Identification of symbol digit modality test score extremes in Huntington's disease

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Identification of symbol digit modality test score extremes in Huntington's disease
المؤلفون: Braisch, U, Muche, R, Rothenbacher, D, Landwehrmeyer, GB, Long, JD, Bentivoglio, AR, Biunno, I, Bonelli, RM, Dunnett, SB, Illmann, T, Levey, J, Ramos-Arroyo, M, Nielsen, JE, Paivarinta, M, Sebastian, AR, Tabrizi, SJ, Vandenberghe, W, Uhrova, T, Come, A, Garde, MB, Betz, S, Capodarca, S, Wildson, SC, da Silva, V, Di Renzo, M, Finisterra, M, Genoves, C, Gilling, M, Handley, OJ, Hvalstedt, C, Koppers, K, Lamanna, C, Laura, M, Descals, AM, Monza, D, Mutze, L, Oehmen, M, Padieu, H, Paterski, L, Koivisto, SP, Rindal, B, Roren, N, Sasinkova, P, Seliverstov, Y, Timewell, E, Cubillo, PT, van Walsem, MR, Witjes-Ane, MN, Yudina, E, Zielonka, E, Zinzi, P, Braunwarth, EM, Brugger, F, Buratti, L, Hametner, EM, Hepperger, C, Holas, C, Hotter, A, Hussl, A, Larcher, B, Mahlknecht, P, Muller, C, Pinter, B, Poewe, W, Seppi, K, Sprenger, F, Wenning, G, Dupuis, M, Minet, C, Ribai, P, Van Paemel, D, Verellen-Dumoulin, C, Klempir, J, Majerova, V, Roth, J, Babiloni, B, Debruxelles, S, Duche, C, Goizet, C, Jameau, L, Lafoucriere, D, Spampinato, U, Bachoud-Levi, AC, Boisse, MF, de Langavant, LC, Lemoine, L, Morgado, G, Youssov, K, Annic, A, Barthelemy, R, De Bruycker, C, Cabaret, M, Carette, AS, Carriere, N, Decorte, E, Defebvre, L, Delliaux, M, Delval, A, Depelchin, A, Destee, A, Dewulf-Pasz, N, Dondaine, T, Dugauquier, F, Dujardin, K, Lemaire, MH, Manouvrier, S, Peter, M, Plomhause, L, Sablonniere, B, Simonin, C, Tard, C, Thibault-Tanchou, S, Vuillaume, I, Bellonet, M, Benoit, A, Blin, S, Courtin, F, Duru, C, Fasquel, V, Godefroy, O, Krystkowiak, P, Mantaux, B, Roussel, M, Tir, M, Schuler, B, Wannepain, S, Azulay, JP, Chabot, C, Delfini, M, Eusebio, A, Fluchere, F, Grosjean, H, Mundler, L, Nowak, M, Bioux, S, Bliaux, E, Girard, C, Guyant-Marechal, L, Hannequin, D, Hannier, V, Jourdain, S, Maltete, D, Pouliquen, D, Blondeau, L, Calvas, F, Cheriet, S, Delabaere, H, Demonet, JF, Pariente, J, Pierre, M, Beuth, M, Gelderblom, H, Priller, J, Pruss, H, Spruth, E, Thiel, S, Ellrichmannberlin, G, Herrmann, L, Hoffmann, R, Kaminski, B, Saft, C, Bosredon, C, Hunger, U, Lohle, M, Maass, A, Ossig, C, Schmidt, S, Storch, A, Wolz, A, Wolz, M, Kohl, Z, Kozay, C, Ullah, J, Winkler, J, Bergmann, U, Boringer, R, Capetian, P, Kammel, G, Lambeck, J, Meier, S, Rijntjes, M, Zucker, B, Boelmans, K, Ganos, C, Goerendt, I, Heinicke, W, Hidding, U, Munchau, A, Schmalfeld, J, Stubbe, L, Zittel, S, Diercks, G, Dressler, D, Francis, F, Gayde-Stephan, S, Gorzolla, H, Kramer, B, Minschke, R, Schrader, C, Tacik, P, Longinus, B, Lusebrink, A, Muhlau, M, Peinemann, A, Stadtler, M, Weindl, A, Winkelmann, J, Ziegler, C, Bechtel, N, Beckmann, H, Bohlen, S, Gopfert, N, Holzner, E, Lange, H, Reilmann, R, Rohm, S, Rumpf, S, Sass, C, Schepers, S, Weber, N, Barth, K, Buck, A, Connemann, J, Ecker, D, Geitner, C, Held, C, Kesse, A, Landwehrmeyer, B, Lezius, F, Lewerenz, J, Nepper, S, Niess, A, Orth, M, Schneider, A, Schwenk, D, Sussmuth, S, Trautmann, S, Weydt, P, Klebe, S, Musacchio, T, Leypold, C, Noth, K, Cormio, C, de Tommaso, M, Franco, G, Sciruicchio, V, Serpino, C, Calandra-Buonaura, G, Capellari, S, Cortelli, P, Gallassi, R, Poda, R, Sambati, L, Scaglione, C, Maserati, MS, Agosti, C, Barlati, S, Compostella, S, Marchina, E, Padovani, A, Bertini, E, Ghelli, E, Ginestroni, A, Mechi, C, Paganini, M, Piacentini, S, Pradella, S, Romoli, AM, Sorbi, S, Abbruzzese, G, di Poggio, MB, Ferrandes, G, Mandich, P, Marchese, R, Tamburini, T, Baake, V, van den Bogaard, SJA, Bos, R, Dumas, EM, t'Hart, EP, Kampstra, A, Roos, RAC, Schoonderbeek, A, Aaserud, O, Bjorgo, K, Borgeod, N, Dramstad, E, Fannemel, M, Frich, JC, Gorvell, PF, Heiberg, A, Lorentzen, E, Retterstol, L, Rosby, O, Sikiric, A, Stokke, B, van Walsem, M, Wehus, R, Bjornevoll, I, Sando, SB, Haug, MG, Storseth, HH, Arntsen, V, Dziadkiewicz, A, Konkel, A, Narozanska, E, Robowski, P, Sitek, E, Slawek, J, Soltan, W, Szinwelski, M, Arkuszewski, M, Blaszczyk, M, Boczarska-Jedynak, M, Ciach-Wysocka, E, Gorzkowska, A, Nska-Myga, BJ, Kaczmarczyk, A, Klodowska-Duda, G, Opala, G, Stompel, D, Banaszkiewicz, K, Bocwinska, D, Bojakowska-Jaremek, K, Dec, M, Grabska, N, Krawczyk, GM, Kubowicz, E, Malec-Litwinowicz, M, Rudzinska, M, Stenwak, A, Szczudlik, A, Szczygiel, E, Wojcik, M, Wasielewska, A, Bryl, JAA, Ciesielska, A, Klimberg, A, Marcinkowski, J, Samara, H, Sempolowicz, J, Sniewski, BW, Zielonka, D, Gogol, A, Janik, P, Jamrozik, Z, Kaminska, A, Kwiecinski, H, Antczak, J, Jachinska, K, Krysa, W, Rakowicz, M, Richter, P, Rola, R, Ryglewicz, D, Sienkiewicz-Jarosz, H, Stepniak, I, Sulek, A, Witkowski, G, Zaremba, J, Zdzienicka, E, Ziora-Jakutowicz, K, Januario, C, Julio, F, Guedes, LC, Coelho, M, Finisterra, AM, Ferreira, JJ, Mestre, T, Mendes, T, Rosa, MM, Valadas, A, Kopishinskaya, S, Korotysh, M, Herrera, CD, Moreno, PG, Bas, J, Busquets, N, Calopa, M, Classen, SJ, Dedicha, NR, Buongiorno, MT, Maria, ADS, Munoz, E, Santacruz, P, Barbera, MA, Pardo, SA, Guia, DB, Calzado, N, Hernanz, LC, Diaz-Zorita, JPT, Catena, JL, Ferrer, PQ, Carruesco, GT, Robert, MF, Viladrich, CM, Roca, E, Idiago, JMR, Riballo, AV, Campolongo, A, de Bobadilla, RF, Bojarsky, JK, Martinez-Horta, S, Pagonabarraga, J, Perez, JP, Ribosa, R, Villa, C, Gil, MAA, Corrales, KB, Esteban, JCG, Gonzalez, A, Merino, BT, Cubo, E, Polo, CG, Mariscal, N, Romero, SG, Arbelo, JM, de Molina, RM, Martin, I, Perianez, JM, Udaeta, B, Alonso-Frech, F, Frades, B, Villanueva, MA, Sevilla, MAZ, Frech, FA, Fenollar, MD, Garcia, RGR, Villanueva, C, Bascunana, M, Ventura, MF, Ribas, GG, de Yebenes, JG, Moreno, JLLS, Barral, VM, Ruiz, PJG, Garcia, A, Lopez, RG, Barcenas, AH, Martinez-Descals, A, Martin, VP, Martinez, NR, Artiga, MJS, Sanchez, V, Pueyo, A, Gonzalez, S, Guisasola, LM, Ribacoba, MPPR, Salvador, C, Lozano, PS, Caldentey, JG, Ramirez, IL, Arques, PN, Lopera, MR, Pastor, BV, Gaston, I, Garcia-Amigot, F, Martinez-Jaurrieta, MD, Ramos-Arroyo, MA, Carrillo, F, Redondo, MTC, Mir, P, Gonzalez, LV, Moreno, JMG, Lucena, CM, Pena, JC, Redondo, L, Sanchez, VS, Fernandez, CM, Mata, MP, Lemos, MDR, Bosca, M, Burguera, JA, Vilaplana, FCBCP, Solis, P, Figuerola, BJ, Palanca, PM, Berglund, P, Constantinescu, R, Fredlund, G, Hosterey-Ugander, U, Linnsand, P, Neleborn-Lingefjard, L, Wahlstrom, J, Palhagen, S, Svenningsson, P, Paucar, M, Wallden, T, Ekwall, C, Goller, ML, Sundblom, J, Stebler, Y, Kaelin, A, Romero, I, Schupbach, M, Zaugg, SW, Jung, H, Petersen, J, Auer, M, Mihaylova, V, Vernon, N, Akhtar, S, Crooks, J, Curtis, A, de Souza, J, Piedad, J, Rickards, H, Wright, J, Pallett, A, Coulthard, E, Gethin, L, Hayward, B, Sieradzan, K, Wright, A, Busse, M, Butcher, C, Dunnett, S, Clenaghan, C, Hunt, S, Jones, L, Jones, U, Khalil, H, Minster, S, Owen, M, Price, K, Townhill, J, Rosser, A, Edwards, M, Ho, C, McGill, M, Porteous, M, Pearson, P, Harrower, T, Irvine, S, Brockie, P, Foster, J, Johns, N, McKenzie, S, Rothery, J, Thomas, G, Yates, S, Deith, C, Ireland, J, Ritchie, S, Andrew, A, Frost, J, Noad, R, Cosgrove, J, Gallantree, D, Hamer, S, Hobson, E, Jamieson, S, Kraus, A, Longthorpe, M, Markova, I, Musgrave, H, Peacy, C, Raman, A, Rowett, L, Toscano, J, Wild, S, Yardumian, P, Clayton, C, Dipple, H, Freire-Patino, D, Hallam, C, Middleton, J, Alusi, S, Davies, R, Foy, K, Gerrans, E, Leggett, H, Pate, L, Anjum, U, Coebergh, J, Eddy, C, McEntagart, M, Patton, M, Peterson, M, Rose, S, Andrews, T, Brown, S, Bruno, S, Doherty, K, Golding, C, Haider, S, Hensman, D, Lahiri, N, Lewis, M, Novak, M, Patel, A, Robertson, N, Rosser, E, Tabrizi, S, Taylor, R, Warner, T, Wild, E, Arran, N, Bek, J, Callaghan, J, Craufurd, D, Fullam, R, Howard, L, Huson, S, Johnson, L, Jones, M, Krishnamoorthy, A, Murphy, H, Oughton, E, Partington-Jones, L, Rogers, D, Sollom, A, Snowden, J, Stopford, C, Thompson, J, Tinkler, P, Trender-Gerhard, I, Verstraelen, N, Westmoreland, L, Cass, G, Davidson, L, Davison, J, Fullerton, N, Holmes, K, Komati, S, McDonnell, S, Mohammed, Z, Morgan, K, Savage, L, Singh, B, Wood, J, Chu, E, Knight, C, O'Neill, M, Das Purkayastha, D, Nemeth, AH, Siuda, G, Valentine, R, Dixon, K, Armstrong, R, Harrison, D, Hughes, M, Large, S, Donovan, JO, Palmer, A, Parkinson, A, Soltysiak, B, Timings, L, Williams, J, Burn, J, Weekes, R, Craven, J, Bailey, W, Coleman, C, Haig-Brown, D, Simpson, S, Hare, M, Majeed, T, Bandmann, O, Bradbury, A, Fairtlough, H, Fillingham, K, Foustanos, I, Gill, P, Kazoka, M, Nevitt, L, Peppa, N, Quarrell, O, Taylor, C, Tidswell, K, O'Donovan, K, Agarwal, V, Anderson, M, Gunner, K, Harris, K, Hayward, E, Heywood, M, Keys, L, Kipps, C, MacKinnon, L, Smalley, S, Gowers, L, Powell, K, Bethwaite, P, Edwards, R, Fuller, K, Phillips, M, Tan, L, Burgunder, JM, Lau, PN, Pica, E, Shoulson, I, Gusella, JG, Antonijevic, I, vankammen, D, Foroud, T, Warner, J, Giuliano, J, Vetter, L, Marshall, F, Marder, K, Frucht, S, Moskowitz, C, Clouse, R, Wasserman, P, Shannon, K, Jaglin, J, Jankovic, J, Palao, A, Harrison, M, Singer, C, Quesada, M, Hersch, S, Rosas, D, Tanev, K, Malarick, K, Colcher, A, Sanchez-Ramos, J, Kostyk, S, Paulsen, J, Perlmutter, J, Tabbal, S, Ross, C, Dorsey, R, Nucifora, F, Dubinsky, R, Dubinsky, H, Suchowersky, O, Klimek, ML, Jones, R, Morgan, J, Mohlo, E, Kang, U, Agarwal, P, Factor, S, Jennings, D, Higgins, D, Adams, J, Frank, S, Saint-Hilaire, M, Diggin, M, Furtado, S, Walker, F, O'Neill, C, Quaid, K, LeDoux, M, Raymond, L, Leavitt, B, Decolongon, J, Perlman, S, Peavy, G, Goldstein, J, Kumar, R, McCusker, E, Griffith, J, Loy, C, Wheelock, V, Tempkin, T, Martin, A, Nance, M, Mallonee, W, Suter, G, Revilla, F, Gartner, M, Drazinic, C, Fitzpatrick, MJ, Panisset, M, Duff, K, Scott, B, Weiner, W, Robottom, B, Chiu, E, Yastrubetskaya, O, Churchyard, A, Greenamyre, TJ, Oakes, D, Beck, C, Robertson, S, Eaton, K, Lindsay, P, Deuel, L, MacDonald, M, Hickey, C, Muratori, L, Leserman, A, Doucette, N, Uc, E, Rodnitzky, R, Vik, S, Davis, R, Dietrich, S, Segro, V, Erickson, D, Hunt, V, Lucarelli, N, Broyles, J, Delarosa, J, Louis, E, Panegyres, P, Schmidt, A, Barton, S, Sperin, E, Testa, C, Thiede, F, Zauber, SE, McInnis, R, Welsh, C, Wesson, M, Coleman, A
المساهمون: European Commission
r-IIB SANT PAU. Repositorio Institucional de Producción Científica del Instituto de Investigación Biomédica Sant Pau
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics, 180(3), 232-245. WILEY
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
سنة النشر: 2019
مصطلحات موضوعية: Adult, Male, congenital, hereditary, and neonatal diseases and abnormalities, COHORT, Cox hazard model, quantile regression, REGISTRY, symbol digit modalities test, Genotype, Neuropsychological Tests, Cohort Studies, 03 medical and health sciences, Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience, Cognition, 0302 clinical medicine, Huntington's disease, Rating scale, mental disorders, medicine, Humans, Verbal fluency test, Longitudinal Studies, Genetics (clinical), Proportional Hazards Models, 030304 developmental biology, 0303 health sciences, Proportional hazards model, business.industry, Reproducibility of Results, Middle Aged, medicine.disease, nervous system diseases, Psychiatry and Mental health, Huntington Disease, Phenotype, Test score, Cohort, Disease Progression, Female, Observational study, business, 030217 neurology & neurosurgery, Stroop effect, Clinical psychology
الوصف: REGISTRY Investigators of the European Huntington's Disease Network and COHORT Investigators of the Huntington Study Group.
Studying individuals with extreme phenotypes could facilitate the understanding of disease modification by genetic or environmental factors. Our aim was to identify Huntington's disease (HD) patients with extreme symbol digit modality test (SDMT) scores. We first examined in HD the contribution of cognitive measures of the Unified Huntington's Disease Rating Scale (UHDRS) in predicting clinical endpoints. The language-independent SDMT was used to identify patients performing very well or very poorly relative to their CAG and age cohort. We used data from REGISTRY and COHORT observational study participants (5,603 HD participants with CAG repeats above 39 with 13,868 visits) and of 1,006 healthy volunteers (with 2,241 visits), included to identify natural aging and education effects on cognitive measures. Separate Cox proportional hazards models with CAG, age at study entry, education, sex, UHDRS total motor score and cognitive (SDMT, verbal fluency, Stroop tests) scores as covariates were used to predict clinical endpoints. Quantile regression for longitudinal language-independent SDMT data was used for boundary (2.5% and 97.5% quantiles) estimation and extreme score analyses stratified by age, education, and CAG repeat length. Ten percent of HD participants had an extreme SDMT phenotype for at least one visit. In contrast, only about 3% of participants were consistent SDMT extremes at two or more visits. The thresholds for the one-visit and two-visit extremes can be used to classify existing and new individuals. The identification of these phenotype extremes can be useful in the search for disease modifiers.
This work was in part funded by a grant from the EuropeanCommission under the 7th framework programme (RD-Connect, grantagreement number 305444).
اللغة: English
تدمد: 1552-4841
الوصول الحر:
حقوق: OPEN
رقم الانضمام: edsair.doi.dedup.....90a2bcfc1570fcf7e88ed2bcbbfcb347
قاعدة البيانات: OpenAIRE