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  1. 1
    دورية أكاديمية

    المصدر: Acta clinica Croatica ; ISSN 0353-9466 (Print) ; ISSN 1333-9451 (Online) ; Volume 59 ; Issue 1.

    الوصف: Post-stroke depression (PSD) is a severe and frequent stroke complication and one of the crucial factors for the outcome of rehabilitation and life quality after stroke. However, mood disorders frequently remain unnoticed and therefore untreated. The aim of the study was to examine all the potential risk factors and determine the independent predictors of early-onset depression after first-ever stroke, which would help identify high-risk patients, establish early diagnosis and timely treatment that would improve the course and prognosis of this disorder. This prospective study included 60 patients treated for their first-ever stroke; there were 30 patients diagnosed with depression and 30 patients without depression. The study included collection and analysis of all socio-demographic and clinical risk factors for PSD. Testing was performed two weeks after stroke. Depression was diagnosed according to the Mini International Neuropsychiatry Interview, DSM-IV diagnostic criteria, and depression severity was quantified by the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale. Cognitive impairment was assessed by the Mini Mental State Examination. Neurological deficit was assessed by the US National Institute of Health Stroke Scale. Our results showed that the independent predictors of early-onset depression after stroke were previous depressive episodes, cognitive dysfunction, and more severe neurological deficit. ; Depresija nakon moždanog udara je teška i česta komplikacija moždanog udara i jedan od ključnih čimbenika za ishod rehabilitacije i kvalitetu života nakon moždanog udara. Međutim, poremećaji raspoloženja ostaju najčešće neprepoznati, a samim tim i neliječeni. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je ispitati sve potencijalne čimbenike rizika i utvrditi nezavisne prediktore depresije koja se javlja rano nakon moždanog udara, a koji bi omogućili identifikaciju visokorizičnih bolesnika, postavljanje rane dijagnoze i pravodobno liječenje, što bi unaprijedilo tijek i prognozu ove bolesti. Prospektivno istraživanje obuhvatilo je 60 ...

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  2. 2
    دورية أكاديمية
  3. 3
    دورية أكاديمية


    المؤلفون: ŽIKIĆ, Milorad1 milorad.zikic@gmail.com

    المصدر: Medical Review / Medicinski Pregled. sep/okt2023, Vol. 76 Issue 9/10, p299-301. 3p.

    مصطلحات موضوعية: *PHYSICAL activity, *BACTERIA, *HUMAN body, *BIOLOGICAL evolution, *AT-risk people

    الملخص (بالإنجليزية): Introduction. The paper presents the facts about the inevitable presence of microbes in the human body and the key role of viruses in the evolution, shaping and development of the living world. Contemporary research. Experimental scientific research on mice, examining the influence of saprophytic bacteria on their physical activity and behavior through the produced N-lactoyl-phenylalanine substance, provides foundation for further research within the human population. Discussion. The above positive impact of viruses and the consequential risks of their presence on people’s health are discussed along with the adverse cross-effects of planetary and human health arising from harmful behavior and wrong life habits of the contemporaries. Conclusion. Recommendations are given for preventive possibilities to avoid such risks and achieve good or satisfactory health both for each and every individual and the global community of people through a lifestyle in harmony with nature. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

    Abstract (Bosnian): Uvod. U radu su iznete činjenice o nezaobilaznoj prisutnosti mikroba u ljudskom organizmu i ključnoj ulozi virusa u evoluciji, oblikovanju i razvoju živog sveta. Savremena istraživanja. Eksperimentalna naučna istraživanja na miševima o uticaju saprofitskih bakterija na njihovu fizičku aktivnost i ponašanje putem proizvedene N-laktoil-fenilalanin supstancije otvaraju prostor za dalja istraživanja i u humanoj populaciji. Diskusija. Raspravlja se o navedenom pozitivnom uticaju virusa kao i o posledičnim rizicima njihovog prisustva po zdravstveno stanje ljudi, o ukrštenim uticajima planetarnog i ljudskog zdravlja koji, u negativnoj konotaciji, proističu iz štetnog ponašanja i pogrešnih životnih navika savremenika. Zaključak. Date su preporuke za preventivne mogućnosti da se iste izbegnu, da se načinom života u skladu sa prirodom ostvari dobro ili zadovoljavajuće zdravlje, kako za svakog pojedinca tako i za celokupnu svetsku zajednicu ljudi. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

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    دورية أكاديمية

    المصدر: Acta clinica Croatica ; ISSN 0353-9466 (Print) ; ISSN 1333-9451 (Online) ; Volume 54. ; Issue 2.

    الوصف: The aim of the study was to explore whether application of cognitive stimulation in young healthy subjects may improve their cognitive efficiency. The study included 12 healthy young subjects divided into two groups, experimental group and control group. Prior to cognitive stimulation treatment, both groups underwent baseline measurements with selected neuropsychological tests. The groups were matched with regard to the achievement on the baseline test. Only the experimental group underwent daily application of different computer-based cognitive tasks lasting for an hour a day for two weeks. After the treatment, both groups were tested with the same neuropsychological battery used at the baseline measurement. The experimental group showed a statistically significant difference between the measurements on the variables assessing immediate retention of visual material and recognition of verbal material. In addition, qualitative analysis showed that the experimental group also had better performance on the variables assessing delayed recall of visual material, visual and verbal range of attention, and delayed recall of verbal material. In conclusion, two-week cognitive stimulation in healthy subjects improves cognitive performance, expressed as higher average values of certain neuropsychological variables. ; Cilj istraživanja je bio ispitati može li primjena stimulacije kognitivnih funkcija među zdravim mladim ispitanicima dovesti do porasta kognitivne učinkovitosti. Uistraživanju je sudjelovalo 12 ispitanika podijeljenih u dvije skupine, eksperimentalnu i kontrolnu. Prije primjene tretmana kognitivne stimulacije obje skupine su u okviru početnog mjerenja ispitane odabranim neuropsihološkim testovima. Skupine su bile ujednačene po postignuću na početnom mjerenju. Nakon toga je eksperimentalna skupina bila podvrgnuta tretmanu kognitivne stimulacije, što je podrazumijevalo svakodnevnu primjenu računalne verzije različitih kognitivnih zadataka u trajanju od jednog sata na dan tijekom dva tjedna. Kontrolna skupina nije ...

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    دورية أكاديمية

    المصدر: Acta clinica Croatica ; ISSN 0353-9466 (Print) ; ISSN 1333-9451 (Online) ; Volume 53. ; Issue 3.

    الوصف: In spite of being a common and important complication of stroke, post stroke depression is often overlooked, so its impact on stroke outcome remains under recognized. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of depression on functional outcome and quality of life in stroke patients. The study included 60 patients treated for their first clinical stroke, 30 of them diagnosed with depression and 30 patients without depression. Testing was done in all patients two and six weeks after stroke. Depression was diagnosed according to the Mini International Neuropsychiatry Interview, DSM-IV diagnostic criteria, and depression severity was quantified by the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale; functional impairment was determined by the Barthel Index; and post stroke quality of life was assessed by the Short Form 36 (SF-36) questionnaires. The patients with depression had significantly more severe functional disability both at baseline and after rehabilitation treatment, although the potential for functional recovery in depressed patients was less than in non-depressed ones. The quality of life in patients with post stroke depression was impaired more severely in all SF-36 domains compared with non-depressed stroke patients, with the domains of the role of emotional functioning and social relations being most severely affected. ; Dijagnoza depresije nakon moždanog udara često se previdi, iako se radi o čestoj i važnoj komplikaciji moždanog udara, tako da je i njezin utjecaj na ishod moždanog udara zanemaren i podcijenjen. Cilj ovoga istraživanja je bio utvrditi utjecaj depresije na funkcionalni ishod i kvalitetu života bolesnika s moždanim udarom. Prospektivno istraživanje obuhvatilo je 60 bolesnika liječenih zbog klinički dijagnosticiranog prvog moždanog udara, od toga 30 bolesnika s dijagnosticiranom depresijom i 30 bolesnika bez depresije. Testiranja su provedena dva i šest tjedana nakon moždanog udara. Depresija je dijagnosticirana prema mini međunarodnom neuropsihijatrijskom intervjuu, DSM-IV dijagnostičkim ...

    وصف الملف: application/pdf

  8. 8
    دورية أكاديمية


    المؤلفون: ŽIKIĆ, Milorad1 milorad.zikic@gmail.com, RABI ŽIKIĆ, Tamara2,3

    المصدر: Medical Review / Medicinski Pregled. mar/apr2018, Vol. 71 Issue 3/4, p131-135. 5p.


    الملخص (بالإنجليزية): Introduction. The authors are dealing with the questions often asked by their patients: how weather changes, oscillations in humidity, air pressure and other climate factors affect functioning of the human body. Meteorology and Biometeorology. Definitions of meteorology and biometeorology are given, describing some of the most important characteristics, such as the types of disorders and the reasons for their occurrence, frequency, gender and age factors, etc. with particular reference to disorders related to the mental and nervous functions. Discussion. The possibilities of prevention, the importance of monitoring biometeorology forecasts and the questionable need for drug use during the seasonal shifts, which cause fatigue, irritability, poor concentration and apathy, hypersensitivity to pain, headache, dizziness, anxiety, head buzzing, etc. are discussed. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

    Abstract (Serbian): Uvod. Autori daju odgovore na pitanja koja se često postavljaju lekarima u praksi - kako promene vremena kao što su oscilacije u temperaturi, vlažnosti, atmosferskom pritisku i drugim klimatskim činiocima, utiču na funkcije ljudskog organizma. Meteorologija i biometeorologija. Definišu se pojmovi meteorologije i biometeorologije, opisuju neke od njihovih važnijih karakteristika kao što su vrste poremećaja i razlozi njihove pojave, učestalost, zastupljenost prema polu, uzrastu i druge, sa posebnim osvrtom na poremećaje u vezi sa mentalnim i nervnim funkcijama. Diskusija. Raspravlja se o mogućnostima prevencije, važnosti praćenja biometeoroloških prognoza i upitne potrebe za upotrebom lekova tokom smene godišnjih doba, kada su izraženi: umor, razdražljivost, loša koncentracija i apatija, preosetljivost na bol, glavobolja, vrtoglavica, nervoza, anksioznost, zujanje u glavi i drugo. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

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    دورية أكاديمية

    المصدر: Acta Clinica Croatica (acta@kbcsm.hr); Vol.50 No.Supplement 2; ISSN 0353-9466 (Print); ISSN 1333-9451 (Online)

    مصطلحات موضوعية: Atrial, Fibrillation, Possibilities, Stroke, Prevention

    وصف الملف: pdf

  10. 10
    دورية أكاديمية

    المصدر: Acta Clinica Croatica (acta@kbcsm.hr); Vol.50 No.2

    الوصف: Moždani udar je naglo nastali, akutni oblik fokalnog ili globalnog poremećaja moždane funkcije, koji traje duže od jednog sata, poremećaja koji nema drugog vidljivog uzroka osim vaskularnog. Predstavlja završnu fazu bolesti lokalizirane na moždanim arterijama, glavni je uzrok onesposobljenosti i drugi uzrok smrtnog ishoda. U današnje vrijeme postoji mogućnost veoma uspješnog liječenja ishemijskog moždanog udara primjenom moćnog oružja, kauzalne trombolitičke terapije. Ovdje se daje preliminarni prikaz naših iskustava u primjeni trombolitičke terapije kod bolesnika s ishemijskim moždanim udarom. U radu se prikazuju rezultati liječenja 20 bolesnika koji su primili trombolitičku terapiju u prva tri sata od početnih simptoma moždanog udara, od kojih je 19 preživjelo, a jedan bolesnik je umro od sporednih učinaka terapije, tj. intracerebralnog krvarenja. Kod 17 bolesnika došlo je do potpunog oporavka bez neurološkog deficita, dok su dva bolesnika imala minimalnu onesposobljenost, Rankinov zbir 2, nakon tri mjeseca od događaja. Trombolitička terapija je i prema našim prvim iskustvima terapija izbora u liječenju ishemijskog moždanog udara, ako se primjenjuje strogo prema propisanim uputama. ; Stroke is a rapidly developing clinical disturbance of focal or global cerebral function, lasting for more than 1 hour. It is an acute form of symptoms of brain function disorder, with no apparent cause other than vascular origin. It is the final phase of arterial disease, the main cause of disability, and the second leading cause of death. Today, ischemic stroke can be treated successfully by acting on its cause using a very powerful weapon, thrombolytic therapy. The aim is to present a preliminary report of our experiences with thrombolytic therapy in patients with ischemic stroke. Results recorded in 20 patients who received thrombolytic therapy within three hours of stroke onset are presented. Nineteen patients survived and one patient died from therapy side effects, i.e. intracerebral hematoma. Seventeen of 19 patients were ...

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