Tone arm magnetic stabilization and damping system

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Tone arm magnetic stabilization and damping system
Document Number: 20060203695
تاريخ النشر: September 14, 2006
Appl. No: 11/078233
Application Filed: March 11, 2005
مستخلص: A unipivot tone arm assembly wherein the tone arm is supported by a single point is balanced in such a way as to have neutral stability providing constant tracking force over the peaks and valleys of phonograph records. Lateral stability lacking in a neutral balanced unipivot tone arm is provided by magnetic coupling between magnets on the tone arm housing assembly and a freely rotating platform. Anti-skate is accomplished through a pulley mechanism between the rotating platform and the tone arm gantry, with the pulley on a counterweighted rotating pivot arm.
Inventors: Graham, Robert J. (Wilmington, MA, US)
Claim: 1. A tone arm stabilizer apparatus, comprising: (a) a first magnet; (b) a second magnet; (c) a support member; (d) said first magnet attached to a tone arm housing assembly along a horizontal line extending sideways from the tone arm pivot point; (e) said second magnet attached to said support member; (f) said first and second magnets not in physical contact with each other and oriented such that the magnetic forces provide attraction force between the magnets, and; (g) said support member rotatably mounted on the tone arm pivot assembly base.
Claim: 2. A tone arm stabilizer apparatus as recited in claim 1, wherein: (a) said support member is mounted on the tone arm pivot assembly base by means of a ball bearing assembly.
Claim: 3. A tone arm stabilizer apparatus as recited in claim 1, wherein: (a) said second magnet attachment to said support member is adjustable in height.
Claim: 4. A tone arm stabilizer apparatus, comprising: (a) a first magnet; (b) a second magnet; (c) a support member; (d) a pulley; (e) a pivoting arm; (f) a counterweight; (g) a calibrated rod; (h) said first magnet attached to a tone arm housing assembly along a horizontal line extending sideways from the tone arm pivot point; (i) said second magnet attached to said support member; (j) said first and second magnets not in physical contact with each other and oriented such that the magnetic forces provide attraction force between the magnets; (k) said support member rotatably mounted on the tone arm pivot assembly base; (l) said pulley wheel mounted on one end of said pivoting arm; (m) the other end of said pivoting arm rotatably mounted to tone arm gantry; (n) one end of said pulley anchored on the said support member; (o) the other end of said pulley anchored on the the tone arm pivot assembly base. (p) said counterweight slidably mounted on said calibrated rod and attached to said pivoting arm, and; (q) said pulley mounted to said pivoting arm at about right angles to said counterweight and said rod.
Claim: 5. A tone arm stabilizer apparatus as recited in claim 4, wherein: (a) said support member is mounted on the tone arm pivot assembly base by means of a ball bearing assembly.
Claim: 6. A tone arm stabilizer apparatus as recited in claim 4, wherein: (a) said second magnet attachment to said support member is adjustable in height.
Claim: 7. A tone arm stabilizer apparatus as recited in claim 4, wherein: (a) said pulley is rotatably mounted to said pivoting arm by means of a ball bearing assembly.
Claim: 8. A tone arm stabilizer apparatus as recited in claim 4, wherein: (a) said pivoting arm is rotatably mounted to said tone arm gantry by means of a ball bearing assembly.
Current U.S. Class: 369252/000
Current International Class: 11; 11
رقم الانضمام: edspap.20060203695
قاعدة البيانات: USPTO Patent Applications