يعرض 1 - 10 نتائج من 20 نتيجة بحث عن '"Feeding and Eating Disorder"', وقت الاستعلام: 1.12s تنقيح النتائج
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    المؤلفون: University Ramon Llull

    المصدر: The Efficacy, Efficiency, and Patient Experience of a New Intensive Treatment Program for Adolescents With High-complexity Eating Disorders: MINERVA

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    المؤلفون: Instituto de Salud Carlos III

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    Precursors of Binge Eating Disorder in a Clinical Sample of Adolescents With Obesity: Early MRI Markers of Brain Reward and Inhibition Processing Dysfunction

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    المساهمون: Eik Runge, Principal investigator

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    i-TREAT: An Internet-based Guided Self-help Program for Adolescents and Adults With Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorders - A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    المساهمون: Carrie McAdams, Associate Professor

    المصدر: Targeting Social Function to Improve Outcomes in Eating Disorders

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    Removal of Nasogastric Feeding Tube Post Extubation in ICU : a Prospective Randomized Trial

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    المساهمون: Cheri Levinson, Director

    المصدر: Farrell NR, Brosof LC, Vanzhula , Chrtn C, Bow OR, Levson CA. [Explorg Mechanms of Actn Exposure-Based Cogne Behavral Therapy for Eatg Dorders: The Role of Eatg-Related Fears and Body-Related Safety Behavrs]. Behav Ther. 2019 Nov;50(6):1125-1135. do 10.1016/j.beth.2019.01.008. Epub 2019 Feb 12. French.
    Levson CA, Brosof LC, Ma J, Fewell L, Lenze EJ. Fear of food prospectely predts dre for thness an eatg dorder sample recently dcharged from tense treatment. Eat Behav. 2017 Dec;27:45-51. do 10.1016/j.eatbeh.2017.11.004. Epub 2017 Nov 9.
    Levson CA, Chrtn C, Vanzhula . Manulatg the theoretal framg of exposure therapy for eatg dorders pacts clns' treatment preferences. Eat Weht Dord. 2020 Oct;25(5):1205-1212. do 10.1007/s40519-019-00751-3. Epub 2019 Jul 17.
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    Levson CA, Chrtn C, Ram SS, Vanzhula Brosof LC, Mhelson LP, Wlms BM. Eatg dorder symptoms and core eatg dorder fears decrease durg onle agal exposure therapy for eatg dorders. J Affect Dord. 2020 Nov 1;276:585-591. do 10.1016/j.jad.2020.07.075. Epub 2020 Jul 21.
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    A Pilot Randomized Control Trial of a Relapse Prevention Online Exposure Protocol for Eating Disorders and Mechanisms of Change

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    المصدر: Attachment-Based Family Therapy for Adolescents With Transdiagnostic Binge Eating

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    المؤلفون: NHS Tayside

    المصدر: The Effectiveness and Acceptability of the Internet-based "Smart Eating" Self-help Programme Alongside Treatment as Usual for the Management of Eating Disorders: A Pilot Study

    Other URLs: http://www.smartTest-eating.com

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    مورد إلكتروني

    URL: http://hdl.handle.net/10281/268336Test

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    مورد إلكتروني

    URL: http://hdl.handle.net/10281/268350Test