دورية أكاديمية


التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
المؤلفون: Žikić, Milorad T.1 milorad.zikic@gmail.com, Jokanović, Vladimir T.2
المصدر: Current Topics in Neurology, Psychiatry & Borderline Disciplines / Aktuelnosti iz Neurologije, Psihijatrije i Granicnih Podrucja. Dec2013, Vol. 21 Issue 1/2, p1-6. 6p.
مصطلحات موضوعية: *TELECOMMUNICATION, *COMMUNICATION, *MODERN society, *SOCIAL perception, *SOCIAL problems
الملخص (بالإنجليزية): The relationship between people involves exchange of thoughts, feelings, understanding that is communication, where the word takes central place. Its impact on all cardinal features of man is incomparable with anything else. The wide range of expression of emotions, especially facial muscles and facial expressions is described. An individual topic has been dedicated to brain function also known as social cognition. Being familiar with them can assist in the better understanding of the social and individual problems. We talk about the cultural part of „defining“ communication in order to achieve the most efficient way of reaching the goals we have set for ourselves. The growing alienation between people increasingly threatens the relationship of contemporary doctors and patients. Issues related to health, health service, health policy, public health messages, as well as medical issues in general, are taking up more and more space in the mass media. When it comes to errors of health workers, they are often referred to as negligence, but also ignorance, and failed communication is cited as the leading cause of errors in the implementation of medical treatment. Electronic communication has substantially changed the linear system of our civilization. Now everything is the center and the peripheral at the same time. In human and social communication, over the period of the last millennium, congruent success and failures have been recorded in achieving desired results or goals, periods of advances in civilization or setbacks. Knowledge and acceptance of actual communication skills are essential for successful personal and social relationships. The relation with the persons with special needs takes a significant place in the presence of a problem in communication during the process of administrating assistance. Hearing dysfunction in pre-lingual stage of development can lead to developmental disorders in speech, mutual understanding and mental disorders. Cochlear implant allows the establishment of the impaired hearing function regardless of age of the patient. It also discusses anodontia the acquired the lower and upper jaw, anatomical changes in facial bone structure after tooth loss and communication disorders mimic in edentulous people. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Abstract (Croatian): Odnos među ljudima podrazumeva razmenu misli, osećanja, razumevanja komunikaciju, gde centralno mesto ima reč. Njen uticaj na sve kardinalne karakteristike čoveka je neuporediv sa bilo čim drugim. Opisan je široki spektar ekspresije emocija, pre svega facijalnom muskulaturom i mimikom. Moždanim funkcijama poznatim kao socijalna kognicija posvećena je posebna velika tema.Njihovim poznavanjem možemo se ispomoći u boljem sagledavanju socijalnih i individualnih problema.Kulturni okvir „defi nisanja” komunikacija upućuje na najefikasnije postizanje postavljenih ciljeva. Narastajuća otuđenost među ljudima sve više ugrožava i odnos savremenog lekara i pacijenta. Teme koje se odnose na zdravlje, zdravstvo, zdravstvenu politiku, javne zdravstvene poruke, kao i na medicinska pitanja uopšte, sve više su zastupljene u masovnim medijima. O greškama zdravstvenih radnika se najčešće govori kao posledicama nemara, ali i neznanja, a neuspešna komunikacija se navodi kao vodeći uzrok grešaka u sprovođenju medicinskog tretmana. Elektronska komunikacija suštinskije izmenila linearno ustrojstvo savremene civilizacije. Sada je sve centar i sve je istovremeno periferija. U međuljudskoj komunikaciji se tokom proteklih milenijuma beleže podudarni (ne)uspesi u ostvarenju socijalnih komunikacija, periodi civilizacijskih napredaka ili nazadovanja. Poznavanje i prihvatanje savremenih veština komuniciranja od presudnog su značaja za uspešne individualne i društvene odnose. Posebno mesto pri postojanju problema u komunikacijama tokom pružanja pomoći zauzima odnos prema osobama sa posebnim potrebama. Poremećaji funkcije slušanja u prelingvalnoj fazi razvoja mogu dovesti do smetnji u razvoju govora, sporazumevanja i psihičkih poremećaja. Kohlearni implant omogućava uspostavljanje oštećene funkcije sluha bez obzira na uzrast obolele osobe. Dat je osvrt na stečene anodoncije donje i gornje vilice, anatomske promene koštanih struktura lica posle gubitka zuba i poremećaj mimične komunikacije kod bezubih ljudi. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
قاعدة البيانات: Academic Search Index