دورية أكاديمية

Risk Factors for Infection and Molecular Typing in Patients in the Intensive Care Unit Colonized With Nosocomial Enterobacter aerogenes

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Risk Factors for Infection and Molecular Typing in Patients in the Intensive Care Unit Colonized With Nosocomial Enterobacter aerogenes
المؤلفون: Piagnerelli, Michael, Carlier, Eric, Deplano, Ariane, Lejeune, Philippe, Govaerts, Danielle
المصدر: Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, 2002 Aug . 23(8), 452-456.
العلاقة: Drs. Piagnerelli, Carlier, and Lejeune are from the Department of Intensive Care and Dr. Govaerts is from the Department of Microbiology, André Vésale Hospital, Montigny‐le‐Tilleul; and Ms. Deplano is from the Department of Microbiology, Erasme University Hospital, Free University of Brussels, Brussels, Belgium. Address reprint requests to Dr. Danielle Govaerts, Department of Microbiology, André Vésale Hospital 706, route de Gozée 6110, Montigny‐le‐Tilleul, Belgium.
الوصول الحر: https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1086/502084Test
قاعدة البيانات: JSTOR Journals