يعرض 1 - 10 نتائج من 1,735 نتيجة بحث عن '"Ženeva"', وقت الاستعلام: 0.73s تنقيح النتائج
  1. 1
    دورية أكاديمية

    المؤلفون: Kosta Nikolić

    المصدر: Istorija 20. Veka, Vol 40, Iss 1/2022, Pp 149-178 (2022)

    الوصف: U tekstu se piše o planu za okončanje rata u Bosni i Hercegovini koji je razmatran od juna do decembra 1993. godine. Mirovni plan modelirale su Ujedinjene nacije i Evropska unija preko svojih posrednika. Osnovna ideja podrazumevala je stvaranje tri republike u Bosni i Hercegovini, čime je napušten koncept multietničke države. Akcenat je stavljen na analizu stavova sukobljenih strana, uključujući i Srbiju i Hrvatsku, i traženje odgovora na pitanje da li je to bio plan koji je mogao da zaustavi rat i istoriju Bosne i Hercegovine povede u drugom smeru.

    وصف الملف: electronic resource

  2. 2
    دورية أكاديمية

    المصدر: Зборник Матице српске за историју

    الوصف: Сажет приказ живота, дела и политичких идеја Џејмса Фазија (1794–1878), оснивача Женевске републике, творца радикалне партије у кантону Женева и утемељитеља њеног првог демократског устава (1847). Испитивање значаја који Фази има као лични пријатељ Владимира Јовановића (1833–1922), у периоду док је Јовановић боравио у Женеви (1864–1866, 1870). Анализа идејног наслеђа којим га je задужио концепт швајцарског републиканизма и федерализма, те упоређивање сличности и разлика у њиховим идејним, политичко-филозофским погледима ; The paper examines the life and political ideas of James Fazy (1794–1878), Swiss radical politician, along with similarities and differences in this type of ideas with the ideas and political agenda of Vladimir Jovanović (1833–1922), famous Serbian democratic thinker of 19th century. According to available sources, their friendship lasted from 1864 to 1866, when Jovanović, as political refugee from Serbia, published magazines Sloboda (La Liberté) and Srpska Sloboda (La Liberté Serbe) in Geneva and later, during 1870. Unfortunately, among many acquaintances from abroad, Fazy did not record in his memoirs that he met Jovanović. They shared similar views on democratic radicalism, but they looked at the problems of nationalism differently. In the paper, the emphasis is placed on Fazy’s ideas and life career, with the aim of discovering the touch points he had with Jovanović, especially in political views. Fazy enabled him to get acquainted with the Swiss political and economic system, which he wanted to apply in certain measure in rural, peasant Serbia, but, on the other hand, Jovanović was able to preserve the autonomy of his own political opinion in relation to the average radical European concept of democratic thought of 19th century.

    العلاقة: info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/177011/RS//; 0352–5716; https://dais.sanu.ac.rs/123456789/14001Test; http://dais.sanu.ac.rs/bitstream/id/55816/fazijovanovic.pdfTest; https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_dais_14001Test

  3. 3
    دورية أكاديمية

    المؤلفون: Šipelytė, Monika

    المصدر: Lietuvos istorijos studijos; Vol 49 (2022): Lietuvos istorijos studijos; 43-63 ; Lietuvos istorijos studijos; T. 49 (2022): Lietuvos istorijos studijos; 43-63 ; 1648-9101 ; 1392-0448

    الوصف: The political activity of Juozas Gabrys at the League of Nations in Geneva from 1927 to 1939 is the main subject of this article. He and his colleagues establishedLithuanian Information Bureauhere in the 1930s and worked as journalists. Gabrys also sought to gain a position as a Lithuanian diplomat and the best possibility for that was the post of an ambassador to the League of Nations in Geneva. He thought that his mission was to propagate Lithuanian interests in Western Europe, and the fact that he had started this activity before World War I, should have granted a good and prosperous life for himself as well. Unfortunately, good intentions not always were embodied in the fruitful results. As for the image of the Lithuanian activity in Geneva, not all of Gabrys’ actions succeeded in a positive way. Of course, at the surroundings of the League, Lithuania was seen and heard not only from Gabrys’ publications, but also from official Lithuanian information agencies and legislations. But maybe his irony and accusations worked as stimulator for other Lithuanian journalists and politicians? And maybe his true role at the scene of diplomacy was not to make the decisions, but to take into account every decision made and explain it to the society of Lithuania and Geneva. ; Straipsnyje nagrinėjama Juozo Gabrio politinė veikla Ženevoje, Tautų Sąjungos aplinkoje 1927–1939m. Tyrimo tikslas yra atskleisti, kaip jo veikla iš žurnalistinių ir verslo interesų peraugo į siekį daryti įtaką Lietuvos diplomatijai. XX a. ketvirtajame dešimtmetyje Ženevoje veikė Lietuvių informacijos biuras, kuris nereguliariai buvo remiamas Lietuvos Respublikos užsienio reikalų ministerijos, bet daugumą savo leidinių Gabrys finansavo pats. Jis ir jo bendradarbiai nevengė provokacinių šmeižto akcijų lietuvių diplomatų ir vyriausybės, ypač Augustino Voldemaro, atžvilgiu, siekdami gauti daugiau užsakymų prolietuviškai propagandai. Šiomis priemonėmis Juozas Gabrys siekė ir pats įsitvirtinti diplomatijoje– gauti postą Užsienio reikalų ministerijoje arba ...

    وصف الملف: application/pdf; text/html

  4. 4
    دورية أكاديمية

    المؤلفون: Šipelytė, Monika

    المصدر: Lietuvos istorijos studijos; Vol 48 (2021): Lietuvos istorijos studijos; 33-51 ; Lietuvos istorijos studijos; T. 48 (2021): Lietuvos istorijos studijos; 33-51 ; 1648-9101 ; 1392-0448

    الوصف: The activity of Juozas Gabrys and his colleagues at the League of Nations in Geneva from 1927 until 1939 is the main subject of this article. The questions about this group of people are analyzed through several perspectives, such as journalism, business, and politics. The territorial and ethnical problems which were addressed by Lithuania at the League of Nations and the decisions of Lithuanian diplomats and politicians were overviewed in the press publications of Gabrys in various Lithuanian newspapers. In these texts he mostly focuses on two main topics in international interwar Lithuanian politics– the question of Vilnius its regarding mutual relations with Poland and the question of Memel and its region, which was intensely disputed by Lithuanian and German influences. Simultaneously, Gabrys had the intentions to develop business relations between Lithuania and Switzerland. He and his family worked in the fields of real estate and money exchange. Also, he established the Lithuanian Information Bureau in Geneva, which received irregular donations from the Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, yet most of the publications were funded by Gabrys himself.The answer to the question of Gabrys’s real influence on Lithuanian foreign policy could be given only partially. As for now, the possibility to measure this influence is limited only to the press and information field, as Gabrys’s work in those fields, although forgotten and underestimated nowadays, was observed and evaluated by his contemporaries. Due to his publications, Lithuanians could form an opinion about the League of Nations and its decisions as well as the situation on the level of European policy. ; Straipsnyje nagrinėjama Juozo Gabrio ir jam artimų diplomatų bei žurnalistų veikla Ženevoje prie Tautų Sąjungos 1927–1939m., atsižvelgiant į kelias sritis– žurnalistiką, verslą, politiką. Gabrio reportažuose Lietuvos spaudoje buvo siekiama aptarti tuo metu Tautų Sąjungoje svarstomus su Lietuva susijusius klausimus, taip pat nevengta kritikuoti lietuvių ...

    وصف الملف: application/pdf; text/html

  5. 5
    دورية أكاديمية

    المؤلفون: Molnar, Aleksandar

    المصدر: Political perspectives: journal for political research; Vol. 2 No. 3 (2012): Political perspectives; 7-21 ; Političke perspektive: časopis za istraživanje politike; Svezak 2 Br. 3 (2012): Političke perspektive; 7-21 ; 2335-027X ; 2217-561X

    الوصف: In the article the author is trying to investigate the true meaning the Republic of Geneva had for its citizen Jean-Jacques Rousseau as political theorist. His enthusiasm for it arose in 1754 and influenced strongly the process of his republican theory building in next years. However, from the very start Rousseau knew he was dealing with the ideal which has only partially rooted in actual reality of Geneva. The rest of the work was done by Rousseau’s fantasy about golden age and possibilities of its revival in contemporary Europe. That is why Rousseau’s republicanism is in the article treated as romantic: it developed complex dialectics of reality and fantasy directed towards new religious and political goal – the regeneration of the mankind or at least one tiny part of it leaving in small and tough republics. ; U članku autor nastoji da istraži pravi značaj koji je republika Ženeva imala za njenog državljanina Žan-Žaka Rusoa kao političkog teoretičara. Njegovo oduševljenje njome razbuđeno je 1754. i uticalo je snažno na proces izgradnje njegove republikanske teorije u narednim godinama. Pa ipak, od samog početka Ruso je znao da ima posla sa idealom koji je samo delimično ukorenjen u aktuelnoj realnosti Ženeve. Ostatak posla je odradila Rusoova fantazija o zlatnom dobu i mogućnostima njene obnove u savremenoj Evropi. Zbog toga se Rusoov republikanizam u članku naziva romantičarskim: on je razvio kompleksnu dijalektiku realnosti i fantazije, koja je bila upravljena prema novom religioznom i političkom cilju – regeneraciji čovečanstva ili barem jednog njegovog sićušnog dela koji je živeo u malim i borbenim republikama.

    وصف الملف: application/pdf

  6. 6
    دورية أكاديمية

    المؤلفون: Aleksandar Molnar

    المصدر: Političke Perspektive, Vol 2, Iss 3, Pp 7-21 (2012)

    الوصف: U članku autor nastoji da istraži pravi značaj koji je republika Ženeva imala za njenog državljanina Žan-Žaka Rusoa kao političkog teoretičara. Njegovo oduševljenje njome razbuđeno je 1754. i uticalo je snažno na proces izgradnje njegove republikanske teorije u narednim godinama. Pa ipak, od samog početka Ruso je znao da ima posla sa idealom koji je samo delimično ukorenjen u aktuelnoj realnosti Ženeve. Ostatak posla je odradila Rusoova fantazija o zlatnom dobu i mogućnostima njene obnove u savremenoj Evropi. Zbog toga se Rusoov republikanizam u članku naziva romantičarskim: on je razvio kompleksnu dijalektiku realnosti i fantazije, koja je bila upravljena prema novom religioznom i političkom cilju – regeneraciji čovečanstva ili barem jednog njegovog sićušnog dela koji je živeo u malim i borbenim republikama.

    وصف الملف: electronic resource

  7. 7
    دورية أكاديمية

    المؤلفون: Molnar, Aleksandar

    المصدر: Političke perspektive ; ISSN 2217-561X (Print) ; ISSN 2335-027X (Online) ; Volume 2 ; Issue 3

    الوصف: U članku autor nastoji da istraži pravi značaj koji je republika Ženeva imala za njenog državljanina Žan-Žaka Rusoa kao političkog teoretičara. Njegovo oduševljenje njome razbuđeno je 1754. i uticalo je snažno na proces izgradnje njegove republikanske teorije u narednim godinama. Pa ipak, od samog početka Ruso je znao da ima posla sa idealom koji je samo delimično ukorenjen u aktuelnoj realnosti Ženeve. Ostatak posla je odradila Rusoova fantazija o zlatnom dobu i mogućnostima njene obnove u savremenoj Evropi. Zbog toga se Rusoov republikanizam u članku naziva romantičarskim: on je razvio kompleksnu dijalektiku realnosti i fantazije, koja je bila upravljena prema novom religioznom i političkom cilju – regeneraciji čovečanstva ili barem jednog njegovog sićušnog dela koji je živeo u malim i borbenim republikama. ; In the article the author is trying to investigate the true meaning the Republic of Geneva had for its citizen Jean-Jacques Rousseau as political theorist. His enthusiasm for it arose in 1754 and influenced strongly the process of his republican theory building in next years. However, from the very start Rousseau knew he was dealing with the ideal which has only partially rooted in actual reality of Geneva. The rest of the work was done by Rousseau’s fantasy about golden age and possibilities of its revival in contemporary Europe. That is why Rousseau’s republicanism is in the article treated as romantic: it developed complex dialectics of reality and fantasy directed towards new religious and political goal – the regeneration of the mankind or at least one tiny part of it leaving in small and tough republics.

    وصف الملف: application/pdf

  8. 8
    رسالة جامعية

    المؤلفون: Šipla, Václav

    المساهمون: Valkoun Jaroslav, PhDr. Ph.D., Skřivan Aleš, Prof. PhDr. Ph.D.

    الوقت: 1954

    الوصف: Předkládaná diplomová práce se zabývá postojem Eisenhowerovy administrativy vůči Indočíně v první polovině roku 1954. Spojené státy se totiž ocitly počátkem téhož roku v situaci, které se snažily v minulých letech zabránit. Závěr berlínské konference z února 1954 totiž zařadil na program dalšího mezinárodního jednání otázku neutuchajícího konfliktu v Indočíně, jenž se viditelně vyvíjel v neprospěch Francie. Začátkem května se tak měly ve švýcarské Ženevě sejít delegace zainteresovaných států v regionu, aby nalezly cestu k obnově míru mezi všemi národy účastnící se tohoto konfliktu. Cíle předkládané diplomové práce jsou dvojího charakteru. Zaprvé: analýza přístupu Eisenhowerovy administrativy k indočínskému konfliktu a ženevské konferenci v první polovině roku 1954. Zadruhé: pokus o přehodnocení vnímání tehdejší zahraniční politiky Spojených států a její snahy vojensky internovat v Indočíně. Ačkoliv je problematika účasti Američanů ve vietnamské válce v zámoří stále živým, ale také kontroverzním tématem, v americké historiografii nebyla doposud věnována dostatečná pozornost působení Spojených států na konferenci v Ženevě, přestože je tato událost vnímána jako odraz Eisenhowerovy politiky vůči Indočíně. Diplomová práce je rozdělena do tří kapitol, které se zabývají postupným vývojem stanoviska Washingtonu vůči konferenci v Ženevě. ; Obhájeno ; The aim of this Master's thesis is to analyze the attitude of the Eisenhower administration towards Indochina in the first half of 1954. The United States found itself in the situation at the beginning of the same year, which it tried to prevent in previous years. The end of the Berlin Conference in February of the year 1954 placed on the agenda of further international negotiations the issue of the ongoing conflict in Indochina, which was visibly developing to the detriment of France. In early May, delegations from interested countries in the region were to meet in Geneva, Switzerland, to find a way to restore peace between all the nations involved in the conflict. The aims ...

    وصف الملف: 168 s. (290 000 znaků); application/pdf

    العلاقة: 84493; http://hdl.handle.net/11025/43741Test

  9. 9
    رسالة جامعية

    المؤلفون: Kubantová, Kateřina

    المساهمون: Mervart, Michal, Hulena, Albert

    الوصف: This bachelor thesis researched the role of public and passenger transport in Switzerland, a country known for its technological advancement, its positive relationship with nature and equally important, the sustainable comfort of its inhabitants. The thesis comprehensively mapped Swiss public transport. Data obtained from the demographic and geographical characteristics of Switzerland were used in the thesis to understand the context of the overall functioning of the public and passenger transport system. The findings were presented using the example of a fictional journey from Zurich to Geneva, for which an analysis of transport costs by mode was conducted. The results of the thesis showed the efficiency of public transport in Switzerland and their technically advanced plans for the future, which could be an example for other transport systems in Central European countries, for example also for the Czech Republic. ; Tato bakalářská práce zkoumala roli veřejné a osobní dopravy ve Švýcarku, které je známé svojí technickou vyspělostí, vztahem k přírodě a neméně důležitým udržitelným komfortem pro jeho obyvatele. Práce komplexně zmapovala švýcarskou veřejnou dopravu. Data zjištěná z demografických a geografických charakteristik Švýcarska byla dále v práci použita pro pochopení souvislostí v celkovém fungování systému veřejné a osobní dopravy. Zjištěné poznatky byly uvedeny na příkladu fiktivní cesty z Curychu do Ženevy, u které byla provedena analýza nákladů na dopravu jednotlivými druhy dopravy. Výsledky práce poukázaly na efektivnost veřejné dopravy ve Švýcarsku a jejich technicky pokrokové plány do budoucna, což by mohlo být příkladem i pro jiné dopravní systémy ve středoevropských státech, například i pro Českou republiku.

    وصف الملف: application/pdf

  10. 10

    المؤلفون: Šipla, Václav

    المساهمون: Valkoun Jaroslav, PhDr. Ph.D., Horčička Václav, Prof. PhDr. Ph.D.

    الوقت: 1945-1954

    الوصف: Práce je analýzou zahraniční politiky Spojených států vůči Francouzské Indočíně, konkrétněji Vietnamu, v letech 1945-1954. V tomto období se pod třemi administrativami prezidentů Franklina D. Roosevelta, Harryho S. Trumana a Davida D. Eisenhowera formoval vztah Spojených států vůči Francouzské Indočíně. Od počátečního nepřímého angažmá po konci druhé světové války se v rámci nového konfliktu, studené války, přešlo na začátku 50. let k otevřené podpoře Paříže. Významným předělem bylo konání ženevská konference v roce 1954, která měla řešit otázku obnovy míru. Ačkoliv v této věci neuspěla, pro americkou zahraniční politiku se jednalo o zásadní předěl. Od tohoto bodu došlo k postupnému převzetí hlavní zodpovědnosti za vedení konfliktu od Francouzů. Tento směr vývoje později směřoval k americké intervenci ve Vietnamu v polovině šedesátých let, kdy ovšem, jak je cílem této práce, lze základy této budoucí ?amerikanizace? vietnamské války nalézt již ve sledovaném období. ; Obhájeno ; The thesis is an analysis of the foreign policy of the United States towards French Indochina, more specifically Vietnam, from 1945 to 1954. During this period, under the three administrations of Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, and David D. Eisenhower, the United States' relationship with French Indochina took shape. From initial indirect engagement after the end of World War II, the new conflict, the Cold War, evolved to overt support for Paris in the early 1950s. A significant prelude was the 1954 Geneva Conference, which dealt with the issue of restoring peace. Although it failed on this issue, it was a major turning point for U.S. foreign policy. From this point on, the main responsibility for the conduct of the conflict was gradually taken over from the French. This course of development later led to the American intervention in Vietnam in the mid-1960s, when, however, as is the aim of this thesis, the foundations of this future "Americanization" of the Vietnam War can already be found in the period under review.

    وصف الملف: 529 489 znaků vč. mezer

    العلاقة: 94590; http://hdl.handle.net/11025/52556Test