دورية أكاديمية

Survey on the actual conditions of expression and appreciation of art exhibitions by people with disabilities and those who support them through collaboration by local governments, universities, and NPOs

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Survey on the actual conditions of expression and appreciation of art exhibitions by people with disabilities and those who support them through collaboration by local governments, universities, and NPOs / 地方自治体・大学・NPOの連携による障害のある人・サポートする人の表現及び美術展覧会の鑑賞に関する実態調査
المؤلفون: Hiromi OGAWA, Hiromitsu KAWAJIRI, Kae WANIKAWA, Kaoru YASUDA, Makiko KODAMA, Satoshi IKEDA, Takashi KAWAGUCHI, Takeshi CHIKURINJI, 保田 香織, 児玉 真樹子, 小川 ひろみ, 川口 隆司, 川尻 博満, 池田 吏志, 竹林地 毅, 鰐川 華衣
المصدر: 美術教育学:美術科教育学会誌 / The Journal for the Association of Art Education. 2022, 43:35
قاعدة البيانات: J-STAGE