Testing in Foreign Languages, ESL, and Bilingual Education, 1966-1979: A Select, Annotated ERIC Bibliography. Language in Education: Theory and Practice, No. 24.

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Testing in Foreign Languages, ESL, and Bilingual Education, 1966-1979: A Select, Annotated ERIC Bibliography. Language in Education: Theory and Practice, No. 24.
اللغة: English
المؤلفون: Lange, Dale L., Clifford, Ray T., ERIC Clearinghouse on Languages and Linguistics, Washington, DC.
الإتاحة: Center for Applied Linguistics, 1611 N. Kent Street, Arlington, VA 22209 ($7.95)
تمت مراجعته من قبل الزملاء: N
Page Count: 349
تاريخ النشر: 1980
Sponsoring Agency: National Inst. of Education (DHEW), Washington, DC.
Contract Number: 400-77-0049
نوع الوثيقة: Reference Materials - Bibliographies
ERIC Publications
الواصفات: Annotated Bibliographies, Bilingual Education, English (Second Language), French, German, Language Instruction, Language Proficiency, Language Research, Language Tests, Measurement Instruments, Second Language Learning, Spanish, Test Construction, Test Validity
مصطلحات جغرافية: U.S.; Virginia
مستخلص: Documents and articles on second language testing that were included in the ERIC data base from 1966 through 1979 are covered in this bibliography. Each of the approximately 1600 entries is identical to a document resume that appeared in "Resources in Education" or "Current Index to Journal in Education" during that period. The bibliography is indexed by subject and author. Most of the documents cited are not actual tests but reports on such subjects as the application of specific testing theories and the evaluation of testing methodologies. Conference papers, institutionally sponsored studies, and monographs are among the document types included. Although the documents cited deal principally with second language testing, many are applicable to language testing as a whole. (JB)
رمز الدورية: RIEJUL1980
Entry Date: 1980
رقم الانضمام: ED183027
قاعدة البيانات: ERIC