يعرض 1 - 10 نتائج من 23 نتيجة بحث عن '"Hjalmar C, van Santvoort"', وقت الاستعلام: 0.97s تنقيح النتائج
  1. 1

    المساهمون: Surgery, CCA - Cancer Treatment and Quality of Life, AGEM - Amsterdam Gastroenterology Endocrinology Metabolism, RS: GROW - R3 - Innovative Cancer Diagnostics & Therapy, MUMC+: MA Heelkunde (9), RS: NUTRIM - R2 - Liver and digestive health, CCA - Cancer Treatment and quality of life, AGEM - Re-generation and cancer of the digestive system

    المصدر: Annals of surgery, 275(1), E222-E228. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
    Annals of Surgery, 275(1), E222-E228. LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS
    Annals of Surgery, 275(1), E222-E228. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
    Annals of Surgery, 275, 1, pp. e222-e228
    Jasmijn Smits, F, Verweij, M E, Daamen, L A, Henri van Werkhoven, C, Goense, L, Besselink, M G, Bonsing, B A, Busch, O R, van Dam, R M, van Eijck, C H J, Festen, S, Koerkamp, B G, van der Harst, E, de Hingh, I H, Kazemier, G, Klaase, J M, van der Kolk, M, Liem, M, Luyer, M D P, Meerdink, M, Sven D. Mieog, J, Nieuwenhuijs, V B, Roos, D, Schreinemakers, J M, Stommel, M W, Wit, F, Zonderhuis, B M, de Meijer, V E, van Santvoort, H C & Quintus Molenaar, I 2022, ' Impact of Complications after Pancreatoduodenectomy on Mortality, Organ Failure, Hospital Stay, and Readmission Analysis of a Nationwide Audit ', Annals of Surgery, vol. 275, no. 1, pp. E222-E228 . https://doi.org/10.1097/SLA.0000000000003835Test
    Annals of Surgery, 275, e222-e228
    Annals of Surgery, 275(1), E222-E228. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

    وصف الملف: application/pdf

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    المساهمون: Gastroenterology & Hepatology, ​Robotics and image-guided minimally-invasive surgery (ROBOTICS), Surgery, AGEM - Digestive immunity, AGEM - Re-generation and cancer of the digestive system, CCA - Cancer Treatment and Quality of Life

    المصدر: HPB, 21(7), 827-833. John Wiley & Sons Inc.
    Hpb, 21(7), 827-833. ELSEVIER SCI LTD
    Hpb, 21, 7, pp. 827-833
    HPB: The official journal of the International Hepato Pancreato Biliary Association, 21(7), 827-833. John Wiley and Sons Inc.
    Hpb, 21, 827-833

    وصف الملف: application/pdf

  5. 5

    المساهمون: Surgery, MUMC+: MA Heelkunde (9), RS: NUTRIM - R2 - Liver and digestive health, AGEM - Re-generation and cancer of the digestive system, AGEM - Digestive immunity, Gastroenterology & Hepatology

    المصدر: HPB, 20(8), 745-751. ELSEVIER SCI LTD
    HPB: The official journal of the International Hepato Pancreato Biliary Association, 20(8), 745-751. John Wiley and Sons Inc.
    HPB, 20(8), 745-751. John Wiley & Sons Inc.
    Hpb, 20, 745-751
    Hpb, 20, 8, pp. 745-751

    وصف الملف: application/pdf

  6. 6

    المؤلفون: Yama Issa, Hjalmar C. van Santvoort, Paul Fockens, Marc G. Besselink, Thomas L. Bollen, Marco J. Bruno, Marja A. Boermeester, Frank G. Moody, Claude Bertrand, Colin Johnson, Aude van Lander, Ross Carter, John B. Conneely, Frederik Berrevoet, Donzília Sousa Silva, Zong-Fang Li, Philippe Lévy, Kofi Oppong, Timothy B. Gardner, C. Mel Wilcox, Jeremy French, Michael Steer, Edward L. Bradley, Peter Layer, Bertrand Napoleon, Jorge Antonio Mosquera, D.J. Gouma, Roland Andersson, Antonio Manzelli, J.M. Klaase, Massimo Falconi, Enrique de-Madaria, Riccardo Casadei, Giuseppe Malleo, Raffaele Pezzilli, Ewa Malecka-Panas, Matthias Lohr, Julia Mayerle, Erik A.J. Rauws, Martin L. Freeman, Affirul Chairil Ariffin, Bhavin Vasavada, Paul Bo-San Lai, Jose Luis Beristain-Hernandez, Álvarez Juan, Haralds Plaudis, Dionisios Vrochides, Vincenzo Neri, Vimalraj Velayutham, Aleksey Andrianov, Joan Figueras, Kjetil Soreide, Aliaksei Shcherba, Mahir Gachabayov, Roger G. Keith, Georgios Tsoulfas, Michael Anthony Fink, Stefano Crippa, Mehrdad Nikfarjam, Dibyajyoti Bora, Rajendra Desai, Marcello Donati, Jan Jin Bong, Emma Martínez Moneo, Gareth Morris-Stiff, Ahmet Coker, Alexandre Prado de Resende, Suryabhan Sakhahari Bhalerao, Sadiq S. Sikora, Dezső Kelemen, László Czakó, Hariharan Ramesh, Oleg Rummo, Aliaksei Fedaruk, Alexey Hlinnik, Madhusudhan Chinthakindi, Traian Dumitrascu, Vyacheslav Egorov, Vincent Bettschart, Michele Molinari, E. Aldana D. Guillermo, Susan L. Orloff, Daniel Vasilev Kostov, Laurent Sulpice, Brett Knowles, Yasutoshi Kimura, Gabriele Marangoni, Rajeev Joshi, Tibor Gyökeres, null Bedin, V. Vladimir, Arpad Ivanecz, Adelmo Antonucci, Jones A.O. Omoshoro-Jones, Richard Nakache, Marco Del Chiaro, Marianne Johnstone, Tomoaki Saito, Gianpaolo Balzano, Serge Chooklin, Piero Boraschi, Walter Park, Pedro Nuno Valente Reis Pereira, Nico Pagano, Pavlos Lykoudis, Lars Ivo Partecke, Aliaksandr Siatkouski, Rosa Jorba Martín, Yasunari Kawabata, Luís Carvalho Lourenço, Carlos Marra-Lopez, Jun Kyu Lee, Nils Habbe, Robert C. Verdonk, Yliya Rabotyagova, Rupjyoti Talukdar, Luca Frulloni, Shamil Galeev, Zoltán Berger, Takeo Yasuda, Thilo Hackert, Ziyovuddin Saatov, Dimitri Aristotle Raptis, Jaume Boadas, Francesco Vitali, Livia Archibugi, Miroslav Ryska, Balazs Tihanyi, Vikesh K. Singh, Atsushi Masamune, Paul Yeaton, Kerrington D. Smith, Shrey Modi, Laura Cosen-Binker, Savio George Barreto, Eugenio Morandi, Sergio Valeri, Cintia Yoko Morioka, Luis F. Lara, Yoshifumi Takeyama, Frank G. Gress, Young-Dong Yu, Ezio Gaia, Sorin Traian Barbu, Ali Tüzün İnce, Akkraporn Deeprasertvit, Yu-Ting Chang, Stephen Olusola Abiola, Sabite Kacar, Peter Muscarella, Henri Braat, Samuel Han, Ali A. Aghdassi, Jean-Louis Frossard, Jill P. Smith, M.P. Schwartz, H.M. van Dullemen, N.G. Venneman, B.W.M. Spanier, Sjoerd Kuiken, Erwin van Geenen, Greg Beilman, Georgios Papachristou, Oscar Chapa Azuela, P. van der Schaar, Nevin Oruc, Marie-Paule Anten, William H. Nealon, Jesús García-Cano, Manol Jovani, Ziad Melki, Mustafa Mohammed Ahmed Ibrahim, M.U. Awajdarip, Mohammad Azam, K.G. Sabu, Igor Ermolaev, Shiran Shetty, Belei Oana, Juris Pokrotnieks, Malgorzata Lazuchiewicz-Kot, Riadh Bouali, Marek Winiarski, Marcus Schmitt, Mihai Rimbas, Alexander Meining, Bories Erwan, Peter N. Meier, Rainer Schoefl, Ahmed Youssef Altonbary, Igor Marsteller, Ingo Wallstabe, Skerdi Prifti, Arnaud Lemmers, M. Horvath, Ajay Kumar, Joseph J. Palermo

    المساهمون: Issa, Y., van Santvoort, H. C., Fockens, P., Besselink, M. G., Bollen, T. L., Bruno, M. J., Boermeester, M. A., Moody, F. G., Bertrand, C., Johnson, C., van Lander, A., Carter, R., Conneely, J. B., Berrevoet, F., Sousa Silva, D., Li, Z. -F., Levy, P., Oppong, K., Gardner, T. B., Wilcox, C. M., French, J., Steer, M., Bradley, E. L., Layer, P., Napoleon, B., Mosquera, J. A., Gouma, D. J., Andersson, R., Manzelli, A., Klaase, J. M., Falconi, M., de-Madaria, E., Casadei, R., Malleo, G., Pezzilli, R., Malecka-Panas, E., Lohr, M., Mayerle, J., Rauws, E. A. J., Freeman, M. L., Ariffin, A. C., Vasavada, B., Lai, P. B. -S., Beristain-Hernandez, J. L., Juan, A., Plaudis, H., Vrochides, D., Neri, V., Velayutham, V., Andrianov, A., Figueras, J., Soreide, K., Shcherba, A., Gachabayov, M., Keith, R. G., Tsoulfas, G., Fink, M. A., Crippa, S., Nikfarjam, M., Bora, D., Desai, R., Donati, M., Bong, J. J., Martinez Moneo, E., Morris-Stiff, G., Coker, A., de Resende, A. P., Bhalerao, S. S., Sikora, S. S., Kelemen, D., Czako, L., Ramesh, H., Rummo, O., Fedaruk, A., Hlinnik, A., Chinthakindi, M., Dumitrascu, T., Egorov, V., Bettschart, V., Molinari, M., Guillermo, E. A. D., Orloff, S. L., Kostov, D. V., Sulpice, L., Knowles, B., Kimura, Y., Marangoni, G., Joshi, R., Gyokeres, T., Bedin, Vladimir, V., Ivanecz, A., Antonucci, A., Omoshoro-Jones, J. A. O., Nakache, R., Del Chiaro, M., Johnstone, M., Saito, T., Balzano, G., Chooklin, S., Boraschi, P., Park, W., Pereira, P. N. V. R., Pagano, N., Lykoudis, P., Partecke, L. I., Siatkouski, A., Martin, R. J., Kawabata, Y., Lourenco, L. C., Marra-Lopez, C., Lee, J. K., Habbe, N., Verdonk, R. C., Rabotyagova, Y., Talukdar, R., Frulloni, L., Galeev, S., Berger, Z., Yasuda, T., Hackert, T., Saatov, Z., Raptis, D. A., Boadas, J., Vitali, F., Archibugi, L., Ryska, M., Tihanyi, B., Singh, V. K., Masamune, A., Yeaton, P., Smith, K. D., Modi, S., Cosen-Binker, L., Barreto, S. G., Morandi, E., Valeri, S., Morioka, C. Y., Lara, L. F., Takeyama, Y., Gress, F. G., Yu, Y. -D., Gaia, E., Barbu, S. T., Ince, A. T., Deeprasertvit, A., Chang, Y. -T., Abiola, S. O., Kacar, S., Muscarella, P., Braat, H., Han, S., Aghdassi, A. A., Frossard, J. -L., Smith, J. P., Schwartz, M. P., van Dullemen, H. M., Venneman, N. G., Spanier, B. W. M., Kuiken, S., van Geenen, E., Beilman, G., Papachristou, G., Chapa Azuela, O., van der Schaar, P., Oruc, N., Anten, M. -P., Nealon, W. H., Garcia-Cano, J., Jovani, M., Melki, Z., Ibrahim, M. M. A., Awajdarip, M. U., Azam, M., Sabu, K. G., Ermolaev, I., Shetty, S., Oana, B., Pokrotnieks, J., Lazuchiewicz-Kot, M., Bouali, R., Winiarski, M., Schmitt, M., Rimbas, M., Meining, A., Erwan, B., Meier, P. N., Schoefl, R., Altonbary, A. Y., Marsteller, I., Wallstabe, I., Prifti, S., Lemmers, A., Horvath, M., Kumar, A., Palermo, J. J., Surgery, Amsterdam institute for Infection and Immunity, Amsterdam Gastroenterology Endocrinology Metabolism, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, CCA - Cancer Treatment and Quality of Life, CCA - Imaging and biomarkers, AGEM - Digestive immunity, AGEM - Re-generation and cancer of the digestive system, Cancer Center Amsterdam, APH - Methodology, AII - Infectious diseases, Issa, Yama, van Santvoort, Hjalmar C., Fockens, Paul, Besselink, Marc G., Bollen, Thomas L., Bruno, Marco J., Boermeester, Marja A., Moody, Frank G., Bertrand, Claude, Johnson, Colin, van Lander, Aude, Carter, Ro, Conneely, John B., Berrevoet, Frederik, Sousa Silva, Donzã­lia, Zong-Fang, Li, Lã©vy, Philippe, Oppong, Kofi, Gardner, Timothy B., Wilcox, C. Mel, French, Jeremy, Steer, Michael, Bradley, Edward L., Layer, Peter, Napoleon, Bertrand, Mosquera, Jorge Antonio, Andersson, Roland, Manzelli, Antonio, Falconi, Massimo, de-Madaria, Enrique, Casadei, Riccardo, Malleo, Giuseppe, Pezzilli, Raffaele, Malecka-Panas, Ewa, Lohr, Matthia, Mayerle, Julia, Rauws, Erik A. J., Freeman, Martin L., Ariffin, Affirul Chairil, Vasavada, Bhavin, Lai, Paul Bo-San, Beristain-Hernandez, Jose Lui, Juan, à lvarez, Plaudis, Harald, Vrochides, Dionisio, Neri, Vincenzo, Velayutham, Vimalraj, Andrianov, Aleksey, Figueras, Joan, Soreide, Kjetil, Shcherba, Aliaksei, Gachabayov, Mahir, Keith, Roger G., Tsoulfas, Georgio, Fink, Michael Anthony, Crippa, Stefano, Nikfarjam, Mehrdad, Bora, Dibyajyoti, Desai, Rajendra, Donati, Marcello, Bong, Jan Jin, Martínez Moneo, Emma, Morris-Stiff, Gareth, Coker, Ahmet, de Resende, Alexandre Prado, Bhalerao, Suryabhan Sakhahari, Sikora, Sadiq S., Kelemen, Dezså, Czakã³, Lã¡szlã³, Ramesh, Hariharan, Rummo, Oleg, Fedaruk, Aliaksei, Hlinnik, Alexey, Chinthakindi, Madhusudhan, Dumitrascu, Traian, Egorov, Vyacheslav, Bettschart, Vincent, Molinari, Michele, Guillermo, E. Aldana D., Orloff, Susan L., Kostov, Daniel Vasilev, Sulpice, Laurent, Knowles, Brett, Kimura, Yasutoshi, Marangoni, Gabriele, Joshi, Rajeev, Gyã¶keres, Tibor, Bedin, Null, Ivanecz, Arpad, Antonucci, Adelmo, Omoshoro-Jones, Jones A. O., Nakache, Richard, Del Chiaro, Marco, Johnstone, Marianne, Saito, Tomoaki, Balzano, Gianpaolo, Chooklin, Serge, Boraschi, Piero, Park, Walter, Pereira, Pedro Nuno Valente Rei, Pagano, Nico, Lykoudis, Pavlo, Partecke, Lars Ivo, Siatkouski, Aliaksandr, Martã­n, Rosa Jorba, Kawabata, Yasunari, Lourenã§o, Luís Carvalho, Marra-Lopez, Carlo, Lee, Jun Kyu, Habbe, Nil, Verdonk, Robert C., Rabotyagova, Yliya, Talukdar, Rupjyoti, Frulloni, Luca, Galeev, Shamil, Berger, Zoltã¡n, Yasuda, Takeo, Hackert, Thilo, Saatov, Ziyovuddin, Raptis, Dimitri Aristotle, Boadas, Jaume, Vitali, Francesco, Archibugi, Livia, Ryska, Miroslav, Tihanyi, Balaz, Singh, Vikesh K., Masamune, Atsushi, Yeaton, Paul, Smith, Kerrington D., Modi, Shrey, Cosen-Binker, Laura, Barreto, Savio George, Morandi, Eugenio, Valeri, Sergio, Morioka, Cintia Yoko, Lara, Luis F., Takeyama, Yoshifumi, Gress, Frank G., Young-Dong, Yu, Gaia, Ezio, Barbu, Sorin Traian, Ä°nce, Ali Tüzün, Deeprasertvit, Akkraporn, Chang, Yu-Ting, Abiola, Stephen Olusola, Kacar, Sabite, Muscarella, Peter, Braat, Henri, Han, Samuel, Aghdassi, Ali A., Frossard, Jean-Loui, Smith, Jill P., Kuiken, Sjoerd, van Geenen, Erwin, Beilman, Greg, Papachristou, Georgio, Chapa Azuela, Oscar, Oruc, Nevin, Anten, Marie-Paule, Nealon, William H., García-Cano, Jesãº, Jovani, Manol, Melki, Ziad, Ibrahim, Mustafa Mohammed Ahmed, Azam, Mohammad, Ermolaev, Igor, Shetty, Shiran, Oana, Belei, Pokrotnieks, Juri, Lazuchiewicz-Kot, Malgorzata, Bouali, Riadh, Winiarski, Marek, Schmitt, Marcu, Rimbas, Mihai, Meining, Alexander, Erwan, Borie, Meier, Peter N., Schoefl, Rainer, Altonbary, Ahmed Youssef, Marsteller, Igor, Wallstabe, Ingo, Prifti, Skerdi, Lemmers, Arnaud, Kumar, Ajay, Palermo, Joseph J., Gastroenterology & Hepatology

    المصدر: HPB, 19(11), 978-985. John Wiley and Sons Inc.
    HPB, 19(11), 978-985. John Wiley & Sons Inc.

    وصف الملف: STAMPA; text

  7. 7

    المساهمون: Graduate School, AGEM - Digestive immunity, AGEM - Re-generation and cancer of the digestive system, Epidemiology and Data Science, APH - Methodology, Surgery, AII - Infectious diseases, AGEM - Amsterdam Gastroenterology Endocrinology Metabolism, Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Gastroenterology & Hepatology, MUMC+: MA Heelkunde (9), RS: NUTRIM - R2 - Liver and digestive health

    المصدر: TRIALS, 20:239. BMC
    Trials, 20(1):239. BioMed Central
    Trials, 20:239. BioMed Central Ltd.
    Trials, 20
    Trials, Vol 20, Iss 1, Pp 1-10 (2019)
    Trials, 20(1). BioMed Central
    Grinsven, J V, van Dijk, S M, Dijkgraaf, M G, Boermeester, M A, Bollen, T L, Bruno, M J, van Brunschot, S, Dejong, C H, van Eijck, C H, van Lienden, K P, Boerma, D, van Duijvendijk, P, Hadithi, M, Haveman, J W, van der Hulst, R W, Jansen, J M, Lips, D J, Manusama, E R, Molenaar, I Q, van der Peet, D L, Poen, A C, Quispel, R, Schaapherder, A F, Schoon, E J, Schwartz, M P, Seerden, T C, Spanier, B W M, Straathof, J W, Venneman, N G, van de Vrie, W, Witteman, B J, van Goor, H, Fockens, P, van Santvoort, H C, Besselink, M G & the Dutch Pancreatitis Study Group 2019, ' Postponed or immediate drainage of infected necrotizing pancreatitis (POINTER trial): Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial ', Trials, vol. 20, no. 1, 239 . https://doi.org/10.1186/s13063-019-3315-6Test
    Trials, 20:239. BioMed Central Ltd

    وصف الملف: application/pdf; text/plain

  8. 8

    المساهمون: Surgery, AGEM - Digestive immunity, AGEM - Re-generation and cancer of the digestive system, AGEM - Endocrinology, metabolism and nutrition, RS: NUTRIM - R2 - Liver and digestive health, MUMC+: MA Heelkunde (9), Guided Treatment in Optimal Selected Cancer Patients (GUTS), Groningen Institute for Organ Transplantation (GIOT)

    المصدر: Pancreas, 48(6), 811-816. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
    Pancreas, 48(6), 811-816. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
    Pancreas, 48(6), 811-816. LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS
    Pancreas, 48(6), 811. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins

    وصف الملف: image/pdf; application/pdf

  9. 9

    المساهمون: Surgery, Graduate School, AGEM - Re-generation and cancer of the digestive system, CCA - Cancer Treatment and Quality of Life, AGEM - Digestive immunity

    المصدر: European journal of surgical oncology, 44(12), 1880-1888. W.B. Saunders Ltd
    European Journal of Surgical Oncology, 44, 12, pp. 1880-1888
    European Journal of Surgical Oncology, 44, 1880-1888

    وصف الملف: application/pdf

  10. 10

    المساهمون: Surgery, Graduate School, AGEM - Endocrinology, metabolism and nutrition, AGEM - Re-generation and cancer of the digestive system, AGEM - Digestive immunity, CCA - Cancer Treatment and Quality of Life, APH - Methodology, Groningen Institute for Organ Transplantation (GIOT), Guided Treatment in Optimal Selected Cancer Patients (GUTS), Value, Affordability and Sustainability (VALUE), RS: NUTRIM - R2 - Liver and digestive health, MUMC+: MA Heelkunde (9), CCA - Cancer Treatment and quality of life

    المصدر: HPB: The official journal of the International Hepato Pancreato Biliary Association, 20(8), 759-767. John Wiley and Sons Inc.
    HPB, 20(8), 759-767
    Hpb, 20, 759-767
    Hpb, 20, 8, pp. 759-767
    Hpb, 20(8), 759-767. ELSEVIER SCI LTD
    HPB, 20(8), 759-767. ELSEVIER SCI LTD
    Dutch Pancreatic Cancer Group 2018, ' Variation in hospital mortality after pancreatoduodenectomy is related to failure to rescue rather than major complications: a nationwide audit ', HPB, vol. 20, no. 8, pp. 759-767 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hpb.2018.02.640Test
    HPB, 20(8), 759-767. John Wiley & Sons Inc.
    HPB, 20(8), 759-767. John Wiley and Sons Inc.