Hypoglycemia prediction and control

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Hypoglycemia prediction and control
Document Number: 20100174228
تاريخ النشر: July 8, 2010
Appl. No: 12/589701
Application Filed: October 26, 2009
مستخلص: A system for predicting hypoglycemia based on continuous blood glucose monitor values is provided. The hypoglycemia detection algorithm is a set of individual alarms that are combined through a voting system into one combined alarm. The system could have five components and an overall voting algorithm that produces a binary alarm outcome depending on the number of constituent algorithms that report an alarm. A controller system automatically shuts off the insulin pump when pending or real hypoglycemia has been reached. The algorithms operate in a closed loop and automatically take action when the subject is asleep.
Inventors: Buckingham, Bruce (Palo Alto, CA, US); Niemeyer, Günter (Mountain View, CA, US); Wilson, Darrell M. (Sunnyvale, CA, US); Cameron, Fraser (Palo Alto, CA, US); Chase, H. Peter (Denver, CO, US); Dassau, Eyal (Goleta, CA, US); Lee, Hyunjin (Watervliet, NY, US); Bequette, B. Wayne (Albany, NY, US); Doyle, III, Francis J. (Santa Barbara, CA, US)
Claim: 1. A hypoglycemia prediction and control system, comprising: (a) a computer system having multiple prediction algorithms, wherein each of said prediction algorithms on said computer system are configured to independently produce an individual alarm to indicate onset of hypoglycemia based on input data to said computer system, wherein said prediction algorithms comprise in any combination a linear projection algorithm, a Kalman filtering algorithm, an adaptive IIR filter algorithm, a statistical prediction algorithm, or a numerical logical algorithm; (b) said computer system having a voting scheme for determining on said computer system a single alarm predicting onset of hypoglycemia based on said individual alarms; and (c) a controller communicatively coupled to said computer system and configured to automatically shut off an insulin pump in response to said single alarm.
Current U.S. Class: 604/66
Current International Class: 61
رقم الانضمام: edspap.20100174228
قاعدة البيانات: USPTO Patent Applications