Intrinsic limits on resolutions in muon and electron-neutrino charged-current events in the KM3NeT/ORCA detector

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Intrinsic limits on resolutions in muon and electron-neutrino charged-current events in the KM3NeT/ORCA detector
المؤلفون: The KM3NeT collaboration, Adrián, Martínez, Ageron, S., Aiello, M., Albert, S., Ameli, A., Anassontzis, F., E. G., Andre, Androulakis, M., Anghinolfi, G., Anton, M., Ardid, G., Avgitas, M., Barbarino, T., Barbarito, G., Baret, E., Barrios, Mart, Belias, J., Berbee, A., van den Berg, Bertin, A., Beurthey, V., Van, Beveren, Beverini, V., Biagi, N., Biagioni, S., Billault, A., Bondì, M., Bormuth, M., Bouhadef, R., Bourlis, B., Bourret, G., Boutonnet, S., Bouwhuis, C., Bozza, M., Bruijn, C., Brunner, R., Buis, J., Buompane, E., Busto, R., Cacopardo, J., Caillat, G., Calamai, L., Calvo, M., Capone, D., Caramete, A., Cecchini, L., Celli, S., Champion, S., Cherubini, Silvio, Chiarella, V., Chiarelli, L., Chiarusi, T., Circella, M., Classen, L., Cobas, D., Cocimano, R., Coelho, J. A. B., Coleiro, A., Colonges, S., Coniglione, R., Cordelli, M., Cosquer, A., Coyle, P., Creusot, A., Cuttone, G., D’Amato, C., D’Amico, A., D’Onofrio, A., Bonis, De, Sio, De, Palma, Di, Díaz, I., A. F., Distefano, Donzaud, C., Dornic, C., Dorosti, Hasankiadeh, Drakopoulou, Q., Drouhin, E., Durocher, D., Eberl, M., Eichie, T., Van, Eijk, Bojaddaini, El, Elsaesser, I., Enzenhöfer, D., Favaro, A., Fermani, M., Ferrara, P., Frascadore, G., Furini, G., Fusco, M., L. A., Gal, Galatà, T., Garufi, S., Gay, F., Gebyehu, P., Giacomini, M., Gialanella, F., Giordano, L., Gizani, V., Gracia, N., Graf, R., Grégoire, K., Grella, T., Grmek, G., Guerzoni, A., Habel, M., Hallmann, R., Van, Haren, Harissopulos, H., Heid, S., Heijboer, T., Heine, A., Henry, E., Hernández, Rey, J. J., Hevinga, Hofestädt, M., Hugon, J., C. M. F., Illuminati, James, G., C. W., Jansweijerf, Jongen, P., Jong, De, Kadler, M., Kalekin, M., Kappes, O., Katz, A., U. F., Keller, Kieft, P., Kießling, G., Koffeman, D., E. N., Kooijman, Kouchner, P., Kreter, A., Kulikovskiy, M., Lahmann, V., Lamare, R., Larosa, P., Leisos, G., Leone, Francesco, Leonora, E., Lindsey, Clark, Liolios, M., Llorens, Alvarez, C. D., LO PRESTI, Domenico, Löhner, H., Lonardo, A., Lotze, M., Loucatos, S., Maccioni, E., Mannheim, K., Manzali, M., Margiotta, A., Margotti, A., Marinelli, A., Maris, O., Markou, C., Martínez, Mora, J. A., Martini, Marzaioli, A., Mele, F., Melis, R., K. W., Michael, Migliozzi, T., Migneco, P., Mijakowski, E., Miraglia, P., Mollo, A., C. M., Mongelli, Morganti, M., Moussa, M., Musico, A., Musumeci, P., Navas, M., Nicolau, S., C. A., Olcina, Olivetto, I., Orlando, C., Orzelli, A., Pancaldi, A., Papaikonomou, G., Papaleo, A., Păvălas, R., G. E., Peek, Pellegrini, H., Pellegrino, G., Perrina, C., Pfutzner, C., Piattelli, M., Pikounis, P., Pleinert, K., M. O., Poma, G. E., Popa, Pradier, V., Pratolongo, T., Pühlhofer, F., Pulvirenti, G., Quinn, S., Racca, L., Raffaelli, C., Randazzo, F., Rauch, N., Real, T., Resvanis, D., Reubelt, L., Riccobene, J., Rossi, G., Rovelli, C., Saldaña, A., Salvadori, M., Samtleben, I., D. F. E., Sánchez, García, Sánchez, Losa, Sanguineti, A., Santangelo, M., Santonocito, A., Sapienza, D., Schimmel, P., Schmelling, F., Schnabel, J., Sciacca, J., Sedita, V., Seitz, M., Sgura, T., Simeone, I., Sipala, F., Spisso, V., Spurio, B., Stavropoulos, M., Steijger, G., Stellacci, J., S. M., Stransky, Taiuti, D., Tayalati, M., Terrasi, Y., Tézier, F., Theraube, D., Timmer, S., Tönnis, P., Trasatti, C., Travaglini, L., Trovato, R., Tsirigotis, A., Tzamarias, A., Tzamariudaki, S., Vallage, E., Van, Elewyck, Vermeulen, V., Versari, J., Vicini, F., Viola, P., Vivolo, S., Volkert, D., Wiggers, M., Wilms, L., Wolf, De, Zachariadou, E., Zani, K., Zornoza, S., J. D., Zúñiga
المساهمون: KM3NeT (IHEF, IoP, FNWI), ATLAS (IHEF, IoP, FNWI), Research unit Astroparticle Physics, Research unit Nuclear & Hadron Physics, Adrian-Martinez, S, Ageron, M, Aiello, S, Albert, A, Ameli, F, Anassontzis, Eg, Andre, M, Androulakis, G, Anghinolfi, M, Anton, G, Ardid, M, Avgitas, T, Barbarino, G, Barbarito, E, Baret, B, Barrios-Marti, J, Belias, A, Berbee, E, van den Berg, A, Bertin, V, Beurthey, S, van Beveren, V, Beverini, N, Biagi, S, Biagioni, A, Billault, M, Bondi, M, Bormuth, R, Bouhadef, B, Bourlis, G, Bourret, S, Boutonnet, C, Bouwhuis, M, Bozza, C, Bruijn, R, Brunner, J, Buis, E, Buompane, R, Busto, J, Cacopardo, G, Caillat, L, Calamai, M, Calvo, D, Capone, A, Caramete, L, Cecchini, S, Celli, S, Champion, C, Cherubini, S, Chiarella, V, Chiarelli, L, Chiarusi, T, Circella, M, Classen, L, Cobas, D, Cocimano, R, Coelho, Jab, Coleiro, A, Colonges, S, Coniglione, R, Cordelli, M, Cosquer, A, Coyle, P, Creusot, A, Cuttone, G, D'Amato, C, D'Amico, A, D'Onofrio, A, De Bonis, G, De Sio, C, Di Palma, I, Diaz, Af, Distefano, C, Donzaud, C, Dornic, D, Dorosti-Hasankiadeh, Q, Drakopoulou, E, Drouhin, D, Durocher, M, Eberl, T, Eichie, S, van Eijk, D, El Bojaddaini, I, Elsaesser, D, Enzenhofer, A, Favaro, M, Fermani, P, Ferrara, G, Frascadore, G, Furini, M, Fusco, La, Gal, T, Galata, S, Garufi, F, Gay, P, Gebyehu, M, Giacomini, F, Gialanella, L, Giordano, V, Gizani, N, Gracia, R, Graf, K, Gregoire, T, Grella, G, Grmek, A, Guerzoni, M, Habel, R, Hallmann, S, van Haren, H, Harissopulos, S, Heid, T, Heijboer, A, Heine, E, Henry, S, Hernandez-Rey, Jj, Hevinga, M, Hofestadt, J, Hugon, Cmf, Illuminati, G, James, Cw, Jansweijer, P, Jongen, M, de Jong, M, Kadler, M, Kalekin, O, Kappes, A, Katz, Uf, Keller, P, Kieft, G, Kiessling, D, Koffeman, En, Kooijman, P, Kouchner, A, Kreter, M, Kulikovskiy, V, Lahmann, R, Lamare, P, Larosa, G, Leisos, A, Leone, F, Leonora, E, Clark, Ml, Liolios, A, Alvarez, Cdl, Lo Presti, D, Lohner, H, Lonardo, A, Lotze, M, Loucatos, S, Maccioni, E, Mannheim, K, Manzali, M, Margiotta, A, Margotti, A, Marinelli, A, Maris, O, Markou, C, Martinez-Mora, Ja, Martini, A, Marzaioli, F, Mele, R, Melis, Kw, Michael, T, Migliozzi, P, Migneco, E, Mijakowski, P, Miraglia, A, Mollo, Cm, Mongelli, M, Morganti, M, Moussa, A, Musico, P, Musumeci, M, Navas, S, Nicolau, Ca, Olcina, I, Olivetto, C, Orlando, A, Orzelli, A, Pancaldi, G, Papaikonomou, A, Papaleo, R, Pavalas, Ge, Peek, H, Pellegrini, G, Pellegrino, C, Perrina, C, Pfutzner, M, Piattelli, P, Pikounis, K, Pleinert, Mo, Poma, Ge, Popa, V, Pradier, T, Pratolongo, F, Puhlhofer, G, Pulvirenti, S, Quinn, L, Racca, C, Raffaelli, F, Randazzo, N, Rauch, T, Real, D, Resvanis, L, Reubelt, J, Riccobene, G, Rossi, C, Rovelli, A, Saldana, M, Salvadori, I, Samtleben, Dfe, Garcia, A, Losa, A, Sanguineti, M, Santangelo, A, Santonocito, D, Sapienza, P, Schimmel, F, Schmelling, J, Schnabel, J, Sciacca, V, Sedita, M, Seitz, T, Sgura, I, Simeone, F, Sipala, V, Spisso, B, Spurio, M, Stavropoulos, G, Steijger, J, Stellacci, Sm, Stransky, D, Taiuti, M, Tayalati, Y, Terrasi, F, Tezier, D, Theraube, S, Timmer, P, Tonnis, C, Trasatti, L, Travaglini, R, Trovato, A, Tsirigotis, A, Tzamarias, S, Tzamariudaki, E, Vallage, B, Van Elewyck, V, Vermeulen, J, Versari, F, Vicini, P, Viola, S, Vivolo, D, Volkert, M, Wiggers, L, Wilms, J, de Wolf, E, Zachariadou, K, Zani, S, Zornoza, Jd, Zuniga, J, Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille (CPPM), Aix Marseille Université (AMU)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), KM3NeT, Centre Tecnològic de Vilanova i la Geltrú, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. LAB - Laboratori d'Aplicacions Bioacústiques, Adrián Martínez, S., Ageron, M., Aiello, S., Albert, A., Ameli, F., Anassontzis, E. G., Andre, M., Androulakis, G., Anghinolfi, M., Anton, G., Ardid, M., Avgitas, T., Barbarino, G., Barbarito, E., Baret, B., Barrios Mart, J., Belias, A., Berbee, E., van den Berg, A., Bertin, V., Beurthey, S., van Beveren, V., Beverini, N., Biagi, S., Biagioni, A., Billault, M., Bondì, M., Bormuth, R., Bouhadef, B., Bourlis, G., Bourret, S., Boutonnet, C., Bouwhuis, M., Bozza, C., Bruijn, R., Brunner, J., Buis, E., Buompane, R., Busto, J., Cacopardo, G., Caillat, L., Calamai, M., Calvo, D., Capone, A., Caramete, L., Cecchini, S., Celli, S., Champion, C., Cherubini, S., Chiarella, V., Chiarelli, L., Chiarusi, T., Circella, M., Classen, L., Cobas, D., Cocimano, R., Coelho, J. A. B., Coleiro, A., Colonges, S., Coniglione, R., Cordelli, M., Cosquer, A., Coyle, P., Creusot, A., Cuttone, G., D’Amato, C., D’Amico, A., D'Onofrio, Antonio, De Bonis, G., De Sio, C., Di Palma, I., Díaz, A. F., Distefano, C., Donzaud, C., Dornic, D., Dorosti Hasankiadeh, Q., Drakopoulou, E., Drouhin, D., Durocher, M., Eberl, T., Eichie, S., van Eijk, D., El Bojaddaini, I., Elsaesser, D., Enzenhöfer, A., Favaro, M., Fermani, P., Ferrara, G., Frascadore, G., Furini, M., Fusco, L. A., Gal, T., Galatà, S., Garufi, F., Gay, P., Gebyehu, M., Giacomini, F., Gialanella, Lucio, Giordano, V., Gizani, N., Gracia, R., Graf, K., Grégoire, T., Grella, G., Grmek, A., Guerzoni, M., Habel, R., Hallmann, S., van Haren, H., Harissopulos, S., Heid, T., Heijboer, A., Heine, E., Henry, S., Hernández Rey, J. J., Hevinga, M., Hofestädt, J, Hugon, C. M. F., Illuminati, G., James, C. W., Jansweijerf, P., Jongen, M., de Jong, M., Kadler, M., Kalekin, O., Kappes, A., Katz, U. F., Keller, P., Kieft, G., Kießling, D., Koffeman, E. N., Kooijman, P., Kouchner, A., Kreter, M., Kulikovskiy, V., Lahmann, R., Lamare, P., Larosa, G., Leisos, A., Leone, F., Leonora, E., Lindsey Clark, M., Liolios, A., Llorens Alvarez, C. D., Lo Presti, D., Löhner, H., Lonardo, A., Lotze, M., Loucatos, S., Maccioni, E., Mannheim, K., Manzali, M., Margiotta, A., Margotti, A., Marinelli, A., Maris, O., Markou, C., Martínez Mora, J. A., Martini, A., Marzaioli, Fabio, Mele, R., Melis, K. W., Michael, T., Migliozzi, P., Migneco, E., Mijakowski, P., Miraglia, A., Mollo, C. M., Mongelli, M., Morganti, M., Moussa, A., Musico, P., Musumeci, M., Navas, S., Nicolau, C. A., Olcina, I., Olivetto, C., Orlando, Antonio, Orzelli, A., Pancaldi, G., Papaikonomou, A., Papaleo, R., Păvălas, G. E., Peek, H., Pellegrini, G., Pellegrino, C., Perrina, C., Pfutzner, M., Piattelli, P., Pikounis, K., Pleinert, M. O., Poma, G. E., Popa, V., Pradier, T., Pratolongo, F., Pühlhofer, G., Pulvirenti, S., Quinn, L., Racca, C., Raffaelli, F., Randazzo, N., Rauch, T., Real, D., Resvanis, L., Reubelt, J., Riccobene, G., Rossi, C., Rovelli, A., Saldaña, M., Salvadori, I., Samtleben, D. F. E., Sánchez García, A., Sánchez Losa, A., Sanguineti, M., Santangelo, A., Santonocito, D., Sapienza, P., Schimmel, F., Schmelling, J., Schnabel, J., Sciacca, V., Sedita, M., Seitz, T., Sgura, I., Simeone, F., Sipala, V., Spisso, B., Spurio, M., Stavropoulos, G., Steijger, J., Stellacci, S. M., Stransky, D., Taiuti, M., Tayalati, Y., Terrasi, Filippo, Tézier, D., Theraube, S., Timmer, P., Tönnis, C., Trasatti, L., Travaglini, R., Trovato, A., Tsirigotis, A., Tzamarias, S., Tzamariudaki, E., Vallage, B., Van Elewyck, V., Vermeulen, J., Versari, F., Vicini, P., Viola, S., Vivolo, D., Volkert, M., Wiggers, L., Wilms, J., de Wolf, E., Zachariadou, K., Zani, S., Zornoza, J. D., Zúñiga, J., Barbarino, Giancarlo, D’Onofrio, A., Garufi, Fabio, Gialanella, L., Hofestädt, J., Marzaioli, F., Orlando, A., Terrasi, F., Vivolo, Daniele, Adrián-Martínez, S., Barrios-Mart, J., Dorosti-Hasankiadeh, Q., Hernández-Rey, J. J., Martínez-Mora, J. A., Pleinert, M.-O.
المصدر: RiuNet. Repositorio Institucional de la Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017(5):8. Springer Verlag
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NASA Astrophysics Data System
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016, 1705, pp.008. ⟨10.1007/JHEP05(2017)008⟩
بيانات النشر: Springer-Verlag, 2017.
سنة النشر: 2017
مصطلحات موضوعية: Astrofísica, Photon, Physics - Instrumentation and Detectors, Physics::Instrumentation and Detectors, High Tech Systems & Materials, 01 natural sciences, law.invention, High Energy Physics - Experiment, ENERGY, High Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex), High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph), law, neutrino Telescopes, Charged current, OPT - Optics, Physics, TS - Technical Sciences, Industrial Innovation, SEA, Detector, Instrumentation and Detectors (physics.ins-det), OPTICAL-PROPERTIES, High Energy Physics - Phenomenology, Astronomy--Observations, Neutrino Detectors, Nano Technology, Neutrino, Nuclear and High Energy Physics, TELESCOPE, Cherenkov detector, Astrophysics::High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena, FOS: Physical sciences, Nuclear physics, 0103 physical sciences, lcsh:Nuclear and particle physics. Atomic energy. Radioactivity, [PHYS.PHYS.PHYS-INS-DET]Physics [physics]/Physics [physics]/Instrumentation and Detectors [physics.ins-det], 14. Life underwater, Neutrins, Neutrinos, 010306 general physics, Muon, 010308 nuclear & particles physics, GENERATOR, Neutrino Detectors and Telescopes (experiments), Neutrino astrophysics, KM3NeT, Física::Astronomia i astrofísica [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC], FISICA APLICADA, lcsh:QC770-798, High Energy Physics::Experiment, Electronics, Electron neutrino
الوصف: Studying atmospheric neutrino oscillations in the few-GeV range with a multimegaton detector promises to determine the neutrino mass hierarchy. This is the main science goal pursued by the future KM3NeT/ORCA water Cherenkov detector in the Mediterranean Sea. In this paper, the processes that limit the obtainable resolution in both energy and direction in charged-current neutrino events in the ORCA detector are investigated. These processes include the composition of the hadronic fragmentation products, the subsequent particle propagation and the photon-sampling fraction of the detector. GEANT simulations of neutrino interactions in seawater produced by GENIE are used to study the effects in the 1 - 20 GeV range. It is found that fluctuations in the hadronic cascade in conjunction with the variation of the inelasticity y are most detrimental to the resolutions. The effect of limited photon sampling in the detector is of significantly less importance. These results will therefore also be applicable to similar detectors/media, such as those in ice.
37 pages, 28 figures, JHEP published version
وصف الملف: application/pdf; STAMPA
اللغة: English
تدمد: 1126-6708
الوصول الحر:
حقوق: OPEN
رقم الانضمام: edsair.doi.dedup.....30e280896486c4e5daa4c9617f00a541
قاعدة البيانات: OpenAIRE