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  1. 1
    رسالة جامعية

    المؤلفون: Alaix i Gimbert, Tània

    مرشدي الرسالة: Martí, Ramon, 1958-

    المصدر: TDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa)

    الوصف: La tesi doctoral que presento parteix d’una rigorosa edició crítica de tots els diplomes que van formar l’antic arxiu de la canònica augustiniana de Santa Maria de Vilabertran, una de les més importants de Catalunya. Ha estat una tasca molt laboriosa perquè he procurat guiar-me per uns criteris paleogràfics i filològics per assegurar la fidelitat textual i alhora la correcta interpretació semàntica per fer-ne un estudi ben fonamentat. Tant per a l’estudi que jo mateixa he dut a terme, ja dels orígens històrics de la susdita canònica regular, com dels que es puguin fer a partir de la documentació que he arreplegat; altres investigadors podran emprendre nous estudis complementaris que s’adiguin més a cadascun dels seus propis interessos culturals, a partir d’unes fonts històriques quantitativament exhaustives i qualitativament, segons que espero, correctes. Completen el meu diplomatari uns índexs que són un estudi per ells mateixos, no sols per la identificació de tots els personatges documentats, alguns d’ells d’alt rang, com bisbes de qui hom precisa la vinculació familiar fins ara creguda com a certa, sinó també dels topònims. No em sembla una qüestió menor l’intent, així mateix, de restituir el nom exacte de persones i de llocs d’acord amb la mateixa tradició lingüística que reflecteix la documentació original i a la vista dels principis bàsics de l’evolució fonètica de la nostra llengua. Els orígens històrics de la canònica, crec que han quedat ben traçats en el meu propi estudi, on té una part important la reconstrucció de la primera comunitat, la consideració del seu alt nivell cultural en base no sols a l’estudi dels aspectes formals que ofereixen els diplomes sinó també dels còdexs conservats. També una part important la té, naturalment, la consideració i estudi d’una figura tan important i emblemàtica com la del seu fundador: el prevere Pere Rigall, de qui he pogut refer una detallada descripció prosopogràfica, posant en relleu no sols els seu altíssim nivell cultural, sinó també les seves extraordinàries capacitats per dirigir la primitiva comunitat i administrar la petita església inicial que en va ser l’aglutinadora de la nova comunitat augustiniana. Una activitat que va comportar un desenvolupament espectacular del patrimoni monàstic i el reconeixement social d’una gran anomenada de Santa Maria de Vilabertran, però també del seu fundador que va ser reconegut i venerat com a sant d’acord amb els testimoniatges inequívocs dels textos litúrgics que he identificat i publicat per primera vegada en el meu estudi. En definitiva, he procurat fer una aportació a la nostra història medieval, a la història de la nostra Església local, i a la història cultual i cultural del nostre país, fixant-me en els «homines scholastici» més rellevants de la comunitat augustiniana estudiada i a les seves aportacions concretes en el camp de la producció documental, però també bibliogràfica.

    الوصف (مترجم): La tesis doctoral que presento parte de una rigurosa edición crítica de todos los diplomas que formaron el antiguo archivo de la canónica agustiniana de Santa Maria de Vilabertran, una de las más importantes de Cataluña. Ha sido una tarea muy laboriosa porque he procurado guiarme por unos criterios paleográficos y filológicos para asegurar la fidelidad textual y al mismo tiempo la correcta interpretación semántica para hacer un estudio bien fundamentado. Tanto para el estudio que yo misma he llevado a cabo, ya los orígenes históricos de la susodicha canónica regular, como los que se puedan hacer a partir de la documentación que he recogido; otros investigadores podrán emprender nuevos estudios complementarios que se adecuen más a cada uno de sus propios intereses culturales, a partir de unas fuentes históricas cuantitativamente exhaustivas y cualitativamente, según espero, correctos. Completan mi diplomatario unos índices que son un estudio por ellos mismos, no sólo por la identificación de todos los personajes documentados, algunos de ellos de alto rango, como obispos de quien se precisa la vinculación familiar hasta ahora creída como cierta, sino también de los topónimos. No me parece una cuestión menor el intento, asimismo, de restituir el nombre exacto de personas y de lugares de acuerdo con la misma tradición lingüística que refleja la documentación original y a la vista de los principios básicos de la evolución fonética de nuestra lengua. Los orígenes históricos de la canónica, creo que han quedado bien trazados en mi propio estudio, donde tiene una parte importante la reconstrucción de la primera comunidad, la consideración de su alto nivel cultural en base no sólo al estudio de los aspectos formales que ofrecen los diplomas sino también de los códices conservados. También una parte importante la tiene, naturalmente, la consideración y estudio de una figura tan importante y emblemática como la de su fundador: el presbítero Pedro Rigall, de quien he podido rehacer una detallada descripción prosopográfica, poniendo de relieve no sólo su altísimo nivel cultural, sino también sus extraordinarias capacidades para dirigir la primitiva comunidad y administrar la pequeña iglesia inicial que fue la aglutinadora de la nueva comunidad agustiniana. Una actividad que conllevó un desarrollo espectacular del patrimonio monástico y el reconocimiento social de una gran llamada de Santa María de Vilabertran, pero también de su fundador que fue reconocido y venerado como santo de acuerdo con los testimonios inequívocos de los textos litúrgicos que he identificado y publicado por primera vez en mi estudio. En definitiva, he procurado hacer una aportación a nuestra historia medieval, en la historia de nuestra Iglesia local, y en la historia cultual y cultural de nuestro país, fijándome en los «homines scholastici» más relevantes de la comunidad agustiniana estudiada ya sus aportaciones concretas en el campo de la producción documental, pero también bibliográfica.
    The thesis I present is based on a rigorous critical edition of all the diplomas that formed the old archive of the Augustinian canonic community of Santa Maria de Vilabertran, one of the most important in Catalonia. It has been a very laborious task because I have tried to be guided by palaeographic and philological criteria to ensure textual fidelity and at the same time the correct semantic interpretation to make a well-founded study. Both for the study that I myself have carried out, both of the historical origins of the aforesaid regular canonic community, and of those that can be made from the documentation that I have collected; other researchers will be able to undertake new complementary studies that are more suited to each of their own cultural interests, from quantitatively exhaustive historical sources and qualitatively, as I hope, correct. My charter collection is completed by some indexes which are a study in themselves, not only for the identification of all the documented characters, some of them of high rank, as bishops whose family ties are hitherto believed to be true, but also of place-names. The attempt to restore the exact name of people and places in accordance with the same linguistic tradition that reflects the original documentation and in view of the basic principles of the phonetic evolution of our language does not seem to me to be a minor issue. The historical origins of the canonic community, I think, have been well traced in my own study, where the reconstruction of the first community has an important part, the consideration of its high cultural level based not only on the study of the formal aspects that they offer diplomas but also preserved codices. Also an important part is, of course, the consideration and study of a figure as important and emblematic as that of its founder: the priest Pere Rigall, of whom I have been able to remake a detailed prosopographic description, highlighting not only his very high cultural level, but also its extraordinary abilities to lead the primitive community and to administer the small initial church that was the agglutinator of the new Augustinian community. An activity that led to a spectacular development of the monastic heritage and social recognition of a great call of Santa Maria de Vilabertran, but also of its founder who was recognized and revered as a saint according to the unequivocal testimonies of the liturgical texts which I first identified and published in my study. In short, I have tried to make a contribution to our medieval history, to the history of our local Church, and to the cultural and cultural history of our country, focusing on the most relevant «homines scholastici» of the Augustinian community studied and his concrete contributions in the field of documentary production, but also bibliographic.
    Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Programa de Doctorat en Ciències de l'Antiguitat i de l'Edat Mitjana

    وصف الملف: application/pdf

  2. 2

    المصدر: RoboCup Symposium 2023

    مصطلحات موضوعية: Computer Science - Robotics

    الوصف: In 2023, Rhoban Football Club reached the first place of the KidSize soccer competition for the fifth time, and received the best humanoid award. This paper presents and reviews important points in robots architecture and workflow, with hindsights from the competition.

    الوصول الحر: http://arxiv.org/abs/2402.00612Test

  3. 3
    رسالة جامعية

    المؤلفون: Collado Gimbert, Rosa

    المساهمون: University/Department: Universitat de Girona. Departament de Biologia

    مرشدي الرسالة: Prenafeta i Amargós, Antoni, Garcia-Gil, L. J.

    المصدر: TDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa)

    الوصف: Bovine mastitis caused by Streptococcus uberis is a major problem in the dairy industry worldwide. Despite of that, there is no vaccine commercial available against it. Therefore, the objectives of this doctoral thesis are framed in phases 1 and 2 of the development process of a new vaccine against bovine mastitis caused by S. uberis

    الوصف (مترجم): La mamitis bovina causada per Streptococcus uberis és un problema de gran importància en les explotacions lleteres bovines a nivell mundial i en l’actualitat no existeix cap vacuna comercial que hagi demostrat ser eficaç per combatre aquesta patologia. Els objectius de la present tesi doctoral s’emmarquen en les fases 1 i 2 del procés de desenvolupament d’una nova vacuna contra la mamitis bovina causada per S. uberis

    وصف الملف: application/pdf

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    الوصف: The objective of this collaborative textbook is to present the state of the art on games on graphs, which is part of a larger research topic called game theory. Games on graphs is the field concerned with games whose rules and evolution are represented by a graph.
    Comment: 490 pages. Coordinator: Nathana\"el Fijalkow

    الوصول الحر: http://arxiv.org/abs/2305.10546Test

  5. 5
    دورية أكاديمية
  6. 6
    دورية أكاديمية

    المصدر: Geophysical Research Letters, Vol 51, Iss 11, Pp n/a-n/a (2024)

    الوصف: Abstract Understanding glaciers structural heterogeneity is crucial for assessing their fate. Yet, places where structure changes are strong, such as crevasses fields, are often inaccessible for direct instrumentation. To overcome this limitation, we introduce an innovative technique that transforms seismic sources, here generated by crevasses, into virtual receivers using source‐to‐receiver spatial reciprocity. We demonstrate that phase interference patterns between well‐localized seismic sources can be leveraged to retrieve phase velocity maps using Seismic Michelson Interferometry. The obtained phase velocity exhibits sensitivity to changes in glacier structure, offering insights into the origins of mechanical property changes, with spatial resolution surpassing traditional methods by a factor of five. In particular, we observe sharp variations in phase velocity related to strongly damaged subsurface areas indicating a complex 3‐D medium. Applying this method more systematically and in other contexts will enhance our understanding of the structure of glaciers and other seismogenic environments.

    وصف الملف: electronic resource

  7. 7
    دورية أكاديمية

    المصدر: Journal of Research on Leadership Education. Mar 2023 18(1):3-39.

    تمت مراجعته من قبل الزملاء: Y

    Page Count: 37

    مستخلص: As professionals charged with fostering student learning and well-being, educators--school leaders, teachers, school counselors, pre-service teachers--should demonstrate social emotional competence. In this study, we apply the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning's framework--self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, responsible decision-making--to ascertain what we know from scholarship about educators' SEL competence. We conclude with guiding principles for training programs and professional learning opportunities for strengthening educators' understanding of their own SEL to improve daily pedagogical practice and ensure each school-wide initiative around SEL drives seamless strategies for attaining school improvement outcomes.

    Abstractor: As Provided

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    مصطلحات موضوعية: Computer Science - Logic in Computer Science

    الوصف: We consider the distributed control synthesis problem for systems with locks. The goal is to find local controllers so that the global system does not deadlock. With no restriction this problem is undecidable even for three processes each using a fixed number of locks. We propose two restrictions that make distributed control decidable. The first one is to allow each process to use at most two locks. The problem then becomes Sigma2P-complete, and even in PTIME under some additional assumptions. The dining philosophers problem satisfies these assumptions. The second restriction is a nested usage of locks. In this case the synthesis problem is NEXPTIME-complete. The drinking philosophers problem falls in this case.
    Comment: Journal version of a paper published at ICALP 2022

    الوصول الحر: http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.12409Test

  9. 9
    دورية أكاديمية

    المؤلفون: Gimbert, Belinda G., Kapa, Ryan

    المصدر: Leadership and Research in Education. 2021 6(1):79-125.

    تمت مراجعته من قبل الزملاء: Y

    Page Count: 47

    مستخلص: Despite the common perception of a decline over recent decades of adolescents' use of illicit drugs and alcohol, the recent exponential rise in teenage vaping has spotlighted how local and school communities must address this endemic public problem. Since use of illicit substance adversely affects adolescent development, it is imperative that educators assess the prevalence of drugs and alcohol and curtail access in secondary schools. We examined the association between drug and alcohol availability and school security measures, using data from the 2015 National Criminal Victimization Survey School Crime Supplement. Logistic regression determined whether school security measures (inclusive, exclusive, and ambiguous) reduce student-perceived drug and alcohol availability in U.S. secondary schools. Our findings indicated that students in secondary schools with school resource officers perceived greater drug and alcohol availability, while locked doors were associated with lower perceived availability. No inclusive security measures were associated with increased or decreased drug and alcohol availability. Only one exclusive measure -- locker checks -- in a single model related to perceived marijuana availability was significantly associated with perceived lower substance availability. School leaders and policy makers should consider the effectiveness of security measures to reduce substance use, while ascertaining the likelihood of detrimental effects.

    Abstractor: As Provided

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    دورية أكاديمية

    المؤلفون: Men, Qiwei, Gimbert, Belinda, Cristol, Dean (ORCID 0000-0002-6326-1422)

    المصدر: International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning. 2023 15(2).

    تمت مراجعته من قبل الزملاء: Y

    Page Count: 17

    مصطلحات جغرافية: Ohio

    مستخلص: With the rapid expansion of mobile, blended, and seamless learning, researchers claim two factors, lack of self-discipline and poor time management, adversely impact learning performance. In online educational environments, reduced social interactions and low engagement levels generate high dropout rates. Self-regulated learning (SRL), the individual ability to check progress toward a goal and manage learning behavior, appears critical to adult online learning success. Clickstream data can observe, record, and evaluate patterns of users' real-time learning behavior in an online learning environment. Linking clickstream data with performance outcomes allows researchers to assess online learning behaviors and academic performance. The guiding research question was: Are students who apply SLR strategies more likely to demonstrate mastery of knowledge and skills in a self-directed e-learning context? Clickstream data and performance measures were analyzed to explore whether task and cognitive conditions influence how SLR strategies are applied in online training.

    Abstractor: As Provided