مورد إلكتروني

O predavanju Maxa Plancka »Smisao i granice egzaktne znanosti« u Zagrebu 15. rujna 1942.

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: O predavanju Maxa Plancka »Smisao i granice egzaktne znanosti« u Zagrebu 15. rujna 1942.
عناروين إضافية: On Max Planck’s lecture »The Meaning and Limits of Exact Science« in Zagreb, 15 September 1942
المصدر: Prilozi za istraživanje hrvatske filozofske baštine; ISSN 0350-2791 (Print); ISSN 1847-4489 (Online); Volume 45.; Issue 1 (89)
بيانات النشر: Institute of Philosophy 2019
تفاصيل مُضافة: Boris Kožnjak
نوع الوثيقة: Electronic Resource
مستخلص: U članku analiziram u domaćoj historiografiji relativno slabo reflektiran posjet Maxa Plancka Zagrebu u periodu 14 – 17. rujna 1942, u sklopu kojega je Planck održao predavanje pod naslovom »Smisao i granice egzaktnih znanosti« na Tehničkom fakultetu u Zagrebu. Ovom se analizom ne donosi samo neka nova faktografija događaja, rekonstruirana temeljem dosada neproučene arhivske građe, već se Planckov posjet i predavanje promišljaju u širem okviru, kako historijskom i osobnom, tako i ideološkom, filozofijskom i svjetonazorskom.
In this paper I analyze in Croatian historiography a relatively poorly reflected visit of Max Planck to Zagreb in the period 14 – 17 September 1942, during which he delivered the lecture entitled »The Meaning and Limits of Exact Science« at the Faculty of Engineering in Zagreb. The offered analysis is not merely a new factography of the event, reconstructed on the basis of hitherto unrevealed archival material, but also a consideration of Planck’s visit and lecture in a wider framework, both historical and personal, as well as ideological, philosophical and worldview–related.
مصطلحات الفهرس: Max Planck; znanost; granice znanosti; slika svijeta; svjetonazor; pozitivizam; metafizički realizam; uranski stroj; etika znanosti; Pio XII; Miroslav Krleža; Ivan Supek; Danijel Uvanović, Max Planck; science; limits of science; world picture; worldview; positivism; metaphysical realism; uranium machine; ethics of science; Pius XII; Miroslav Krleža; Ivan Supek; Danijel Uvanović, text, info:eu-repo/semantics/article, info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
URL: https://hrcak.srce.hr/240934Test
الإتاحة: Open access content. Open access content
ملاحظة: application/pdf
أرقام أخرى: HRCAK oai:hrcak.srce.hr:240934
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