Italian Registry of HIV-1 Infected Patients With Drug-RESistant Virus to Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors, InteGrasE and Viral Protease. (PRESTIGIO)

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Italian Registry of HIV-1 Infected Patients With Drug-RESistant Virus to Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors, InteGrasE and Viral Protease. (PRESTIGIO)
المؤلفون: ViiV Healthcare
المساهمون: Castagna Antonella, Sponsor and Principal Investigator
المصدر: Registro Italiano Dei Pazienti Con Infezione da HIV-1 Con RESistenza Agli Inibitori Della Trascrittasi Inversa, Dell'InteGrasI e Della PrOteasi Virale (PRESTIGIO)
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