'No Excuses' Charter Schools for Increasing Math and Literacy Achievement in Primary and Secondary Education. Campbell Systematic Reviews 2017:9

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: 'No Excuses' Charter Schools for Increasing Math and Literacy Achievement in Primary and Secondary Education. Campbell Systematic Reviews 2017:9
اللغة: English
المؤلفون: Krowka, Sarah, Hadd, Alexandria, Marx, Robert, Campbell Collaboration
المصدر: Campbell Collaboration. 2017.
الإتاحة: Campbell Collaboration. P.O. Box 7004, St Olavs plass N-0130 Oslo, Norway. Tel: +47- 23-25-50-00; Fax: +47-23-25-50-10; e-mail: info@c2admin.org; Web site: http://www.campbellcollaboration.orgTest
تمت مراجعته من قبل الزملاء: N
Page Count: 70
تاريخ النشر: 2017
نوع الوثيقة: Reports - Research
Information Analyses
Numerical/Quantitative Data
Education Level: Elementary Secondary Education
الواصفات: Charter Schools, Educational Improvement, Mathematics Achievement, Reading Achievement, Literacy, Elementary Secondary Education, Accountability, Low Achievement, Models, Outcomes of Education, Program Effectiveness, School Effectiveness, Achievement Gap, Urban Schools, Academic Failure, Expectation, Achievement Gains
تدمد: 1891-1803
مستخلص: In response to the school accountability movement and the move toward market-oriented education policies in recent decades, many schools and districts have felt increased pressure to find effective ways to boost student achievement. However, many districts--largely those serving low income black and hispanic students in urban settings--have still struggled to make sufficient academic gains. One model of urban school reform aimed at leveling achievement disparities in the public school systems that has garnered attention (both positive and negative) is the No Excuses model. The No Excuses model is driven by the philosophy that there should be no excuses (e.g., poverty) for low academic performance. This model has found its footing in charter schools--publicly funded but privately managed schools exempt from the restrictions of the laws and regulations affecting non-charter public schools. Due to the autonomy afforded to the management of charter schools, educators have the freedom to implement the tenets of the No Excuses model without the restrictions placed on non-charter public schools. This systematic review and meta-analysis aims to examine the available evidence on the impacts of No Excuses charter schools on students' math and literacy achievement, relative to students enrolled in traditional public schools. The focal research questions are as follows: (1) Does the No Excuses charter school model enhance students' math or literacy achievement more so than traditional public schools; (2) What is the magnitude and variability of the effects; and (3) What are the limitations to the evidence? A comprehensive systematic literature search to identify all eligible studies, regardless of publication status was conducted. Studies determined not to reflect charter schools using a No Excuses model, or comparing No Excuses charter schools to other charter schools were excluded from this review. The effect of No Excuses charter schools on math and literacy outcomes was found to be significant in this meta-analysis. Similar to previous findings, a substantially smaller but significant effect on literacy was found. The present review identified available evidence regarding the effectiveness of No Excuses charter schools on math and literacy achievement. This review found multiple studies providing tentative support for the No Excuses charter school model as an effective intervention for improving students' math and literacy achievement, with limitations. Further, this intervention was found to improve students' math achievement more significantly that literacy.
Abstractor: ERIC
Number of References: 82
Entry Date: 2018
رقم الانضمام: ED586234
قاعدة البيانات: ERIC