenterol 2021; 27: 1691–1715. 3Jefferies M, Rauff B, Rashid H, et al. Update on global epidemiology of viral hepatitis and preventive strategies. Australia World J Clin Cases 2018; 6:589–599.

    وصف الملف: application/pdf

  5. 5

    المساهمون: Repositório Científico do Instituto Nacional de Saúde

    الوصف: Background: Human and animal health are closely linked, with this relationship being a potential source of diseases to humans, with brucellosis being a classic example. Several prevention strategies have been successfully implemented to control brucellosis, but monitoring the disease is an essential instrument for early implementation of prevention measures, in order to mitigate any damage that an increase in cases may have on the human and animal population. Therefore, the aim of this study was to characterize the evolution of notified cases of human brucellosis in Portugal between 1998-2018. Methods: Retrospective observational study that included all reported cases of human brucellosis in Portugal, between 1998 and 2018 (last official public data available). Data was collected from reports made available by the Directorate-General for Health (DGS). Descriptive statistics (frequencies mean, median, proportions) by sex, age and geographic location were performed using Microsoft Excel® software. Results: Between 1998 and 2018, 3752 cases of brucellosis were reported in Portugal, the majority of which were male (n=2298, 61.2%), aged between 15 and 54 years (n=1870; 49.8%). With the exception of 2011, the number of cases reported in males was systematically higher than in females. The regions with the most reported cases are the North (n=1298; 34.6%) and Center (n=1323; 35.3%) of Portugal. The highest number of reported cases were recorded in North region (13 of the 21 years studied). The highest number of reported cases was observed in 1998 (n=817), while the lowest was observed in 2017 (n=16). The number of cases decreased substantially between 1998 and 2004 (variation of -82.6%), with this decline being interrupted by a small increase in cases in 2005. From 2005 onwards, the number of cases resumed its downward trend, although with some fluctuations and in a less pronounced way until 2018. Conclusion: In the last two decades, the number of reported cases of human brucellosis has decreased significantly. The improvement of the notification system, socioeconomic changes and animal brucellosis eradication programs are determining factors for this decrease. However, brucellosis is not eradicated in Portugal; therefore, the surveillance of human cases is essential to develop timely strategies for controlling brucellosis, not only at human level but also at animal and environmental levels.

    وصف الملف: application/pdf

  6. 6

    المساهمون: Repositório Científico do Instituto Nacional de Saúde

    الوصف: Observações é uma publicação científica do INSA, IP, que visa contribuir para o conhecimento da saúde da população, os fatores que a influenciam, a decisão e a intervenção em Saúde Pública, assim como a avaliação do seu impacte na população portuguesa. Através do acesso público e gratuito a resultados científicos gerados por atividades de observação em saúde, monitorização e vigilância epidemiológica nas áreas de atuação do Instituto - Alimentação e Nutrição, Doenças Infeciosas, Genética Humana, Saúde Ambiental, Promoção da Saúde e Prevenção de Doenças Não Transmissíveis, Epidemiologia, Investigação em Serviços e Políticas de Saúde - é dada especial atenção à disseminação rápida de informação relevante para a resposta a temas de relevo para a saúde da população portuguesa, tendo como principal alvo todos os profissionais, investigadores e decisores intervenientes na área da Saúde Pública em Portugal.

    وصف الملف: application/pdf

    العلاقة: Boletim Epidemiológico Observações. 2023 mai-ago;12(34):1-65; 0874-2928

  7. 7
    دورية أكاديمية

    المصدر: Revista Española de Nutrición Humana y Dietética (2024)

    الوصف: Introducción: la salmonelosis es la segunda enfermedad gastrointestinal más notificada y la primera causa de brote alimentario en España y en la UE. El objetivo de este estudio es describir la distribución temporal y las características epidemiológicas de la salmonelosis en España durante el periodo prepandémico 2013-2019, utilizando tres fuentes de información diferentes. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo retrospectivo en el que se estudiaron los casos individualizados y los brotes de salmonelosis notificados a la Red Nacional de Vigilancia Epidemiológica, y los datos registrados en el Conjunto Mínimo Básico de Datos de Altas Hospitalarias entre 2013 y 2019. Resultados: Se notificaron 60.771 casos de forma individualizada, 2.233 brotes y 24.096 altas hospitalarias de salmonelosis. La Incidencia Acumulada (IA) de los casos individualizados aumentó hasta 2016, aunque 2018 fue el año de mayor IA. La Incidencia acumulada de periodo (IAp) fue más elevada en hombres que en mujeres, tanto para los casos individualizados (27,76 y 25,05, respectivamente) como para las altas hospitalarias (8,32 y 6,50, respectivamente). En los casos individualizados la mayor incidencia se dio en el grupo de 1 a 4 años y en las altas hospitalarias en los menores de un año. El número de casos individualizados, de brotes y de altas hospitalarias fue mayor en los meses cálidos. El alimento notificado con mayor frecuencia en los brotes fue el huevo y el ámbito de ocurrencia el hogar. Conclusiones: La incidencia de la salmonelosis a nivel nacional e internacional sigue siendo elevada. El huevo y sus derivados son los alimentos que se asocian en más ocasiones a brotes alimentarios. El análisis conjunto de varias fuentes de datos mejora la vigilancia epidemiológica al aportar información complementaria relevante para la toma de decisiones.

    وصف الملف: electronic resource

  8. 8
    دورية أكاديمية

    المصدر: Research, Society and Development; Vol. 13 No. 1; e5513144747 ; Research, Society and Development; Vol. 13 Núm. 1; e5513144747 ; Research, Society and Development; v. 13 n. 1; e5513144747 ; 2525-3409

    الوصف: Objetivo: Mapear en la literatura la producción científica sobre tecnologías desarrolladas y/o validadas que buscan contribuir para la efectividad del proceso de notificación obligatoria de enfermedades en el contexto hospitalario. Metodología: Protocolo de revisión del alcance, realizado por la metodología del Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI), guiado por la pregunta de revisión preparada según el modelo conceptual de la mnemónica PCC – (Población, Concepto, Contexto). Se incluirán artículos, tesis y disertaciones a partir de búsquedas en las siguientes bases de datos: Sistema de Análisis y Recuperación de Literatura Médica en Línea (Medline/PubMed), Literatura Latinoamericana y del Caribe en Ciencias de la Salud (LILACS)/Biblioteca Virtual en Salud (BVS), Índice Acumulativo de Nursing and Allied Health (CINAHL), Web of Science (WOS), Scopus, Excerpta Medica Database (Embase), así como en la literatura gris. Los datos serán extraídos y organizados en software Excel a través de una hoja de cálculo que será desarrollada por el autor. Protocolo registrado en Open Science Framework (OSF): 10.17605/OSF.IO/DKR4F. Resultados: Los resultados serán presentados en un diagrama de flujo, destacando el proceso de búsqueda e inclusión/exclusión de publicaciones, seguido de discusión, elaboración de tablas y figuras ilustrativas. Conclusión: Protocolo con el propósito de sistematizar y describir los pasos metodológicos para la realización de una revisión de alcance que tiene como objetivo identificar estudios en la literatura que aborden tecnologías con el objetivo de contribuir a la implementación del proceso de notificación obligatoria de enfermedades en el contexto hospitalario. ; Objetivo: Mapear na literatura a produção científica sobre tecnologias desenvolvidas e/ou validadas que visem contribuir para a efetividade do processo de notificação compulsória de doenças no contexto hospitalar. Metodologia: Protocolo de scoping review, conduzido pela metodologia do Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI), orientado pela questão de revisão ...

    وصف الملف: application/pdf

  9. 9

    الوصف: Background. Hepatitis A is an acute liver disease with faecal-oral transmission caused by a hepatotrophic picornavírus - Hepatitis A Virus (HAV). Food contamination with HAV can occur at any time: cultivation, harvesting, processing, handling and even after cooking.1,2 Food and water contamination happens more frequently in developing countries where the disease is common but can also happen in developed countries. Although uncommon, foodborne outbreaks have occurred due to people consuming contaminated fresh and frozen imported food products. Therefore, monitoring the disease is an essential tool for the early implementation of preventive measures, applying the One Health approach to both the human and environmental dimensions to mitigate the impact that an outbreak may have on the population.3 Methods. Retrospective observational study, which analyses the incidence of reported cases of Hepatitis A in Portugal between 2012 and 2022. Data presented were collected from the Directorate-General for Health (DGS) and the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). Descriptive statistics were performed using Microsoft Excel® software. Results. Portugal had 806 cases of Hepatitis A between 2012 and 2022, the majority of which were male (n=597, 74.1%), aged between 25 and 44 years (n=397; 49.3%). Between 2012 and 2016, there was a gradual increase in incidence, from 0.1 in 2012 to 0.5 per 100 000 population in 2016. In 2017, there was a peak in incidence (4.7 per 100 000 population), corresponding to an outbreak of Hepatitis A that year. After 2017, the incidence gradually decreased. However, it never reached values lower than those of 2012, even during the years of the COVID-19 pandemic. During the study period, the incidence in men and women was similar, except between 2016 and 2019, where the incidence in men was higher. In terms of age, the incidence of Hepatitis A by age group showed high heterogeneity over the years, without a predominance. Conclusions. In Portugal, the incidence, except for 2017, ...

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    الوصف: Background: Human and animal health are closely linked, with this relationship being a potential source of diseases to humans, with brucellosis being a classic example. Several prevention strategies have been successfully implemented to control brucellosis, but monitoring the disease is an essential instrument for early implementation of prevention measures, in order to mitigate any damage that an increase in cases may have on the human and animal population. Therefore, the aim of this study was to characterize the evolution of notified cases of human brucellosis in Portugal between 1998-2018. Methods: Retrospective observational study that included all reported cases of human brucellosis in Portugal, between 1998 and 2018 (last official public data available). Data was collected from reports made available by the Directorate-General for Health (DGS). Descriptive statistics (frequencies mean, median, proportions) by sex, age and geographic location were performed using Microsoft Excel® software. Results: Between 1998 and 2018, 3752 cases of brucellosis were reported in Portugal, the majority of which were male (n=2298, 61.2%), aged between 15 and 54 years (n=1870; 49.8%). With the exception of 2011, the number of cases reported in males was systematically higher than in females. The regions with the most reported cases are the North (n=1298; 34.6%) and Center (n=1323; 35.3%) of Portugal. The highest number of reported cases were recorded in North region (13 of the 21 years studied). The highest number of reported cases was observed in 1998 (n=817), while the lowest was observed in 2017 (n=16). The number of cases decreased substantially between 1998 and 2004 (variation of -82.6%), with this decline being interrupted by a small increase in cases in 2005. From 2005 onwards, the number of cases resumed its downward trend, although with some fluctuations and in a less pronounced way until 2018. Conclusion: In the last two decades, the number of reported cases of human brucellosis has decreased significantly. The ...