يعرض 1 - 10 نتائج من 13 نتيجة بحث عن '"MIS"', وقت الاستعلام: 0.82s تنقيح النتائج
  1. 1

    المساهمون: Roberta DeBiasi, MD, MS, Division Chief, Infectious Diseases, Co-Director of the Congenital Zika Program

    المصدر: Pediatric SARS-CoV-2 and MIS-C Long-term Follow-up

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    المصدر: SARS-COV-2 (Virus Responsible of COVID-19) Reinfection and Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) Risk: Matched Case-control Study

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    المصدر: De Rojas JO, Syre P, Welch WC. Regnal anesthes versus general anesthes for surgery on the lumbar spe: a revw of the modern lerature. Cl Neurol Neurosurg. 2014 Apr;119:39-43. do 10.1016/j.cleuro.2014.01.016. Epub 2014 Jan 27.
    Dunn LK, Durux ME, Nemergut EC. Non-op analgess: Novel approaches to perperate analges for major spe surgery. Best Pract Res Cl Anaesthesl. 2016 Mar;30(1):79-89. do 10.1016/j.bpa.2015.11.002. Epub 2015 Nov 24.
    Garc RM, CassellEH, Messerschmt PJ, Furey CG, Bohlman HH. A multodal approach for postoperate pa management after lumbar decompressn surgery: a prospecte, randomed study. J Spal Dord Tech. 2013 Aug;26(6):291-7. do 10.1097/BSD.0b013e318246b0a6.
    Forero M, Adhary SD, Lopez H, TsuC, Ch KJ. The Erector Spae Plane Block: A Novel Analges Technue Thorac Neuropath Pa. Reg Anesth Pa Med. 2016 Sep-Oct;41(5):621-7. do 10.1097/AAP.0000000000000451.
    Tulgar S, KapaklMS, Senturk O, SelvO, Sersoy TE, Ozer Z. Evaluatn of ultrasound-gued erector spae plane block for postoperate analges laparoscop cholecystectomy: A prospecte, randomed, controlled clal trl. J Cl Anesth. 2018 Sep;49:101-106. do 10.1016/j.jclane.2018.06.019. Epub 2018 Jun 15.
    Gurkan Y, Aksu C, Kus A, Yorukoglu UH, K CT. Ultrasound gued erector spae plane block reduces postoperate op consumptn followg breast surgery: A randomed controlled study. J Cl Anesth. 2018 Nov;50:65-68. do 10.1016/j.jclane.2018.06.033. Epub 2018 Jul 2.
    Krhna SN, Chauhan S, BhoD, Kaushal B, Hasa S, Sangdup T, BoAK. Bateral Erector Spae Plane Block for Acute Post-Surgal Pa Adult Cardc Surgal Patnts: A Randomed Controlled Trl. J Cardthorac Vasc Anesth. 2019 Feb;33(2):368-375. do 10.1053/j.jvca.2018.05.050. Epub 2018 Jun 4. Erratum : J Cardthorac Vasc Anesth. 2022 Feb;36(2):627.
    Abu Elyazed MM, Mostafa SF, Abdelghany MS, E GM. Ultrasound-Gued Erector Spae Plane Block Patnts Undergog Open Epastr Hern Repa: A Prospecte Randomed Controlled Study. Anesth Analg. 2019 Jul;129(1):235-240. do 10.1213/ANE.0000000000004071.
    Yang HM, ChoYJ, Kwon HJ, O J, Cho TH, K SH. Comparon of jectate spread and nerve volvement between retrolamar and erector spae plane blocks the thorac regn: a cadaver study. Anaesthes. 2018 Oct;73(10):1244-1250. do 10.1111/anae.14408. Epub 2018 Aug 16.
    Adhary SD, Bernard S, Lopez H, Ch KJ. Erector Spae Plane Block Versus Retrolamar Block: A Magnet Resonance agg and Anatomal Study. Reg Anesth Pa Med. 2018 Oct;43(7):756-762. do 10.1097/AAP.0000000000000798.
    Melv JP, Schrot RJ, Chu GM, Ch KJ. Low thorac erector spae plane block for perperate analges lumbosacral spe surgery: a case sers. Can J Anaesth. 2018 Sep;65(9):1057-1065. do 10.1007/s12630-018-1145-8. Epub 2018 Apr 27.
    Cesur S, Yay AM, Ozturk F, Ahkalglu A. Ultrasound-gued Low Thorac Erector Spae Plane Block for Effecte Postoperate Analges after Lumbar Surgery: Report of Fe Cases. Cureus. 2018 Nov 16;10(11):e3603. do 10.7759/cureus.3603.
    Uesha H, agakM, Toyone T, Otake H. Effacy of the Erector Spae Plane Block for Lumbar Spal Surgery: A Retrospecte Study. Asn Spe J. 2019 Apr;13(2):254-257. do 10.31616/asj.2018.0114. Epub 2018 Nov 15.
    Sgh S, Chaudhary NK. Bateral Ultasound Gued Erector Spae Plane Block for Postoperate Pa Management Lumbar Spe Surgery: A Case Sers. J Neurosurg Anesthesl. 2019 Jul;31(3):354. do 10.1097/ANA.0000000000000518. No abstract avaable.
    Sgh S, Choudhary NK, Lal D, Verma VK. Bateral Ultrasound-gued Erector Spae Plane Block for Postoperate Analges Lumbar Spe Surgery: A Randomed Control Trl. J Neurosurg Anesthesl. 2020 Oct;32(4):330-334. do 10.1097/ANA.0000000000000603.
    Yay AM, Cesur S, Ozturk F, Ahkalglu A, Ay AN, Cel EC, KaraavcNC. Postoperate Analges Effacy of the Ultrasound-Gued Erector Spae Plane Block Patnts Undergog Lumbar Spal Decompressn Surgery: A Randomed Controlled Study. World Neurosurg. 2019 Jun;126:e779-e785. do 10.1016/j.wneu.2019.02.149. Epub 2019 Mar 8.
    Erector Spinae Plane Block in Patients Undergoing Minimally Invasive Lumbar Spine Surgery: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    المساهمون: Wojciech Feleszko, Associate Professor, MD., PhD

    المصدر: Rad T, Wlms N, Agrawal P, Harman K, Weale J, Cook J, Gupta A. Multsystem flammatory syndrome chdren & adolescents (M-C): A systemat revw of clal features and presentatn. Paedtr Resp Rev. 2021 Jun;38:51-57. do 10.1016/j.prrv.2020.08.001. Epub 2020 Aug 11.
    Pawar R, Gavade V, Pat N, MalV, Gwalkar A, Tarkasband V, Loya S, Chavan A, Nanadekar N, Shde R, Pat U, Lakshmrusha S. Neonatal Multystem flammatory Syndrome (M-N) Assocted wh Prenatal Maternal SARS-CoV-2: A Case Sers. Chdren (Basel). 2021 Jul 2;8(7):572. do 10.3390/chdren8070572.
    Whtaker E, Bamford A, Kenny J, Kaforou M, Jones CE, Shah P, Ramnarayan P, Frase A, Mler O, Davs P, Kucera F, Brrley J, McDougall M, Carter M, Tremoulet A, Shu C, Herberg J, Burns JC, Lyall H, Lev M; PS-TS Study Group and EUCLS and PERFORM Consort. Clal Characterts of 58 Chdren Wh a Pedtr flammatory Multystem Syndrome Temporally Assocted Wh SARS-CoV-2. JAMA. 2020 Jul 21;324(3):259-269. do 10.1001/jama.2020.10369.
    VerdonL, Mazza A, GervasonA, MartellL, RuggerM, Cffreda M, BonanomE, D'Anta L. An outbreak of severe Kawasakle dease at the aln epentre of the SARS-CoV-2 epem: an observatnal cohort study. Lancet. 2020 Jun 6;395(10239):1771-1778. do 10.1016/S0140-6736(20)31103-X. Epub 2020 May 13.
    Godfred-Cato S, Bryant B, Leung J, Oster ME, Conkl L, Abrams J, RoguskK, Wallace B, Prezzato E, Koumans EH, Lee EH, Geevarughese A, Lash MK, Rely KH, Pulver WP, Thomas D, Feder KA, Hsu KK, Plat N, Rhardson G, Re H, L S, Schmz A, Prce T, Hrapcak S, Datta D, Morr SB, Clarke K, Belay E; Calorn M-C Response Team. COV-19-Assocted Multystem flammatory Syndrome Chdren - Uned States, March-July 2020. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2020 Aug 14;69(32):1074-1080. do 10.15585/mmwr.mm6932e2. Erratum : MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2020 Sep 04;69(35):1229.
    Harwood R, All B, Jones CE, Whtaker E, Ramnarayan P, Ramanan AV, Kaleem M, Tulloh R, Peters MJ, Almond S, Dav PJ, Lev M, TometzkA, Faust SN, Knht M, Kenny S; PS-TS Natnal Consensus Management Study Group. A natnal consensus management pathway for paedtr flammatory multystem syndrome temporally assocted wh COV-19 (PS-TS): results of a natnal Delphprocess. Lancet Chd Adolesc Health. 2021 Feb;5(2):133-141. do 10.1016/S2352-4642(20)30304-7. Epub 2020 Sep 18. Erratum : Lancet Chd Adolesc Health. 2021 Feb;5(2):e5.
    Gruber CN, Patel RS, Trachtman R, Lepow L, Amanat F, Krammer F, Wson KM, Onel K, Geanon D, Tuballes K, Patel M, Mouskas K, O'Donnell T, Merrt E, Sons NW, Barcessat V, Del Valle DM, Udondem S, Kang G, Gangadharan S, OforAmanfo G, Laserson U, Rahman A, K-Schulze S, Charney AW, Gnjat S, Gelb BD, Merad M, Bogunov D. Mappg System flammatn and Antody Responses Multystem flammatory Syndrome Chdren (M-C). Cell. 2020 Nov 12;183(4):982-995.e14. do 10.1016/j.cell.2020.09.034. Epub 2020 Sep 14. Erratum : Cell. 2023 Jul 20;186(15):3325.
    Okarska-Naprala M, Mandzk J, Feleszko W, Stelmaszczyk-Emmel A, Panczyk M, Demkow U, Kuchar E. Recurrent assessment of lymphocyte subsets 32 patnts wh multystem flammatory syndrome chdren (M-C). Pedtr Allergy munol. 2021 Nov;32(8):1857-1865. do 10.1111/pa13611. Epub 2021 Aug 11.
    Roukens AHE, Pothast CR, Kon M, Human W, Dalebout T, Tak T, AzS, Krue Y, Hagedoorn RS, ZleM, Staal FJT, de B FJ, van Dongen JJM, Arbous SM, Zhang JLH, Verhe M, Prs C, van der Does AM, Hmstra PS, de Vrs JJC, Janse JJ, Roestenberg M, MyenSK, Kkert M, Yazdanbakhsh M, Heemskerk MHM, Sms HH, Jochems SP; collaboratn wh BEAT-COV group; collaboratn wh COV-19 LUMC group. Prolonged actatn of nasal mune cell populatns and development of tsue-resent SARS-CoV-2-spec CD8+ T cell responses followg COV-19. Nat munol. 2022 Jan;23(1):23-32. do 10.1038/s41590-021-01095-w. Epub 2021 Dec 22.
    Study of Virus-specific Lymphocytic Cell Populations in Non-invasive Nasal Mucosa Samples of MIS-C Patients, and Intra-population Shifts in Inflammatory Tissues in the Acute Phase of MIS-C and in Health

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    المصدر: The Evaluation of Exercise Fatigue Parameters and Endothelial Function in Pediatric Patients With a History of COVID-19 Infection or Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome (MIS-C)

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    المساهمون: Katrin Mehler, PD Dr. Katrin Mehler, Associate Professor

    المصدر: Cellular and Molecular Characterization of the Immune Response in Children and Adolescents With Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C)

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    المصدر: A Prospective Study of COVID-19 and Related Outcomes in School Aged Children (ABC Health Outcomes in Children)

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    المساهمون: Misun Hwang, MD, Investigator

    المصدر: Belhadjer Z, Meot M, Bajolle F, Khrahe D, Legendre A, Abakka S, Auru J, Graud M, Oualha M, BeghettM, Wacker J, Ovaert C, Hascoet S, Selegny M, Malekzadeh-ManS, Maltret A, Bosser G, Goux N, Bonnemas L, Bordet J, DFpo S, Mauran P, Falcon-Eher S, Thambo JB, Lefort B, MocerP, Houyel L, Renolleau S, Bonnet D. Acute Heart Faure Multystem flammatory Syndrome Chdren the Context of Global SARS-CoV-2 Pandem. Cculatn. 2020 Aug 4;142(5):429-436. do 10.1161/CCULATNAHA.120.048360. Epub 2020 May 17.
    Abdel-Mannan O, Eyre M, Lobel U, Bamford A, Eltze C, Hameed B, Hemgway C, Hacohen Y. Neurolog and Radgraph Fdgs Assocted Wh COV-19 fectn Chdren. JAMA Neurol. 2020 Nov 1;77(11):1440-1445. do 10.1001/jamaneurol.2020.2687. Erratum : JAMA Neurol. 2020 Dec 1;77(12):1582.
    Ellul MA, Benjam L, Sgh B, Lant S, Mhael BD, Easton A, Kneen R, Defres S, Sejvar J, Solomon T. Neurologal assoctns of COV-19. Lancet Neurol. 2020 Sep;19(9):767-783. do 10.1016/S1474-4422(20)30221-0. Epub 2020 Jul 2.
    Clal characterts of 113 deceased patnts wh coronavus dease 2019: retrospecte study. BMJ. 2020 Mar 31;368:m1295. do 10.1136/bmj.m1295. No abstract avaable.
    Chen L, LX, Chen M, Feng Y, Xng C. The ACE2 expressn human heart dates new potentl mechanm of heart jury among patnts fected wh SARS-CoV-2. Cardvasc Res. 2020 May 1;116(6):1097-1100. do 10.1093/cvr/cvaa078. Erratum : Cardvasc Res. 2020 Oct 1;116(12):1994.
    Yao XH, LTY, He ZC, Pg YF, L HW, Yu SC, Mou HM, Wang LH, Zhang HR, Fu WJ, Luo T, L F, Guo QN, Chen C, Xo HL, Guo HT, L S, Xng DF, ShY, Pan GQ, LQR, Huang X, CuY, L XZ, Tang W, Pan PF, Huang XQ, Dg YQ, Bn XW. [A pathologal report of three COV-19 cases by mal vase autopss]. Zhonghua Bg LXue Za Zh 2020 May 8;49(5):411-417. do 10.3760/cma.j.cn112151-20200312-00193. Chese.
    Yang X, Yu Y, Xu J, Shu H, X J, L H, Wu Y, Zhang L, Yu Z, Fang M, Yu T, Wang Y, Pan S, Zou X, Yuan S, Shang Y. Clal course and outcomes of crally l patnts wh SARS-CoV-2 pneumon Wuhan, Cha: a sgle-centered, retrospecte, observatnal study. Lancet Resp Med. 2020 May;8(5):475-481. do 10.1016/S2213-2600(20)30079-5. Epub 2020 Feb 24. Erratum : Lancet Resp Med. 2020 Apr;8(4):e26.
    Zhou P, Yang XL, Wang XG, Hu B, Zhang L, Zhang W, SHR, Zhu Y, LB, Huang CL, Chen HD, Chen J, Luo Y, Guo H, Jng RD, L MQ, Chen Y, Shen XR, Wang X, Zheng XS, Zhao K, Chen QJ, Deng F, L LL, Yan B, Zhan FX, Wang YY, Xo GF, ShZL. A pneumon outbreak assocted wh a new coronavus of probable bat or. Nature. 2020 Mar;579(7798):270-273. do 10.1038/s41586-020-2012-7. Epub 2020 Feb 3. Erratum : Nature. 2020 Dec;588(7836):E6.
    Wan Y, Shang J, Graham R, Bar RS, LF. Receptor Recognn by the Novel Coronavus from Wuhan: an Analys Based on Decade-Long Structural Studs of SARS Coronavus. J Vol. 2020 Mar 17;94(7):e00127-20. do 10.1128/JV00127-20. Prt 2020 Mar 17.
    Cheng Y, Luo R, Wang K, Zhang M, Wang Z, Dong L, LJ, Yao Y, Ge S, Xu G. Kney dease assocted wh -hospal death of patnts wh COV-19. Kney t. 2020 May;97(5):829-838. do 10.1016/j.kt.2020.03.005. Epub 2020 Mar 20.
    Wang D, Hu B, Hu C, Zhu F, L X, Zhang J, Wang B, Xng H, Cheng Z, Xng Y, Zhao Y, LY, Wang X, Peng Z. Clal Characterts of 138 Hospaled Patnts Wh 2019 Novel Coronavus-fected Pneumon Wuhan, Cha. JAMA. 2020 Mar 17;323(11):1061-1069. do 10.1001/jama.2020.1585. Erratum : JAMA. 2021 Mar 16;325(11):1113.
    Dolhnoff M, Duarte-Neto AN, de Almea Monteo RA, da Sva LFF, de Olea EP, Salda PHN, Mauad T, NegrEM. Pathologal evence of pulmonary thrombot phenomena severe COV-19. J Thromb Haemost. 2020 Jun;18(6):1517-1519. do 10.1111/jth.14844. No abstract avaable.
    Magro C, Mulvey JJ, Berl D, Nuovo G, Salvatore S, Harp J, Baxter-Stoltzfus A, Laurence J. Complement assocted mrovascular jury and thrombos the pathogenes of severe COV-19 fectn: A report of fe cases. Transl Res. 2020 Jun;220:1-13. do 10.1016/j.trsl.2020.04.007. Epub 2020 Apr 15.
    Fox SE, Akmatbekov A, Harbert JL, LG, Qucy Brown J, Vander Hee RS. Pulmonary and cardc pathology Afran Ameran patnts wh COV-19: an autopsy sers from New Orleans. Lancet Resp Med. 2020 Jul;8(7):681-686. do 10.1016/S2213-2600(20)30243-5. Epub 2020 May 27.
    GOLD E, CARVER DH, HEEBERG H, ADELSON L, ROBBS FC. Val fectn. A possle cause of sudden, unexpected death fants. N Engl J Med. 1961 Jan 12;264:53-60. do 10.1056/NEJM196101122640201. No abstract avaable.
    Ma F, Cang Y, Zhao B, L Y, Wang C, L B, Wu T, Song Y, Peng A. Contrast-enhanced ultrasound wh SonoVue could accurately assess the renal mrovascular perfusn dbet kney damage. Nephrol Dl Transplant. 2012 Jul;27(7):2891-8. do 10.1093/ndt/gfr789. Epub 2012 Apr 24.
    Cao W, CuS, Yang L, Wu C, L J, Yang F, L Y, B J, Hou FF. Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound for Assessg Renal Perfusn pament and Predtg Acute Kney jury to Chron Kney Dease Progressn. Antx Redox Snal. 2017 Dec 10;27(17):1397-1411. do 10.1089/ars.2017.7006. Epub 2017 Aug 22.
    Putz FJ, Erlmer A, Wsger Verloh N, StroszczynskC, Banas B, Jung EM. Contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) renal agg at an terdclary ultrasound centre: Posss of dynam mrovascularatn and perfusn. Cl Hemorheol Mrocc. 2017;66(4):293-302. do 10.3233/CH-179103.
    Schneer AG, Goodw MD, Schelleman A, Baey M, Johnson L, Bellomo R. Contrast-enhanced ultrasound to evaluate changes renal cortal perfusn around cardc surgery: a pot study. Cr Care. 2013 Jul 12;17(4):R138. do 10.1186/cc12817.
    Goyal A, Yu FTH, Tenwalde MG, Chen X, Althouse A, Vlanueva FS, Pacella JJ. ertl Cavatn Ultrasound wh Mrobubbles proves Reperfusn Effacy When Combed wh Tsue Plasmogen Actator an Vro Model of Mrovascular Obstructn. Ultrasound Med Bl. 2017 Jul;43(7):1391-1400. do 10.1016/j.ultrasmedb.2017.02.013. Epub 2017 Apr 7.
    tvan F, Yu GZ, Yu FTH, Powers J, Chen X, Pacella JJ. Sonoreperfusn therapy for mrovascular obstructn: A step toward clal translatn. Ultrasound Med Bl. 2020 Mar;46(3):712-720. do 10.1016/j.ultrasmedb.2019.11.011. Epub 2020 Jan 7.
    Hwang M. troductn to contrast-enhanced ultrasound of the bra neonates and fants: current understandg and future potentl. Pedtr Radl. 2019 Feb;49(2):254-262. do 10.1007/s00247-018-4270-1. Epub 2018 Oct 23.
    Hwang M, Rgs BJ, Katz J, Seyfert D, Northgton F, Shenandoah R, Burd McArthur J, Darge K, Thm MA, Human TAGM. Advanced Pedtr Neurosonography Technues: Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasonography, Elastography, and Beyond. J Neuroagg. 2018 Mar;28(2):150-157. do 10.1111/jon.12492. Epub 2017 Dec 27.
    Hwang M, De Jong RM Jr, Herman S, Boss R, Rgs B, Tekes-Brady A, Spevak M, PorettA, Soares BP, Baey CR, Dunn E, Sh SS, Shrot S, Human TAGM. Novel Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound Evaluatn Neonatal Hypox chem jury: Clal Applatn and Future Dectns. J Ultrasound Med. 2017 Nov;36(11):2379-2386. do 10.1002/jum.14289. Epub 2017 Jun 26.
    Hwang M, Rgs BJ, Saade-Lemus S, Human TA. Bedse contrast-enhanced ultrasound dgnosg cessatn of cerebral cculatn a neonate: A novel bedse dgnost tool. Neuroradl J. 2018 Dec;31(6):578-580. do 10.1177/1971400918795866. Epub 2018 Sep 7.
    Hwang M, Srharan A, Darge K, Rgs B, Sehgal C, Flotte J, Human TAGM. Novel Quantate Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound Detectn of Hypox chem jury Neonates and fants: Pot Study 1. J Ultrasound Med. 2019 Aug;38(8):2025-2038. do 10.1002/jum.14892. Epub 2018 Dec 17.
    Benjam JL, Denn R, Whe S Jr, Munson D, AnupdSA, Pkunowz M, Darge K, GoklA, Hwang M. proved Dgnost Sensy of Bowel Dease of Prematury on Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound. J Ultrasound Med. 2020 May;39(5):1031-1036. do 10.1002/jum.15168. Epub 2019 Nov 9.
    Hwang M, HarG, Lyshch A, Hallahan DE, Flecher AC. Correlatn of quantd contrast-enhanced sonography wh vo tumor response. J Ultrasound Med. 2010 Apr;29(4):597-607. do 10.7863/jum.2010.29.4.597.
    Tierradentro-Garcia LO, Sridharan A, Hwang M. Transtemporal brain contrast-enhanced ultrasound in children: preliminary experience in patients without neurological disorders. J Ultrasound. 2023 Mar;26(1):201-210. doi: 10.1007/s40477-022-00713-z. Epub 2022 Aug 27.
    Hwang M, Tierradentro-Garcia LO, Haddad S, Poznick L, Kilbaugh T, Chiotos K. Feasibility of Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound for Assessing Cardiac and Renal Microvascular Flow in Patients With Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children. Clin Pediatr (Phila). 2022 Mar;61(3):241-247. doi: 10.1177/00099228211073288. Epub 2022 Jan 26. No abstract available.
    Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound (CEUS) Detection of Microvascular Perfusion Impairment in COVID-19 Pediatric Patients

  10. 10

    المصدر: An Observational Cohort Study to Determine Late Outcomes and Immunological Responses After Infection With SARS-CoV-2 in Children With and Without Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome (MIS-C)