يعرض 1 - 10 نتائج من 11,509 نتيجة بحث عن '"Principle of legality"', وقت الاستعلام: 1.55s تنقيح النتائج
  1. 1

    المؤلفون: Sunesson, Alice, Qandeel, Mais, 1985

    المصدر: Rule of Law in a Transitional Spectrum. :389-403

    الوصف: Automated administrative decisions (AADs) have been deployed in the public sector to increase efficiency and accessibility. However, AADs challenge the principles of the rule of law, particularly, the principle of legality (PoL). This chapter examines whether AADs are in compliance with the PoL. In order to adequately answer the question at hand, this chapter first discusses the PoL and its legal force. Secondly, it discusses AADs, their benefits and legal implications in relation to public administration. The chapter, finally, studies the entangled relationship between AADs and the PoL in the public sector and argues for the importance of upholding the PoL in the process of automated decisions made by public authorities.

    وصف الملف: electronic

  2. 2

    المصدر: Rule of Law in a Transitional Spectrum. :177-186

    مصطلحات موضوعية: rule of law, principle of legality, tax law, Juridik, Law

    الوصف: This chapter examines the principle of the legality of taxation in the context of the rule of law. It begins with an exploration of the legality of taxation in international and EU Law, providing a comparative overview and delving into the specific case of Sweden. The authors discuss how this principle is not explicitly stated as a fundamental right in the European Charter of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms but can be derived from its provisions. The Court of Justice of the European Union recognizes it as a general principle, necessitating that tax obligations and their substantive elements be defined by law.The article then focuses on the Swedish interpretation of the principle, tracing its evolution and current application. It highlights the nuances in the Swedish legal system, where the principle of legality in tax law is interpreted as a general rule that taxation must be lawful and in accordance with the principles of the rule of law. This includes a discussion of the role of the Swedish Parliament in enacting tax laws and the interpretative approaches of the Supreme Administrative Court.In conclusion, the paper emphasizes the principle of legality as an integral part of a larger legal system grounded in the rule of law. It addresses the challenges and complexities in applying this principle, especially when harmonizing national and EU law principles in tax cases.

    وصف الملف: electronic

  3. 3

    المؤلفون: Musco Eklund, Amanda, 1991

    المصدر: European journal of migration and law. 25(3):249-274

    الوصف: The European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS) will profile visa-exempt third-country nationals using a screening rules algorithm to make automated predictive risk assessments. By using the screening rules algorithm as a case study, this article analyses if the ETIAS Regulation, and the legal safeguards it establishes for the decision-making process, comply with formal and substantive legality requirements as defined by the Venice Commission and the Court of Justice of the European Union. Three legality challenges are identified: [1] The regulatory design of ETIAS raises issues in relation to the foreseeability, clarity and accessibility of law, as well as insufficient limits to discretion. [2] The ETIAS screening rules algorithm represents a development towards a new form of arbitrariness through 'algorithmic discretion'. [3] The safeguard of manual (human) processing in case of a 'hit' is not a panacea for the identified legality challenges.

    وصف الملف: electronic

  4. 4
    دورية أكاديمية

    المصدر: Ikatan Penulis Mahasiswa Hukum Indonesian Law Journal, Vol 4, Iss 1, Pp 38-47 (2024)

    مصطلحات موضوعية: common law, civil law, principle of legality, Law

    الوصف: Asas legalitas merupakan dasar fundamental dalam penegakan hukum pidana, sehingga diperlukan pemahaman yang mendasar dan mendalam mengenai hal tersebut. Adapun penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan potret asas legalitas dalam dua sistem hukum utama di dunia, yaitu common law dan civil law. Menggunakan pendekatan hukum normatif, data-data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini bersumber dari bahan hukum primer, sekunder, dan tersier yang diperoleh melalui studi kepustakaan. Penelitian ini menyoroti perbedaan penerapan asas legalitas di dalam common law dan civil law. Hasilnya, dalam common law, Nulla Poena Sine Lege menjadi rumusan asas legalitas yang pada praktiknya bertumpu pada preseden hasil putusan pengadilan. Sementara dalam civil law, rumusan asas legalitasnya adalah Nullum Crimen, Nulla Poena Sine Praevia Lege Poenali, yang menitikberatkan pada peraturan tertulis dalam berbagai regulasi hukum pidana.

    وصف الملف: electronic resource

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    دورية أكاديمية

    المؤلفون: Maxim I. Shevchenko

    المصدر: RUDN Journal of Law, Vol 27, Iss 4, Pp 871-885 (2023)

    الوصف: The research is focused on the essence of the rule of law as a constitutional and legal principle as the basis of the UK constitution and approaches to its determination. The rule of law, being a general legal principle, which has been developed in various legal concepts, including the British rule of law, the German rechtsstaat, the French etat de droit, at the present stage has become one of the fundamental constitutional and legal characteristics, both at the national and supranational level. National concepts of the rule of law, having certain differences and peculiarities, are essentially aimed at achieving similar goals. However, their substantive content is formed on the basis of existing features of specific national legal orders. One of the earliest and most developed in terms of constitutional and legal theory and practice is the UK approach to the rule of law. However, the question of its determining remains relevant at the present stage. The object is the concept of the rule of law developed in the UK, the subject is its specific features and manifestations, as well as approaches to its determination in British legal doctrine and practice. The purpose is to explore the issue of determination of the rule of law in the UK and to form a comprehensive approach to understanding its essence. The methodological basis of the research is constituted by 1) dialectical method, 2) general scientific methods including analysis, synthesis, comparison, analogy, deduction and induction, 3) special methods including logical, formal-legal, comparative-legal, and statistical methods. Based on the analysis the author makes an attempt to define the essence of the rule of law as an integral part of the UK constitution and its key features.

    وصف الملف: electronic resource

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    دورية أكاديمية

    المؤلفون: Ruslan M. Allalyev

    المصدر: RUDN Journal of Law, Vol 27, Iss 4, Pp 859-870 (2023)

    الوصف: The article gives a critical analysis of the rule of law concept in the Anglo-Saxon political and legal tradition. The main criticism concerns its conceptual weakness, isolation from the real economic and political processes dominating in the society. The concept, once widely used both in the legal and political spheres, has become a kind of “buzzword” without clearly defined content. The lack of understanding of the rule of law concept among the public and inability of the scientific community to give any generally accepted explanation of the essence of this concept is ultimately expressed in failure of the population to follow some reasonable norms of behavior. In such a situation, even moral norms surrender to the policy of force and pursuit of selfish interests. The lack of theoretical rigor in the use of the rule of law concept is the reason that ultimately led some critical scientists in the West to question the relevance of the study of various conceptual approaches to it. The rule of law concept, previously presented as the main solution to many modern problems, such as poverty, corruption, terrorism, etc., is currently experiencing a severe crisis. The author concludes that understanding of this socio-cultural phenomenon may be reached not through examining liberal values but through investigating socio-economic development of society.

    وصف الملف: electronic resource

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    دورية أكاديمية

    المؤلفون: Andrii Liubchenko

    المصدر: Three Seas Economic Journal, Vol 5, Iss 1 (2024)

    الوصف: This article examines the problem of changing the designated purpose of agricultural land in the context of a modern market economy. The author draws attention to the priority of agricultural land use established by law and the importance of efficient use of these resources for the development of other sectors of the economy and in accordance with the needs of the population. The study examines the factors that influence the decision to change the designated purpose of land and discusses the possible consequences of such changes for agricultural production and environmental sustainability. The subject of this research is an analysis of the problem of changing the designated purpose of agricultural land in the current conditions of a market economy. The research methodology includes an analysis of current legislation, a study of the practice of applying its provisions, as well as a review of current research and statistics in the field of agriculture and land relations. The purpose of the article is to reveal the importance of the priority of agricultural land use and the need for efficient use of these resources in a market economy. The study shows that changing the designated purpose of agricultural land can have a significant impact on the economy, environment and social sphere. It is shown that, despite the need for other uses of some land plots, the priority of agricultural land use is a key factor in ensuring food security and sustainable agricultural development. Based on the analysis of research, the author concludes that it is necessary to implement comprehensive measures for the conservation and rational use of agricultural land. The proposed strategies include the development of effective legislation, promotion of alternative forms of agricultural production, such as organic agriculture, as well as control over compliance with land legislation and the introduction of tools for monitoring changes in land designation. The article examines the list of principles of land management, including the principles of sustainable use, rational use, environmental safety and others. The author emphasises the importance of taking these principles into account when making decisions on planning and use of agricultural land in order to ensure sustainable development of the agricultural sector and preservation of the environment. The study found that economic, environmental and social aspects are important among the principles that influence changes in the designated purpose of agricultural land. Economic principles include the value of land, its efficient use and market competitiveness. Environmental principles focus on the preservation of soil, water resources and biodiversity. Social principles take into account the interests of the local population, ensuring food security and even development of territories. The conclusion of the study emphasises the need to take these principles into account when developing strategies for land use, sustainable agricultural development and the conservation of natural resources. In addition, it is important to develop land management mechanisms based on the principles of economic efficiency, environmental sustainability and social responsibility. Such an approach states the need for a balanced approach to changing the designated purpose of land, taking into account the interests of the agricultural sector, the needs of the population and environmental requirements. This approach will help to ensure sustainable development of the agricultural sector and efficient use of land resources in the current economic and environmental challenges.

    وصف الملف: electronic resource

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    دورية أكاديمية

    المؤلفون: Marcin Szwed

    المصدر: Verfassungsblog, Iss 2366-7044 (2024)

    الوصف: The victory of the opposition in the parliamentary elections in Poland in 2023 followed by the formation of a coalition government paved the way for the rebuilding of the rule of law after a period of its systematic violation during the 8-year rule of PiS. The first four months of the new government have already shown that this process will not be easy. However, certain actions aimed at rebuilding the violated standards have already been taken. Three goals and values ​​should be among the guiding principles in the process of rebuilding the rule of law in Poland: legalism, legal certainty, and building citizens' trust in public institutions.

    وصف الملف: electronic resource

  9. 9
    كتاب إلكتروني
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    دورية أكاديمية

    المؤلفون: Tello, Isabel

    المصدر: Derecho Penal y Criminología; Vol. 45 No. 119 (2024): Julio-Diciembre; 109-144 ; Derecho Penal y Criminología; Vol. 45 Núm. 119 (2024): Julio-Diciembre; 109-144 ; 2346-2108 ; 0121-0483

    الوصف: The author analyzes the substantial assistance, highlighting among its rules, the importance of the adequate use of the statement of the cooperator in investigations and criminal proceedings; and makes an analysis on the legal consequences that could gave rise to when not complying with the requirements of use; e. g. the violation of rights, guarantees and principles of constitutional rank. Additionally, she presents other relevant aspects of this legal concept, such as: the discretion of the proceeding and the need to corroborate the in­formation provided by the criminal informant; as well as a brief comment on Bill 6623, which proposes to modify the regulation of this legal concept. ; La autora analiza la colaboración eficaz, destacando entre sus re­glas la importancia del adecuado uso de la declaración del colaborador eficaz en las investigaciones y los procesos penales; y realiza un análisis sobre las consecuencias jurídicas en las que se incurriría al no observar los requisitos de uso, mencionando entre ellas la vulneración de derechos, garantías y prin­cipios de rango constitucional. Adicionalmente, realiza una exposición sobre otros aspectos relevantes de esta institución jurídica, tales como la reserva del procedimiento y la necesidad de corroborar la información proporcionada por el delator; así como un breve comentario sobre el proyecto de Ley 6623, que propone modificar la regulación de esta institución jurídica.

    وصف الملف: application/pdf

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