Integritetsdebatten åren kring 1984: Transkript av ett vittnesseminarium vid Tekniska museet iStockholm den 30 november 2007

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Integritetsdebatten åren kring 1984: Transkript av ett vittnesseminarium vid Tekniska museet iStockholm den 30 november 2007
المؤلفون: Klein, Kajsa, 1973
المصدر: TRITA-HST.
مصطلحات موضوعية: Personlig integritet, Datainsamling, Datapolitik, Debatt, Forskningsetik, Övervakning, HUMANITIES and RELIGION, History and philosophy subjects, History subjects, History of technology, HUMANIORA och RELIGIONSVETENSKAP, Historisk-filosofiska ämnen, Historieämnen, Teknikhistoria
الوصف: The witness seminar ”Integritetsdebatten åren kring 1984” [The Privacy Debate Around 1984] was held at the National Museum of Science and Technology in Stockholm on 30 November 2007. The seminar was moderated by Lars Ilshammar and Kajsa Klein. A main focus of the discussion was if and how George Orwell’s book influenced the Swedish privacy debate in the mid 80s. Most panellists agreed that 1984 had had limited importance in the Swedish context and that Orwell’s major achievement was to formulate a one-liner. Several other fictional accounts were brought up as comparison. Also clear from the discussion was that in Sweden, the privacy debate had ever since the late 1960s had both left- and rightwing dimensions. There were thus Marxist, as well as conservative arguments, about how computers were used by financial elite and the authorities to control the people. Generally speaking, however, the mid 80s were characterized by a move towards greater individualism and more widespread computer use. Emphasis in the discussion was put on the different actors and it was agreed that an important driving force behind the privacy debate was the Swedish Data Inspection Board, headed by the PR savvy director Jan Freese. Different examples were given of actions taken (and not taken) by this institution and also of internal conflicts within the board. The labor movement was on the other hand relatively silent and compared to its counterparts in other countries positive to computer use. Finally, a central theme during the seminar discussion was also the great controversy surrounding the sociological research project Metropolitan “revealed” in 1986. The role of the news media as investigator and scandalizer in this case was examined and debated. Two of the seminar participants were part of the Metropolitan cohort and presented their differing views about this project. While there was still disagreement about to what extent the project had been invasive and concealed, it was nevertheless concluded that especially the tabloids Aftonbladet and Expressen were responsible for exaggerations and fear-mongering in their reporting. In addition, the role of the Swedish Data Inspection Board was again discussed.
وصف الملف: electronic
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قاعدة البيانات: SwePub