Final results from the PERUSE study of first-line pertuzumab plus trastuzumab plus a taxane for HER2-positive locally recurrent or metastatic breast cancer, with a multivariable approach to guide prognostication

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Final results from the PERUSE study of first-line pertuzumab plus trastuzumab plus a taxane for HER2-positive locally recurrent or metastatic breast cancer, with a multivariable approach to guide prognostication
المؤلفون: D. Miles, E. Ciruelos, A. Schneeweiss, F. Puglisi, T. Peretz-Yablonski, M. Campone, I. Bondarenko, Z. Nowecki, H. Errihani, S. Paluch-Shimon, A. Wardley, J.-L. Merot, P. Trask, Y. du Toit, C. Pena-Murillo, V. Revelant, D. Klingbiel, T. Bachelot, K. Bouzid, I. Desmoulins, B. Coudert, I. Glogowska, E. Ciruelos Gil, F. Dalenc, F. Ricci, V. Dieras, B. Kaufman, A. Ferreira, M. Mano, H. Kalofonos, C. Andreetta, F. Montemurro, S. Barrett, Q. Zhang, D. Mavroudis, J. Matus, C. Villarreal Garza, C. Beato, G. Ismael, X. Hu, H. Abdel Azeem, R. Gaafar, C. Perrin, P. Kerbrat, J. Ettl, S. Paepke, E. Hitre, I. Lang, M. Trudeau, S. Verma, H. Li, O. Hoffmann, B. Aktas, A. Cariello, G. Cruciani, A. Tienghi, C. Tondini, T. Al-Twegieri, N. Loman, R. Laing, E. Brain, P. Fasching, M. Lux, A. Frassoldati, Z. Aziz, J. Salas, J. Streb, K. Krzemieniecki, A. Wronski, J. Garcia Garcia, S. Menjon Beltran, I. Cicin, P. Schmid, C. Gallagher, N. Turner, Z. Tong, K. Boer, B. Juhász, Z. Horvath, G. Bianchini, L. Gianni, G. Curigliano, A. Juarez Ramiro, S. Susnjar, E. Matos, E. Sevillano, L. Garcia Estevez, E. Gokmen, R. Uslu, H. Wildiers, F. Schutz, M. Cruz, H. Bourgeois, R. von Schumann, S. Stemmer, A. Dominguez, F. Morales-Vásques, M. Wojtukiewicz, J. Trifunovic, M.J. Echarri Gonzalez, J. Illarramendi Mañas, E. Martinez De Dueñas, N. Voitko, J. Hicks, S. Waters, P. Barrett-Lee, D. Wheatley, R. De Boer, V. Cocquyt, G. Jerusalem, C. Barrios, L. Panasci, J. Mattson, M. Tanner, M. Gozy, G. Vasilopoulos, C. Papandreou, J. Revesz, N. Battelli, G. Benedetti, L. Latini, C. Gridelli, J. Lazaro Leon, J. Alarcón Company, A. Arance Fernandez, A. Barnadas Molins, I. Calvo Plaza, R. Bratos, A. Gonzalez Martin, Y. Izarzugaza Peron, L. Klint, A. Kovalev, N. McCarthy, B. Yeo, D. Kee, J. Thomson, S. White, R. Greil, S. Wang, X. Artignan, I. Juhasz-Böess, A. Rody, R. Ngan, F. Dourleshter, H. Goldberg, L. Doni, F. Di Costanzo, F. Ferraù, M. Drobniene, E. Aleknavicius, K. Rashid, L. Costa, L. de la Cruz Merino, J. Garcia Saenz, R. López, O. Del Val Munoz, O. Ozyilkan, F. Azribi, H. Jaafar, R. Baird, M. Verrill, J. Beith, A. Petzer, J. Moreira de Andrade, V. Bernstein, N. Macpherson, D. Rayson, I. Saad Eldin, M. Achille, P. Augereau, V. Müller, A. Rasco, E. Evron, D. Katz, R. Berardi, S. Cascinu, A. De Censi, A. Gennari, N. El-Saghir, M. Ghosn, H.M. Oosterkamp, J. Van den Bosch, M. Kukulska, E. Kalinka, J. Alonso, E. Dalmau Portulas, M. Del Mar Gordon Santiago, I. Pelaez Fernandez, S. Aksoy, K. Altundag, H. Senol Coskun, H. Bozcuk, Y. Shparyk, L. Barraclough, N. Levitt, U. Panwar, S. Kelly, A. Rigg, M. Varughese, C. Castillo, L. Fein, L. Malik, R. Stuart-Harris, C. Singer, H. Stoeger, H. Samonigg, J. Feng, M. Cedeño, J. Ruohola, J.-F. Berdah, A. Goncalves, H. Orfeuvre, E.-M. Grischke, E. Simon, S. Wagner, G. Koumakis, K. Papazisis, N. Ben Baruch, G. Fried, D. Geffen, N. Karminsky, T. Peretz, L. Cavanna, P. Pedrazzioli, D. Grasso, E. Ruggeri, G. D’Auria, L. Moscetti, E. Juozaityte, J. Rodriguez Cid, H. Roerdink, N. Siddiqi, J. Passos Coelho, A. Arcediano Del Amo, E. Garcia Garre, M. García Gonzalez, A. Garcia-Palomo Perez, C. Herenandez Perez, P. Lopez Alvarez, M.H. Lopez De Ceballos, N. Martínez Jañez, M. Mele Olive, K. McAdam, T. Perren, G. Dunn, A. Humphreys, W. Taylor, R. Vera, L. Kaen, J. Andel, G. Steger, J. De Grève, M. Huizing, R. Hegg, A. Joy, P. Kuruvilla, S. Sehdev, S. Smiljanic, R. Kütner, J. Alexandre, J. Grosjean, P. Laplaige, R. Largillier, P. Maes, P. Martin, V. Pottier, B. Christensen, F. Khandan, H.-J. Lück, D.-M. Zahm, G. Fountzilas, V. Karavasilis, T. Safra, M. Inbar, L. Ryvo, A. Bonetti, E. Seles, A. Giacobino, Y. Chavarri Guerra, F. de Jongh, A. van der Velden, L. van Warmerdam, S. Vrijaldenhoven, C.H. Smorenburg, M. Cavero, R. Andres Conejero, A. Oltra Ferrando, A. Redondo Sanchez, N. Ribelles Entrena, S. Saura Grau, G. Viñas Vilaro, K. Bachmeier, M. Beresford, M. Butt, J. Joffe, C. Poole, P. Woodings, P. Chakraborti, G. Yordi, N. Woodward, A. Nobre, G. Luiz Amorim, N. Califaretti, S. Fox, A. Robidoux, E. Li, N. Li, J. Jiang, T. Soria, P. Padrik, O. Lahdenpera, H. Barletta, N. Dohollou, D. Genet, K. Prulhiere, D. Coeffic, T. Facchini, S. Vieillot, S. Catala, L. Teixeira, T. Hesse, T. Kühn, A. Ober, R. Repp, W. Schröder, D. Pectasides, G. Bodoky, Z. Kahan, I. Jiveliouk, O. Rosengarten, V. Rossi, O. Alabiso, M. Pérez Martínez, A.J. van de Wouw, J. Smok-Kalwat, M. Damasecno, I. Augusto, G. Sousa, A. Saadein, N. Abdelhafiez, O. Abulkhair, A. Antón Torres, M. Corbellas Aparicio, R. Llorente Domenech, J. Florián Jerico, J. Garcia Mata, M. Gil Raga, A. Galan Brotons, A. Llombart Cussac, C. Llorca Ferrandiz, P. Martinez Del Prado, C. Olier Garate, C. Rodriguez Sanchez, R. Sanchez Gomez, M. Santisteban Eslava, J. Soberino, M. Vidal Losada Garcia, D. Soto de Prado, J. Torrego Garcia, E. Vicente Rubio, M. Garcia, A. Murias Rosales, H. Granstam Björneklett, U. Narbe, M. Jafri, D. Rea, J. Newby, A. Jones, S. Westwell, A. Ring, I. Alonso, R. Rodríguez
المساهمون: Miles, D., Ciruelos, E., Schneeweiss, A., Puglisi, F., Peretz-Yablonski, T., Campone, M., Bondarenko, I., Nowecki, Z., Errihani, H., Paluch-Shimon, S., Wardley, A., Merot, J. -L., Trask, P., du Toit, Y., Pena-Murillo, C., Revelant, V., Klingbiel, D., Bachelot, T., Bouzid, K., Desmoulins, I., Coudert, B., Glogowska, I., Ciruelos Gil, E., Dalenc, F., Ricci, F., Dieras, V., Kaufman, B., Ferreira, A., Mano, M., Kalofonos, H., Andreetta, C., Montemurro, F., Barrett, S., Zhang, Q., Mavroudis, D., Matus, J., Villarreal Garza, C., Beato, C., Ismael, G., Hu, X., Abdel Azeem, H., Gaafar, R., Perrin, C., Kerbrat, P., Ettl, J., Paepke, S., Hitre, E., Lang, I., Trudeau, M., Verma, S., Li, H., Hoffmann, O., Aktas, B., Cariello, A., Cruciani, G., Tienghi, A., Tondini, C., Al-Twegieri, T., Loman, N., Laing, R., Brain, E., Fasching, P., Lux, M., Frassoldati, A., Aziz, Z., Salas, J., Streb, J., Krzemieniecki, K., Wronski, A., Garcia Garcia, J., Menjon Beltran, S., Cicin, I., Schmid, P., Gallagher, C., Turner, N., Tong, Z., Boer, K., Juhasz, B., Horvath, Z., Bianchini, G., Gianni, L., Curigliano, G., Juarez Ramiro, A., Susnjar, S., Matos, E., Sevillano, E., Garcia Estevez, L., Gokmen, E., Uslu, R., Wildiers, H., Schutz, F., Cruz, M., Bourgeois, H., von Schumann, R., Stemmer, S., Dominguez, A., Morales-Vasques, F., Wojtukiewicz, M., Trifunovic, J., Echarri Gonzalez, M. J., Illarramendi Manas, J., Martinez De Duenas, E., Voitko, N., Hicks, J., Waters, S., Barrett-Lee, P., Wheatley, D., De Boer, R., Cocquyt, V., Jerusalem, G., Barrios, C., Panasci, L., Mattson, J., Tanner, M., Gozy, M., Vasilopoulos, G., Papandreou, C., Revesz, J., Battelli, N., Benedetti, G., Latini, L., Gridelli, C., Lazaro Leon, J., Alarcon Company, J., Arance Fernandez, A., Barnadas Molins, A., Calvo Plaza, I., Bratos, R., Gonzalez Martin, A., Izarzugaza Peron, Y., Klint, L., Kovalev, A., Mccarthy, N., Yeo, B., Kee, D., Thomson, J., White, S., Greil, R., Wang, S., Artignan, X., Juhasz-Boess, I., Rody, A., Ngan, R., Dourleshter, F., Goldberg, H., Doni, L., Di Costanzo, F., Ferrau, F., Drobniene, M., Aleknavicius, E., Rashid, K., Costa, L., de la Cruz Merino, L., Garcia Saenz, J., Lopez, R., Del Val Munoz, O., Ozyilkan, O., Azribi, F., Jaafar, H., Baird, R., Verrill, M., Beith, J., Petzer, A., Moreira de Andrade, J., Bernstein, V., Macpherson, N., Rayson, D., Saad Eldin, I., Achille, M., Augereau, P., Muller, V., Rasco, A., Evron, E., Katz, D., Berardi, R., Cascinu, S., De Censi, A., Gennari, A., El-Saghir, N., Ghosn, M., Oosterkamp, H. M., Van den Bosch, J., Kukulska, M., Kalinka, E., Alonso, J., Dalmau Portulas, E., Del Mar Gordon Santiago, M., Pelaez Fernandez, I., Aksoy, S., Altundag, K., Senol Coskun, H., Bozcuk, H., Shparyk, Y., Barraclough, L., Levitt, N., Panwar, U., Kelly, S., Rigg, A., Varughese, M., Castillo, C., Fein, L., Malik, L., Stuart-Harris, R., Singer, C., Stoeger, H., Samonigg, H., Feng, J., Cedeno, M., Ruohola, J., Berdah, J. -F., Goncalves, A., Orfeuvre, H., Grischke, E. -M., Simon, E., Wagner, S., Koumakis, G., Papazisis, K., Ben Baruch, N., Fried, G., Geffen, D., Karminsky, N., Peretz, T., Cavanna, L., Pedrazzioli, P., Grasso, D., Ruggeri, E., D'Auria, G., Moscetti, L., Juozaityte, E., Rodriguez Cid, J., Roerdink, H., Siddiqi, N., Passos Coelho, J., Arcediano Del Amo, A., Garcia Garre, E., Garcia Gonzalez, M., Garcia-Palomo Perez, A., Herenandez Perez, C., Lopez Alvarez, P., Lopez De Ceballos, M. H., Martinez Janez, N., Mele Olive, M., Mcadam, K., Perren, T., Dunn, G., Humphreys, A., Taylor, W., Vera, R., Kaen, L., Andel, J., Steger, G., De Greve, J., Huizing, M., Hegg, R., Joy, A., Kuruvilla, P., Sehdev, S., Smiljanic, S., Kutner, R., Alexandre, J., Grosjean, J., Laplaige, P., Largillier, R., Maes, P., Martin, P., Pottier, V., Christensen, B., Khandan, F., Luck, H. -J., Zahm, D. -M., Fountzilas, G., Karavasilis, V., Safra, T., Inbar, M., Ryvo, L., Bonetti, A., Seles, E., Giacobino, A., Chavarri Guerra, Y., de Jongh, F., van der Velden, A., van Warmerdam, L., Vrijaldenhoven, S., Smorenburg, C. H., Cavero, M., Andres Conejero, R., Oltra Ferrando, A., Redondo Sanchez, A., Ribelles Entrena, N., Saura Grau, S., Vinas Vilaro, G., Bachmeier, K., Beresford, M., Butt, M., Joffe, J., Poole, C., Woodings, P., Chakraborti, P., Yordi, G., Woodward, N., Nobre, A., Luiz Amorim, G., Califaretti, N., Fox, S., Robidoux, A., Li, E., Li, N., Jiang, J., Soria, T., Padrik, P., Lahdenpera, O., Barletta, H., Dohollou, N., Genet, D., Prulhiere, K., Coeffic, D., Facchini, T., Vieillot, S., Catala, S., Teixeira, L., Hesse, T., Kuhn, T., Ober, A., Repp, R., Schroder, W., Pectasides, D., Bodoky, G., Kahan, Z., Jiveliouk, I., Rosengarten, O., Rossi, V., Alabiso, O., Perez Martinez, M., van de Wouw, A. J., Smok-Kalwat, J., Damasecno, M., Augusto, I., Sousa, G., Saadein, A., Abdelhafiez, N., Abulkhair, O., Anton Torres, A., Corbellas Aparicio, M., Llorente Domenech, R., Florian Jerico, J., Garcia Mata, J., Gil Raga, M., Galan Brotons, A., Llombart Cussac, A., Llorca Ferrandiz, C., Martinez Del Prado, P., Olier Garate, C., Rodriguez Sanchez, C., Sanchez Gomez, R., Santisteban Eslava, M., Soberino, J., Vidal Losada Garcia, M., Soto de Prado, D., Torrego Garcia, J., Vicente Rubio, E., Garcia, M., Murias Rosales, A., Granstam Bjorneklett, H., Narbe, U., Jafri, M., Rea, D., Newby, J., Jones, A., Westwell, S., Ring, A., Alonso, I., Rodriguez, R., Apollo - University of Cambridge Repository, Medical Genetics, Clinical sciences, Laboratory for Medical and Molecular Oncology
سنة النشر: 2021
مصطلحات موضوعية: 0301 basic medicine, Oncology, Receptor, ErbB-2, medicine.medical_treatment, chemistry.chemical_compound, paclitaxel, 0302 clinical medicine, Trastuzumab, Antineoplastic Combined Chemotherapy Protocols, Clinical endpoint, skin and connective tissue diseases, HER2 positive, hormone receptor, metastatic breast cancer, overall survival, pertuzumab, Hematology, Metastatic breast cancer, Receptor, ErbB-2/genetics, Neoplasm Recurrence, Local/drug therapy, Treatment Outcome, Docetaxel, Paclitaxel, 030220 oncology & carcinogenesis, Female, Taxoids, Pertuzumab, medicine.drug, medicine.medical_specialty, Taxoids/therapeutic use, Breast Neoplasms, Antibodies, Monoclonal, Humanized, 03 medical and health sciences, Breast Neoplasms/drug therapy, Internal medicine, medicine, Humans, Trastuzumab/adverse effects, neoplasms, Chemotherapy, Taxane, business.industry, Antineoplastic Combined Chemotherapy Protocols/adverse effects, medicine.disease, 030104 developmental biology, chemistry, Neoplasm Recurrence, Local, business
الوصف: Background The phase III CLinical Evaluation Of Pertuzumab And TRAstuzumab (CLEOPATRA) trial established the combination of pertuzumab, trastuzumab and docetaxel as standard first-line therapy for human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-positive locally recurrent/metastatic breast cancer (LR/mBC). The multicentre single-arm PERtUzumab global SafEty (PERUSE) study assessed the safety and efficacy of pertuzumab and trastuzumab combined with investigator-selected taxane in this setting. Patients and methods Eligible patients with inoperable HER2-positive LR/mBC and no prior systemic therapy for LR/mBC (except endocrine therapy) received docetaxel, paclitaxel or nab-paclitaxel with trastuzumab and pertuzumab until disease progression or unacceptable toxicity. The primary endpoint was safety. Secondary endpoints included progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS). Prespecified subgroup analyses included subgroups according to taxane, hormone receptor (HR) status and prior trastuzumab. Exploratory univariable analyses identified potential prognostic factors; those that remained significant in multivariable analysis were used to analyse PFS and OS in subgroups with all, some or none of these factors. Results Of 1436 treated patients, 588 (41%) initially received paclitaxel and 918 (64%) had HR-positive disease. The most common grade ≥3 adverse events were neutropenia (10%, mainly with docetaxel) and diarrhoea (8%). At the final analysis (median follow-up: 5.7 years), median PFS was 20.7 [95% confidence interval (CI) 18.9-23.1] months overall and was similar irrespective of HR status or taxane. Median OS was 65.3 (95% CI 60.9-70.9) months overall. OS was similar regardless of taxane backbone but was more favourable in patients with HR-positive than HR-negative LR/mBC. In exploratory analyses, trastuzumab-pretreated patients with visceral disease had the shortest median PFS (13.1 months) and OS (46.3 months). Conclusions Mature results from PERUSE show a safety and efficacy profile consistent with results from CLEOPATRA and median OS exceeding 5 years. Results suggest that paclitaxel is a valid alternative to docetaxel as backbone chemotherapy. Exploratory analyses suggest risk factors that could guide future trial design.
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اللغة: English
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حقوق: OPEN
رقم الانضمام: edsair.doi.dedup.....b5b0239f57f26e8e989f5c39d68eb580
قاعدة البيانات: OpenAIRE