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  1. 1
    رسالة جامعية

    المؤلفون: Bousiouta, Chrysoula

    المساهمون: University/Department: Universitat Ramon Llull. Facultat de Comunicació i Relacions Internacionals Blanquerna

    مرشدي الرسالة: Aran Ramspott, Sue, Suau Martínez, Jaime

    المصدر: TDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa)

    الوصف: Aquesta recerca d'estudi de cas investiga les estratègies de comunicació d'un espai cultural a Grècia, Onassis Stegi, i el seu impacte en la participació de l'audiència. La recerca es basa en un marc teòric que aborda el màrqueting de les arts, la comunicació en les arts, l'audiència de les arts escèniques, el procés de presa de decisions i els factors que afecten l'audiència i els patrons d'assistència. També descriu breument el panorama grec. Onassis Stegi o OCC va obrir a Atenes el 2010, està finançat exclusivament per la Fundació Onassis i acull esdeveniments i accions en tot l'espectre de les arts (teatre, dansa, música, cinema, arts visuals, etc.). El primer objectiu principal d'aquesta recerca és millorar la comprensió de l'impacte del màrqueting de les arts en el consum cultural. El segon és estudiar les actituds i motivacions de l'audiència de Onassis Stegi relacionades amb el seu consum cultural, així com les seves percepcions sobre les estratègies de comunicació de l'organització cultural. OCC té una forta identitat de marca, promou els seus avantatges competitius i realitza constantment investigació de mercat. A més, ofereix productes culturals contemporanis i provocadors, amb preus raonables i accessibles, actua com a productor, intermediari i distribuïdor, i utilitza la comunicació de màrqueting integrada. Aquesta recerca ha utilitzat un enfocament qualitatiu. Per explorar les estratègies de màrqueting de l'organització estudiada, s'han realitzat entrevistes en persona i per telèfon amb el personal de l'OCC, en la seva majoria semiestructurades. També s'ha utilitzat la comunicació per correu electrònic i s'ha estudiat el material que la gent d'Onassis Stegi ha compartit amb l'investigador (anàlisi descriptiva de l'objecte d'estudi). A més de l'enfocament qualitatiu, per investigar les actituds, motivacions i percepcions dels consumidors dels productes de l'OCC, s'han utilitzat cinc grups de discussió, tenint en compte els següents criteris: sexe, edat, educació, residència, freqüència de consum cultural i nivell de familiaritat amb l'OCC. Per les percepcions dels interessats, que també constitueixen l'audiència, s'han utilitzat entrevistes en persona. En totes les ocasions d'entrevistes i comunicació oral, s'ha seguit la gravació d'àudio i la transcripció. Entre d'altres resultats interessants, aquesta recerca ha mostrat que el producte d'una organització cultural juga un paper dominant en el consum de l'audiència. A més, els missatges de comunicació en general ajuden els consumidors a formar una opinió sobre una organització cultural, mentre que els missatges publicitaris actuen més com a recordatoris. La principal motivació dels consumidors de Stegi per assistir a un espectacle cultural és rebre estímuls, socialitzar-se o entretenir-se, mentre que els factors decisius poden ser el contingut de l'espectacle, els col·laboradors de l'espectacle o l'organització cultural. Quasi tots els consumidors identifiquen l'agenda cultural de Stegi amb el teatre i caracteritzen els seus productes com a pioners, contemporanis, diversos i arriscats. Els consumidors consideren les campanyes de ràdio i exteriors de l'organització molt fortes, amb una estètica agradable i un contingut que els intriga. No obstant això, alguns consideren que el contingut és enganyós o difícil de comprendre. Els interessats aproven i aprecien el producte de Stegi, destacant el seu caràcter internacional i el fet que omple els buits en el mercat cultural grec. A més, consideren que Stegi ha construït estratègies de comunicació sòlides durant els seus anys de funcionament i té una identitat de marca forta. Tant els consumidors com els interessats coincideixen en els casos en què els missatges de comunicació de Stegi són enganyosos, creant expectatives falses. Finalment, tots dos grups donen una retroalimentació positiva sobre la quantitat i precisió de la informació que Stegi proporciona a l'audiència.

    الوصف (مترجم): Este estudio de caso investiga las estrategias de comunicación de un espacio cultural en Grecia, Onassis Stegi, y su impacto en la participación de su audiencia. La investigación se basa en un marco teórico que aborda el marketing de las artes, la comunicación en las artes, la audiencia de las artes escénicas, el proceso de toma de decisiones y los factores que afectan a la audiencia y los patrones de asistencia. También describe brevemente el panorama griego. Onassis Stegi o OCC abrió en Atenas en 2010, es financiado exclusivamente por la Fundación Onassis y acoge eventos y acciones en todo el espectro de las artes (teatro, danza, música, cine, artes visuales, etc.). El primer objetivo principal de esta investigación es mejorar la comprensión del impacto del marketing de las artes en el consumo cultural. El segundo objetivo es estudiar las actitudes y motivaciones de la audiencia de Onassis Stegi en relación con su consumo cultural, así como sus percepciones sobre las estrategias de comunicación de la organización cultural. OCC tiene una fuerte identidad de marca, promociona sus ventajas competitivas y realiza constantemente investigaciones de mercado. Además, ofrece productos culturales contemporáneos y provocativos, con precios razonables y accesibles, actúa como productor, intermediario y distribuidor, y utiliza la comunicación de marketing integrada. Esta investigación ha utilizado un enfoque cualitativo. Para explorar las estrategias de marketing de la organización estudiada, se realizaron entrevistas personales y telefónicas con el personal de OCC, en su mayoría semiestructuradas, comunicación por correo electrónico y estudio del material que el personal de Onassis Stegi compartió con el investigador (análisis descriptivo del objeto de estudio). En cuanto al enfoque cualitativo, se utilizaron cinco grupos focales para investigar las actitudes, motivaciones y percepciones de los consumidores de los productos de OCC, considerando los siguientes criterios: sexo, edad, educación, lugar de residencia, frecuencia de consumo cultural y nivel de familiaridad con OCC. Para las percepciones de los interesados, que también constituyen su audiencia, se utilizaron entrevistas personales. En todas las ocasiones de entrevistas y comunicación oral se realizó grabación de audio y transcripción. Entre otros resultados interesantes, esta investigación demostró que el producto de una organización cultural desempeña un papel dominante en el consumo de la audiencia. Además, los mensajes de comunicación en general ayudan a los consumidores a formar una opinión sobre una organización cultural, mientras que los mensajes publicitarios actúan más como recordatorios para ellos. La principal motivación de los consumidores de Stegi para asistir a un espectáculo cultural es recibir estímulos, socializar o entretenerse, mientras que los factores decisivos pueden ser el contenido del espectáculo, los colaboradores del mismo o la organización cultural. Casi todos los consumidores identifican la agenda cultural de Stegi con el teatro y caracterizan sus productos como pioneros, contemporáneos, diversos y arriesgados. Los consumidores consideran las campañas radiofónicas y publicitarias al aire libre de la organización como muy sólidas, con una estética agradable y un contenido que les intriga. Sin embargo, algunos consideran que el contenido es engañoso o difícil de entender. Los interesados aprueban y aprecian el producto de Stegi, haciendo hincapié en su carácter internacional y en el hecho de que cubre las lagunas del mercado cultural griego. Además, consideran que Stegi ha construido estrategias de comunicación sólidas durante sus años de funcionamiento y una identidad de marca fuerte. Tanto los consumidores como los interesados están de acuerdo en los casos en los que los mensajes de comunicación de Stegi son engañosos, creando expectativas falsas. Por último, ambos grupos dan comentarios positivos sobre la cantidad y precisión de la información que Stegi proporciona a la audiencia.
    This case study research investigates the communication strategies of a cultural space in Greece, Onassis Stegi, and their impact on its audiences’ participation. The research is based on a theoretical framework that concerns arts marketing, communication in arts, the audience of performing arts, the decision-making process and factors that affect the audience and the attendance patterns. It also describes briefly the Greek picture. Onassis Stegi or OCC opened in Athens in 2010, it is exclusively funded by Onassis Foundation and hosts events and actions across the whole spectrum of arts (theatre, dance, music, cinema, visual arts, etc.). The first main objective of this research is to improve understanding of the impact of arts marketing on cultural consumption. The second one is to study the attitudes and motivations of Onassis Stegi's audiences related to their cultural consumption, as well as their perceptions regarding the communication strategies of the cultural organisation. OCC has strong branding, promotes its competitive advantages, and it does constant market research. Additionally, it has contemporary and provocative cultural products, with reasonable and accessible prices, acts as a producer, intermediary and distributor, and uses integrated marketing communication. This research has used a qualitative approach. To explore the marketing strategies of the case study organisation used in-person and phone interviews with OCC’s personnel, mostly semi-structured, email communication, and study of material that Onassis Stegi’s people shared with the researcher (descriptive analysis of the object of study). Elaborating on the qualitative approach, to investigate the attitudes, motivations and perceptions of the consumers of OCC’s products, five focus groups have been used, with the below criteria: sex, age, education, residency, frequency of cultural consumption, and level of familiarity with OCC. For the stakeholders’ perceptions, who also constitute its audience, in-person interviews were used. In all occasions of interviews and oral communication, audio recording and transcribing followed. Among other interesting results, this research showed that the product of a cultural organisation plays a dominant role in audiences’ consumption. Furthermore, the communication messages in general help consumers to form an opinion about a cultural organisation, while the advertising messages in particular act more as reminders to them. The main motivation of Stegi’s consumers to attend a cultural spectacle is to get stimuli, socialise or entertain themselves, while the deciding factors can be the performance’s content, the performance’s contributors or the cultural organisation. Almost all the consumers identify the cultural agenda of Stegi with theatre and characterise its products as a pioneer, contemporary, diverse and risky. Consumers consider the radio and outdoor campaigns of the organisation very strong, with nice aesthetics and content that intrigues them. Nevertheless, some consider the content misleading or difficult to be understood. Stakeholders approve and appreciate Stegi’s product, emphasising its international character and the fact it fills the gaps in the Greek cultural market. Additionally, they consider Stegi has built robust communication strategies during its years of function and strong branding. Both consumers and stakeholders agree on the cases where Stegi’s communication messages are misleading, creating false expectations. Finally, both groups give positive feedback on the quantity and accuracy of information Stegi provides to audiences.

    وصف الملف: application/pdf

  2. 2
    رسالة جامعية

    المؤلفون: Marcillo Delgado, Juan Carlos

    المساهمون: University/Department: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Institut Universitari de Recerca en Ciència i Tecnologies de la Sostenibilitat

    مرشدي الرسالة: Álvarez García, Alicia, García Carrillo, Àgueda

    المصدر: TDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa)

    الوصف: Tesi amb menció de Doctorat Internacional

    الوصف (مترجم): (English) Research on risk communication and crisis communication (RC&C) is a crucial aspect to foster population resilience in the face of major hazards, especially in developing economies where there are greater social vulnerabilities. The objective of this doctoral thesis is to propose a framework to guide the planning and ongoing development of CR&C strategies in South America. The methodological framework, based on data mining, involves the use of different textual mining techniques, according to the structure of each of the data, which make it possible to visualize the relationships between textual objects; classify the objects of interest; carry out comparative analyses at the country level; and study CR&C trends. The units of analysis focus on different types of textual data such as documents associated with risk and crisis management planning, scientific publications, communiqués issued via tweets, and information from the Regional Logistics Center for Humanitarian Assistance that is located in Panama in the period 2017-2021. It identifies the main CR&C and Risk and Crisis Management (RC&C) strategies that South American RC&C Services should consider in order to make their communications more effective throughout the crisis cycle. Strengths and weaknesses of the analyzed countries' planning on these strategies are identified. The influence of economic, political, social, demographic, technical and disaster risk factors on the development of CR&C and GR&C strategies is identified. The analysis of different GR&C documents allows differentiating five minimum components of CR&C in South America: i) early communication planning; ii) information and communication system planning; iii) quality management of communication and communicators; iv) risk and crisis awareness; and v) stakeholder consolidation. The bibliometric mapping of 330 scientific publications differentiates five clusters for CR&C in South America: i) factors for risk communication in vulnerable areas; ii) factors for health and crisis communication; iii) elements for communication of human and environmental exposure to contaminants; iv) management of the continuity and quality of communication, v) factors that enhance communication. It is identified that most of the factors revealed through the bibliometric analysis are aimed at strengthening communication systems and increasing risk awareness of vulnerable people. The analysis of 40,082 official tweets from the Ministries of Health of eight South American countries during COVID-19 identified 18 communication topics associated with: i) communication of the impact and monitoring of the threat; ii) communication of measures to reduce the risk of the threat; iii) visibility of the multidimensional nature of the problem; iv) communication of the capacity of the health system to deal with threats; and v) communication of mechanisms to strengthen vulnerable groups in the face of threats. The above results allow proposing a framework of strategies for disaster risk and humanitarian crisis communication in South America. This doctoral thesis contributes to: i) understand the factors affecting the development of CR&C; ii) recognize the efforts envisaged by regional policy; iii) analyze the advantages and disadvantages of CR&C planning at the country level; iv) verify the conformity of planning with contemporary international frameworks such as the Sendai Framework for Risk and Disaster Reduction 2015-2030; v) generate knowledge for decision making; and vi) serve as input to accelerate the implementation of strategies in the context of risk and crisis management (R&CM).
    (Català) La recerca relativa a la comunicació de riscos i comunicació de crisis (CR&C) és un aspecte fonamental per potenciar la resiliència de la població enfront grans amenaces, especialment en economies en desenvolupament on existeixen majors vulnerabilitats socials. L’objectiu d’aquesta tesi doctoral és proposar un marc de referència per orientar la planificació i el desenvolupament continu de les estratègies de CR&C a Sud-Amèrica. El marc metodològic, basat en mineria de dades, implica l’ús de diferents tècniques de mineria textual, d’acord a l’estructura de cada grup de dades, que permeten visibilitzar les relacions entre objectes textuals; classificar els objectes d’interès; realitzar anàlisis comparatius a nivell de país i estudiar les tendències de la CR&C. Les unitats d’anàlisi es centren en diferents tipologies de dades textuals com documents associats a la planificació de la gestió de riscos i de crisis, publicacions científiques, comunicats emesos via tuïts, i informació del Centro Logístico Regional de Asistencia Humanitaria ubicat a Panamà en el període 2017-2021. S’identifiquen les principals estratègies de CR&C i de Gestió de Riscos i de Crisis (GR&C) que els Serveis de GR&C de Sud-Amèrica han de considerar perquè les seves comunicacions siguin més efectives al llarg del cicle d’una crisi. S’identifiquen fortaleses i debilitats de la planificació dels països analitzats sobre aquestes estratègies. S’identifica la influència que exerceixen els factors econòmics, polítics, socials, demogràfics, tècnics i del risc de desastre en el desenvolupament de les estratègies de CR&C i GR&C. L’anàlisi de diferents documents de GR&C permet diferenciar cinc components mínims de la CR&C a Sud-Amèrica: i) planificació de la comunicació primerenca; ii) planificació del sistema d’informació i comunicació; iii) gestió de qualitat de la comunicació i dels comunicadors; iv) sensibilització de riscos i de crisis, i v) consolidació de les parts interessades. En el mapeig bibliomètric de 330 publicacions científiques es diferencien cinc clústers per la CR&C a Sud-Amèrica: i) factors per la comunicació de riscos a zones vulnerables; ii) factors per la comunicació de la salut i les crisis; iii) elements per la comunicació de l’exposició humana i ambiental a contaminants; iv) gestió de la continuïtat i qualitat de la comunicació, v) factors potenciadors de la comunicació. S’identifica que la majoria dels factors revelats en l’anàlisi bibliomètric estan orientats a enfortir els sistemes de comunicació i a augmentar el coneixement del risc de les persones vulnerables. L’anàlisi de 40 082 tuïts oficials, dels Ministeris de Salut de vuit països sud-americans, durant la COVID-19 permet identificar 18 temes comunicacionals associats a: i) la comunicació de l’impacte i monitoratge de l’amenaça; ii) la comunicació de mesures per la disminució del risc de l’amenaça; iii) la visibilitat del caràcter multidimensional de la problemàtica; iv) la comunicació de la capacitat del sistema sanitari per afrontar les amenaces; i v) la comunicació de mecanismes per l’enfortiment de grups vulnerables vers amenaces. Els resultats previs permeten proposar un marc d’estratègies per la comunicació del risc del desastre i les crisis humanitàries a Sud-Amèrica. Aquesta tesi doctoral contribueix a: i) comprendre els factors que incideixen en el desenvolupament de la CR&C; ii) reconèixer els esforços previstos per la política regional; iii) analitzar els avantatges i inconvenients de la planificació amb marcs internacionals contemporanis com el Marc de Sendai per la Reducció de Riscos i Desastres 2015-2030; v) generar coneixement per la presa de decisions, i vi) aportar en l’acceleració de la implementació d’estratègies en el context de la gestió de riscos i crisis (GR&C).
    (Español) La investigación sobre comunicación de riesgos y comunicación de crisis (CR&C) es un aspecto crucial para fomentar la resiliencia poblacional frente a grandes amenazas, especialmente en economías en desarrollo donde existen mayores vulnerabilidades sociales. El objetivo de la presente tesis doctoral es proponer un marco de referencia para orientar la planificación y el desarrollo continuo de las estrategias de CR&C en Sudamérica. El marco metodológico, basado en minería de datos, implica el uso diferentes técnicas de minería textual, acordes a la estructura de cada uno de los datos, que permiten visibilizar las relaciones entre objetos textuales; clasificar los objetos de interés; realizar análisis comparativos a nivel país, y estudiar las tendencias de la CR&C. Las unidades de análisis se centran en diferentes tipos de datos textuales como documentos asociados a la planificación de la gestión de riesgos y de crisis, publicaciones científicas, comunicados emitidos vía tuits, e información del Centro Logístico Regional de Asistencia Humanitaria que está ubicado en Panamá en el periodo 2017-2021. Se identifican las principales estrategias de CR&C y de Gestión de Riesgos y de Crisis (GR&C) que los Servicios de GR&C de Sudamérica deben considerar para que sus comunicaciones sean más efectivas a lo largo del ciclo de una crisis. Se identifican fortalezas y debilidades de la planificación de los países analizados sobre estas estrategias. Se identifica la influencia que ejercen los factores económicos, políticos, sociales, demográficos, técnicos y del riesgo de desastre en el desarrollo de las estrategias de CR&C y GR&C. El análisis de diferentes documentos de GR&C permite diferenciar cinco componentes mínimos de la CR&C en Sudamérica: i) planificación de la comunicación temprana; ii) planificación del sistema de información y comunicación; iii) gestión de calidad de la comunicación y los comunicadores; iv) sensibilización de riesgos y de crisis, y v) consolidación de las partes interesadas. En el mapeo bibliométrico de 330 publicaciones científicas se diferencian cinco clústeres para la CR&C en Sudamérica: i) factores para la comunicación de riesgos en zonas vulnerables; ii) factores para la comunicación de la salud y crisis; iii) elementos para la comunicación de la exposición humana y ambiental a contaminantes; iv) gestión de la continuidad y calidad de la comunicación, v) factores potenciadores de la comunicación. Se identifica que la mayoría de los factores revelados mediante el análisis bibliométrico están orientados a fortalecer los sistemas de comunicación y a aumentar el conocimiento del riesgo de las personas vulnerables. El análisis de 40 082 tuits oficiales, de los Ministerios de Salud de ocho países sudamericanos, durante la COVID-19 permite identificar 18 temas comunicacionales asociados a: i) la comunicación del impacto y monitoreo de la amenaza; ii) la comunicación de medidas para la disminución del riesgo de la amenaza; iii) la visibilidad del carácter multidimensional de la problemática; iv) la comunicación de la capacidad del sistema sanitario para enfrentar las amenazas, y v) la comunicación de mecanismos para el fortalecimiento de grupos vulnerables frente a amenazas. Los anteriores resultados permiten proponer un marco de estrategias para la comunicación del riesgo de desastre y crisis humanitarias en Sudamérica. La presente tesis doctoral contribuye a: i) comprender los factores que inciden en el desarrollo de la CR&C; ii) reconocer los esfuerzos previstos por la política regional; iii) analizar las ventajas y desventajas de la planificación de la CR&C a nivel país; iv) verificar la conformidad de la planificación con marcos internacionales contemporáneos como el Marco de Sendai para la Reducción de Riesgos y Desastres 2015-2030; v) generar conocimiento para la toma de decisiones, y vi) servir de insumo para acelerar la implementación de estrategias en el contexto de la gestión de riesgos y de crisis (GR&C).

    وصف الملف: application/pdf

  3. 3
    دورية أكاديمية

    المؤلفون: Geliz Bildag (ORCID 0009-0007-6765-6505), Olga Pilli (ORCID 0000-0002-4876-3977)

    المصدر: Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology - TOJET. 2024 23(2):148-158.

    تمت مراجعته من قبل الزملاء: Y

    Page Count: 11

    مصطلحات جغرافية: Cyprus

    مستخلص: The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between the leadership styles of private school administrators, teachers' informal communication levels and teacher Job performance. The population of the study consists of 951 teachers working in private schools (primary and secondary schools) in Nicosia, Kyrenia and Famagusta district of the TRNC. The sample of the study consists of 426 people who continue their teaching profession in the 2023-2024 academic year, which is determined by random sampling method. The data collection tool consists of four parts. In the first part, there are questions containing the general knowledge of the teachers. In the second part, the 24-item "Informal Communication Scale" developed by Ugurlu (2014) was used. In the third part, the School Principals Leadership Styles Scale (OMLSS) developed by Akan et al. (2014) was used. The "Teacher Job Performance Scale" used in the fourth section is a measurement tool developed by Limon and Sezgin-Nartgün in 2020. In the study, the data were analyzed with the 28.00 SPSS program. According to the results of the research, it is clearly seen that the leadership styles adopted by school administrators and the level of communication between teachers affect the Job performance of teachers. It has been determined that transformational leadership style has a positive and significant effect on Job performance. On the other hand, it was observed that liberating and sustaining leadership styles exhibited a negative and significant relationship with Job performance. In addition, it has been determined that communication style also plays an important role. The positive relationships between the contextual performance dimension and the friendship and entertainment dimensions show that teachers exhibit a communication style that positively affects Job performance. Overall, leadership styles and communication style were found to be determining factors on teachers' Job performance. According to the results of the regression analysis, which evaluates the effect of school administrators' leadership styles on teachers' informal communication levels and Job performance, there are significant relationships between the relevant factors. A positive and significant relationship was determined between the teacher Job performance scale and the informal communication scale. This situation shows that a strong and effective level of informal communication plays a role in increasing the Job performance and productivity of teachers.

    Abstractor: As Provided

  4. 4
    دورية أكاديمية

    المصدر: Journal of Leadership, Equity, and Research. 2024 10(1):22-41.

    تمت مراجعته من قبل الزملاء: Y

    Page Count: 20

    مصطلحات جغرافية: California (Los Angeles)

    مستخلص: The U.S. healthcare system struggles to provide adequate language assistance to medical practitioners and patients. As a result, health providers and patients rely on ad hoc interpreters, including children, to communicate. Bilingual children who regularly interpret for others, whom we refer to as child language brokers, are important linguistic and cultural conduits for their communities and bridge language differences in vital contexts, such as health and medical settings. In this paper, we explore the experiences of 17 adolescent language brokers and consider the settings, tasks, and people they engage with when language brokering for health. Findings illustrate that child language brokering is a real and important component for immigrant family health, that child language brokering for health is not a uniform experience, and that language brokering for health can sometimes have severe ramifications.

    Abstractor: As Provided

  5. 5
    دورية أكاديمية

    المؤلفون: Soubin Sisavath

    المصدر: Higher Education Forum. 2024 21:161-180.

    تمت مراجعته من قبل الزملاء: Y

    Page Count: 20

    مصطلحات جغرافية: Laos

    مستخلص: While internationalization has been a strategic driver in transforming higher education in universities across the world, little research has investigated how universities in less-developed countries have implemented the internationalization process to benefit their human and institutional capacity. This article explored the perspectives of university staff on rationales, challenges, and strategies for internationalization through the analysis of survey data collected from 82 university staff (i.e., presidents, deans, directors, academics, and staff) working at four public universities in Laos. The findings showed that resource assurance and academic rationales were the main drivers for internationalization in Lao universities toward strengthening institutional and human capacity and improving the quality of educational provisions. Meanwhile, the universities had attempted to overcome a shortage of capable human resources, financial constraints, and administrative mechanisms to expand internationalization practices. This study also found that universities focused on enhancing information and communication technology (ICT) and foreign language skills of faculty members, expanding partnerships with quality cooperation, and promoting digitalization in the teaching function of the institution as an internationalization strategy for post-COVID-19. These results could bring voices from an underrepresented country into the discourse on the internationalization of higher education and have implications for other contexts with similar conditions.

    Abstractor: As Provided

  6. 6
    دورية أكاديمية

    المؤلفون: Tim Coughlan (ORCID 0000-0002-0891-5438), Francisco Iniesto (ORCID 0000-0003-3946-3056), Jessica E. Carr (ORCID 0000-0002-6357-3610)

    المصدر: Journal of Interactive Media in Education. 2024 2024(4).

    تمت مراجعته من قبل الزملاء: Y

    Page Count: 17

    مصطلحات جغرافية: United Kingdom

    مستخلص: Artificial intelligence can support increasingly complex conversational interactions and also has the potential to interpret meanings from free text input and make recommendations based on patterns in data. There are important opportunities to apply this to real-world problems faced in access to education. In this paper, we summarise existing research and trends linking disability support and technology, then report on a survey conducted with students with disclosed disabilities (n = 138) to explore what systems might need to do to effectively understand disabled students in their own words, and provide suggestions of technologies, strategies and resources that could be relevant to overcoming barriers to learning. Through thematic analysis, five approaches that students used to talk about their disabilities are identified(medical, functional, support, experiential and administrative), and three major types of suggestions they make around what supported them and may be useful to others are also identified (external tools, university support and practices, concerns and solutions). The survey approach and the findings of the analysis provide a potential foundation for the effective design of systems that could crowdsource a knowledgebase around disabilities, hold conversations to understand disabilities and barriers and make relevant recommendations to individuals as to how they could overcome these barriers.

    Abstractor: As Provided

  7. 7
    دورية أكاديمية

    المصدر: Research in Learning Technology. 2024 32.

    تمت مراجعته من قبل الزملاء: Y

    Page Count: 17

    مستخلص: Several studies have explored the uses and benefits of social media hashtag communities in higher education… Yet, more research is needed to examine communication structures and strategies for personal branding in educational social media hashtag communities. In other words, to understand the dynamics, characteristics, and strategies for faculty, university staff, and graduate students need to brand themselves professionally in social media hashtag communities. This research aims to explore social network structures, dynamics, influencer characteristics, and personal branding strategies of the #AcademicTwitter online community. X (formerly known as Twitter) data on #AcademicTwitter from 2021 were retrieved and analysed using social network and quantitative content analysis. Our study found that most of the recurrent users in the community were scholars (faculty and researchers) predominantly from the STEM field. However, the most influential users were media/fan pages (a profile account created for different purposes such as sharing tips in academia, publishers, etc.) and other professionals (freelancers or university staff). Our research sheds light on the current practice of disclosing specific teaching and research interests or expertise in social media bio profiles for personal branding, especially among scholars. Unique communication contexts such as social media hashtag communities still bring challenges to the dissemination of information, relationship building, and personal branding strategies. Our results also provide recommendations for scholars (faculty and researchers), graduate students, university staff, and practitioners to improve communication practices and personal branding strategies on social media hashtag communities.

    Abstractor: As Provided

  8. 8
    دورية أكاديمية

    المؤلفون: Susan Graham-Clay

    المصدر: School Community Journal. 2024 34(1):61-84.

    تمت مراجعته من قبل الزملاء: Y

    Page Count: 24

    مستخلص: Teachers play a key role in communicating with parents to support student learning. One of the more challenging aspects of this role for teachers is having a difficult conversation with a parent about their child. Difficult conversations, when needed, are best accomplished face-to-face incorporating effective communication skills to promote a positive and productive interaction. This article reviews a number of key practical communication skills that teachers can use when communicating with parents including use of clear vocabulary, active listening, I-messages, questioning strategies, paraphrasing and summarizing, leveled information, as well as attention to nonverbal messages. Strategies to support both planned and unplanned difficult conversations are discussed. Barriers to having difficult conversations between teachers and parents are outlined as well as new directions for research. Effective communication skills are integral for teachers to hold difficult, yet productive, conversations with parents to promote partnerships and to support student success.

    Abstractor: As Provided

  9. 9
    دورية أكاديمية

    المؤلفون: Kate Maxlow, Karen Sanzo

    المصدر: Journal of Organizational and Educational Leadership. 2024 9(2).

    تمت مراجعته من قبل الزملاء: Y

    Page Count: 31

    مصطلحات جغرافية: Virginia

    مستخلص: In this study, the authors sought to explore superintendents' understandings of the various influences on how their districts implemented a 100% virtual learning experience for students for the 2020-2021 academic year. Understanding these influences allowed the authors to develop a framework for leading redesigns of learning systems in long-term crisis situations. In this qualitative study we conducted semi-structured interviews with fifteen superintendents in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Findings showed that districts sought to plan equitable virtual learning experiences for all students based on unintentional influences and the district's intentional responses. We found that during an educational crisis, learning plans emerged as a result of the feedback between unintentional influences (politics, availability of resources, and needs of stakeholders) and district leaders' intentional responses (leveraging relationships, communicating purposefully, and reinforcing the educational mission).

    Abstractor: As Provided

  10. 10
    دورية أكاديمية

    المؤلفون: KRAWCZYK, Dariusz1 dariusz.krawczyk@polsl.pl

    المصدر: Scientific Papers of Silesian University of Technology. Organization & Management / Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Slaskiej. Seria Organizacji i Zarzadzanie. 2024, Issue 192, p603-617. 15p.

    مستخلص: Purpose: In order to establish the applicable principles for the practical implementation of police media relations activities, a survey was conducted among all press officers of the Silesian garrison in 2022. The results obtained were then compared with the results of a project carried out on the same research field in 2017. The result was to identify trends in the management of police information policy and to obtain data on the selection and use of communication tools. Design/methodology/approach: A survey questionnaire was addressed to all press officers of the Silesian police garrison. The questions concerned, among other things, the tools used in media relations activities, perceptions of the communicative effectiveness of individual mass media or the methods preferred by journalists for obtaining information. In order to determine the nature of transformations in media relations activities, the results obtained were compared with data obtained during a similar survey, but carried out five years earlier. Conclusion: An overwhelming proportion of officers responsible for maintaining relations with the media continued to declare traditional forms of contact such as a telephone call (52 per cent of indications), which is probably related to the high attractiveness for journalists of information held by the police press service. In contrast, awareness of the importance of social media has increased among officers (from 22 per cent to 30 per cent), although this has not been followed by an increase in the level of their use in media relations practice. There has also been a drastic increase in the level of approval (from 53 per cent to 75 per cent) of the use of rectification as an effective method of responding to publications containing inaccuracies, misrepresentations or manipulations. Practical implications: The results obtained are of implementation significance due to the possibility of applying in practice the public relations activities of both the uniformed services and other organisations implementing communication strategies based on the use of mass media, and this particularly concerns media relations activities. Originality/value: Conducting research into the management of police communication allows for scientific reflection on methods of information distribution and at the same time creating the image of both the formation itself and forming opinions about the level of security among media audiences. The analyses described above also allow further areas of research to be identified and actions to be taken to implement innovative methods of improving the process of social communication of the police and other uniformed services. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

    : Copyright of Scientific Papers of Silesian University of Technology. Organization & Management / Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Slaskiej. Seria Organizacji i Zarzadzanie is the property of Silesian Technical University, Organisation & Management Faculty and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)