دورية أكاديمية

Inhaled drug delivery: a randomized study in intubated patients with healthy lungs.

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Inhaled drug delivery: a randomized study in intubated patients with healthy lungs.
المؤلفون: Dugernier, Jonathan, Le Pennec, Déborah, Maerckx, Guillaume, Allimonnier, Laurine, Hesse, Michel, Castanares-Zapatero, Diego, Depoortere, Virginie, Vecellio, Laurent, Reychler, Gregory, Michotte, Jean-Bernard, Goffette, Pierre, Docquier, Marie-Agnes, Raftopoulos, Christian, Jamar, François, Laterre, Pierre-François, Ehrmann, Stephan, Wittebole, Xavier
المصدر: Annals of Intensive Care; 12/11/2023, Vol. 13 Issue 1, p1-13, 13p
مصطلحات موضوعية: LUNG physiology, DRUG delivery systems, EVALUATION of medical care, RESEARCH, DIGITAL image processing, AEROSOLS, ANALYSIS of variance, CRITICALLY ill, NEUROSURGERY, LUNG diseases, PATIENTS, RESPIRATORY measurements, TRACHEA, MANN Whitney U Test, QUANTITATIVE research, NEBULIZERS & vaporizers, RANDOMIZED controlled trials, ARTIFICIAL respiration, COMPARATIVE studies, RADIONUCLIDE imaging, QUALITATIVE research, VITAL capacity (Respiration), RESEARCH funding, OXYGEN therapy, BRONCHI, BLIND experiment, POSTOPERATIVE period, FORCED expiratory volume, DESCRIPTIVE statistics, INHALATION administration, STATISTICAL sampling, STATISTICAL correlation, DATA analysis software, TRACHEA intubation
مستخلص: Background: The administration technique for inhaled drug delivery during invasive ventilation remains debated. This study aimed to compare in vivo and in vitro the deposition of a radiolabeled aerosol generated through four configurations during invasive ventilation, including setups optimizing drug delivery. Methods: Thirty-one intubated postoperative neurosurgery patients with healthy lungs were randomly assigned to four configurations of aerosol delivery using a vibrating-mesh nebulizer and specific ventilator settings: (1) a specific circuit for aerosol therapy (SCAT) with the nebulizer placed at 30 cm of the wye, (2) a heated-humidified circuit switched off 30 min before the nebulization or (3) left on with the nebulizer at the inlet of the heated-humidifier, (4) a conventional circuit with the nebulizer placed between the heat and moisture exchanger filter and the endotracheal tube. Aerosol deposition was analyzed using planar scintigraphy. Results: A two to three times greater lung delivery was measured in the SCAT group, reaching 19.7% (14.0–24.5) of the nominal dose in comparison to the three other groups (p < 0.01). Around 50 to 60% of lung doses reached the outer region of both lungs in all groups. Drug doses in inner and outer lung regions were significantly increased in the SCAT group (p < 0.01), except for the outer right lung region in the fourth group due to preferential drug trickling from the endotracheal tube and the trachea to the right bronchi. Similar lung delivery was observed whether the heated humidifier was switched off or left on. Inhaled doses measured in vitro correlated with lung doses (R = 0.768, p < 0.001). Conclusion: Optimizing the administration technique enables a significant increase in inhaled drug delivery to the lungs, including peripheral airways. Before adapting mechanical ventilation, studies are required to continue this optimization and to assess its impact on drug delivery and patient outcome in comparison to more usual settings. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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