يعرض 1 - 10 نتائج من 11 نتيجة بحث عن '"Stevens, Chris J"', وقت الاستعلام: 1.51s تنقيح النتائج
  1. 1
    دورية أكاديمية

    مصطلحات موضوعية: SB Plant culture, archeo, envir

    الوصف: Current theories of plant domestication are based on localized founder models in which single or multiple domestications occur as a progressive result of adaptation processes, but anomalies that do not fit within this perspective have been accumulating. We describe developments in archaeology and genetics over the past decade in which cultural connections between groups stretch back much further in time than was previously realized, and over wide geographic distances. Weak selection for domestication substantially pre-dates domestication and/or cultivation practices, large populations appear to have been maintained throughout the emergence of domesticates, and the resulting forms were not necessarily an improvement in terms of yield. We present a framework in which the process of domestication evolved as a landscape-level process involving large populations connected through sustained long-term human contact over large distances from which domesticate forms emerged in a complex manner as an adaptive reaction to long-term exploitation that did not necessarily provide immediate benefits. The landscape framework addresses several anomalies and radically changes the dynamic visualization of the evolution of domestication. It also opens up a list of new questions regarding the mechanisms of selection and the assembly of domestication syndrome alleles, and obliges a profound rethink of the progressive nature of domestication and human cultural evolution. The evidence from ancient crops over the past decade challenges some of our most basic assumptions about the process of domestication. The emergence of crops has been viewed as a technologically progressive process in which single or multiple localized populations adapt to human environments in response to cultivation. By contrast, new genetic and archaeological evidence reveals a slow process that involved large populations over wide areas with unexpectedly sustained cultural connections in deep time. We review evidence that calls for a new landscape framework of .

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    المساهمون: Goldman, Irwin

    مصطلحات موضوعية: envir, archeo

    الوصف: As genetic and archaeological evidence has developed over the past few years, it has become apparent that our most basic assumptions about how crops became incorporated into human culture may be in need of fundamental revision. Conventionally, crop origins have been understood through a local founding model in which one or multiple centers of small localized populations are formed through cultivation leading to domesticated forms as plants adapt to local human environments either over short, or more recently, longer time frames. However, the genetic expectations of such models are not being met by archaeogenomic and archaeological data. A key concept to the local founder model, the domestication bottleneck, is not supported by several lines of evidence including direct estimates of genetic diversity in the past, mutation load, strength of selection, and the theoretical balance between selection strength and population size. Key to this is the incorporation of models of evolution that are coherent with the development of archaeological thought in terms of conscious and unconscious modes of selection. Together, the data currently point away from a localized origin model and toward a diffuse landscape scale process which occurred over a very long period of time with sustained networks of contact. The domesticated forms that emerged from this process were diverse and consequently more adaptively robust with higher plasticity than would be expected from a local founder model.

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    دورية أكاديمية

    مصطلحات موضوعية: Original Article, archeo, envir

    الوصف: The transition to urbanism has long focused on annual staple crops (cereals and legumes), perhaps at the expense of understanding other changes within agricultural practices that occurred between the end of the initial domestication period and urbanisation. This paper examines the domestication and role of fruit tree crops within urbanisation in both Western Asia and China, using a combination of evidence for morphological change and a database that documents both the earliest occurrence of tree fruit crops and their spread beyond their wild range. In Western Asia the domestication of perennial fruit crops likely occurs between 6500 bc and 3500 bc, although it accompanies a shift in location from that of the earliest domestications within the Fertile Crescent to Mesopotamia, where the earliest urban societies arose. For China, fruit-tree domestication dates between ca 4000 and 2500 bc, commencing after millet domestication and rice domestication in Northern and Southern China, respectively, but within the period that led up to the urban societies that characterised the Longshan period in the Yellow River basin and the Liangzhu Culture in the Lower Yangtze. These results place the domestication of major fruit trees between the end of the domestication of staple annual crops and the rise of urbanism. On this basis it is argued that arboriculture played a fundamental role within the re-organisation of existing land use, shifting the emphasis from short-term returns of cereal crops into longer term investment in the developing agricultural landscape in both Western and East Asia. In this respect perennial tree crops can be placed alongside craft specialisation, such as metallurgy and textiles, in the formation of urban centres and the shaping the organisational administration that accompanied the rise of urbanism. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (10.1007/s00334-019-00727-4) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.

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    دورية أكاديمية

    مصطلحات موضوعية: Article, archeo

    الوصف: Tetraploid emmer wheat (Triticum turgidum subsp. dicoccon) is a progenitor of the world’s most widely grown crop, hexaploid bread wheat (T. aestivum), as well as the direct ancestor of tetraploid durum wheat (T. turgidum subsp. turgidum). Emmer was one of the first cereals domesticated in the old world, cultivated from around 9700 BCE in the Levant(1,2) and subsequently in South-Western Asia, Northern Africa, and Europe with the spread of Neolithic agriculture(3,4). Here we report whole genome sequence from a museum specimen of Egyptian emmer wheat chaff, (14)C-dated to the New Kingdom 1,130 – 1,000 BCE. Its genome shares haplotypes with modern domesticated emmer at shattering, seed size, and germination loci, and within other putative domestication loci, suggesting these traits share a common origin prior to emmer’s introduction to Egypt. Its genome is otherwise unusual, carrying haplotypes that are absent from modern emmer. Genetic similarity with modern Arabian and Indian emmer landraces connects ancient Egyptian emmer with early South-Eastern dispersals, while inferred gene flow with wild emmer from the Southern Levant signals a later connection. Our results show the importance of museum collections as sources of genetic data to uncover the history and diversity of ancient cereals.

  5. 5
    دورية أكاديمية

    مصطلحات موضوعية: Research Papers, archeo, envir

    الوصف: The period from the late third millennium BC to the start of the first millennium AD witnesses the first steps towards food globalization in which a significant number of important crops and animals, independently domesticated within China, India, Africa and West Asia, traversed Central Asia greatly increasing Eurasian agricultural diversity. This paper utilizes an archaeobotanical database (AsCAD), to explore evidence for these crop translocations along southern and northern routes of interaction between east and west. To begin, crop translocations from the Near East across India and Central Asia are examined for wheat (Triticum aestivum) and barley (Hordeum vulgare) from the eighth to the second millennia BC when they reach China. The case of pulses and flax (Linum usitatissimum) that only complete this journey in Han times (206 BC–AD 220), often never fully adopted, is also addressed. The discussion then turns to the Chinese millets, Panicum miliaceum and Setaria italica, peaches (Amygdalus persica) and apricots (Armeniaca vulgaris), tracing their movement from the fifth millennium to the second millennium BC when the Panicum miliaceum reaches Europe and Setaria italica Northern India, with peaches and apricots present in Kashmir and Swat. Finally, the translocation of japonica rice from China to India that gave rise to indica rice is considered, possibly dating to the second millennium BC. The routes these crops travelled include those to the north via the Inner Asia Mountain Corridor, across Middle Asia, where there is good evidence for wheat, barley and the Chinese millets. The case for japonica rice, apricots and peaches is less clear, and the northern route is contrasted with that through northeast India, Tibet and west China. Not all these journeys were synchronous, and this paper highlights the selective long-distance transport of crops as an alternative to demic-diffusion of farmers with a defined crop package.

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    دورية أكاديمية

    مصطلحات موضوعية: Research Article, archeo

    الوصف: We have compiled an extensive database of archaeological evidence for rice across Asia, including 400 sites from mainland East Asia, Southeast Asia and South Asia. This dataset is used to compare several models for the geographical origins of rice cultivation and infer the most likely region(s) for its origins and subsequent outward diffusion. The approach is based on regression modelling wherein goodness of fit is obtained from power law quantile regressions of the archaeologically inferred age versus a least-cost distance from the putative origin(s). The Fast Marching method is used to estimate the least-cost distances based on simple geographical features. The origin region that best fits the archaeobotanical data is also compared to other hypothetical geographical origins derived from the literature, including from genetics, archaeology and historical linguistics. The model that best fits all available archaeological evidence is a dual origin model with two centres for the cultivation and dispersal of rice focused on the Middle Yangtze and the Lower Yangtze valleys.

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    مصطلحات موضوعية: archeo

    الوصف: The announcement in July 2005 that London had won the 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games was the catalyst for a comprehensive programme of archaeological excavation, building recording and photographic survey undertaken on the site of the Olympic Park. The Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA) has facilitated a rare opportunity to study and understand the evolution of a large area of valley landscape on the eastern fringes of London, before the construction of the main Olympic Stadium, numerous other venues and the necessary transport network throughout the Olympic Park. Important evidence for landscape evolution from the pre-Holocene onwards was obtained from extensive study of cores from over 4,000 boreholes, enabling a deposit model of the sub-surface sediments to be created. The surface topography has been mapped and the courses of the major palaeochannels identified, as well as probable areas of wetland and higher, drier areas suitable for occupation. This work has been undertaken in conjunction with an extensive programme of radiocarbon dating and palaeoenvironmental analysis. Archaeological finds include a Neolithic axe found beside a channel, the remnants of Bronze Age field systems and settlements, and Iron Age settlements with roundhouses, pits and associated structures. Limited archaeological evidence for Roman, Saxon and medieval occupation of this floodplain environment was uncovered but environmental data indicate activity in the wider landscape during these periods. One of the largest finds was a near-complete 19th century wooden boat which amongst other uses had been employed as a fowling vessel; bird shot was found during the excavation and cleaning of the boat. The excavations revealed a cobbled Victorian street and buildings, and associated industrial features, that had been buried under several metres of made ground. In fact, a dominant archaeological feature from the site is the deep made-ground, averaging c. 4.5 m thick, that overlay the former agricultural landscape, both to consolidate .

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    دورية أكاديمية

    مصطلحات موضوعية: archeo

    الوصف: A programme of archaeological works, undertaken in advance of improvements to the A3 London to Portsmouth road at Hindhead, Surrey, saw the investigation of 21 mitigation sites along the proposed 6.7km route between Bramshott Common and Thursley. Although archaeological remains were relatively sparse along much of the route, a number of discoveries were made that add to the known archaeology of this part of Surrey. These included residual Neolithic finds, and the discovery of a small Middle/Late Bronze Age settlement towards the northern end of the route. The examination of peat deposits in Boundless Copse demonstrates initial formation in the Early–Middle Saxon period, and contains a record of local heathland expansion, development of beech woodland and increase of pastoral activity during the Late Saxon/medieval period. Field boundaries and land use divisions of probable post-medieval date were examined at various points along the route, and a number of lime kilns, shown to date from the early 17th to early 18th centuries, were excavated.

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    دورية أكاديمية

    مصطلحات موضوعية: archeo

    الوصف: Multi-proxy analyses from floodplain deposits in the Colne Valley, southern England, have provided a palaeoenvironmental context for the immediately adjacent Terminal Upper Palaeolithic and Early Mesolithic site of Three Ways Wharf. These deposits show the transition from an open cool environment to fully developed heterogeneous floodplain vegetation during the Early Mesolithic. Several distinct phases of burning are shown to have occurred that are chronologically contemporary with the local archaeological record. The floodplain itself is shown to have supported a number of rare Urwaldrelikt insect species implying human manipulation of the floodplain at this time must have been limited or episodic. By the Late Mesolithic a reed-sedge swamp had developed across much of the floodplain, within which repeated burning of the in situ vegetation took place. This indicates deliberate land management practices utilising fire, comparable with findings from other floodplain sequences in southern Britain. With similar sedimentary sequences known to exist across the Colne Valley, often closely associated with contemporary archaeology, the potential for placing the archaeological record within a spatially explicit palaeoenvironmental context is great.

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    دورية أكاديمية

    المساهمون: DAL MARTELLO, Rita, Min, Rui, Stevens, Chris J., Qin, Ling, Q Fuller, Dorian

    الوصف: Cannabis grains are frequently reported from archaeological sites in Asia, and hypothesized centers of origins are China and Central Asia. Chinese early cannabis remains are often interpreted as evidence of hemp fabric production, in line with early textual evidence describing ritualistic hemp cloth use and hemp cultivation as grain crop. Modern measurements on cannabis varieties show distinct sizes between fiber or oil/fiber and psychoactive varieties, the former having larger seeds on average than the latter. This paper reviews the current macro-botanical evidence for cannabis across East, Central and South Asia and builds a comparative framework based on modern cannabis seeds measurements to help identify cannabis use in the past, through the metric analysis of archaeologically preserved seeds. Over 800 grains of cannabis were retrieved from the 2008 excavation of Haimenkou, Yunnan, Southwest China, dating to between 1650-400 BC. These are compared with other known archaeological cannabis and interpreted through the metric framework. This offers a basis for exploration of the seed morphometrics potential to infer cannabis cultivation and diversification in uses. At Haimenkou, cannabis seeds size mostly plot in the range of overlapping psychoactive/fiber types; we therefore suggest that the cannabis assemblage from Haimenkou is indicative of a crop beginning to undergo evolution from its early domesticated form towards a diversified crop specialized for alternative uses, including larger oilseed/ fiber adapted varieties.