How to implement organoleptic quality assessment in a participatory plant breeding approach

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: How to implement organoleptic quality assessment in a participatory plant breeding approach
المؤلفون: Chable, Veronique, Vindras, Camille, Dalmon, Frédéric, Conseil, Mathieu, Taupier-Letage, Bruno, Rey, Frédéric
المساهمون: SAD Paysage (SAD Paysage), Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)-AGROCAMPUS OUEST, Institut Technique de l'Agriculture Biologique (ITAB), Lycée Agricole de Suscinio, European Project: 245058
المصدر: SOLIBAM 1st Stakeholder congress ; ; SOLIBAM 1st Stakeholder congress, Apr 2012, Rome, Italy. 1 p
بيانات النشر: HAL CCSD
سنة النشر: 2012
مصطلحات موضوعية: participatory plant breeding, sensory quality, organic breeding, methodology, [SDV.SA]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Agricultural sciences, [SDE.ES]Environmental Sciences/Environment and Society, [SDE.BE]Environmental Sciences/Biodiversity and Ecology, [SHS.ENVIR]Humanities and Social Sciences/Environmental studies
جغرافية الموضوع: Rome, Italy
الوصف: Sensory quality is a great expectation from consumer and more specifically from the new organic consumer (post food crisis) which is more interested in the practical aspect than the environmental ones (Zanoli et al.). Whereas some objectives’ quality parameters can be measured by instrument (firmness, maturity, acidity…), sensory quality measurement need to analyse human perception. In the context of the European project SOLIBAM, a new methodology is experimented to integrate gustatory criterion in the breeding process, and particularly in participatory plant breeding programs. This methodology called “Napping®” involves a panel of professionals of the product (breeders, bakers, farmers), who have to position the product onto a large sheet of paper according to the sensory distance (similarity/dissimilarity) he perceives between the products. Ones the panellist had position its products; he had to associate one or two descriptors to each product. This poster aims to illustrate the methodology with an example on breads.
نوع الوثيقة: conference object
اللغة: English
العلاقة: info:eu-repo/grantAgreement//245058/EU/Strategies for Organic and Low-input Integrated Breeding And Management/; hal-01210048;;;; PRODINRA: 185108
حقوق: info:eu-repo/semantics/OpenAccess
رقم الانضمام: edsbas.BB277038
قاعدة البيانات: BASE