دورية أكاديمية


التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
المؤلفون: Melinte, Violeta1, Simion, Valentina1, Homoş, Mariana1, Nica, Maria1, Ceauşu, Emanoil1
المصدر: Romanian Journal of Infectious Diseases / Revista Romana de de Boli Infectioase. 2007, Vol. 10 Issue 4, p160-165. 6p. 3 Diagrams, 5 Charts.
مصطلحات موضوعية: *MEDICAL research, *TUBERCULOSIS patients, *DISEASE complications, *HYDROCEPHALUS, *DIABETES, *DRUG allergy, *ACINETOBACTER infections, *HOSPITAL care, *DISEASE management
الملخص (بالإنجليزية): We present a case of a 26-year-old male, diagnosed with tuberculous meningomielitis based on epidemiological, clinical, and laboratory data. Under tuberculostatic treatment, also cerebral hipotensors and corticosteroids, rapid complications occurred: a) local; b) endocrinological; c) neurological; d) infectious; e) hematological; f) post-medication - toxic and alergic complications. The specific features of this case are: 1) sudden onset by the inflammatory disturbance of the meningo-myelitic segments, after pulmonary tuberculosis; 2) rapid occurrence of complications - important hydrocephalia and secondary insipid diabetes; 3) toxic hepatitis due probably to the medication; 4) nosocomial urinary infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa; 5) escare infection with Acinetobacter sp., probably nosocomial; 6) drug allergy; 7) long period of hospitalisation; 8) high cost of diagnosis material and methods, management and treatment. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Abstract (Romanian): Prezentăm cazul unui tânăr de 26 ani, diagnosticat pe criterii epidemiologice, clinice şi biologice cu meningomielită tuberculoasă. Sub tratament tuberculostatic, depletiv şi corticosteroizi pacientul dezvoltă rapid complicaţii a) locale; b) endocrinologice; c) neurologice; d) infecţioase; e) hematologice; f) postmedicamentoase - toxice şi alergice. Particularităţile cazului constau în: 1) debutul relativ brusc prin afectare inflamatorie meningo-mielitică, secundară tuberculozei pulmonare; 2) evoluţia rapidă spre complicaţii - hidrocefalie internă marcată şi diabet insipid secundar; 3) hepatita toxică, probabil postmedicamentoasă; 4) infecţia urinară nosocomială, cu Pseudomonas aeruginosa; 5) suprainfectarea escarei cu Acinetobacter, potenţial nosocomială; 6) alergodermia postmedicamentoasă; 7) spitalizarea prelungită; 8) cost ridicat prin investigaţiile de monitorizare şi tratamentul asociat administrat. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
قاعدة البيانات: Academic Search Index