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    كتاب إلكتروني
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    رسالة جامعية

    المؤلفون: Sàez i Sellarès, Meritxell

    المساهمون: University/Department: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament d'Antropologia Social i Cultural

    مرشدي الرسالة: Fons, Virgínia

    المصدر: TDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa)

    الوصف: Aquesta tesi aporta una etnografia sobre el model de procreació rrom de les comunitats de Murgeni i Ţăndărei de Romania en context de destí migratori, a l´Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona, a Catalunya. Un model procreatiu propi que segueix uns requeriments ideològics determinats amb la finalitat última d’assolir la supervivència de la descendència i la incorporació d’aquesta al grup dels qui anomenen parents. La seva estructura que està formada per diferents àmbits relacionats i conté idees i pràctiques rrom que tenen el propòsit que el fill o la filla es formi, es desenvolupi i s´adscrigui al grup. El model de procreació rrom segueix la definició del domini del parentiu proposat per González Echevarría (1995, 2005, 2010). Per comprendre quines són les representacions i pràctiques centrals de la procreació en la cultura gitana és necessari considerar aquells elements significatius de la societat rrom de Romania transversals a tot el seu sistema i, per tant també, en la procreació. Els rrom necessiten d’un model mal·leable que s´adapti a situacions d’adversitat com el desplaçament continu, la migració, o el canvi en les solidaritats o vincles socials amb altres grups. És així com, per una banda, aquesta tesi descriu l’estructura i segmentació social que és flexible i varia segons el context, adaptant-se a diferents situacions històriques, geogràfiques, socials i polítiques sovint poc favorables o hostils. Per aquesta raó, i a partir de casos etnogràfics, presenta aquelles qüestions sobre adscripció ètnica que delimiten el món gitano del món gadje (no gitano), però també aquelles altres fronteres socials que es donen en la societat gitana a partir d’una segmentació interna establerta. D´altra banda, també fa referència a la tradició i la Llei gitana com a eixos reguladors de la vida social. Endinsar-nos en aquells elements de la tradició gitana ens aporta comprensió sobre la construcció de la identitat rrom i contenen el que és essencial i dóna sentit a la identitat gitana. La Llei gitana com articulació normativa regula les relacions internes dels rrom, també envers altres grups gitanos i especialment amb els gadje. I és basa, en gran mesura, en la ideologia de la contaminació que delimita i regula el món dels gitanos, imprescindible per assolir la romipēn (gitaneïtat). També, en el model procreatiu rrom intervenen les principals representacions, coneixements i pràctiques relacionades amb la sexualitat, la reproducció i vinculades a la noció de grup com també qüestions sobre Déu, descendència, contracepció i avortaments. Finalment, a partir de la descripció detallada i l’anàlisi del procés procreatiu, que compren la concepció, l’embaràs i el moment del part fins al primer més de vida del nounat, es deixen veure aquelles nocions que són clau i estan vinculades amb el model de parentiu rrom pensat per promoure la continuïtat del grup amb la criança dels infants.

    الوصف (مترجم): This thesis provides an ethnography on the model of Romani procreation of the Murgeni and Ţăndărei communities in Romania in the context of migratory destiny, in the Metropolitan area of ​​Barcelona, ​​in Catalonia, Spain. Their own procreative model which follows specific ideological requirements with the ultimate purpose of achieving the survival of their offspring, and its incorporation in the group of those who are called their relatives. Its structure, which is made up of different related areas, and which contains Romani ideas and practices whose aim is their children’s formation, development and secondment to the group. The model of Romani procreation follows the definition of the domain of kinship proposed by González Echevarría (1995, 2005, 2010). In order to understand what the main representations and practices of procreation in the Gypsy culture are, it is necessary to consider those meaningful elements of the Romani society of Romania that are transversal throughout its system and, therefore, also in procreation. The Romani need a malleable model that can be adapted to situations of adversity such as continuous movement, migration, or changes in solidarity or social links with other groups. This is how, on the one hand, this thesis describes the structure and social segmentation that is flexible and varies according to the context, fitting into different historical, geographical, social and political situations that are often unfavorable or hostile. For this reason, and based on ethnographic cases, not only those questions about ethnic affiliation that make a boundary between the Gypsy world of the Gadje (non-Gypsy) world are introduced , but also those other social boundaries that occur in the Gypsy society based on an established internal segmentation . On the other hand, it also refers to the tradition and the Gypsy Law as the regulatory axes of social life. Going deep down into those elements of the Gypsy tradition gives us an understanding of the construction of the Romani identity and contains what is essential and gives meaning to the Gypsy identity. The Gypsy Law as a normative articulation regulates the internal relationships among the Romani, also among other Gypsy groups and especially with the Gadje. And it is based, to a large extent, on the ideology of pollution that delimits and regulates the world of the Gypsies, which is essential to achieve romipēn (“gypsiness”). Furthermore, the main representations, knowledge and practice related to sexuality and reproduction which are linked to the notion of group, as well as questions about God, offspring, contraception and abortion, are involved in the Romani procreative model. Finally, from the detailed description and analysis of the procreative process, which begins from the conception, pregnancy and the moment of birth until the first month of life of the newborn, we can see those notions that are key and are linked to the kinship model of the Romani designed to promote the continuity of the group with the raising of their children.

    وصف الملف: application/pdf

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    كتاب إلكتروني
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    دورية أكاديمية

    المؤلفون: Jonas Sello Thinane

    المصدر: E-Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, Vol 5, Iss 6, Pp 814-824 (2024)

    الوصف: Marriage is a sacred institution that represents God’s sent interpersonal relationships to proliferate humanity, rather than just the act of remaining as husband and wife. The phrase “be fruitful, multiply, and subdue the earth” is perhaps a better way to describe this missio maritatus, or marriage mission, as God instructs humanity in Genesis 1:28. God, the eternal missionary here, calls on humanity to be fruitful, multiply, and steward the earth. Although missiology has frequently examined how marriage intersects with redemptive goals within the complex framework of missio Dei, no study has formally introduced the theoretical framework of missio maritatus. This paper therefore presented the theoretical underpinnings of missio maritatus, which embraces the complexity of missio Dei and interprets Genesis 1:28 as expressing marriage missiology. It firmly based this mission’s theoretical framework on the central Christian doctrines of predestination and divine foresight. It states unequivocally that the limited traditional understanding of marriage still has issues, but it leaves it to future studies to define missio maritatus in light of contemporary marriage trends. To put it another way, despite its shortcomings, missio maritatus is a useful theoretical framework in missiology, and the scope of this paper justifies further investigation into this area. This paper makes two important contributions to the respective areas of theology: The first and most general part concerns practical theology, as it examines the intersection of marriage with broader Christian social theological teachings. Second, and perhaps more importantly, the novel development of the missio maritatus in missiology adds a new missio-theological framework which incorporates the institution of marriage with the context of the missio Dei.

    وصف الملف: electronic resource

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    كتاب إلكتروني

    المؤلفون: Fisher, George, author

    المصدر: Beware Euphoria : The Moral Roots and Racial Myths of America's War on Drugs, 2024, ill.

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    كتاب إلكتروني

    المؤلفون: Finneron-Burns, Elizabeth, author

    المصدر: What We Owe to Future People : A Contractualist Account of Intergenerational Ethics, 2024.

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    المؤلفون: Costa, Barbara Azevedo

    المساهمون: Fontes, José Fernandes, Repositório Comum

    الوصف: Chama-se gestação de substituição e consiste num acordo em que uma mulher que não pode ou não consegue carregar um filho no seu útero, recorra a outra mulher, a chamada gestante de substituição, para que esta tenha uma gravidez por si, respeitando os requisitos regulamentados, e entregando a criança após o parto e renunciando aos seus direitos de mãe. O procedimento recorre a técnicas de procriação medicamente assistida, se uma mulher for incapaz de gerar um filho, mas for fértil ela poderá ser mãe de um filho biológico se a gestação ocorrer numa mulher saudável. Em casos mais complexos de infertilidade os óvulos poderão ser doados por outra mulher e inseminados artificialmente e implantados na mulher de substituição. Atualmente, em Portugal o fenómeno da gestação de substituição encontra-se suspenso pelo Acórdão do Tribunal Constitucional n.º 225/2018, de 7 de maio de 2018, porém, com a oferta e garantias de sucesso noutros países, muitos são aqueles que querem ver o sonho de serem pais realizado e procuram um local onde tal seja possível, o que resulta, muitas vezes, numa prática além-fronteiras criada da exploração reprodutiva e da clandestinidade. Existe toda uma propaganda à favor desta prática, onde é transmitida uma imagem de altruísmo e de solidariedade, mas não se reporta a instrumentalização da mulher gestante, que assume a posição de uma simples incubadora durante todo o processo de gestação. A crescente procura por esta prática faz com que despoletasse um mercado de bebés, onde mulheres são exploradas e os bebés ainda que não tenham sido concebidos encontram-se numa posição de instabilidade, não só jurídica como eventualmente emocional, uma vez que estamos perante a celebração de um contrato cujo objetivo de negociação é uma criança, um bebé, querido por todos e que no final pode não ser querido por ninguém. Esta é uma realidade que deve ser combatida, é necessário, a elaboração de um quadro jurídico multilateral para que se garanta a preservação da dignidade da pessoa humana, independentemente do local em que nasça ou de quem dê à luz um filho.

    الوصف (مترجم): It is called gestation of substitution and consists of an agreement in which a woman who cannot or cannot carry a child in her womb, resorts to another woman, the so-called gestante de substituição, so that she carries a pregnancy for herself, respecting the regulated requirements, and delivering the child after birth and renouncing her rights as a mother. The procedure makes use of medically assisted procreation techniques, if a woman is unable to bear a child but is fertile she can be the mother of a biological child if the pregnancy occurs in a healthy woman. In more complex cases of infertility the ova can be donated by another woman and artificially inseminated and implanted in the surrogate woman. Currently, in Portugal, the phenomenon of surrogate pregnancy is suspended by the Judgement of the Constitutional Court no. 225/2018, of 7 May 2018, however, with the offer and guarantees of success in other countries, many are those who want to see their dream of becoming parents come true and seek a place where this is possible, which often results in a cross-border practice created of reproductive exploitation and clandestinity. There is a whole propaganda in favour of this practice, where an image of altruism and solidarity is transmitted, but it does not report the instrumentalisation of the pregnant woman, who assumes the position of a simple incubator during the entire gestation process. The growing demand for this practice has triggered a baby market, where women are exploited and the babies, even if they have not been conceived, find themselves in an unstable position, not only legally but also emotionally, as we are facing the signing of a contract whose objective of negotiation is a child, a baby, wanted by all and that in the end may not be wanted by anyone. This is a reality that must be fought, it is necessary, the elaboration of a multilateral legal framework to guarantee the preservation of the dignity of the human person, regardless of where a child is born or who gives birth to a child.

    وصف الملف: application/pdf

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