دورية أكاديمية

Primary tumour standardised uptake value is prognostic in nonsmall cell lung cancer: a multivariate pooled analysis of individual data

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Primary tumour standardised uptake value is prognostic in nonsmall cell lung cancer: a multivariate pooled analysis of individual data
المؤلفون: Paesmans, Marianne, Garcia, Camilo, Wong, Ching-Yee Oliver, Patz, Edward F., Jr, Komaki, Ritsuko, Eschmann, Susanne, Govindan, Ramaswamy, Vansteenkiste, Johan, Meert, Anne-Pascale, de Jong, Wouter K, Altorki, Nasser Khaled, Higashi, Kotaro, Van Baardwijk, Angela, Borst, Gerben R, Ameye, Lieveke, Lafitte, Jean-Jacques, Berghmans, Thierry, Flamen, Patrick, Rami-Porta, Ramon, Sculier, Jean-Paul
بيانات النشر: Published jointly by the Society and Munksgaard
سنة النشر: 2015
المجموعة: KU Leuven: Lirias
الوصف: status: published
نوع الوثيقة: article in journal/newspaper
اللغة: English
تدمد: 0903-1936
العلاقة: European Respiratory Journal vol:46 issue:6 pages:1751-1761; https://lirias.kuleuven.be/handle/123456789/531513Test
الإتاحة: https://lirias.kuleuven.be/handle/123456789/531513Test
رقم الانضمام: edsbas.E267EB00
قاعدة البيانات: BASE